I**' ,!r . • t’-i i ^ ... .... Womaa’a ISbma IClaaloaaiy lCr.''iiid' Mmw jfttitotirC fc* am' Sodaty ot tba North Matbodlat of Grove War VatamnA wHl hold bburch win bdd ita drat faU maat- Sunday, Mr. _ >hn Mowan mooting"Wadnenday evaaiag a t ' 8 tori|jtt 1^^ at^STSeuS^SS Ytaraday' a g at tba church tomorrow after­ ot LakevlUa,:: Mrr and Mra. o’eloek at the Army and Navy etdh- Thutsdayu . Charlaa Ri' bouaa.. .j ‘ «< Um Ste* noon at 3 o'clock in the church par- add'Mr. and Mra. Slmllax tpa are to ba hold hi dlf- _ loa|U ■ ehorch will lora. Mambera .nd frirada win ba Robort Shaw, Bridgeport but Tha faaidly «t Roy. Warm la ferant perto of tha atato by Rwub- M A N O T E m r t waleome. Aprona for lha aala ahould foratarly of thia team. Norman Ry- grinding tan daya at South tyma. Uoaa woaNot Thnndayi j tcBWwaw afternooB at 3:00 alndar waa hOma for the waak-and Tbn Woman’ll Miaatonaty aoelaty ItopbtiaBt anaatlBf in coanae- ba' brought to tfala meeting. Ot tha Chureh of tha Naaama wtD MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1$, 198$ (SIXTEEN PAGES) \ PRICE THKEECEN ....... "Oowrtjrfair."— flar meet-tonight at 7iS6 at the Obuwb- ____ .wtn ba at the cburcb and. Mary BuibneU Cheney abzillaty, of tha Naiarena. i ^hoataacaa win ba U n . Frank V. V. B. W. V., wUl nold a aoclai meat- The Ladiaa Aid aodety of the Var« ruiiania. M n. John 1C. WUllama, lag tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock non Methodlat church, of which Rev, Jamaa Vlrdnia and lira, in the State Aiinoiy. ;The commit- C. Homer Oinna of thia town ia paa- Sounding Martial Note In Big Nazi Show daa Wbltdiar. taa tndudea Mm Mary /obnaon, tor, win aarva a harvaat aunpar at Mra. Julia L*Hauraua, Mlia Marjorie the church tonight from S:80 to 7:80 Laluy and Mra, Mlimle HolUater. ‘ at a caOderata rata. ^f.-'^SviUlam J. Taylor of H e i^ atraat Waller N.Leclerc COUZENS, MOSES lose "^atamad to hla work yaatatday adth The Women'a Rome League of the ba Silent Glow Oil Burner Corpora- The FaUoiferait Club of Mi Funeral Director ^ Hartford, after, ah enforoad Salvation Army win bold ita open­ cheater Lodge of Maaona wUl hold ing moating of the aaaaon at the cit­ ita drat meeting of the beaaon to­ BBS No. Hate St. : afnM nay. adel tomorrow afternoon - at 3:30 night .at 8 o'clock In dm Maaonlo o’clock. Member! and friend! wlU Tampla INSTATE Center Oiurch Women'# Guild be walcoma lx>Id Ita i ^ t fan maeUny to- afternoon at 3:30 at tba On exhibition In the window of BASQUES OUST THINK OFFICER Cnriey W ins in The gueai apeakar wUl ba the F. T. Bllab Hardware Company JUST ARRIVED! Blizabetta Taylor of Hartford, i! a large piece of petrided wood. It WATKINS BROS. [ATE7 C. 0. r. CHILD SLAYER I j^bject will be '*nu Vlaltlnc: la own^ by John L. Reinarta and ^ Italian Dish Gardens ANARCiflSISJN setts and Lodge I and R w Place in the Oom- the card that accbmpaaiaa the iNooiuroBATiro PoliceraenPatsteYVionsrPIctaw ^mnnlty.’* ChUdren arUl be cared for hibit aUtea that it U probably 1,- Novelty Book Enda WiU Be GivOT^^ A^^ during the mee^g. Mm lOQiaJ noo.OOO yearn old. It waa evidently ROBERT R. ANDERSON Dishes and Novelties On Poster and Prisoners Have 8 m ^la*S****aa 4l4A li ci m t mmmmm . - •• a ^ ^ . _______m _______ _ a .a ._ a ______o lOsPMrty’s , Marte ia chairman of the hoateaaea. dr tree and waa obtained nuMTal Diraetar Juat .the- thing for a bridge SPANISH ffA R .Visions of Big Reward.- itnarts At Lookout Point, g ift H O W IX)NG'since* yoii Wednesday In All Depts. ] Adjutant wniiam L. 'Valmttna, Waahr Funeral aervlce in home­ BY RADIO, TOUR Roebeater, N. H., Sept 18.— Same State; La .Fi like BorroondingB. Ateo cemiteto Bno of Plante ' Mm Valentine and three of the four HarUord, Sept. 16.— (AP) — An Depose All the Sbper-Reds (Ap)—Two men who were at- ’ local jmung women motored down to and Out Flowcva. looked at your roof? rested here thought for a while Rolls Up More Votes T k u New York thia morning to enter the 142 e a s t ' c e n t e r ST. Of Both Th^e Stores employment inaufence bill may Brown to Go Oo^Air Tomor­ they wmfid cash In on their mis­ - Salvation Army Training College. • offered to the special aeaalon of fortune. Miss Faith E. Spillane LDreefiiann*ttob»tiqtted. TlwdS as taOtag from OfficU Posts and The other made the trip with the Telephone: PENTLAND I General .ABserobly thia fall with In the office ot O ty Marahal Eitber Democrats or Ro" Hurtford candidatea. Announces the Open- Office 5171 Honae 7494 THE FLORIST 17 Oak St. wiidi tiieyni leak or catdi flm. row ; Fr. Conghlin Will Fred S. Hartford they aaw a O the Btand of the Manufacturers’ 'As- Adopt Antonomy; Leftists M te r offering a reward for in­ to . and Mm WtlU^ C. ii^ of Her Dancing: Ask tw to wnd an'OTiert to inapect your foof, wMbont sqclation of Connecticut unknown. • formation leading to the arrest publicans; Tammany H a t Q jjg g e g coM-to .yon. .-He’R.ghm-yoa-a-Aanlt rqiioct-on ito — The J W H A I ^ CQRR — ■ The state eommleaion;-Bow-pTe- Speak Tomght at Savm of one, Harry P. Cahill, wanted paring Its report to the Legislature, ' for two weeks. conditico. /M ANCHistiR C o n n * / tiet New Arms Sspply. “for-'ttie slaying of Margaret Mo- t r fo r the Season received no communication or state­ Carthy, 10, in Cambridge, Sep­ ^Stages ComebadL . RqMdring and n-^ooeng am our nedaHy. If yea ment from Connecticut’s organized Rock; Socialists’ Row. tember 9, 1988. e neml a new roof we recommend Juma-lIiiavQle Ae* Induatrlaliita on their position on Saint Jean Pe Lus, FWmee, SepL One of the two told acting ~ Vi ABEL’S S this major issue. Hollisjter S t School AUTO and TRCOK BEPAIBINO phah Shingles—colorfkil, m od erate p r i ^ , firsand* 16.—Basque Nationalists, long op­ City Marshal dydp R. Cotton 'By ASSOCIATED PRESS Henry S. Beers, chairman of the New Haven, Sept. 16— (AP) ■ the hunted man was in the city l i AD Work Onaranta^l FLOORS weather redstant, and 1^-liv ed . C£H U S € ^ M. posed to tactics of Anarchists In Names known the Nation < 0 0 commission, said today the Connec­ Rummage Sale Tuesday, Sept 22 Rev. C3iarIoa E. CioughUn Joined to­ but his inalatenee only caused Bear 36 Cooper Street TodSy you can buy a new Joims-hlanv&Ie roof out. ticut Federation of Labor and the the Socialist defense forces, estab­ figured in triumph .and defeat Cdaasea From 8:80 to 8:80 P. M. SANDED and : ....... day the ranks of national leaders ^ tto n and Patrolman Vane Given by Each Tuesday, Batabllalied 1931 right, or pay for it imder J-M ’a own deferred payment, Connecticut Retail Merchants Aaso- lished a virtually autonomous gov­ Nickeraon to laugh- day as the returns rolled in DaoKhteni o f Isabella ctatloD have filed briefs, but none ernment in northern Spain today. who have chosen C^innectleut for on Pqllce offloera as a Joke bad primaries held yesterday: lii A eiaas WU alee start at the REFINISHED plan. ThaPa an advantage. l« tU 8 td l you about it.' haa come from Connecticut industry. Anarchists were ousted from all exposition of their political .views. paatM a picture of Patrolman states. Thursday, S e p t 17 Bookland School, Wednesday, BaUafactlon Onaranteedt Mr. Beers said all groupa have government posts In the Socialist- The radio priest, head of the Na­ WUfrM Berube in plain clothes Saptmnber 38. and every Wednea- had an opportunity to present their dominated territory along the north­ tional Union for Social Justice, will over that of the minted man.- Senator James Oousens, oas-tli UMraafter. / views to the commission. The Nazi cohorts at the Nuremberg congress ot the party were treated to a lavish display of Germ an^' In the Building formerly oc*. ern coast, dlplomatlo reports reach­ growing mlUtary strength. Headed by a drum corps and band the arrival of a detachment Of 17,000 address a rally' tonight at Donovan The two men had been arrested motor car majgnate who turned . The W. G. GLENNEY Co. It waa understood the manufac­ by Berube.X a political career and has aecvadi copied by P. 0. Station A; TAP — TOE — BALLET ing France asserted. Basque offi­ trop]^ at camp la pictured. ^ ' Flsld, Savin Rock. Olaaa Laaaona IBe. BURDETTE JOS. J. FARR OoaL Lumber, Maaona* Supplies, turers were awaiting definite rules cials wore installed in the majority Preceded to Ck>nnecticut during years in tbe Senate, lost to foi North Main street. Private l awaona By Appointmeat. 918 Hate Street TeL 6880 888 No. Blate 8A Tel. 4149 Mkaebeater and regulations from the Social Se­ of poattions. ^ the past month by Gov, Alt H. Lan­ Covernor WUbtr M. Brucker curity Board on procedure for keep­ RepubUcan Senatorial eon Sale Starts At 10 :30 A. M. Phone 4891 HAWLEY :th c.D .vv.ii^i:« CORK Basques, and Anarchists differed don, Col. Frank Knox and Rep. Wll- ing records before deciding on a over military strategy in tbe de­ Item Lemke, Father Coughlin ar­ TALK OF RECOUNT Michigan.
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