St. Mary's Road Sydney NSW 2000 Phone: (02) 9220 0400 Fax: (02) 9223 5208 Email:
[email protected] Connect with us on Social Media! Instagram: @stmaryscathedralsydney Sunday, 03 March 2019 Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C Dear Parishioners and Visitors, We are about to begin a time of change, a testing time. A time of dying and rising. Lent is coming, and Ash Wednesday is this week. The timetable for Masses on Ash Wednesday is 6.45am; 12noon; 1.10pm; 5.30pm. There will also be a 5.30pm Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Darlinghurst. May our Lenten discipline bear fruit in our lives. In regard to the news about Cardinal Pell, please see below messages from Archbishop Anthony, and from the President of the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference. With prayers for the week ahead, Fr Don Richardson, Dean. A message from Archbishop Anthony Fisher As you would be aware the news of Cardinal Pell’s conviction is now public. The details you will hear and read in the media over the coming days will be truly shocking and confronting. The Cardinal has announced that he will appeal the conviction. Therefore, as the legal process is not complete I won’t be making any further comments and I urge people to wait for the appeal process to run its course before reaching a final judgement on this matter. Once again, I express to those who have suffered abuse at the hands of Church personnel, to their families and to the entire community my shame and apology for that dark chapter in our history.