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Free development toolkits and libraries

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Reference Series Books LLC Jun 2011, 2011. Taschenbuch. Book Condition: Neu. 247x192x9 mm. This item is printed on demand - Print on Demand Neuware - Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 102. Chapters: , Lua, GEGL, Autoconf, Standard , GTK+, , Spring Roo, Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit, Boost ++ Libraries, , Midgard, PyQt, STLSoft C++ Libraries, Processing, General Architecture for Text Engineering, KDE Platform, Zend Framework, FreeBASIC, Libavcodec, Effi, WxWidgets, GNU C Library, CherryPy, General Graphics Interface, Cairo, Orfeo toolbox, Sass, FLTK, JSBSim, , FpGUI, Python-Ogre, WaveMaker, , Extensible Embeddable Language, Sun Studio, MonoRail, LESS, Processing.js, Seed, PureMVC, Leonardi Framework, Juce, Ultimate++, , Pantheios, Mesa 3D, WxBasic, CakePHP, , , Seagull PHP Framework, Libfixmath, WxPython, Binary File Descriptor library, OpenFrameworks, Libffi, Pygame, CGAL, Prolifics Open Source Software for , GLib, Plotutils, Zeta Components, QPHP Framework, GNU Scientific Library, GDAL, ERuby, QuantLib, , IUP, Jasper framework, UClibc, OpenWire, JX Application Framework, Pydev, DirectFB, Armadillo, Libwrap, CougarXML, Chipmunk physics engine, Libevent, Open Dynamics Engine, LessTif, SmartWin++, Cairngorm, Kepler, Qtstalker, JQuantLib, Standard ML of New Jersey, GNU Libtool, Embedded GLIBC, Libt2n, Clairlib, TerraLib, State Threads, GeSHi, IDLE, UMFPACK, SVGALib, Flixel, Pyglet, LibLAS, SimMetrics, QtScript, KJS, Lithium, WxGlade, WxHaskell,...



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Psychologisches Testverfahren Reference Series Books LLC Nov 2011, 2011. Taschenbuch. Book Condition: Neu. 249x191x7 mm. This item is printed on demand - Print on Demand Neuware - Quelle: Wikipedia. Seiten: 100. Kapitel: Myers-Briggs-Typindikator, Keirsey Temperament Sorter, DISG, Eignungstest für das Medizinstudium, Adult Attachment Interview,...

Programming in Ali Cehreli Dez 2015, 2015. Buch. Book Condition: Neu. 264x182x53 mm. This item is printed on demand - Print on Demand Neuware - The main aim of this book is to teach D to readers who are new to computer programming. Although...

The Tutorial (3rd Edition) Pearson Education, 2001. Socover. Book Condition: Neu. Gebraucht - Sehr gut Unbenutzt. Schnelle Lieferung, Kartonverpackung. Abzugsfähige Rechnung. Bei Mehrfachbestellung werden die Versandkosten anteilig erstattet. - Praise for "The Java' Tutorial, Second Edition" includes: "This book stands above the rest because it has...

Have You Locked the Castle Gate? Addison-Wesley Professional. Socover. Book Condition: Neu. Gebraucht - Sehr gut Unbenutzt. Schnelle Lieferung, Kartonverpackung. Abzugsfähige Rechnung. Bei Mehrfachbestellung werden die Versandkosten anteilig erstattet. - Is your computer safe Could an intruder sneak in and steal your information, or plant a virus Have...

Adobe Indesign CS/Cs2 Breakthroughs Peachpit Press, 2005. Socover. Book Condition: Neu. Gebraucht - Sehr gut Unbenutzt. Schnelle Lieferung, Kartonverpackung. Abzugsfähige Rechnung. Bei Mehrfachbestellung werden die Versandkosten anteilig erstattet. - Adobe InDesign is taking the publishing world by storm and users are hungry for breakthrough solutions to...

The L Digital Library of genuine books(Chinese Edition) paperback. Book Condition: New. Ship out in 2 business day, And Fast shipping, Free Tracking number will be provided aer the shipment.Paperback. Pub Date: 2002 Publisher: the BUPT title: Digital Library Original Price: 10 yuan Author: Publisher: the BUPT Publication Date: 2002ISBN:...

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