The Two-Sample Rank-Sum Test: Early Development
Journ@l Electronique d’Histoire des Probabilités et de la Statistique Electronic Journ@l for History of Probability and Statistics Vol 8; Décembre/December 2012 The Two-sample Rank-sum Test: Early Development KENNETH J. BERRY,1 PAUL W. MIELKE, Jr.,2 and JANIS E. JOHNSTON3,4 Resum´ e´ Nous etudions´ l’histoire du test statistique de la somme des rangs pour un double echantillon.´ Alors que la plupart des textes attribuent sa creation´ a` Wilcoxon (1945) ou/et a` Mann et Whitney (1947), le test a et´ e´ developp´ e´ independamment´ par au moins six chercheurs a` la fin des annees´ 1940 et au debut´ des annees´ 1950. En complement´ de Wilcoxon et Mann et Whitney, Festinger (1946), Whitfield (1947), Haldane and Smith (1948), et van der Reyden (1952) ont publie´ de fac¸on autonome des versions equivalentes,´ quoique differant´ par leur methodologie,´ du test du rang. Dans cet article, nous decrivons´ et comparont le developpement´ de ces six approches. Abstract The historical development of the two-sample rank-sum test is explored. While most textbooks and journal articles attribute the origin of the two-sample rank-sum test to Wilcoxon (1945) and/or Mann and Whitney (1947), the test was independently developed by at least six researchers in the late 1940s and early 1950s. In addition to Wilcoxon and Mann and Whitney, Festinger (1946), Whitfield (1947), Haldane and Smith (1948), and van der Reyden (1952) autonomously published methodologically distinct, but equivalent versions of the two-sample rank-sum test. In this article the historical development of the six approaches are described and compared.
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