OECD Review of Policies to Improve the Effectiveness of Resource Use in Schools (School Resources Review)

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OECD Review of Policies to Improve the Effectiveness of Resource Use in Schools (School Resources Review) OECD Review of Policies to Improve the Effectiveness of Resource Use in Schools (School Resources Review) Country Background Report for Uruguay INEED August, 2015 Cecilia Llambí (coord.) Lucía Castro Melissa Hernández Cecilia Oreiro This report was prepared by the National Institute for Educational Evaluation (INEED) as an input to the OECD Review of Policies to Improve the Effectiveness of Resource Use in Schools (School Resources Review). The document was prepared in response to guidelines the OECD provided to all countries. The opinions expressed are not those of the OECD or its Member countries. Further information about the OECD Review is available atwww.oecd.org/edu/school/schoolresourcesreview.htm. Table of contents List of acronyms ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Glossary of terms .......................................................................................................................................... 6 Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 6 1. The national context ............................................................................................................................... 12 1.1 The economic and social context .......................................................................................................... 12 1.2 Demographic developments .................................................................................................................. 14 1.3 Political context .................................................................................................................................... 15 1.4 Public sector management .................................................................................................................... 17 2. The school system ................................................................................................................................... 19 2.1 Organization of the school system ........................................................................................................ 19 2.2 Educational environment ...................................................................................................................... 26 2.3 Objectives of the education system and student learning objectives .................................................... 27 2.4 Distribution of responsibilities within the school system ...................................................................... 30 2.5 Market mechanisms in the school system ............................................................................................. 37 2.6 Performance of the school system ......................................................................................................... 38 2.7 Policy approaches to equity in education ............................................................................................. 48 2.8 Main challenges .................................................................................................................................... 57 3. Governance of resource use in schools ................................................................................................... 61 3.1 Level of resources and policy concerns ............................................................................................ 61 3.2 Sources of revenue ................................................................................................................................ 75 3.3 Planning of resource use ...................................................................................................................... 77 3.4 Implementation of policies to improve the effectiveness of resource use ............................................. 82 3.5 Main challenges .................................................................................................................................... 83 4. Resource distribution .............................................................................................................................. 85 4.1 Distribution of resources between levels of the educational administration ........................................ 85 4.2 Distribution of financial resources across resource types .................................................................... 86 4.3 Distribution of resources between levels and sectors of the school system .......................................... 87 4.4 Distribution of resources across individual schools ............................................................................. 87 4.5 Distribution of school facilities and materials ...................................................................................... 90 4.6 - 4.7 Distribution of teacher resources and school leadership resources ............................................ 94 4.8 Distribution across specific student groups ........................................................................................ 106 4.9. Main challenges ................................................................................................................................. 107 1 5. Resource utilisation ............................................................................................................................... 111 5.1 Matching resources to individual student learning needs .................................................................. 111 5.2 Organisation of student learning time ................................................................................................ 112 5.3 Allocation of teacher resources to students ........................................................................................ 117 5.4 Organisation of school leadership ...................................................................................................... 128 5.5 Teaching and learning environment within school ............................................................................. 129 5.6 Use of school facilities and materials ................................................................................................. 131 5.7 Organisation of education governance ............................................................................................... 131 5.8 Main challenges .................................................................................................................................. 135 6. Resource management .......................................................................................................................... 139 6.1 Resource management and capacity building..................................................................................... 139 6.2 Monitoring of resource use ................................................................................................................. 140 6.3 Transparency and reporting ............................................................................................................... 142 6.4 Incentives for the Effective use of resources ....................................................................................... 142 6.5 Main Challenges ................................................................................................................................. 142 References ................................................................................................................................................. 144 Figures and charts references .................................................................................................................... 148 2 List of acronyms Acronym Spanish English AFAM-PE Asignación Familiar del Plan de Equidad Family Allowances - Equity Plan Asociación de Funcionarios de la Universidad Staff Association of the Uruguayan AFUTU de Trabajo del Uruguay University of Labour (UTU) Asociación de Institutos de la Educación Association of Institutes in Private AIDEP Privada Education Administración Nacional de Educación ANEP National Public Education Administration Pública Association of Parents and Friends of the APAL Asociación de Padres y Amigos del Liceo Lyceum ATD Asamblea Técnico Docente Teacher Technical Assembly Uruguayan Association of Catholic AUDEC Asociación Uruguaya de Educación Católica Education BCU Banco Central del Uruguay Central Bank of Uruguay BID (IADB) Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo Inter-American Development Bank BPC Base de Prestaciones y Contribuciones Benefits and Contributions Basis CAIF Centro de Atención a la Infancia y la Familia Childcare and Family Centre Comisión Coordinadora Departamental de la Departmental Coordinating Commission CDE Educación for Education CEIP Consejo de Educación Inicial Primaria Preschool and Primary Education Council CEPI Centro Educativo Primera Infancia Educational Centre of Early Childhood CERP Centro Regional de Profesores Regional Centre for Teachers CES Consejo de Educación Secundaria Secondary Education Council Professional -Vocational Education CETP Consejo de Educación Técnico-Profesional Council CFE Consejo de Formación en Educación Teacher Training Council CODICEN Consejo Directivo Central Central Governing Council COMINE Comisión Nacional de Educación National Education Commission Cuidado e Inclusión Socioeducativa para la Care and Socio-educational Inclusion for CISEPI Primera
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