© Kmla-Raj 2005 J. Soc. Sci., 11(1): 77-82 (2005) Participatory Democracy and Communication of Development: A Case Study of Political Campaign Advertisements in ’s 2003 Election

Eno Akpabio

Department of Mass Communication, University of , Lagos, Nigeria

KEYWORDS Dividends; modernity; infrastructures; dominant; paradigm

ABSTRACT The improvement in the quality of life of the people is the centrepiece of development and proponents of the dominant paradigm in development communication identify a participant lifestyle as a prerequisite for modernity. With this background in mind, the paper examines attempts by Nigerian politicians particularly those seeking a second term in office, to influence voting behaviour in the run off to the 2003 elections. Fully conscious that the active participation of the electorate would determine their electoral fortunes, they resorted to “democracy dividends/continuity” advertisements where they chronicled their attempts to add value to the lives of the people in specific and graphic ways. This paper critically examines these adverts and charts a road map towards making participatory democracy a more effective harbinger of development.

INTRODUCTION served the more elevated purpose of enumerating the gains of democracy. No wonder in popular After being in office for four years the elected parlance these records of achievements are called politicians in Nigeria’s fourth republic were ready the “dividends of democracy” perhaps a sharp for the renewal of their mandate as guaranteed contrast and reminder of the long night of military by the constitution. And no better way to do rule. this than to flood the media especially via These attempts to use communication, speci- advertisements with their record of achievement fically political advertising, to show case develop- in every conceivable sector. This is of course a ment (democracy dividends) seems to be an far cry from the attitude of the military rulers who interesting footnote to the literature in the area only recently retraced their footsteps back to their of communication and development more so the barracks were they rightly belong. The military dominant paradigm. The founding fathers in the are accountable to no one more so the people field conceived of development as entailing social that they rule over. They do not need to show transformation and basic cultural change (Chu any record of achievement as their mandate flows 1994). How to go about this and the place of from the barrel of the gun rather than a genuine communication in the equation has been the expression of the people’s wishes. subject of much debate and soul searching. Back to the advertisements by incumbent The dominant paradigm of development office holders, one would naturally wonder why described by Uche (1999) as an “export model” advertise? After all the electorate, the recipients where the mass media was the hypodermic needle or beneficiaries of these achievements would be in the propagation of development agenda was aware since they apparently would be enjoying doomed to failure. He quoted Rogers (1976) who the facilities and services. Perhaps these adverts acknowledged the failings of this postulation were intended to send the correct signals to their based on the incorrect but unproved assumption political parties that they deserved a second about the power of the mass media. (ibid.). chance. It is also conceivable that these office The other school of thought felt that societal holders are fully acquainted with the public transformation would be ushered in through relations’ rule of thumb – if you do not blow breaking the bondage of dependency via a your trumpet no one will blow it for you. Marxist style revolution (Chu, 1994). This has I believe the primary concern of the advert also received a lot of knocks. And the collapse was to keep in the front burner the achievements of the leading light of the Marxist way of ordering of such office holders; a constant reminder to society – The Soviet Union – calls to question the electorate of the shape of better things to the soundness of the dependency school’s come if given another chance. The adverts also approach. 78 ENO AKPABIO

To see the place that the footnote – political electing or rejecting leaders at the polls has some advertisement – occupies, it is best to examine in similarity with the postulation of the dominant some detail the concept of development itself. paradigm that sees “modernity as a participant life style; a modern society is a participant DEVELOPMENT society” (Oso, 2002) The concept of development is subject to Even though we do not entirely see develop- varying interpretation depending on one’s call- ment as the ushering in of the western model we ing, research interest and even background. believe that citizen participation which the Walter Rodney (1976) sees development as proponents of the modern paradigm equate with involving improvement in the quality of life result- development is an important footnote that is ing in less hazard and uncertainties with the worth further exploration. This is because if people having a greater say over their destinies. citizen participation were fully in place as in The accelerating rate of improvements in the outcome of elections reflecting the true wishes quality of life in and achievements in the west of the people then an important landmark would has resulted in the concept being equated with have been reached in the improvement of the life growth, industrialization, modernization, change of the people. Those who work at variance with and democracy from the purview of western this would be voted out while those with the experience of historical change (Oso, 2002). welfare of the people at heart would hold sway. Other scholars such as Uche (1999) and This way a country like Nigeria would then live Casmir (1991) see development as located within out the word and spirit of the constitutional a cultural and situational context. In other words, provision to wit that “the security and welfare it is not enough to simply ape the western model, (emphasis mine) of the people shall be the primary the expectations and world view of the people – purpose of government”. who will be the recipients of development – has Interestingly this desire to show the people to be factored in. No wonder Casmir (1991) notes how their welfare has moved some notch formed that “the significant question … is not whether the basis of the political advertisements under development is desirable but what kind of study. But first the methodology employed in development should be sought. (Uche, 1999). the study. Development in a developing country like Nigeria based on this viewpoint would mean METHODOLOGY paying much needed attention to infrastructural Conscious of the fact that their fortunes at development. To elaborate, in the specific case the polls would to some extent depend on their of Nigeria, the poor road network and inefficient achievements, elected office holders during the rail system in the country has been an impediment run up to the 2003 elections bought space in to economic growth. Electricity supply has conti- newspapers and magazines to showcase their nued to be epileptic in spite of massive injection achievements during their first term 1999 – 2003. of funds and added tremendously to the cost of This paper examines the “democracy dividends” manufactured items quite apart from discouraging contained in these adverts. The study period new entrants into the manufacturing sector. covered January to April 2003 and two news- Public water supply is very poor and is like a papers – The Punch and The Guardian were drop in the ocean. Other areas needing attention deliberately chosen. The Punch was chosen be- would embrace provision of qualitative educa- cause it appeals to a mass audience; politics tion, affordable health care, employment genera- being a game of numbers. The Guardian on the tion, adequate food supply at affordable rates other hand recommends itself being an elite and so on. newspaper whose content would appeal to Development from the purview of improving opinion leaders who would in turn influence the the life and well being of the people is enabled voting behaviour of persons under their sphere by citizen participation in governance. It stands of influence. to reason that if citizens approve or reject candi- dates at the polls based on their performance in “DEMOCRACY DIVIDENDS” POLITICAL the index of improving the welfare of the people, ADVERTS office holders would make this the fulcrum of their activity. This involvement of the people in The incumbent president, governors and PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY AND COMMUNICATION OF DEVELOPMENT 79 other office holders resorted to the “democracy credit for Obi-Keana Road8 in Nasarrawa dividends” political adverts to show the electo- State. rate that they were deserving of a second term in c. Water: Provision of potable water was also office. This effort involved communicating in the front burner in the calculation of these developments – showing how they have posi- office seekers in their attempt to woo the tively impacted the life and welfare of the people. electorate. Governor Nnamani of There were 98 advertisements in all. The Punch claimed credit for the N1.2 billion federal newspapers had 65 and The Guardian 33. These government funded Enugu water scheme at adverts also fit neatly into the following cate- Oji River9. Governor graphically gories; investment, roads, water, infrastructure, captured his achievements in this area. The education, energy, health, and appeal to be body copy of the advert makes interesting allowed to continue the task started during the reading: first term in office which we shall label “conti- Then: nuity” Before Ibori, there was water, water a. Investment: One governor that harped on everywhere but none to drink. Water-borne this a lot is of Enugu disease kill[sic] people with ease State. In his “profiles in democracy divi- Now: dend”1 he credits his administration with the There is refreshing pipe-borne water in every 650 million Euros (N80 billion) Nigeria hamlet to (sic) enjoy thanks to the life spring Breweries owned Heineken Plant in the state. of Delta….Governor Ibori. The difference is He describes this as the largest foreign direct Ibori, the difference is crystal clear10. investment outside of the petroleum sector d. Infrastructure: Infrastructural developments in the country. He also takes credit for the showcased in the political adverts included siting of the multi-million Naira ultra-modern expansion of Ogbette and Kenyatta market, Pepsi/Seven up plant at Ngwo. This glorying rehabilitation of Hotel Presidential and Nike is understandable because of the belief that Lake Resort and Construction of the N600 investment would generate employment and million permanent site of the Enugu Inter- improve the economy thus benefiting the national Trade Fair11 all credit to Governor people. Nnamani. Details of his administration’s b. Roads: The poor state of the roads in the activities in infrastructural development was country engaged the attention of this cate- provided by Governor Ibori in The Guardian gory of office seekers. Governor Bola Ahmed of April 2, 200312. Other office seekers had Tinubu claimed that he improved upon and third parties do the trumpeting on their behalf in some cases built new roads and the Prince S. Ajijola gave Governor Niyi Ade- checklist includes “Igando, Kudirat Abiola bayo full marks in infrastructural develop- Way, Awolowo Road , Yaba- Itire Road ment in .13 Chief Kaoli Olusanya etc”2 Governor ’s performance and Architect Kayode Anibaba give sheet included “road network”3 without Governor ’s administration credit specifying details. The governor’s friends for the Oba Ayangbunren housing estate in under the aegis of Otunba Adeniyi Adebayo Ikorodu14. The former in a separate advert Committee of friends (OACOF) eastern and names as part of the governor’s score card in south zone also give him full marks for this area an oil palm estate at Igbogbo, “transportation and roads”4 rehabilitation of Ikorodu palm settlement, Unlike Governor Adebayo, Governor cattle market Imota, Piggery Estate Bagidan, Chimaroke Nnamani provides a compre- LSDPC Housing Estate Odo Nla, Ayang- hensive list of his activities in this area5. In bunren Housing Estate Phase II.15 the Guardian of January 15, 2003 he provides One northern governors was not left out in a checklist of completed roads projects as this show of infrastructural development. well as the roads undergoing rehabilitation6. Governor takes credit for Alhaji Ahmadu M’uazu of gets Nasara Packing Factory, Aghadi, Akwanga a pass work for construction of roads in an and provides pictorial evidence16.He also has advert by Mohammed M. Abdullahi7. Still to his credit rural solar electricity and water on roads, Governor Abdullahi Adamu takes projects at Duduguru jenkwe17. 80 ENO AKPABIO e. Education: Efforts at adding value to the pioneering independent power project and education sector also feature prominently in increased energy supply25 that is generating the political adverts. In his series on how 270 megawatts into the national grid at Egbin, various sectors are “working” under his Ikorodu26. He is also actively involved in rural administration, Governor James Ibori gives electrification27. Governor Adamu’s score details of his rehabilitation and construction card contain electricity with no details work in this sector. mentioned.28 Governor Abdullahi Adamu on Then: the other hand provides pictures of his rural Education was in shambles, rickety solar electricity project at Duduguru Jenkwe29. classroom, unruly students, unpaid teachers. g. Health: Adding value to the health sector “Educashun” wasn’t “wurkin”. also formed the subject of the ads under Now: study. Governor Tinubu expressed his …construction of 2,270 additional class- concerns in the sector thus “that the health rooms. Construction of fences /gates and of our people is truly the symbol of our gates houses in 726 primary school premises. wealth”30 Details of his achievement include Construction of libraries in 112 primary free eye screening, free eye glasses, free eye schools. Construction of 277 toilet facilities surgery, emergency ambulance services, free in 271 primary schools. Provision of 88,910 antenatal care, S.L. Edu General Hospital, desk/benches to schools. Rehabilita-tion and Agege etc31. Governor Ibori in his own renovation of 136 secondary schools (and) assessment claimed that the “health care equipping of 20 model schools with boarding 32 18 delivery system was sick” and of course he and residential facilities for pupils and staff . has given it the necessary breather. In the case of Governor Nnamani, his efforts Governor Ahmadu33 and Adeniyi 34 are given in this sector he calls “social engineering” pass marks in this sector while Governor and this embraces. Abdullahi Ahmadu takes credit for free Comprehensive renovation of 180 primary health delivery 35. schools in the state. Comprehensive renova- h. Continuity: The incumbent office holders tion of 85 secondary school (5 per local harped understandably on the need to be government). Provision of 51,000 fourseater, desk (3000 per LGA) and 5000 teachers’ tables given a second chance to complete the good and chairs. work they had started. The ad copies Construction and handing over of the Air canvassing this viewpoint makes interesting Force comprehensive High School Agbani. reading. In an ad in The Punch of April 2, 25% increase in primary school and 20% 2003, President Obasanjo and Vice President are depicted as labourers increase in secondary school enrolment since 36 1999. Overall fourth placing in 2002 JAMB/ carrying out the task of building Nigeria UME results nationwide19. and the body copy says it all. Governor Tinubu in addition to providing The nation was in very bad shape time and desk and benches also restructured primary continuos effort is needed to put her back in schools20. He started the free milk school good shape. Support the nation builders . . . programme21 and takes credit for the that we may be safely there. movement of Polytechnic to its In another copy the duo don superman attire permanent site22 Governor Abdullahi Adamu and the pay off line reads “let’s support the 37 takes credit for the take off of heroes of our time” University, Keffi 23 Concerned Enugu State Academics bought f. Energy: The energy sector was also the focus space to call for the re-election of Governor of some of the campaign ads. Governor Chimaroke Nnamani and the ad was aptly titled Nnamani in his series on “Profile in “why Chimaroke Nnamani should be given a Democracy Dividends”, mentions electrifi- second mandate”38 cation of rural areas in the various senatorial In all the continuity adverts, the advertisers zones of Enugu State as part of his take pain to list achievements or benefits of the achievement24.Governor Bola Tinubu in his administration to the people as the raison d’être ad titled “we are no 1” takes credit for for continuity. PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY AND COMMUNICATION OF DEVELOPMENT 81

CONCLUSION Can we put up with this chaos in the fuel sector for another four years? What kind of Participatory democracy has translated to continuity are they talking about? Continuity of office holders embarking upon development non-maintenance of refineries, fuel importation schemes that directly impact and positively too, and queues.42 the lives of the people. This excursion has shown This claim and counter claims also played efforts at road rehabilitation and construction, out among other contenders. The significant provision of pipe borne water, health facilities, thing really is that whether or not the records of equipping of schools and so on. All these achievements are bloated or false, we see a communication of development as seen in the genuine desire to be on the right side of the political adverts under study were intended to electorate at least by incumbent office holders in swing votes in favour of incumbent office holders. trying to account for their first tenure. In other Apparently the fear or concern about the electo- words, development as seen in the context of the rate seem to be the beginning of political wisdom democracy dividends must be such that meets for this category of office seekers. This of course the yearnings of the people or is culturally speaks volumes about democracy’s ability to relevant (Uche 1999; Casmir 1991) hence the engender development. provision of the basic necessities as indicated in The infrastructures and other people-orient- the advertisements. The political opponents of ed projects embarked upon by the incumbent the incumbents also went to great length to show office holders are in line with Oso’s (2002) views that when the people participate in governance that the present office holders did not have a it will usher in a modern society or a society where pass mark in this critical index. Whether the mass all the good things of life are fully in place. media is better at disseminating these pieces of Rodney (1976) also alludes to this when he information and convincing the electorate is opines that improvement in the quality of life is another matter in the light of the media’s inability tied to the people having a greater say over the to bring about attitude change. running of their affairs. It is the contention of this writer that rather Some of these claims or record of achieve- than a single term, the present situation of giving ments were challenged by the political opponents opportunity for re-election of incumbent office of the incumbents. A particularly bitter campaign holders should continue. Their desire for a second was waged in where every attempt term would result in paying tremendous attention was made by the main challenger to the Governor to development and the communication of – Dr. - to paint the former black. In development via the agency of political adverts “April Fool”39 ad for instance, the latter claimed and other avenues. This gives a breath of life to that Governor Lawal has not fulfilled his promise the almost discarded dominant paradigm in that of providing electricity and water and improving participatory democracy ushers in development. on agriculture and healthcare. He also alleged Development that is people–oriented and that he failed to carry out his promise to enthrone environmentally conscious; that factors in the accountability. If the election result is anything concerns and needs of the people as the primary to go by the people roundly rejected the incum- purpose of government. bent governor. His party ANPP lost in the Governor’s district, local government, ward and NOTES even in the polling booth outside government 1. The Guardian Wednesday January 29, 2003 p. 16 40 house in the earlier elections. And in the 2. Sunday Punch January 19, 2003 p. 21 governorship election he also lost. 3. The Punch Wednesday January 15, 2003 p 35 Similarly Obasanjo’s desire for continuity and 4. The Punch Tuesday February 24, 2003 p. 39 records of achievements were questioned by his 5. The Guardian on Sunday February 2, 2003 p. 6\ 6. The Guardian Wednesday January 15, 2003 p. 28 main challenger – General . 7. Sunday Punch April 13, 2003 p. 23 Buhari in his ads picked holes in almost every 8. Sunday Punch April 13, 2003 p. 34 sector. As regards healthcare, he noted that 9. The Guardian Wednesday January 29, 2003 p. 16 “government hospitals under the Obasanjo 10. The Punch Wednesday January 15, 2003 p. 28 presidency became places where people go to 11. The Guardian Wednesday January 29, 2003 p. 34 41 12. The Punch Wednesday April 12, 2003 p. 15 die.” As regards the energy sector he had this 13. The Punch Wednesday January 15, 2003 p. 35 to say: 14. The Punch Monday April 7, 2003 p. 14 82 ENO AKPABIO

15. The Punch Monday April 7, 2003 p. 63 41. This Day Wednesday March 18, 2003 p. 65 16. Sunday Punch April 13, 2003 p. 34 42. This Day Tuesday March 25, 2003 p 71 17. Sunday Punch April 13, 2003 p. 34 18. The Punch Tuesday February 24 2003 p 30 REFERENCES 19. Sunday Punch February 9, 2003 p. 13 20. The Guardian March 22, 2003 p. 12 Chu, Godwin. 1994. “Communication and Development, 21. The Guardian Monday March 1, 2003 p. 68 some Emerging Theoretical Perspectives”, in 22. The Punch Monday April 7, 2003. p 63 Andrew Moemeka (ed.), Communicating for 23. Sunday Punch April 13, 2003 p. 34 Development: A New Pan-Disciplinary Perspective. 24. The Guardian Wednesday February 18, 2003 p. 16 New York: State University of New York. 25. Sunday Punch January 19, 2003 p. 21 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999. 26. The Punch Monday April 7, 2003 p. 64 Chapter 2 Section 14 Subsection 2(b) 27. The Punch Monday April 7, 2003 p 63 Oso, Lai. 2002. “Theories of Development and the 28. Sunday Punch April 13, 2003 p. 23 Democratization of Communication”, in Lai Oso 29. Sunday Punch April 13, 2003 p 24 (ed.), Communication and Development - A 30. Sunday Punch January 12, 2003 p 21. Reader.. Abeokuta: Jedidiah Publishers 31. The Guardian Monday February 24, 2003 p. 39 Rodney, Walter. 1974. How Europe Underdeveloped 32. The Guardian Saturday January 11, 2003 p. 42 Africa. Dares- Salam: East African Publishing 33. Sunday Punch April 13, 2003 p. 23 Company. 34. The Punch Monday February 24, 2003 p 39 Uche, Luke. 1999. “Communication and Democratic 35. Sunday Punch April 13, 2003 p. 34 Empowerment in the Development of Rural Africa; 36. The Punch Wednesday April 2, 2003 p 50 Corruption and Perverted Priorities in the 37. The Guardian Thursday March 14, 2003 p. 14 Development Agenda”, in Luke Uka Uche (ed.), 38. The Guardian April 5, 2003 p 16 Mass Communication, Democracy and Civil Society 39. The Punch Tuesday April 1, 2003 p. 38 in Africa: International Perspectives. Lagos: Smagh 40. The Guardian Tuesday April 15, 2003 p. 21 & Company Nigeria Limited.