St Brigid’s Marrickville In the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, Australia One Family, Alive in Christ Est 1886. Under the Pastoral Care of the Passionists since 1887 392 Marrickville Rd (PO Box 237), Marrickville NSW 2204 Tel: 02 8577 5670 Fax: 02 8577 5679 Email: [email protected] Web: www.stbrigid.org.au FaceBook: St Brigid’s Marrickville (Now 1,173 likes) Parish Priest: Fr John Pearce CP ([email protected]) Fr Tim O’Toole CP ([email protected]) Fr Erick Niyiragira CP ([email protected]) Sr Elena Daton CP ([email protected]) Sr Elenita Flores CP ([email protected]), Sue King (SRE Co-ordinator) [email protected] Darren Dela Rosa (PA Youth) ([email protected]) Parish Secretary: Ms Terrey Trethowan (9.30am - 4pm) We stand at the Crossroads of life for many people 22nd Sunday of the Year (Yr.C) Year of Mercy Ordination of Our New Bishops for Sydney, Tony Randazzo & Richard Umbers Wednesday 24th August 2016 Let’s pray for our four Bishops The Cathedral was very full. as we have been asked to, Anthony, The liturgy went for 2h 42m, though Terry, Tony & Richard. it didn’t feel like it. The Archbishop’s And as these two men have homily was excellent as always. stepped up to take on the ministry of There were heaps of priests from Bishop, there are another two vacant Brisbane and Sydney. Sydney will spots for new priests. once again be served by 4 Bishops, Through Baptism we are all complementing the leadership of called to service. Some are also many good lay people and priests. called to be our Priests. Newsletter No. 34 27/28 August 2016 Ordination of New Bishops Two New Bishops Ordained come to Bishop Denis Browne, Emeri- leaders. We now look to these in the Archdiocese of Syd- tus Bishop of Hamilton, New Zealand, two young – youngish – priests who baptised Bishop Umbers. He also to offer our civil and ecclesial ney welcomed civic and religious leaders communities much-needed wit- and representatives from sister ness to holiness, courage and churches. mercy, and fresh insights into the The Bishops of Australia and way ahead.’ from New Zealand, clergy of the After Communion, the newly Archdiocese of Sydney and visiting ordained bishops were led through clergy concelebrated. The choir of St the Cathedral and blessed the con- Mary’s Cathedral provided the music. gregation. Before the final blessing, During the presentation of the bish- ops-elect, the Apostolic Nuncio to Australia, Archbishop Adolfo Tito Yllana, recited the Papal Bull. In his homily, Archbishop Fish- er said, ‘our two new bishops have been appointed in interesting times’. After listing news headlines from the past two months, he said, ‘there will be many more such challenges for humanity in the coming years. And The Episcopal Ordination of the behind the violence and insecurity, Most Reverend Anthony Randazzo the populist politics and shaky eco- and Most Reverend Richard Umbers Archbishop Yllana nomics, the inauthenticity in sport, Bishop Randazzo delivered took place at St Mary’s Cathedral, culture and religion, there are indi- words of thanks to many on behalf of Sydney on Wednesday evening 24 vidual heart-breaks and profound Bishop Umbers and himself. In par- August 2016, the Feast of St Barthol- moral-spiritual issues’. ticular, he said, ‘It is with deep grati- omew. tude that we thank His Grace, Arch- Both Bishop Randazzo and bishop Fisher. YourGrace, your Bishop Umbers were ordained Auxil- prayerful support, and tender frater- iary Bishops of Sydney and will join nal care of us both over these past Bishop Terry Brady as the three Aux- two months is inspirational and is iliary Bishops serving the Archdiocese only outdone by your example of pa- of Sydney. tience, courage, and hope in God The Most Reverend Anthony during your physical trials and suffer- Fisher OP, Archbishop of Sydney, was ing’. the Principal Consecrator and Cele- To Pope Francis, Bishop brant. The Most Reverend Mark Cole- Randazzo asked Archbishop Yllana to ridge, Archbishop of Brisbane, and ‘please express our deep gratitude to the Most Reverend Stephen Lee Bun- Bishops Michael Kennedy Columba Macbeth His Holiness, and reassure him of the sang, Bishop of Macau, were the -Green lay hands on the Bishops-elect faithfulness of the Archdiocese of Principal Co-Consecrators. ‘In the face of such chal- Sydney to the mission of the Church’. In his words of welcome, Arch- lenges the cry of the human heart bishop Fisher extended a special wel- is for wisdom voices and inspired Pope Francis Pope Francis sent a letter to the Refugee Olympic Team as they prepared to compete in the Olympic Games 2016 taking place in Rio de Janeiro, wishing each of them success in the competition. Devin Watkins' report: The letter – written in Spanish and dated 26 July 2016 – is addressed to all refugee athletes, calling each by name. Pope Francis writes of his own research into each squad member’s life through their interviews with vari- ous media sources. The Holy Father goes on to wish each of them suc- cess, expressing his desire that ‘your courage and strength find expression through the Olympic Games and serve as a cry for peace and solidarity. May humanity understand through you that peace is possible, and that with peace everything is a triumph; while with war eve- rything is a loss.’ I extend my greetings and wish you success at the He closes the letter by assuring the refugee team Olympic Games in Rio — that your courage and strength of his prayers for them. find expression through the Olympic Games and serve as a cry for peace and solidarity. Dear brothers and sisters Rami Anis, Yiech Your experience serves as testimony and benefits Pur Biel, James Nyang Chiengjiek, Yonas Kinde, us all. I pray for you and ask that you, please, do the Anjelina Nada Lohalith, Rose Nathike Lokonyen, same for me. God bless you. Paulo Amotun Lokoro, Yusra Mardini, Popole Mi- In brotherhood, senga and Yolande Bukasa Mabika: I have learned about your team and read some of Francis. your interviews so that I could get closer to your lives and your aspirations. Information Directory Liturgical Timetable CatholicCare Family Help Line Mon-Fri: Masses: 6.45 am, 9.00 am 1300 1300 52 Eucharistic Adoration: 7.15-8.45am. Benediction: 8.45am St Brigid’s Primary School Public Hols: Mass 9.00am 9558 6926 Saturday: Mass 7.30 am; Reconciliation 9-10 am; Marriages 10-3 pm; Casimir Catholic College Reconciliation 4-4.45 pm; Mass: 5 pm; & 6.30 pm (Vietnamese) 9558 2888 Sunday: Mass at 7.30 am, 9 am, 10 .30am (multilingual); 4.30pm (Viet); 6pm Catholic Church Marriage Tribunal Ministry of Care & Support to Aged and Infirm 9390 5120 Mass is celebrated monthly in all the Nursing Homes in Marrickville. Baptisms Communion is taken to sick residents in Nursing Homes & in their homes Preparation: 1st Sundays 10am on a weekly basis, either by Ministers of Care or family members. Presentation: 2nd Sunday Masses Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is offered after Masses on First Fridays, Baptisms: 3rd & 4th Sundays at and at the 10am Italian mass on 4th Fridays. Also available on request and 12 noon or at Masses recommended before attending hospital for major surgery. Marriages Preferably 6 months notice We Remember Contact: Parish Secretary 8577 5670 Recently Deceased: Pastoral Ministry Contacts: Anniversaries: ..Seini & Peni Apikotoa; Salvatore Buda; Racheda Semrany; Maria Bui Adult Sacraments Sr Elena Thi Dang; Bill Barrett; Irene Whitby; Crispulo Latagan; Sr Mary Donellan RSM; Maria Rosa Man- Care of Sick & Aged Sr Elena dile; Gerard Farrugia; Vui Thi Bui; Giuseppe Simone. CCD in State Schools Sue King Children’s Sacraments Sr Elenita Those Carrying Severe Illness: George Rego; Mane Lakiss; Archbishop Anthony (still Cultural Committee Chair recovering). Maria Barlow-Sawaszenko Ecumenical & Interfaith Co-chairs John McGrath , Pat Bowthorpe FMM Family Groups Contact Carole Price Finance C’tee Chair Michael Curran Parish Collections Mass Texts: Sunday 22(Yr C) First Reading: .Eccles 3:17-20.28-29 Justice & Peace Network Chair Counters: This week (29/8:Jim/ Response: . In your goodness O Lord, Peter Jennings Lalo/Maree you prepared a home for the poor. Liturgical Ministries Fr John, Sr Elena Counters: Next Week (5/9) Jim/ Second Reading: Heb 12: 18-19.22-24 Men’s Club Co-chairs: A rthur Kassis, Lalo/Maree Gospel: Luke 14 :1. 7-14 John Skinner, Mick Ward Pastoral Council Co-chairs Paige Bullen, Intercessions Response: Peter Jennings, Adrienne Harverson. 21/22 August Lord, graciously hear us Youth & Young Adults: 1st (Passionists): $ 1,860 Darren De la Rosa 2nd (Parish): $ 5,107 Mass Texts: Sunday 23 (Yr C) Cash & Envelopes: $ 3,929 First Reading: Wisdom 9:13-18 Credit Cards: $ 1,178 Response: ..Lord, you have been our 14/15 August1 refuge from one generation to the next. 1st (Passionists) : $ 1,890 Second Reading: Philemon 9-10.13-18. 2nd (Parish): $ 4,417 Gospel: Luke 14 :25-33 CWF APPEAL: 4,279.40 Intercessions Response: Levy: $10,000 Lord, graciously hear us Sunday Mass Ministries: Sunday 22 & Sunday 23 Year C Lectors/Commentators Communion Ministers Altar Servers 27/28 August 3/4 September 27/28 August 3/4 September 27/28 August 3/4 September 5 pm Gabrielle Bietola Mary Leask Mary Leask Elizabeth Delaney SGS Leon Tupola Leon Tupola Sat Paul Cloran Susie Houssarini Maria Fullert Carole Price Gary Tupola Gary Tupola Leila Walsh Michael Price Paul Hurst Michael Price Visesio Siasau Visesio Siasau Shelley Hopper Carmel Cloran Paul Cloran 7.30am Pat O’Reilly Janice Schubach Maree Doyle Mary Entriken Michael Dillon Michael Dillon
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