THE ase a esearc JOURNAL OMPARISONS BETWEEN athletes of to; Fourteenth Annual Historical and Statistical Review day and those of yesteryear are inevitable. In of'the Society for American Baseball Research C many respects baseball lends itself'to such as; sessments to a greater degree than any sport. This is so for at least two reasons: l;The nature of the game remains Cobb, Jackson and Applied Psychology, David Shoebotham 2 Protested Games Muddle Records, Raymond]. Gonzalez 5 essentially the same now as when itfirst was played, and Honest John Kelly, James D. Smith III 7 2;Statistical documentationofplayerachievements spans Milwaukee's Early/Teams, Ed Coen 10 bas~. more, than a century, thus providing a solid data Pitching Triple Crown, Martin C. Babicz 13 As Pete ,Rose approached - and then broke - the Researcher's Notebook, Al Kermisch 15 hallowed record for career hits held by T y Cobb, another Alabama Pitts, Joseph M. Overfield 19 flood of comparisons began taking shape. Pete was quick Dickshot's Hitting Streak, Willie Runquist 23 to say hedidn't feel he was a greater player than Cobb had A Conversation with BilLJames; Jay Feldman 26 been, but added merely that he had produced more hits. Tim McNamara, Jim Murphy 30 The two men had much in common, of cQurse.Both Change of Allegiance, HenryL. Freund, Jr. 33 were always known as flerce competitors. Each spent most Stars Put'Syracuse on Map, Lloyd Johnson 35 of his CHreer with on,e club and eventually managed that Counting Stats, New Stats, Bobby Fong 37 team. And in a touch of irony, Cobb was in his eighty; Ruth's 1920 Record Best Ever, Larry Thompson 41 Lifetime 1.000 Hitters, Charles W.
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