FAX : (044) 27481224/27481109 GOVERNMENT OF Tel. : (044) 27481341/27488432


Ref: GSO/D-15016/9/2011/EMS/ Date: 2.11.2015




1. General Services Organisation (GSO), Kalpakkam is one of the Constituent

Units of the Department of Atomic Energy(DAE), Government of India.

GSO takes care of the common facilities such as housing, medical,

transport, water supply etc. for the employees of the various DAE

Organisations/Units located at Kalpakkam. The DAE Township,

Kalpakkam is located 80 kms away from , off the

[ECR] (i.e. Chennai to Pondicherry State Highway). The DAE Township

houses the Scientists, Technicians, Administrative/Accounts and Auxiliary

Staff of various DAE Units such as the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic

Research, BARC Facilities, Madras Atomic Power Station and GSO itself

located at Kalpakkam . The approximate population of the Township is

about 27000.

GSO proposes to outsource the newly built Coffee Shop near the Main

Shopping Centre, Sadras (East), Kalpakkam Township for the benefit of

the residents of Kalpakkam Township.

1 2. Sealed tenders are invited for and on behalf of THE PRESIDENT OF

INDIA by the Director(P&A), GSO from reputed and experienced catering

contractors for running the Coffee Shop at Sadras (East), Kalpakkam

Township for a period of TWO years from the date issue of the licence.

The Licensee shall be required to serve items such as Tea, Coffee,

Branded cold drinks and snacks etc of high quality . An illustrative list of

items is given in Annex–I to this Notice.

1. Name of work Running of Coffee Shop near the Main Shopping Centre, DAE township, Sadras (East), Kalpakkam from 06.00 hours to 2200 hours. 2. Sale of Tender 9.11.2015 to 20.11.2015 (1100 hours to 1300 hours and 1400 hours to 1600 hours on all the working days.) 3. Last date and Time for 27.11.2015 up to 1500 hours receipt of Tender 4. Date and Time for 27.11.2015 at 1530 hours Opening the Tender 5. Cost of Tender Rs. 525/- (non-refundable) document by cash 6. Earnest Money Deposit Rs.4236/- (Rupees Four Thousand Two Hundred and Thirty Six Only)) by Demand Draft/ Banker’s Cheque in favour of Accounts Officer, GSO payable at Kalpakkam 7. Security Deposit 2.5% of Quoted tender value. 8 Performance Guarantee 2.5% of the quoted tender value 9 Period of contract TWO years (24 months) from the date of issue of licence.

Note : ** Saturdays & Sundays holidays

3. Tender documents can be had from the PAY AND ACCOUNTS

OFFICER, GSO,KALPAKKAM 603 102 on written request duly

recommended by the Estate Officer, GSO or his authorised representative on

any working day from 9.11.2015 to 20.11.2015 between 1100 hours &

2 1300 hours and 1400 hours & 1600 hours on payment of the cost of tender

document in person by cash. The cost paid towards Tender Document is not


4. Incomplete tenders, tenders not meeting the requirements as per tender

document and tenders without Earnest Money Deposit will be summarily

rejected. Tenders, in which any of the prescribed conditions is not fulfilled or

any condition including that of conditional rebate is put forth by the

Tenderer, shall be summarily rejected.

5. Further clarification, if any, required can be had from Estate Management

Section, GSO, Kalpakkam during working hours (0930 hours to 1530 hours)

or on Telephone No. (044) 27481341. The tenderer who desire to

inspect/visit the Coffee Shop may do so with prior permission of

Administrative Officer-III(Estate).

6. Director(P&A) GSO, Kalpakkam for and on behalf of President of India

does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any other tender and reserves to

himself the authority to reject any or all of the tenders without assigning any

reasons therefore

Detailed Tender Notice is published in the Website: http://www.igcar.gov.in .

(R.P.Acharya) Director(P&A) For and behalf of President of India







The General Services Organisation (GSO), Kalpakkam is one of the

Constituent Units of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India.

GSO is taking care of the common facilities such as housing, medical, transport, water supply etc. for the employees of the various DAE Organisations/Units located at Kalpakkam. Kalpakkam is located 80 kms away from Chennai, off the

East Coast Road [ECR] (i.e., Chennai to Pondicheery State Highway). The GSO

(herein after called the Government) proposes to outsource the newly built

Coffee Shop at Sadras (East) near the Atomic Energy Employees Consumer Co- operative Stores in the DAE Township, Kalpakkam – 603 102 Sealed tenders are invited for and on behalf of the PRESIDENT OF INDIA by the

Director (P&A), General Services Organisation, (GSO) Department of Atomic

Energy, Government of India, Kalpakkam – 603 102, Kancheepuram District,

Tamil Nadu from reputed catering licensees for running the above Coffee Shop for a period of two years.

Terms and Conditions of the Contract

1. The contract shall be in force initially for a period of two years (24

months) from the date of issue of the licence. The Government/GSO

shall be entitled to terminate the contract at any time by giving one

month’s notice without assigning any reasons therefor. The contract can

4 be extended for a further period of up to one more year subject to mutual

consent of both the parties. The licensee is entitled to terminate the

contract by giving 3 months notice in writing.

2. The Coffee Shop is the absolute property of the Government of India and

the Government will permit the Licensee to use it for running and

maintaining a Coffee Shop on payment of a Licence fee as determined

through the bidding system.

3. The Licensee shall not sublet either in whole or in part or use the said

Coffee Shop nor shall he make or permit to make any structural additions

and/or alternations to the Shop without obtaining previous written

permission in writing from the Director (P&A), GSO (hereinafter called

`Competent Authority’).

4. The said Coffee Shop shall not be used for residential or any other

purposes whatsoever nor shall it be used for hiring employees deployed

by the Licensee.

5. The Licensee shall keep the said Coffee Shop neat, clean and in good

sanitary condition at all the times to the satisfaction of the Competent

Authority and shall not damage the said premises/property of the

Government or allow anything to be damaged. It shall be the

responsibility of the Licensee to employ adequate number of cleaners and

sweepers and the Licensee shall bear the expenditure for providing the

necessary detergents and other cleaning materials for keeping the said

Coffee Shop neat and clean & in hygienic conditions at his own cost.

5 6. Water will be supplied by GSO to the Licensee for running the Coffee

Shop. However, the charges on the supply of water as fixed by GSO

from time to time shall be borne by the Licensee and paid regularly from

time to time. The present rate of water charges is Rs.9/- p.m. per tap.

7. The charges on account of electricity consumed for running the shop shall

be borne by the Licensee and paid regularly at the rates fixed by GSO

from time to time. The present electricity tariff payable is Rs.7- per


8. The Licensee shall employ adequate number of employees at his own

expenses for the proper discharge of the responsibility entrusted to him

and such employees shall be persons of experience and shall at all times

be properly and neatly dressed in uniforms and supplied by the Licensee

at his own cost.

9. The Licensee shall employ only such persons in the Coffee Shop, who are

found medically fit by the Medical Officer of the DAE Hospital,

Kalpakkam. The expenditure for the medical examination shall be borne

by the Licensee.

10. The Licensee shall make his own arrangements for transport,

accommodation, medical facilities, schooling and such other facilities for

himself and his employees and their families. No request for providing

such facilities will be entertained by the Government/GSO for any

reasons whatsoever.

11. The price for various items as indicated in the tender and as accepted by

the Competent Authority shall be valid during the whole period of the

6 contract. No increase in the prices shall be allowed during the period of

the contract for any reasons whatsoever.

12. The Licensee shall comply with the provisions of the laws as may be

applicable to such shops as well as to his employees working in the

Coffee Shop regarding working hours, leave, overtime allowance,

Provident Fund, retrenchment benefits etc. If on account of non-

compliance with the provisions of any such law, the Government is called

upon to make any payment to or in respect of his employees, the Licensee

shall fully reimburse to the Government all such payments and the

Government/GSO shall be free to make deductions on this account from

the amount of security deposit in which case, the Licensee shall

immediately pay to the Government such amount as may be necessary to

make up the required Security Deposit or from the dues which may be

payable failing which action as deemed appropriate will be taken by the


13. The licensee shall abide by the rules and regulations of the Rationing

Authorities, Municipal Authorities and Sales Tax Authorities besides any

other law of the State of Tamil Nadu and of the Central Government in

force from time to time relating to the preparation and sale of the food

articles. The Licensee shall maintain records/books as prescribed by the

aforesaid authorities from time to time.

14. The Licensee shall keep the Coffee Shop open all the days from 0600

hours to 2200 hours. The Licensee shall prepare and serve Tea/Coffee

and snacks and any other items as required by the Competent Authority.

7 15. The prices to be charged by the Licensee for sale of items served in the

Coffee Shop shall be reasonable and as accepted by the

Government/GSO and shall be displayed conspicuously in the said

Coffee Shop. However, he may prepare and sell other eatable items with

prior approval of Director(P&A) GSO.

16. The items sold or intended for sale in the Coffee Shop shall be fresh and

wholesome and obtained from the sources approved by the Competent


17. The Competent Authority shall have the right:

(i) to stop the sale of or to destroy any unhygienic/infectious

food items prepared in the Coffee Shop; and

(ii) to stop the services rendered by the Licensee in the Coffee

Shop if he does not comply with the requisite standards.

18. The Competent Authority or the Officer(s) duly authorized by him for the

purpose shall have the power to collect the samples of any articles of

food intended for sale by the Licensee in the Shop and the Licensee shall

make available such items free of cost for inspection or/and for carrying

out quality analysis. If on inspection or in the analysis, it is proved to the

satisfaction of the Competent Authority, whose decision shall be final,

that such articles made or service rendered by the Licensee is not of

requisite standard, the Licensee shall be liable to pay the Government a

sum not exceeding Rs.500/- (Rupees Five hundred only) or as may be

determined by the Competent Authority from time to time, as liquidated

8 damages each time such articles or service rendered by the Licensee is

found to be not of the requisite standard.

19. The Licensee shall keep a ‘Complaint Book’ in a conspicuous place in the

said Coffee Shop in which the complaints may be recorded and which

shall be open for inspection by the Competent Authority.

20. An Officer-in-Charge of Catering services and or Supervisor-in-charge

of the Coffee Shop (hereinafter called `the said Oficials’) will be

nominated by the Government for the purpose of supervising the

maintenance of cleanliness and also for supervising the preparations of

food stuffs and their services in a hygienic manner. The said official(s)

shall have access to the coffee shop at all times.

21. The Licensee shall allow the Competent Authority or the aforesaid

officials to enter the Coffee Shop in order to inspect and execute his

assignments without any hindrances regarding:

a) any structural additions and/or alterations in the Coffee

Shop; and

b) repairs to electrical, water and sanitary installations and

equipment which may be found necessary from time to

time and the time and date for these purpose will be

fixed with the mutual convenience of both the parties.

22. The Government shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage

occurring due to any reasons whatsoever, to any goods, stores or articles

whether intended for sale or not, that may be kept in the stores by the


9 23. The Licensee shall not exhibit in the said Coffee Shop printed or written

notices or advertisements of any kind whatsoever except those concerning

to the Licensee’s own business. In case any such notices or

advertisements are found in the Shop premises, it shall be presumed that

the notices or advertisements are displayed with the full knowledge of the

Licensee and action as deemed appropriate shall be taken against him by

the Competent Authority.

24. The Licensee shall comply with the instructions which may be issued to

him by the Competent Authority from time to time, as may be found

necessary for the smooth functioning of the Coffee Shop.

25. The Licensee shall deposit a sum equivalent to 10% of the quoted tender

cost in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Accounts Officer,

GSO, Kalpakkam payable at Kalpakkam as Security Deposit for the due

performance of the Contract. No interest shall be payable on this

deposit. Security Deposit will be refunded to the Licensee within thirty

(30) days on completion/termination of contract period, after deduction of

dues if any from the Licensee to the Government.

26. The tender duly filled in shall be accompanied by a Demand Draft for

Rs.4236/- (Rupees Four Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Six Only)

towards the Earnest Money Deposit drawn in favour of Accounts Officer,

GSO, Kalpakkam. No interest shall be payable on the EMD and the

same will be refunded to the unsuccessful tenderers.

10 27. In the event of the Licensee committing any breach of contractual terms

and conditions herein contained, without prejudice to any other rights and

remedies open to the Government,

a) the Government shall be at liberty to terminate the

contract forthwith; and/or

b) to forfeit the amount of security deposit or any part


28. On expiry/termination of this contract, the said Coffee Shop shall be

vacated peacefully by the Licensee and handed over to the Government in

neat and clean condition

29. A Contract agreement has to be entered into immediately within 7 days

after issue of the work order and the coffee shop shall be started within 20

days from the award of the work order.

30. All disputes and differences arising out of or in any way touching and

concerning this Contract shall be referred to the sole arbitration of a

person nominated by Director, GSO. There shall be no objection to any

such appointments on the ground that the person appointed is a

Government servant, that he has to deal with the matters to which the

contract relates to and that in the course of his duties such, Government

servant has expressed views on all or any of the matters of the disputes or

difference. The award of such an Arbitrator shall be final and binding on

the parties to this contract. It is a term of this contract that in the event of

such Arbitrator to whom the matter is originally referred being transferred

or vacating his office or being unable to act for any reason, the Director,

11 GSO shall appoint another person to act as an arbitrator in accordance

with the terms of this Contract. Such person shall be entitled to proceed

further from the stage at which it was left by his predecessor.

31. It is also a term of this contract that no person, other than a person

nominated by Director, GSO, Kalpakkam shall act as the Sole

Arbitrator. Subject, as aforesaid, to the provisions of the Arbitration and

Conciliation Act, 1996 or any statutory modifications or re-enactment

thereof and rules made thereunder from time to time shall be applied to

such arbitration.

32. The tenderer who desire to inspect/visit the Coffee Shop may do so

with prior permission of Administrative Officer-III(Estate)

33. Tender shall be submitted in the proforma enclosed. All pages shall be

singed by the Tenderer with his seal.

(Dr.R.P.Acharya) Director(P&A) General Services Organisation, on behalf of President of India