Extensions of Remarks
9906 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 9, 1990 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PUERTO RICO STATUS PLEBI end as part of a tour to create "a common TRADE SANCTIONS AND THE SCITE GENERATES INTERNA Latin American front for the independence PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA TIONAL INTEREST of Puerto Rico." In Havana, Berrios met with President Fidel Castro and, prior to that meeting, had HON. DOUG BEREUTER HON. JJ.. !ME B. FUSTER met with eight other Latin American presi OF NEBRASKA OF PUERTO RICO dents. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES During his meeting with Castro, Berrios said the Cuban President "ratified the sup Wednesday, May 9, 1990 Wednesday, May 9, 1990 port of the government in Havana for the· Mr. BEREUTER. Mr. Speaker, the President Mr. FUSTER. Mr. Speaker, in recent days cause of Puerto Rican independence." must decide by June 3, 1990, whether to my colleagues have heard me speak of the grant a waiver of the Jackson-Vanik amend ment in order to extend China's most-favored many dimensions of the political status debate [From El Nuevo Dia. Apr. 17, 19901 in and about Puerto Rico-dimensions that nation [MFN] status for another 12 months. PuERTO RICAN INDEPENDENCE PARTY MAKES The Jackson-Vanik amendment does not have been explored in the last month alone in APPEAL To LATIN AMERICA such national publications as the New York allow MFN status to be granted to countries Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street HAVANA, CUBA.-During a visit to Cuba who do not allow their citizens to emigrate Journal, and Time magazine.
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