Coding of country of birth

You will only need to check that the country of birth matches the code assigned to it. The code should be correct as the interviewer codes this during the interview.

The cases to out for are at variables cry1/Fathcob/Mothcob where the interviewer has coded the country of birth as code 59 (other). You will need to check this is the correct code. Place the highlighter bar on the country and press the space. This will show the codes for that country and select the correct option and the press enter.

If the country is not listed in the option, then press ctrl k and code off as don’t know.

If the person was born in Northern they should be coded as 1 (born in ).


1 36 'HONG KONG' 37 '' 38 'SINGAPORE' 39 'CYPRUS' 40 'GILBRALTAR' 41 'MALTA, GOZO' 42 'SEYCHELLES' 43 'MAURITIUS' 44 'CWLTH MELANESIA' 45 'ALGERIA' 46 'MOROCCO' 47 'TUNISIA' 48 'LYBIA' 49 '' 50 '' 51 'NE AFRICA' 52 'USA' 53 'WINDWARD ISLANDS' 54 'PANAMA EL SALV' 55 'BOLIVIA, PERU, FR GUY' 56 'PAKISTAN' 57 'BURMA' 58 '' 59 '' 60 'PHILLIPINES' 61 'INDO CHINA' 62 '' 63 '' 64 'MID EAST' 65 'SE ASIA' 66 'BELGIUM' 67 '' 68 '' 69 '' 70 'LUXEMBOURG' 71 '' 72 'WEST ' 73 'GERMANY' 74 'ALBANIA' 75 'BULGARIA' 76 'EAST GERMANY' 77 'CZECH REPUBLIC' 78 'HUNGARY' 79 '' 80 'ROMANIA' 81 '' 82 '' 83 '' 84 'PORTUGAL' 2 85 '' 86 '' 87 '' 88 'SWEDEN' 89 'FORMER YUGO' 90 'ICELAND' 91 '' 92 'FORMER SOV U' 93 'POLYNESIA' 96 'ANGOLA' 97 'ETHIOPIA' 98 'SOMALIA' 99 'ZAIRE' 100 '' 101 'MEXICO' 102 'ARGENTINA' 103 '' 104 'CHILE' 105 'COLOMBIA' 106 'URAGUAY' 107 'VENEZUALA' 108 'IRAQ' 109 'LEBANON' 110 '' 111 'KOREA' 112 'MACAU' 113 'LIECHTENSTEIN' 114 'ANDORRA' 115 'AT SEA, AIR, OIL RIG' 116 'STATELESS'.



"Working" includes:

Members of limited companies (who are always employees). They must be accepted as working whether they actually do anything or not.

Informants currently receiving holiday pay from their previous employer after they have actually left the job, including informants on terminal leave from the Forces.

Seasonal, occasional or casual workers only if they worked last week.

NB Do not include unpaid family workers, not even people working for a related member of the same household (eg wives working unpaid in their husband's business) who see themselves as working.

OwnBus - RelBus

Note that the business must be owned by the spouse/partner or other relative, not by the informant.

The relative can be inside or outside the household.



It is acceptable for a full-time student or someone at school to be coded looking for work here if they were looking for work in the last four weeks.

Disabled people attending occupation centres should be included in code 4 here, even though they may class themselves as working. Earnings from these centres usually amount to a few pounds per week for a fairly large number of hours of "work".

Student Nurses Nurse training is undergoing transition. Although some are still in the traditional programme ALL student nurses should now be treated as students (as if on the Project 2000 scheme); they should all be coded as economically inactive, code 4 at WorkK3

4 SchemeET

There is a soft check if YT is coded but the person is aged 20 or over. Check with Income and Health. SUPPRESS this message if the information is correct eg 2 year YT is open to disabled people aged 16-21 who recently left full-time education. There is a soft check if Training for work/ET is coded and age is 60 or over.

People aged 60-62 are now eligible for ET. Check with Income. SUPPRESS this check if the information is correct.


There is a check that if Trn = 1 (with an employer), then either WorklWk1 or WorklWk2 must be 1.

If the person is genuinely on YT/ET with an employer, then they should be counted as working - amend WorklWk1 to 1.


Priests: In general accept respondent’s definition of whether employed or self-employed. If there are queries treat C of E as employee, Non conformist as employee, Catholic as employee, Jehovah's Witnesses as self-employed.

Sub postmasters/mistresses:

i. Where the informant is only a sub postmaster/mistresses s/he is an employee.

ii. If the informant has been able to split days/hours and income for sub postmaster and own business - accept how it is coded.

iii. If the informant has been unable to split these aspects and an amount has been given as all income from self-employment - accept it all as one self-employed job, coding occupation and industry to the shopkeeper's job.



5 1. If hours vary within a set pattern (eg 48 hours one week, 44 another) take the mean (in this case 46).

2. For people who work regularly as employees but not every week, code the number of hours as a weekly average eg 4 hours every other week - code as 2 hours per week.

3. Overtime should be included for the self-employed. For the employed overtime is excluded unless:

i) it is compulsory ii) where some form of "flexitime" system is worked and no compensatory time is taken off.

4. Days at college for day release etc should be included in hours worked.

5. For people working short time code the number of hours usually worked ie when not on short time.

6. Employees who do not actually work - code as 1 hour per week (mainly limited company directors).

SempStY - JobstM

If the informant has worked on and off for his/her present employer (eg casual workers), ignore all previous spells of employment and code only the length of time in the current spell


Code 1 (students):

This code should be used for students aged less than 50 attending school or college full- time only.

Include unpaid vocational training on courses which involve attending both college and work eg student physiotherapists/radiographers. Also include nurses training under the Project 2000 scheme.

Part-time students, including those studying independently, eg by correspondence, Open University etc, should be coded 2, 3 or 4 if one of those codes applies. Use code 5 as a last resort. 6 Code 2 (looking after home or family):

Domestic duties include looking after children or sick relatives.

Include men who are looking after the home or family (provided codes 1-3 do not apply).

Code 4 (long-term sick or disabled):

This code should be used for those whose inability to work is due to their own health problems or disability.

There is a hard check that persons coded permanently unable to work must be aged 16- 64 if male, 16-59 if female.

Recode to 2 or 5 as appropriate if male aged 65 or over or female aged 60 or over.

Code 5 (retired):

Women who at a comparatively early age ceased work in order to look after the home and/or children, or who have never worked, are excluded.

Include people who have taken early retirement and are not seeking employment.

There is a hard check that women coded retired must be aged 50 or over. Recode 2 or 6 as appropriate if female aged 50 or over.

Code 6 (none of these):

Include the following as long as none of codes 1-4 applies:

Full-time students aged 50 or over Temporarily sick and not looking for work Elderly people who live with relatives Attending a training centre for disabled (mentally or physically) Unpaid voluntary work; unpaid work training Longer term sick who would otherwise be looking for work


This is a new section introduced in 1998. It covers day care arrangements made to allow parents to go out to work.

If TypeHCre = code 11, this means the respondent uses another type of carer apart from the ones listed on the showcard. Therefore there should be an answer at XtypHCre, which is the type of care. Check if this answer can be recoded back to any of following:


Play group…………………………………………………… 1

Parent and toddler group ………………………………… 2

Day nursery at work ……………………………………….. 3

Other nurseries ……………………………………………... 4

Holiday schemes/clubs …………………………………… 5

Registered Childminder …………………………………… 6

Nanny …………………………………………………………. 7

Au Pair ………………………………………………………… 8

Relative………………………………………………………… 9

Friend or Neighbour ………………………………………… 10

If none of the above apply leave as code 11.

8 Health Editing Instructions

Quality of Life

Refer queries to s/v.

General Health


Do not alter the coding.

If coded NO and there is an interviewer note that the informant answered no but is very deaf or has a leg amputated etc, accept No. However, if it is a full interview and the note refers to the informant being mentally handicapped etc, refer to supervisor.

Accept YES even if the answer at LMatter states that the complaint no longer troubles the informant, or if the complaint does not appear to be a long-standing one.


Code the answer given at LMatter, using the following notes and frame.

NB In the Child Health make sure you code the right answer for the right child. Maximum number of multicodes = 8.

Notes on coding long-standing illness

1. Code the current condition as it now affects the informant, not the cause, if the cause is an infection or injury.

eg. "Had polio as a child and left with a limp" - code the after effect of polio only (code 36).

"Arthritis following severely fractured femur" - code arthritis only (code 34).

"Deafness as a result of meningitis" - code deafness only (code 11).

2. Code all complaints the informant currently suffers from, even if the informant says that one complaint causes another condition, unless:

i. single coding or coding of only one of the complaints is specifically indicated in the instructions or frame.

ii. the answer indicates that one condition is an explanation of another complaint. 9 eg. "Angina, diabetic and high blood pressure" - code all complaints (codes 16, 2, 17)

"Angina. Also suffer from breathlessness" - code both complaints (code 16, 25)

"Diabetes, therefore sight problems and heart problems" - code all complaints (codes 2, 9, 18)

10 "Angina, also breathlessness because of this" - code angina only (code 16)

"Partially paralysed as result of stroke" - code stroke only (code 15)

"Back problems - arthritis of spine" - code arthritis only (code 34)

"Leg trouble - varicose veins" - code varicose veins only (code 20)

"Spastic down right side, can't use hand, walks with limp" - code spastic only (code 8)

3. Operations: Code the cause of the operation unless the informant actually states that this no longer troubles him/her, or that the operation has resulted in another problem.

eg. "Eye operation for cataracts" - code cataracts

"Operation for cancer of bowel" - code cancer

"Effects of cancer operation" - code cancer

"2 replacement hips for arthritis" - code arthritis (unless there is an indication that it is now the replacement hips which are the problem)

"Had cancer operation 2 years ago - apart from going for checks it doesn't trouble me now" - ignore cancer, use code 42 if this is the only complaint mentioned.

4. Complaints no longer present: If the informant actually states that he/she no longer suffers from the complaint, use code 42 if this is the only complaint given; if another complaint is given, ignore this complaint.

eg. "Tonsil trouble but now resolved after removal" - use code 42 (complaint no longer present)

"Migraine. Used to suffer from asthma as child but haven't had it since" - code migraine only

But if the informant says the complaint no longer troubles him/her, and the complaint is still present but kept under control by medication, code the complaint.

eg. "Epilepsy, kept under control by drugs" - code epilepsy

"Used to suffer from dizzy spells - takes medicine" - code dizzy spells

5. Injury/war wound: Code the site of the injury unless a past injury now causes a present complaint.

1 eg. "Gun shot wounds in shoulder" - code 36

"Whip lash injury to neck" - code 35

"Paraplegic as result of rugby accident" - code paraplegic

"Rheumatism in leg - broke it when a child" - code rheumatism

6. Old age: Ignore old age if another complaint is given, but use code 41 if it is the only answer given and there are no other codable complaints.

eg. "Diabetes and old age" - code diabetes only

"Weak with old age, difficulty walking" - code difficulty walking

"Frail - old age" - use code 41

7. Code what the informant thinks or suspects to be the complaint or cause.

eg. "Suspected diabetes" - code diabetes

"Pain in knee - think it is arthritis" - code arthritis

8. Code 41 (unclassifiable) is single coded. Ignore unclassifiable complaints if a codable complaint is also given eg "arthritis, allergies" - code arthritis only.

9. Only use codes 40 and 41 for the complaints given as examples in the frame. Refer all queries to s/v.

10. FLAG all queries for s/v.

11. It is acceptable to use code 42 (complaint no longer present) when LimitAct is coded Yes.



1 Cancer (neoplasm) including lumps, masses, tumours and growths and benign (non-malignant) lumps and cysts

incl. leukaemia (cancer of the blood) Hodgkin's disease Lymphoma cystic hygroma acoustic neuroma Neurofibromatosis hereditary cancer Cancers sited in any part of the body or system eg. lung cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer, skin cancer, bone cancer All tumours, growths, masses, lumps and cysts whether malignant or benign eg. tumour of brain, growth in bowel, growth on spinal cord, lump in breast, cyst on eye, cyst in kidney Wilms tumour rodent ulcers sarcomas, carcinomas mastectomy (nes) hysterectomy for cancer of womb colostomy caused by cancer part of intestines removed (cancer) after affect of cancer (nes)

MC Endocrine/nutritional/metabolic diseases and immunity disorders

2 Diabetes incl. Hyperglycemia

3 Other endocrine/metabolic incl. underactive/overactive thyroid, goitre, thyrotoxicosis hormone deficiency, deficiency of growth hormone, dwarfism Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome Addison's disease Cushing's syndrome Gilbert's syndrome Coeliac disease phenylketonuria Cystic fibrosis AIDS, AIDS carrier, HIV positive Graves disease . rickets

Hashimoto's disease obesity/overweight Malacia gout

3 Wilson's disease water/fluid retention Myxoedema (nes) hypopotassaemia, lack of potassium hypercalcemia

NB Thyroid trouble and tiredness - code 3 only Overactive thyroid and swelling in neck - code 3 only

MC Mental, behavioural and personality disorders

4 Mental illness/anxiety/depression/nerves(nes) incl. schizophrenia, manic depressive senile dementia, forgetfulness, gets confused nervous breakdown, neurasthenia, nervous trouble anxiety, panic attacks stress nerves (nes) depression phobias autistic child anorexia nervosa alcoholism, recovered not cured alcoholic drug addict speech impediment, stammer dyslexia hyperactive child catalepsy concussion syndrome bulimia NB Alzheimer's disease, degenerative brain disease = code 8

5 Mental handicap

incl. Down's syndrome, mongol mentally retarded subnormal

MC Nervous system (central and peripheral including brain) - not mental illness

6 Epilepsy/fits/convulsions incl. grand mal, petit mal, Jacksonian fit, blackouts, febrile convulsions, fit (nes)

7 Migraine/headaches

8 Other problems of nervous system incl. Multiple sclerosis (MS), disseminated sclerosis Cerebral palsy (spastic)

4 Spina bifida Physically handicapped - spasticity of all limbs Hydrocephalus, microcephaly, fluid on brain Parkinson's disease (paralysis agitans) Motor neurone disease muscular dystrophy Huntington's chorea Alzheimer's disease, degenerative brain disease Friedreich's Ataxia Abscess on brain Brain damage resulting from infection (eg meningitis,encephalitis) or injury injury to spine resulting in paralysis paraplegia (paralysis of lower limbs) partially paralysed (nes) metachromatic leucodystrophy Myotonic dystrophy Guillain-Barre syndrome Myastenia gravis syringomyelia myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) post viral syndrome (ME) Bell's palsy neuropathy trigeminal neuralgia neuralgia, neuritis carpal tunnel syndrome sciatica trapped nerve numbness/loss of feeling in fingers, hand, leg etc pins and needles in arm removal of nerve in arm shingles restless legs narcolepsy (falling asleep)

MC Eye complaints

9 Cataract/poor eye sight/blindness

incl. operation for cataracts, now need glasses bad eyesight/nearly blind because of cataracts hardening of lens lens implants in both eyes bad eyesight, restricted vision, partially sighted short sighted, long sighted, myopia trouble with eyes (nes), eyes not good (nes) blind in one eye, loss of one eye blindness caused by diabetes detached/scarred retina tunnel vision

5 blurred vision

10 Other eye complaints

incl. glaucoma buphthalmos iritis retinitis pigmentosa night blindness astigmatism double vision colour blind squint, lazy eye Duanes syndrome scarred cornea, corneal ulcers haemorrhage behind eye dry eye syndrome, trouble with tear ducts, watery eyes eyes are light sensitive injury to eye eye infection, conjunctivitis sty on eye floater in eye

MC Ear complaints

11 Poor hearing/deafness

incl. hard of hearing, slightly deaf conductive/nerve/noise induced deafness

deaf and dumb otosclerosis poor hearing after mastoid operation

12 Tinnitus/noises in the ear

incl. pulsing in the ear

13 Meniere's disease/ear complaints causing balance problems

incl. labyrinthitis loss of balance - inner ear vertigo vestibulitis

14 Other ear complaints

incl. otitis media

6 glue ear disorders of Eustachian tube perforated ear (nes) middle/inner ear problems mastoiditis ear trouble (nes), ear problem (wax) ear aches and discharges ear infection

MC Complaints of heart, blood vessels and circulatory system

15 Stroke/cerebral haemorrhage/cerebral thrombosis incl. stroke victim - partially paralysed and speech difficulty hemiplegia, apoplexy, cerebral embolism cerebro-vascular accident

16 Heart attack/angina incl. coronary thrombosis, myocardial infarction

17 Hypertension/high blood pressure/blood pressure (nes)

18 Other heart problems incl. heart disease, heart complaint, heart failure cardiac problems, heart trouble (nes)

weak heart because of rheumatic fever hole in the heart, valvular heart disease hardening of arteries in heart Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome Aortic stenosis, aorta replacement, mitral stenosis pacemaker implant pericarditis, Ischaemic heart disease cardiac diffusion, cardiac asthma heart murmur, palpitations tachycardia, sick sinus syndrome atrial/ventricular fibrillation tired heart, pains in chest (nes) dizziness, giddiness, balance problems (nes) too much cholesterol in blood, high cholesterol St Vitus dance

NB Balance problems due to ear complaint = code 13

19 Piles/haemorrhoids incl. varicose veins in anus

20 Varicose veins/phlebitis in lower extremities incl. varicose ulcers, varicose eczema

7 21 Other blood vessels/embolic incl. arteriosclerosis, hardening of arteries (nes) artificial arteries (nes) arterial thrombosis, thrombosis (nes) blocked arteries in leg Raynaud's disease pulmonary embolism, blood clots (nes) intermittent claudication Wright's syndrome telangiectasia (nes) polyarteritis nodosa swollen legs and feet gangrene low blood pressure/hypotension Kawasaki syndrome hypersensitive to the cold Takayasu disease poor circulation varicose veins in oesophagus NB Haemorrhage behind eye = code 10

MC Complaints of respiratory system

22 Bronchitis/emphysema incl. chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis

23 Asthma incl. bronchial asthma, allergic asthma asthma - allergy to house dust/grass/cat fur NB Exclude cardiac asthma - code 18

24 Hayfever incl. allergic rhinitis

25 Other respiratory complaints incl. bronchial trouble, chest trouble (nes) bad chest (nes), weak chest - wheezy breathlessness pneumoconiosis, byssinosis, asbestosis and other industrial respiratory diseases, pigeon fanciers' lung lung complaint (nes), lung problems (nes) damaged lung (nes), lost lower lobe of left lung lung damage by viral pneumonia fibrosis of lung ulcer on lung, fluid on lung furred up airways, collapsed lung chest infections, get a lot of colds recurrent pleurisy sinus trouble, sinusitis rhinitis (nes)

8 catarrh adenoid problems, nasal polyps sore throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis throat trouble (nes), throat irritation throat infection abscess on larynx coughing fits allergy to dust/cat fur (nes) paralysis of vocal cords croup

NB TB (pulmonary tuberculosis) - code 37 Cystic fibrosis - code 3 Skin allergy - code 39 Food allergy - code 27 Allergy (nes) - code 41 Pilonidal sinus - code 39 Sick sinus syndrome - code 18 Whooping cough - code 37 If complaint is breathlessness with the cause also stated, code the cause - eg breathlessness as a result of anaemia - code 38 breathlessness due to hole in heart - code 18 breathlessness due to angina - code 16

MC Complaints of the digestive system

26 Stomach ulcer/ulcer (nes)/abdominal hernia/rupture incl. gastric/duodenal/peptic ulcer ulcer (nes) double/inguinal/diaphragm/hiatus/umbilical hernia hernia (nes), rupture (nes)

27 Other digestive complaints (stomach, liver, pancreas, bile ducts,small intestine - duodenum, jejunum and ileum)

incl. stomach trouble (nes), abdominal trouble (nes) indigestion, heart burn, dyspepsia nervous stomach, acid stomach inflamed duodenum weakness in intestines ileostomy pancreas problems throat trouble - difficulty in swallowing stone in gallbladder, gallbladder problems liver disease, biliary artesia cirrhosis of the liver, liver problems twisted gullet food allergies

28 Complaints of bowel/colon (large intestine, caecum, bowel,colon, rectum)

9 incl. colitis, colon trouble, ulcerative colitis spastic colon enteritis diverticulitis irritable bowel, inflammation of bowel polyp on bowel colostomy (nes) Crohn's disease Hirschsprung's disease frequent diarrhoea, constipation faecal incontinence/encopresis grumbling appendix

NB exclude piles - code 19 Cancer of stomach/bowel - code 1

29 Complaints of teeth/mouth/tongue incl. impacted wisdom tooth, gingivitis ulcers on tongue, mouth ulcers cleft palate, hare lip, no sense of taste

MC Complaints of genito-urinary system

30 Kidney complaints

incl. kidney trouble, tube damage, stone in the kidney nephritis, pyelonephritis chronic renal failure uraemia renal TB horseshoe kidney, cystic kidney only one kidney, double kidney on right side Goodpasture's syndrome Laurence-Moon(-Biedl) syndrome

31 Urinary tract infection

incl. cystitis, urine infection

32 Other bladder problems/incontinence

incl. weak bladder, bladder complaint (nes) bladder restriction bed wetting, enuresis water trouble (nes) NB Prostate trouble - code 33

33 Reproductive system disorders

incl. endometriosis

10 prolapsed womb prolapse (nes) if female vaginitis, vulvitis, dysmenorrhoea gynaecological problems menopause hysterectomy (nes) period problems, flooding, premenstrual tension abscess on breast, mastitis, cracked nipple damaged testicles prostate gland trouble impotence, infertility Turner's syndrome pelvic inflammatory disease (female)

MC Musculoskeletal - complaints of bones/joints/muscles

34 Arthritis/rheumatism/fibrositis

incl. arthritis/rheumatism in any part of the body osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, polymyalgia rheumatica psoriasis arthritis (also code psoriasis) Still's disease rheumatic symptoms arthritis as result of broken limb

35 Back problems/slipped disc/spine/neck

incl. back trouble, lower back problems, back ache spondylitis, spondylosis, cervical spondylitis prolapsed invertebral discs worn discs in spine - affects legs damage, fracture or injury to back/spine/neck curvature of spine lumbago, inflammataion of spinal joint disc trouble Schuermann's disease laminectomy (nes)

NB Exclude if damage/injury to spine results in paralysis - code 8 Sciatica - code 8 Trapped nerve in spine - code 8

MC Musculoskeletal - complaints of bones/joints/muscles

36 Other problems of bones/joints/muscles

incl. osteomyelitis brittle bones, osteoporosis

11 Pierre Robin syndrome Paget's disease Perthe's disease Schlatter's disease MC Sever's disease dislocation eg dislocation of hip, clicky hip, dislocated knee/finger fracture, damage or injury to extremities, ribs, collarbone, pelvis, skull eg knee injury, broken leg, gun shot wounds in leg and shoulder, can't hold left arm outflat - broke it as a child, broken nose, deviated septum absence or loss of limb eg lost leg in war, finger amputated, born without arms deformity of limbs eg club foot, clawhand, malformed jaw walk with limp as a result of polio, polio (nes), afteraffects of polio (nes) Systemic sclerosis, myotonia (nes) disseminated lupus hip replacement (nes) hip infection, TB hip torn muscle in leg, torn ligaments, tendinitis bad shoulder, bad leg, collapsed knee cap, knee cap removed cartilage problems frozen shoulder aching arm, stiff arm, sore arm muscle strained leg muscles, pain in thigh muscles stiff joints, joint pains, contraction of sinews muscle wastage Dupuytren's contraction bursitis, housemaid's knee, tennis elbow delayed healing of bones or badly set fractures weak legs, leg trouble, pain in legs legs won't go, difficulty in walking cramp in hand physically handicapped (nes) flat feet, bunions chondrodystrophia tenosynovitis Sudeck's atrophy Nager-reynier syndrome (congenital deformity of skull & face bones) Sjorgrens syndrome

NB Muscular dystrophy - code 8

37 Infectious and parasitic disease incl. pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) tuberculosis of abdomen sarcoidosis toxoplasmosis (nes) viral hepatitis glandular fever malaria

12 typhoid fever tetanus venereal diseases, herpes thrush, candida athlete's foot, fungal infection of nail ringworm whooping cough Aspergillosis Behcet syndrome

NB After affect of poliomyelitis, meningitis, encephalitis - code to site/system Ear/throat infections etc - code to site

38 Disorders of blood and blood forming organs

incl. anaemia, pernicious anaemia sickle cell anaemia/disease thalassaemia haemophilia purpura (nes) blood condition (nes), blood deficiency polycthaemia (blood thickening), blood too thick removal of spleen removal of lymph gland (nes) Allergic vaculitis Christmas disease

NB Leukaemia - code 1

39 Skin complaints

incl. eczema psoriasis, psoriasis arthritis (also code arthritis) dermatitis epidermolysis, bulosa pilonidal sinusitis impetigo acne skin rashes and irritations skin allergies, leaf rash, angio-oedema skin ulcer, ulcer on limb (nes) birth mark burned arm (nes) cellulitis (nes) carbuncles, boils, warts, verruca corns, callouses ingrown toenail chilblains abscess in groin

13 Stevens-Johnson syndrome

NB Rodent ulcer - code 1 Varicose ulcer, varicose eczema - code 20

40 Other complaints

incl. insomnia sleepwalking fainting adhesions hair falling out, alopecia travel sickness nose bleeds no sense of smell dumb, no speech

NB Deaf and dumb - code 11 only

41 Unclassifiable (no other codable complaint)

incl. old age/weak with old age general infirmity allergy (nes), allergic reaction to some drugs (nes) war wound (nes), road accident injury (nes) tiredness (nes) generally run down (nes) weight loss (nes) after affects of meningitis (nes) had meningitis - left me susceptible to other things (nes) electrical treatment on cheek (nes) swollen glands (nes) embarrassing itch (nes) glass in head - too near temple to be removed (nes)

42 Complaint no longer present

NB Only use this code if it is actually stated that the complaint no longer affects the informant.

Exclude if complaint is kept under control by medication - code to site/system.

] Refusal

14 DocTalk

When dealing with notes made by interviewers, bear in mind the following points:

1. To avoid duplication:

If the doctor sees a relative of the patient, and not the patient him or herself, the visit should be coded on the relative's questionnaire (if in the household).

Where the doctor visits a house and examines a patient and, at the same visit, talks to another member of the household about the patient, the visit should be shown only on the questionnaire of the patient.

2. Doctors seen at clinics:

The question is intended to cover visits to doctors in their own practices only. If it emerges, at GP or DocWhere for example, that the doctor was seen at a hospital clinic or a district health authority clinic, delete this consultation (unless the doctor functions as a GP to hospital staff and informant is on hospital staff, in which case accept).Also delete if the doctor was only seen at a blood donor session, or it was a follow-up visit to informant's home by a hospital doctor (eg for TB or VD).

Include if the child was seen by a doctor at a school clinic but exclude visits to a child welfare clinic run by a Local Authority.

3. Medicals:

Accept these regardless of who they are for (eg insurance company, employer, DSS) or where they are held.

4. Making appointments:

Visits or phone calls to the doctor to book appointments or arrange home visits should be deleted unless the doctor was actually spoken to about a health problem.


Recode answers given at XGP where possible. Otherwise leave in code 3.

Include in code 1: Doctors/locums forming part of the general practitioners emergency service as they perform the functions of a GP.

Include in code 2: Consultant (unless seen at a hospital, in which case delete)

Include in code 3: Forces Medical Officers; School doctor - at school; Company/works doctor - at work

The following types of doctor should be deleted: Doctors in hospital/doctors in convalescent home

15 Homeopathic doctor/hypnotist/acupuncturist (unless a qualified GP) Osteopaths/chiropractors etc Doctor at a Child Welfare Centre or Child Health Clinic


Include in code 2: Seen in relative's/friend's home


Exclude inpatient stays in a hospital abroad.

16 Instructions


If the informant could only give an overall weekly number, or ounces of , and could not estimate the number of smoked daily, recode using the following notes.

1. Hand rolled cigarettes -

Count 1 oz of tobacco as 40 cigarettes

Count 12.5 grams of tobacco as 18 cigarettes

Count 25 grams of tobacco as 36 cigarettes

NB Only convert ounces to cigarettes if the informant has not given the number of cigarettes smoked.

2. Weekly amounts -

If the informant could only give an answer in weekly terms, code 1/7th of the total at QtyWkEnd and QtyWkDay.


If there is an interviewer note saying "50/50 hand rolled and filter-tipped", priority code 1 over code 2 over code 3.

If the informant smokes filter-tipped cigarettes with the tip removed, CigType should be coded 1 (filter-tipped).


Recode all answers coded 99997, using the Brand Check List and notes which follow.

Use code 77777 if an informant smokes no regular brand or someone else's cigarettes, and the interviewer has not recorded details of the brand currently smoked.

Use code 88888 where there is insufficient detail to code the brand, or the brand does not appear on the attached Brand Check List. Flag for s/v when 88888 is used. See notes 3 and 4 below.

Notes: 1. Tar levels are indicated after the brand on the Brand Check List by letters in brackets. From April 1998 the Dept. Of Health has asked for the actual tar yield to be reported.

17 2. If an informant smokes two types of cigarette equally: If both brands yield the same tar level category code,. eg 18’s Kingsize and Balmoral Gold smoked equally use code 00101 Otherwise, use code 88888. Ensure that everything coded 888 is flagged and refered to supervisor

3. Use code 88888 for Benson & Hedges (nes) on Self Completions or if the interviewer has coded 99997.

4. Note that some names may be a brand name or form part of a brand name eg King Size and Regal.

Superkings is not a brand but forms part of several brand names. Benson & Hedges should be coded to Silk Cut as B & H are the manufacturers of Silk Cut. Royals 25s should be coded as Rothmans Royals 25s.

On the Brand Check List (P) indicates plain/untipped.


There is a hard check if CigEver = Yes (has smoked cigarettes regularly) and CigAge = 0 (never smoked cigarettes regularly). The interviewer should have sorted out whether the informant smoked cigarettes regularly and amended CigAge or CigEver accordingly.

If the interviewer was unable to sort this out and has made a note (eg Self Completion), accept the age given here eg started smoking regularly at 5 as parents owned a tobacconists. recode CigAge to DK using [ key.

18 0010118's Kingsize 5) 0010218's Kingsize Lights 3) 0010318's Arden House King Size 5) 00201 Aroma Ovals Plain 9) 00301 Asda Lights (Madison) 4) 00302 Asda Lights Kingsize (Madison) 5) 00303 Asda Superkings (Madison) 5) 00304 Asda Kingsize (Madison) 6) 00401 Balmoral Filter Mild 100s 9) 00402 Balmoral gold 5) 00403 Balmoral King Size (Filter) 5) 00404 Balmoral King Size Low Tar 9) 00405 Balmoral King Size 100s 9) 00406 Balmoral Kingsize Lights 3) 00407 Balmoral Superkings Lights 3) 00408 Balmoral Superkings 5) 00409 Balmoral Virginia 100s 9) 00501 Beamont King Size 5) 00502 Beamont King Size Lights 3) 00503 Beamont Superkings 5) 00504 Beamont Superkings Lights 3) 00601 Belvedere International 9) 00602 Belvedere International King Size 9) 00603 Belvedere Superior Virginia (King Size) 5) 00701 Bennington King Size 5) 00702 Bennington King Size Lights 3) 00703 Bennington Superkings 3) 00704 Bennington Superkings Lights 3) 00801 B&H - Benson and Hedges Gold Bond Filter 5) 00802 B&H - Benson and Hedges Lights 2) 00803 B&H - Benson and Hedges Sovereign Filter 4) 00804 B&H - Benson and Hedges Soveriegn King Size 9) 00805 B&H - Benson and Hedges Sovereign Mild King Size 3) 00806 B&H - Benson and Hedges Special Filter (King Size) 5) 00807 B&H - Benson and Hedges Special Mild (King Size) 5) 00808 B&H - Benson and Hedges King Size 9) 00809 B&H - Benson and Hedges Superkings 5) 00810 B&H - Benson and Hedges Superkings Lights 3) 00811 B&H - Benson and Hedges Super Virginia Filter 9) 00812 B&H - Benson and Hedges Turkish Filter 9) 00813 B&H - Benson and Hedges Ultra Lights 1) 08814 B&H - Benson and Hedges XL 9) 00815 B&H - Benson and Hedges 100s 9) 00816 B&H - Benson and Hedges 100s Luxury Length 5) 00901 Bently King Size 9) 00902 Bently Superkings 9) 01001 Berkley Kingsize 5) 01002 Berkley Special King Size 9) 01003 Berkley Superkings 5) 01004 Berkley Superkings Mild 3) 01005 Berkley Superkings Menthol 3) 01006 Berkley Superkings Ultra Mild 1) 01101 Black Cat King Size 9) 01102 Black Cat Superkings 9) 13501 Broadway King Size 25s 9)

19 13502 Broadway Lights King Size 25s 9) 01202 Buckingham King Size 5) 01203 Buckingham Lights King Size 3) 01204 Buckingham Superkings 5) 01205 Buckingham Superkings Lights 3) 01301 Filters (King Size) 5) 01302 Camel Lights 2) 01303 Camel Mild 3) 01304 Camel (Camel) 6) 01401 Capital King Size 9) 01402 Capital Superkings American Blend 9) 01403 Capital Superkings Medium 9) 01404 Capital Superkings Menthol 9) 01405 Capital Superkings Mild 9) 01501 Navy Cut Full Strength 6) 01502 Capstan Medium 9) 01601 Carrolls Number 1 (Virginia) 4) 01701 Cartier International Luxury Mild 9) 01702 Cartier Vendome Lights 3) 01801 Centre King Size 9) 01901 Charles House Special Reserve 6) 01902 Charles House (Charles House) 9) 02001 Chess Superkings 5) 02101 (Filter) King Size 5) 02201 Choice King Size 5) 02202 Choice Lights (Kingsize) 3) 02203 Choice Low Tar King Size 9) 02204 Choice 100s 9) 02205 Choice Superkings 5) 02206 Choice Superlights 9) 02207 Choice Superlights 100's 3) 02301 Classic King Size 5) 02302 Classic 100's 5) 02401 Consulate Menthol 9) 02402 Consulate Menthol Fresh 3) 02403 Consulate No.2 9) 03504 Consulate 100s 9) 02501 Conway Deluxe Mild (Special Filter) King Size 3) 02502 Conway King Size Low Tar 9) 02503 Conway Lights Superkings 3) 02504 Coway Special Filter 5) 02505 Conway 100's 5) 02601 Craven 100's Superkings 5) 02602 Craven 100s Superkings Special Mild 9) 02701 Craven "A" King Size Filter 5) 02702 Craven "A" King Size Special Menthol 3) 02703 Craven "A" King Size Special Mild 3) 02704 Craven "A" Luxury Length Special Mild 9) 02705 Craven "A" Special Menthol KS 9) 02706 Craven "A" Superkings 9) 02707 Craven "A" Superkings Special Mild 9) 02801 Cruzon (King Size) 25s 5) 02901 Magnum 4) 03001 King Size 9) 03002 Death Lights 9)

20 03101 Dickens and Grant King Size 5) 03102 Dickens and Grant Superkings 5) 03103 Dickens and Grant Superkings Lights 3) 03104 Dickens and Grant Superkings Menthol 3) 03201 Dorchester Extra Mild 9) 03202 Dorchester Extra Mild King Size 3) 03203 Dorchester Filter 9) 03204 Dorchester King Size 5) 03205 Dorchester Menthol 3) 03206 Dorchester Menthol King Size 9) 03207 Dorchester Superkings 5) 03208 Dorchester Superkings Extra Mild 4) 03209 Dorchester Superkings Menthol 3) 03210 Dorchester Superkings Mild 9) 03301 Double Gold Superkings 18's 5) 03401 Dukes Kingsize 5) 03402 Dukes Kingsize Lights 3) 03403 Dukes Superkings 5) 03501 Infinite Lights 9) 03502 Dunhill International 9) 03503 Dunhill International Filter De Luxe 5) 03504 Dunhill International Menthol 4) 03505 Dunhill International Superior Mild 3) 03506 Dunhill King Size (Filter) 5) 03507 Dunhill King Size Superior Mild 9) 03508 Dunhill Lights 2) 03509 Dunhill Light Virginia 9) 03510 Dunhill Luxury Length 9) 03511 Dunhill Special Reserve 3) 03512 Dunhill Ultimate Lights 1) 00101 Eighteen Kingsize 5) 00102 Eighteen Kingsize Lights 3) 03601 Elan Mild 100s 9) 03602 Elan King Size Medium 9) 03603 Elan 100s Medium 9) 03701 Elite King Size 5) 03702 Elite Superkings 5) 03801 Embassy Extra Mild 9) 03802 Embassy Filter 4) 03803 Embassy Mild 3) 03804 Embassy Number 1 Extra Mild 9) 03805 Embassy Number 1 King Size 5) 03806 Embassy Number 3 Standard Size 9) 03807 Embassy Regal 9) 03808 Embassy Ultra Mild King Size 9) 03809 Embassy Light Kingsize 2) 03901 Fine 120 Super Length Menthol 4) 03902 Fine 120 Super Length Virginia Blend 5) 04001 First De Luxe Length 100s 5) 04002 First King Size 5) 04003 First Specials 9) 04004 First Specials 25s5) 04101 Five Kings King Size 5) 04102 Five Kings King Size Mild 3) 04103 Five Kings 100s 5)

21 04104 Five Kings 100s Mild 9) 04105 Five Kings Superkings Mild 3) 04201 Gallaher's De Luxe Blue 9) 04202 Gallaher's De Luxe Green 9) 04301 Blondes 5) 04302 Gauloises Blondes Legeres King Size 3) 04303 Gauloises Caporal 5) 04304 Gauliose Caporal Filter 4) 04305 Gauliose Disque Blue Caporal 4) 04306 Gauliose Legeres (Filter) 3) 04401 Blondes Filter 5) 04402 Gitanes Blondes Lights 4) 04403 Gitanes Caporal 5) 04404 Gitanes Caporal Filter 4) 04405 Gitanes* 9) 04406 Gitanes International 4) 04407 Gitanes Plain 9) 04501 Globe Blue King Size 9) 04502 Globe King Size 5) 05403 Globe King Size Low Tar 9) 04504 Globe Lights 3) 04505 Globe 100s 9) 04506 Globe Superlights 9) 04507 Globe Superkings 9) 04601 Gold Leaf Filter Virginia 4) 04701 Gold Mark King Size 5) 04702 Gold Mark King Size Lights 3) 04703 Gold Mark Superkings 5) 04704 Gold Mark Specials 5) 04705 Gold Mark Guards 5) 04801 Haddows King Size 5) 04802 Haddows King Size Lights 4) 04803 Haddows Superkings 5) 04901 Harrods King Size 5) 05001 House Of Commons (King Size) 2) 05101 House of Lords (King Size) 2) 05201 Hyde Park Superkings 9) 05301 Independent No.3 King Size 9) 05302 Independent No.3 Superkings 9) 05401 John Player Lights 2) 05402 John Player King Size 9) 05403 John Player King Size Extra Mild 9) 05404 John Player Special Filter 9) 05405 John Player Special 100s 9) 05406 John Player Special King Size 5) 05407 John Player Special Lights 2) 05408 John Player Superkings 5) 05409 John Player Superkings Low Tar 9) 05410 John Player Superkings Lights 3) 05411 John Player Superkings Menthol 3) 05412 John Player Superkings Ultra Light 1) 05401 JP Lights 2) 05402 JP King Size 9) 05403 JP King Size Extra Mild 9) 05404 JP Special Filter 9)

22 05405 JP Special 100s 9) 05406 JP Special King Size 5) 05407 JP Special Lights 2) 05408 JP Superkings 5) 05409 JP Superkings Low Tar 9) 05410 JP Superkings Lights 3) 05411 JP Superkings Menthol 3) 05412 JP Superkings Ultra Light 1) 05501 Kensitas Club 9) 05502 Kensitas Club King Size 5) 05503 Kensitas Club Lights Kingsize 3) 05504 Kensitas Club Mild 3) 05505 Kensitas Club Mild King Size 4) 05506 Kensitas Corsair Filter Virginia 9) 05507 Kensitas Filter Virginia King Size 9) 05508 Kensitas Filter Virginia 9) 05509 Kensitas* 9) 05510 Kensitas Kingsize 9) 05511 Kensitas Mild King Size 9) 05512 Kensitas Superkings 9) 05601 King Size 5) 05602 Kent Lights king Size 9) 05603 Kent 100s Deluxe 5) 05701 Key Lights 3) 05702 Key Kings(ize) 5) 05703 Key Superkings 5) 05704 Key Super Lights3) 05801 King George King Size 5) 05802 King George Mild King Size 3) 05803 King Goerge Superkings 5) 05901 Kings King Size 9) 05902 Kings 100s 9) 06001 Kings Royal Filter Lights 4) 06002 Kings Royal Filter Kingsize 5) 06003 Kings Royal Filter Superkings Lights 3) 06004 Kings Royal Filter Superkings 3) 06005 Kings Royal Filter 100s 6) 06101 Kingsmen Filter Virginia 9) 06102 Kingsmen King Size 5) 06103 Kingsmen Special Kingsize 5) 06104 Kingsmen Superkings 5) 06201 Kingston King Size 9) 06202 Kingston King Size Filter Kings 5) 06203 Kingston Lights King Size 3) 06204 Kingston Superkings 5) 06205 Kingston Superlights 4) 06301 King Size 9) 06401 Knights Low Tar 9) 06402 Knights King Size 5) 06403 Knights King Size Mild 3) 06404 Knights 100s 5) 06405 Knights 100s Mild 3) 06501 Knightsbridge (Knightsbridge) 9) 06502 Knightsbridge Kings 9) 06503 Knightsbridge King Size 5)

23 06504 Knightsbridge Kingsize Lights 4) 06505 Knightsbridge 100s 9) 06506 Knightsbridge Superkings Lights 4) 06507 Knightsbridge Superkings 5) 06601 Filter Kings Menthol 5) 06701 Lambert and Butler International Size 9) 06702 Lambert and Butler King Size 5) 06703 Lambert and Butler King Size Low Tar 9) 06704 Lambert and Butler Lights 2) 06705 Lambert and Butler Special Mild King Size 9) 06706 Lambert and Butler 100s 9) 06801 Lambeth King Size 5) 06802 Lambeth Special Mild King Size 3) 06803 Lambeth Superkings 5) 06901 Filter King Size 9) 06902 Lark Triple Filter 5) 07001 L & M Filter King Size 5) 07101 Londis King Size Lights 4) 07102 Londis King Size 5) 07103 Londis Luxury Length 5) 07201 London Superkings 9) 07202 London Filters 9) 07301 (Filters) King Size 5) 07401 Mace Kingsize Lights 9) 07402 Mace King Size 5) 07403 Mace Maceline Kingsize 5) 07404 Mace Superkings 4) 00301 Madison Lights Superkings ( Asda) 4) 00302 Madison Lights King Size ( Asda) 5) 00303 Madison Superkings (Asda) 5) 00304 Madison Kingsize (Asda)6) 07601 Major Extra Kingsize 5) 07701 King Size 5) 07702 Marlboro Lights King Size 2) 07703 Marlboro Lights 100s 3) 07704 Marlboro 100s 5) 07705 Marlboro Medium 3) 07801 Maxim Superkings 5) 07901 King Size 4) 07902 Mayfair Lights 3) 08001 (Filter) Extra Mild 2) 08101 Metro Kings International Filter 5) 08102 Metro 100s 5) 08103 Metro 100s Mild 3) 08201 Classic 9) 08202 More Filter 5) 08204 More Menthol (Filter) 120s 5) 08205 More Mild Menthol 120s 4) 08206 More Special Mild 120s 4) 08207 More Special Mild Menthol 120s 4) 08208 More Special Mild Menthol Filter 120s 9) 08301 No.3 Superkings 5) 08302 No.3 Kingsize 5) 08303 No.3 Kingsize Lights 4) 08401 Oscar King Size 5)

24 08402 Oscar Superkings Lights 4) 08403 Oscar Superkings 100s 3) 08501 Filter King Size 9) 08601 Park Drive Special Virginia 5) 08602 Park Drive Tipped King Size 5) 08701 Park Road Superkings 5) 08702 Park Road Superkings Lights 2) 08801 Peter Stuyvesant Extra Mild King Size 9) 08802 Peter Stuyvesant (Filter) King Size 5) 08803 Peter Stuyvesant Filter Luxury Length 9) 08804 Peter Stuyvesant Lights 9) 08805 Peter Stuyvesant Luxury Length Extra Mild 3) 08806 Peter Stuyvesant 100s 4) 08807 Peter Stuyvesant 100s Extra Lights 3) 08901 Piccadily Filter De Luxe 5) 08902 Piccadily Number One 5) 09001 Players Medium Navy Cut 5) 09002 Players No.6 King Size 9) 09003 Players No.10 Filter 9) 09004 Players Prime King Size 9) 09101 Prime Kingsize 5) 09201 Lights 5) 09202 Prince Prince Of Blends 6) 09301 Raffles 100s (Special Virginia) 5) 09302 Raffles Kings 9) 09303 Raffles Lights 100s 3) 09304 Raffles Special Virginia 9) 09401 Red Band King Size 5) 09402 Red Band King Size Mild 9) 09403 Red Band Lights Kingsize 3) 09404 Red Band Lights Superkings 4) 09405 Red Band Superkings 5) 09406 Red Band Specials 25 5) 09501 Regal Filter 4) 09502 Regal King Size 5) 09503 Regal Mild King Size 2) 09504 Regal 100s 9) 09601 Regatta King Size 9) 09602 Regatta Kingsize Filter Deluxe 5) 09603 Regatta Kingsize Super Deluxe 5) 09604 Regatta Superking Filter Deluxe 5) 09605 Regatta Superkings 9) 09701 Review King Size 9) 09801 Reyno Menthol (Fresh) 6) 09901 Ronson King Size 9) 09902 Ronson Lights Special Mild Virginia 2) 09903 Ronson Lights Special Mild Kingsize 9) 09904 Ronson Special Virginia King Size 5) 09905 Ronson Superkings 4) 09906 Ronson 100s 9) 10001 5) 10001 Rothmans King Size Filter 5) 10003 Rothmans Lights King Size 2) 10004 Rothmans Royals Lights 25s 2) 10005 Rothmans Royals 120s 5)

25 10006 Rothmans Royals 25s 5) 10007 Rothmans 100s 9) 10101 Royal Standard King Size 9) 10201 St James King Size 14s 5) 10301 St Moritz Luxury Length Menthol 4) 10302 St Moritz Luxury Length 4) 10401 Menthol Fresh 5) 10501 Select Filter Virginia King Size 5) 10502 Select No.2 (Kingsize) 6) 10601 Senior Service Cadets King Size 9) 10602 Senior Service Fine Virginia 5) 10603 Senoir Service Superkings 9) 10701 Silk Cut 2) 10702 Silk Cut Extra 9) 10703 Silk Cut Extra De Luxe Mild 9) 10704 Silk Cut Extra Mild King Size 1) 10705 Silk Cut Extra Mild 100s 1) 10706 Silk Cut King Size Deluxe Mild 9) 10707 Silk Cut Menthol 9) 10708 Silk Cut No.3 2) 10709 Silk Cut Super Low King Size 1) 10710 Silk Cut Ultra 2) 10711 Silk Cut Ultra Low 100s 1) 10712 Silk Cut Ultra Low King Size 1) 10713 Silk Cut 100s 2) 10714 Silk Cut Kingsize 2) 10801 Silver Kingsize 5) 10802 Silver Strand Superkings 5) 10803 Silver Strand Superlights 3) 10901 Sinclair Superkings 9) 10902 Sinclair 100s 9) 11001 Special Kingsize 5) 11002 Special Superkings 5) 11101 Sky King Size Lights 3) 11102 Sky King Size 5) 11103 Sky Superkings Lights 3) 11104 Sky Superkings 5) 11201 Black Russian 100s 5) 11202 Sobranie Cocktail 100s 5) 11301 Solo King Size 5) 11302 Solo King Size Mild 9) 11303 Solo Lights King Size 3) 11304 Solo Superkings 4) 11305 Solo 25s King Size 5) 11401 Sovereign Kingsize 5) 11402 Sovereign Kingsize Lights 2) 11501 Spar King Size 5) 11502 Spar King Size Extra Mild 3) 11503 Spar Superkings 5) 11601 King Size 5) 11701 Special Kingsize 5) 11702 Special Superkings 5) 11801 Statesmen Kingsize Lights 4) 11802 Statesmen King Size 5) 11803 Statesmen Luxury Length 5)

26 11901 Style King Size 5) 11902 Style Special 25s 5) 12001 Sullivan Powell Private Stock Filter King Size 9) 12002 Sullivan Powell Special Number 1 Turkish Filter 9) 13501 Supreme Mild King Size 3) 13502 Supreme King Size 5) 13503 Supreme Superkings 5) 13504 Supreme Mild King Size 3) 12101 Bank Size Plain 9) 12102 Sweet Afton Virginia 6) 12201 Triumph Gold Kingsize 5) 12202 Triumph King Size Filter 5) 12203 Triumph Special Mild King Size 3) 12204 Triumph Superkings 5) 12205 Triumph Superkings Lights 3) 12206 Triumph Superkings Menthol 4) 12301 Twenties King Size 5) 12302 Twenties Virginia Filter 5) 12401 VG King Size 9) 12402 VG Superkings 100s 5) 12501 Victoria Wine King Size 9) 12502 Victoria Wine Low Tar 9) 12503 Victoria Wine Special Filter 9) 12504 Victoria Wine Special Mild 9) 12505 Victoria Wine 100s 9) 12601 Virginia Star De Luxe Mild 100s 3) 12602 Virginia Star De Luxe Mild King Size 3) 12603 Virginia Star De Luxe King Size 9) 12604 Virginia Star Gold Classic 9) 12605 Virginia Star Special Filter 9) 12606 Virginia Star King Size 5) 12607 Virginia Star 100s 5) 12701 Superslims 100s 2) 12801 Warwick Lights 3) 12802 Warwick Kingsize 5) 12803 Warwick Superkings 5) 12804 Warwick Superkings Lights 4) 12901 Windsor Blue King Size 5) 12902 Windsor Blue King Size Lights 3) 12903 Windsor Blue Low Tar 9) 12904 Windsor Blue Superkings 5) 13001 Windsor Gold King Size 9) 13002 Windsor Gold King Size Special Magnum 9) 13003 Windsor Gold Special Virginia King Size 9) 13101 King Size 5) 13201 (Plain) 5) 13301 York King Size 5) 13302 York King Size Low Tar 9) 13303 York King Size Mild 3) 13304 York Superkings 5) 13401 YSL Luxury 100s 5) 13402 YSL Menthol 9) 13403 YSL Menthol Luxury 3) 13401 Yves Saint Laurent Luxury 100s 5) 13402 Yves Saint Laurent Menthol 9)

27 13403 Yves Saint Laurent Menthol Luxury 3) 88888 NF: Brand not found 9) 88888 TWO: Smokes two brands 9) 77777 NO REG: No regular brand 7)


1. Code 111: Embassy, Number 1 Extra Mild 2. Code 123: Peter Stuyvesant, Luxury Length Extra Mild 9mg (LM) [lm] 3. Code 128: Silk Cut, No.3 6mg (L) [l] 4. Code 138: Dorchester, Extra Mild 5. Code 142: More, Special Mild Menthol 120s 10mg (LM) [mh] 6. Code 202: Benson & Hedges, Sovereign Filter 11mg (LM) [mh] 7. Code 203: Benson & Hedges, Sovereign King Size 8. Code 204: Benson & Hedges, Sovereign Mild (King Size) 9mg (LM) [lm] 9. Code 220: Embassy, Regal 10. Code 223: Kensitas, Club Mild 9mg (LM) [lm] 11. Code 224: Kensitas, Club Mild King Size 11mg (LM) [mh] 12. Code 247: Park Drive, Tipped King Size 12mg (LM) [h] 13. Code 303: Benson & Hedges, Gold Bond Filter 13mg (M) [h] 14. Code 314: John Player, Special Filter 15. Code 321: Lambert & Butler, International Size 16. Code 503: Classic, King Size 13mg (M) [h] 17. Code 522: Berkeley, Special King Size 18. Code 529: Raffles, Kings 19. Code 580: Silk Cut, Ultra 4mg (L) [l] 20. Code 601: Charles House, Special Reserve King Size 15mg (M) [vh] 21. Code 603: Classic, 100s 12mg (LM) [h] 22. Code 618: Kent, King Size 9mg (L) [lm] 23. Code 640: Reyno, Menthol 16mg (M) [vh] 24. Code 692: Curzon (King Size) 25s 14mg (LM) [h] 25. Code 701: Belvedere, Superior Viginia Blend (King Size) 13mg (LM) [h] 26. Code 865: Berkeley, Superkings Ultra Mild 1mg (L) [vl] 27. Code 872: John Player, Lights. 6mg (L) [l]

29 Drinking Editing Instructions

NonDrink and StopDrnk

Include in Code 2: Don’t like smell; not interested; didn’t appeal to me, never wanted to; don’t think young girls should drink; (if informant is a young girl!)

Include in code 3: Father drank and saw what it did to my mother; granny’s advice; no one drinks in our family; parents drank to excess;

Include in code 4: Specific health problems whether related to drink or not; medication which is not compatible with drinking; fears that drinking is bad for health; was an alcoholic.

Include in code 5: Waste of money: wouldn’t waste my money on it.

Include in code 6: Because of my job driving – didn’t want to risk losing my licence; never sure when I went to parties whether I would be over the limit: no reason, just stopped; I’ve seen people destroyed by drink- NO mention of parents

If more than one reason is specified and it is not clear which is the one, treat codes as in priority order.

NBeer to PopsQ, NBrL7 to PopsL7

General notes

Amounts CODE (no of units)

1/2 pint beer/lager/cider 1

1 single of all spirits/liquors 1

1 small glass sherry/martini 1

1 glass wine 1

30 NBeer

Include All beer, lager and cider. , Heavy, Black and Tan; Diabetic Bitter; Home Brew lager; Special Brew lager; lager and lime; Home made beer; Guinness; stout, pomagne, barley wine, Diamond White cider, Black Velvet (champagne and stout) ;


Exclude Non-alcoholic lagers such as barbican, Kaliber. Also exclude ginger beer.


Include Gin, whisky, rum, brandy, vodka, liquers, Cocktails, Egg Flip, Snowball, Bacardi, Pernod, Pimms, Bourbon, Whisky Mac, Schnapps, Liquer(nes) Bluemoon, Rum & Pepsi, Southern Comfort, Tia Maria, Ouzo/Aniseed, Cherry brandy, Arak, Irish Velvet, Advocaat, Gaelic coffee, Tequila, Armagnac, Clan Dew, Campari, Malibu, taboo, raki, Archers. Poteen, sloe Gin, Monterez.

SpiritsQ, SpirL7 spirits/liquers should be entered as singles.

Recode answers coded 97 and specified at XSpiritAm. Amount less than 1 single - round up to 1 single. 1 double = code 2

1 standard bottle of spirits = 70-75cl = code28 1/2 standard bottle = code 14 1/4 standard bottle = code 7

1 litre bottle of spirits = code 40 1/2 litre bottle = code 20

Teaspoons/tablespoons. Treat as 1 single up to 4 teaspoons. 4 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon.

Cocktails: assume a single measure unless further details are given.

Treat as 1 single a ‘half’ - term used in Scotland, a ‘nip’ or a ‘tot’.

31 Treat ‘a large whisky’ as a double = code 2

Treat 1 Whisky mac as a double = code 2.

If the exact measure is not given, code as a single eg 2 whiskys = code 2, and assume a standard bottle eg ‘1/2 bottle (nes) = code 14. NB Take care with bottles - a miniature rather than a standard may be meant on a self- completion. Refer queries to s/v


Include port, Vermouth, Cinzano, Dubonnet, Martini, Biaanco, Ricardo, Noilly Prsat, ginger wine, home made sherry, Tonic wine, Sanatogen, Scotsmac and similar British wines fortified with spirits, port and lemon; 20/20.

SherryQ, ShyrL7

Sherry etc should be entered as small glasses.

Amounts less than one small glass = code 1.

A schooner/ large glass = code 2.

1 standard bottle of sherry etc = 70 or 75 cl = code 14 1/2 standard bottle = code 7

1 litre bottle = code 18 1/2 litre bottle = code 9

If exact size of glass is not given, treat as small eg ‘1 martini’ = code 1. If large glass is stated treat as 2 small glasses. If 1/2 bottle is specified assume standard size, code 7.

Wine Q, WineL7

Include Champagne, babycham, Punch, Mead, Moussec, Concorde, Saki, CherryB Calypso, Orrange Perry, Home made wine, Thunderbird, Pink lady, Champagen cocktails. Castaway if drunk on its own.

Exclude Non alcoholic wines such as eisberg; communion wine , (unless a lot has been drunk.)

Wine should be entered as glasses.

Amounts of less than 1 glass - round up to 1 glass eg 2 1/2 glasses = code 3.

32 1 glass of wine = code 1

1 standard bottle =75cl =code 6 1/2 bottle = code3 1/3 bottle = code 2 1/4 bottle = code2

1 litre bottle of wine = approx. 8 glasses = code 8 1/2 bottle = code 4 13 bottle = code 3 14 bottle = code 2

An ordinary carafe of wine = standard bottle = code 6

1 can of wine = 25cl =code2 1 pint of wine = code 5

Babycham - 1 bottle = code 1.

Treat 1 glass of Castaway drunk on its own as a half measure. Therefore 1 glass = code 1; 2 glasses = code 1; 3 glasses = code 2.

If exact size of glass is not given, assume a standard glass; if ‘bottle’(nes) assume standard size.

‘Large glass’ (nes) = code 2 ‘small glass’ (nes) = code 1

Additional Notes

1 If the informant has 2 different drinks in the same category (eg port and sherry) on any one day, the amounts should be added together/.

2 Code a teaspoon of brandy (in tea, for medicinal purposes) as a single.

3 Code miniature bottles as 2 measures = code 2

4 If a range is recorded code the highest amount eg 2-3 ;large cans = code 3.

5 Round up fractions eg 2 1/2 glasses wine = code 3

6 Answers such as 5+ pints code as dk ([) at amount

33 7 If on self-completion the informant said she has had a drink of a particular category in the last 12 months, but entered at amount then the interviewer should have used the dk key.

34 Family Information

Editing Instructions

General Notes:

1. Refer to s/v if dates for a whole marriage are missing, or if a significant proportion of questions are entered as DK or Refusal.

2. Recode MONMAR (missing = 6)

3. If the section was asked using an interpreter aged under 16,accept the information; do not recode SelfCom3 to 4.


Recode answers at code 3 (specified at XHusbAway) into codes 1 or 2 where possible.

Include in code 1: Husband/wife in prison; spouse/cohabitee is a full-time student living away from home; wife/husband still living in Bangladesh (ie it is only work or other circumstances which mean the couple are not living together).

Include in code 2: Answered married at MarStat but the marriage has broken down and the couple are in fact separated.

Include in code 3: Answers where it is unclear whether code 1 or code 2 applies eg had an argument and husband walked out two days ago and don't know if he is coming back.


Include in code 1: Any religious ceremony, whether performed in a place of worship or not.

Include in code 2: Any civil ceremony

Include in code 3: If both a civil and religious ceremony was performed (but a civil ceremony with a blessing in church should be coded 2).


Refer to s/v any queries about whether a marriage was legal.

35 ClMon and ClYr

If both ClMon and ClYr are DK or Refused, check with the partner's questionnaire and complete if possible. If not available then refer to s/v for imputation.

If ClMon only is DK or Refused, and the information is not available from the partner's questionnaire, enter 6 (June) for the month, but first check that this is consistent with other dates such as date of separation of last marriage, birth of child. If 6 does not make sense, refer to s/v. Refer answers such as "autumn" to s/v.

If ClYr only is DK or Refused, and the information is not available from the partner's questionnaire, refer to s/v for imputation.

There is a soft check that the person should not start cohabiting before the age of 16. The interviewer should have made a note explaining the circumstances: if the note indicates that they genuinely did start cohabiting before age 16, then suppress the check. Otherwise check that the person was genuinely aged under 16 at the time they started to live together. If they were under 16, check the date on the partner's questionnaire: if that date is different and later, recode to agree with the date the partner has given; otherwise refer to s/v for a decision on whether to suppress the check.

There is a soft check that this date cannot be before the date of separation from the previous spouse. SUPPRESS this check if a note indicates that the date is correct (but remember that if the previous marriage broke down over a period of time, it is the later date that is coded at date of separation, and therefore start of cohabiting should relate to that later date).

Otherwise, if this date is less than 12 months before the separation date, SUPPRESS the check. If this date is 12 months or more before the date of separation, refer to s/v for a decision. There is also a check that this date cannot be before the death of the previous spouse. Refer all such cases to s/v.

MonMar and YrMar

If both MonMar and YrMar are DK or Refused, and it is the current marriage, check with the spouse's questionnaire and complete if possible. If not available, or it is not the current marriage, refer to s/v for imputation.

If YrMar only is DK or Refused, and the information is not obtainable from the spouse's questionnaire or it is a previous marriage, refer to s/v for imputation.

A soft check will be activated if the person got married aged under 16. The interviewer should have made a note explaining the circumstances. This check should only be suppressed if the person genuinely got married before the age of 16 in a foreign country where this was possible eg India, Morocco. Refer all other cases to s/v (the date will probably need amendment).

There are checks between this marriage date and dates of previous marriages eg this marriage date must be after the date of the previous marriage; if the previous marriage ended in death,

36 this date cannot be before the date of death; if the previous marriage ended in divorce, this date cannot be before the date of divorce. Examine any notes made by the interviewer, and if the discrepancy cannot be resolved refer to s/v for a decision.

There is also a check that the person cannot be married again if the previous marriage ended in separation. See notes at MonSep/YrSep to resolve the query.

MonLvTog and YrLvTg

Don't know and Refusal are permissible at these questions. However, if there is a note for the current marriage that one spouse could not remember the date, but the other spouse was able to give a date, then enter that date rather than leaving it as DK. If unsure, refer case to S/V for imputation.

Answers such as "autumn" for month should be referred to s/v.

There is a soft check that the person should not start living together before the age of 16. The interviewer should have made a note explaining the circumstances: if the note indicates that this date is correct and they did start living together when under 16, then suppress the check. Otherwise check whether they really were under 16, and if so, and it is the current marriage, check the date on the spouse's questionnaire: if that date is different and later, recode to agree with the date the spouse has given. Otherwise, refer to s/v for a decision on whether to suppress the check.

There is a check that this date cannot be later than the date of marriage. If this cannot be resolved from any notes made by the interviewer, then refer to s/v.

A soft check will be activated if this date is before the death of the previous spouse, or before the date stopped living with previous spouse. SUPPRESS this check if a note indicates that the information is correct (but remember that if the previous marriage broke down over a long period of time the last date is taken as the separation date, and therefore the start of living together for this marriage should relate to that later date).


There are checks that code 1 (current) can only be used if MarStat is married in the household box and that code 1 can only be used once, for the present marriage.

If someone is cohabiting and still regards themselves as being married to the previous partner as they are not yet divorced, then this question should be coded 2 (ended) and HowEnded coded 3 (separation).

37 HowEnded

Treat annulment of a marriage as divorce (the date of annulment should be coded at divorce date).

MonDie and YrDie

If both MonDie and YrDie are DK or Refused, refer to s/v for imputation.

If MonDie only is DK or Refused, enter 6 (June) for the month, but first check that this is consistent with other dates eg date of this and subsequent marriage, date of living together before subsequent marriage. Refer answers such as "autumn" to s/v.

If YrDie only is DK or Refused, refer to s/v.

There is a check that the date of death cannot be before the date of that marriage.

MonSep and YrSep

If both MonSep and YrSep are DK or Refused, refer to s/v for imputation.

If YrSep only is DK or Refused, refer to s/v for imputation.

If the marriage broke down over a period of time and the couple lived together intermittently, the month of separation should be the last month the couple lived together.

There is a check that the date of separation cannot be before the date of that marriage.

MonDiv and YrDiv

If the informant has only started divorce proceedings HowEnded should be coded Separation not Divorce.

If the informant has not yet been granted the decree absolute, but only the decree nisi, refer to s/v.

Also refer to s/v if the informant only knows the date of decree nisi rather than of the decree absolute.

If both MonDiv and YrDiv are DK or Refused, refer to s/v for imputation.

38 If YrDiv only is DK or Refused, refer to s/v for imputation.

There is a check that the date of divorce cannot be before the date of marriage or the date of separation. If the marriage had broken down and the couple merely lived in the same accommodation, but no longer as a couple, until after the divorce, then the date of separation should be taken as the date the marriage broke down. If there is no information for such cases, then code the separation date as the same as the divorce date.

Tgthr2 This question refers to living with someone of the opposite sex, not same sex cohabiting.

StrtMon and StrtYr

If both StrtMon and StrtYr are DK or Refused, check with the partner's questionnaire and complete if possible. If the information is not available, refer to s/v for imputation.

If StrtMon only is DK or Refused, and the information is not available from the partner's questionnaire, enter 6 (June) for the month provided this makes sense with age. Refer answers such as "autumn" to s/v.

If StrtYr only is DK or Refused, and the information is not available from the partner's questionnaire, refer to s/v for imputation.

There is a soft check that the person should not be aged under 16 when started to live together. If the interviewer has noted that they really did start to live together when under 16, suppress the check. Refer all other cases to s/v.


Women are asked about step, foster or adopted children living with them; men are only asked about step children.

If a cohabiting person answers No to this question, but the interviewer has noted that the partner has children living in the household, then the partner's children should be counted as step children. Recode StpChld2 to Yes and complete the following questions using information from the household box.

If, on re-marriage, a man or woman adopts the spouse's child then the child counts as a step child, not an adopted child. But note that if a woman adopts her own child on re-marriage, as her husband is adopting his step child, this counts as her natural child not an adopted child, and should be entered at Baby.

Refer any notes about wards, guardians, legal custody etc to s/v (they may be coded adopted or foster).

39 StLivMon and StLivYr

If StLivMon or StLivYr are DK, Refused or missing, enter the marriage date (or date started living together),but first check with ResLen (how long lived at the address) for the child to make sure that it makes sense. Refer all queries to s/v.

There is a check that this date cannot be before the child's date of birth.

BirthMon and BirthYr

If both BirthMon and BirthYr are DK or Refused, refer to s/v for imputation.

If BirthMon only is DK or Refused, enter 6 (June) provided this makes sense with other birth dates. Refer answers such as "autumn" to s/v.

If BirthYr only is DK or Refused, refer to s/v for imputation.

There is a check that there must be at least 6 months between live births. Refer all such cases to s/v.

A soft check will be activated if the informant was aged under 15 when she gave birth. If an interviewer note indicates that this is correct and the informant did have a baby when aged under 15, SUPPRESS this check. If there is no interviewer note, but the age is 11-14, and it seems reasonable in relation to marriage dates and migration details that the information is correct, then suppress the check. If it does not seem reasonable, or the age at birth is under 11, refer to s/v.


If not known or missing, and it cannot be deduced, toss a coin -heads = male, tails = female.


Accept and code the number given if the answer is "at least" or "not more than" eg not more than 3 should be coded 3.

If a range is given, code Don't know (using the [ key).

40 Don't know and other uncodable answers (eg whatever God sends) should be coded Don't know.

There is a check that the number here must be greater than the total number of children who are still alive (ie coded 1 or 2 at ChldLive). The informant has probably given the number she expects to have in the future, rather than the total number including those still alive. Recode TotChld accordingly.


If a range is given, code the mid-point (nearest even number if this results in 1/2).

Code "over 21" or "30+" as Don't know (using the [ key).

Code "early" 20s/30s etc as 22, 32 etc. Code "mid" 20s/30s etc as 25, 35 etc. Code "late" 20s/30s etc as 28, 38 etc.

Code "as early as possible" as the informant's age plus one year.

Don't know and other uncodable answers should be coded Don't know.

There is a check that the age cannot be less than the informant's age in the household box. Refer to s/v any queries which cannot be resolved.



Applies to married and opposite sex cohabiting women and those living together and asks about the informant or husband/partner.

Sterilisation means operations actually intended to prevent pregnancy. Operations carried out for other reasons which happen to produce sterility eg hysterectomy appear at OtherOp.


Applies to other women and only asks about the informant.

Note: The question is "ever been sterilised", therefore if the sterilisation was unsuccessful or the person has since had a reversal operation, SterilA or SterilB should be coded 1.


Code 1 should be used if the date of the sterilisation operation was less than 2 years ago.

If the informant did not know the date of the operation, interviewers may have discovered that the operation was within the last 2 years and coded 1. In all other cases where the informant didn't know the date because it was a long time ago, interviewers were instructed to code 2.

REFER all queries to s/v.


Recode answers at code 14 where possible into codes 01-13 using notes at CCMUsu. Note that code 11 (going without sexual intercourse to avoid pregnancy) is not used at this question.

Female condom coded 14 by interviewers.

Vasectomy...... code 17

It is unlikely but possible for code 17 to be used at this question (vasectomy is not effective until 6 weeks after the operation.)


Applies to all married and cohabiting women and those living together and asks about the informant or husband/partner.

42 Operations carried out for reasons other than to prevent pregnancy which happen to produce sterility appear here eg hysterectomy; removal of ovaries because of cancer; operation for cancer of testes which left husband sterile.


Code 1 if the date of other operation for either the informant or the husband/partner was less than 2 years ago.

If the informant didn't know the date of the operation, interviewers may have discovered that the operation was within the last 2 years and coded 1. In all other cases where the informant didn't know the date because it was a long time ago, interviewers were instructed to use code 2.

DK/Refused not allowed at this question. REFER all queries to s/v.


Code 19 should not appear here. REFER to s/v if it occurs.

Answers at 14 are recoded into precodes 01-13 using the following notes, or into new code 17:

Code 15 (No method needed - no sexual relationship) This code should only be used if the informant does not have sexual interc ourse or a sexual relationship with a partner of the opposite sex, and has not chosen to code 11 (going without sexual intercourse to avoid pregnancy). Code 15 is a single code.

This code can be used for married women eg husband in Bangladesh; husband w orking abroad; no sexual relationship after birth of baby; no longer have sexual intercourse.

This code should also be used if the informant has a solely lesbian relationship but is not coded same sex cohabiting in the household box. (It may be necessary to recode to 15 from YNoCc).

Code 16 (No method used at all) This code is used if the informant has sexual intercourse with a partner of the opposite sex, but the informant and partner use no method of contraception for whatever reason. Code 16 is a single code.

Code 02 (Male sheath\condom) exclude female condom (code 14)

Code 03 (Safe period/rhythm method) include Billings method; avoid times when most fertile/when conception most likely; natural (temperature) method.

Code 06 should be used if the pill is taken, even if it is not specifically for contraception (eg to regulate periods).

43 Code 07 (IUD) include post-coital IUD

Code 12 (Injections) There are two types of injectable contraceptives: Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) which has a 150g dose injected every 12 weeks and Norethisterone oenanthate which has a 200g dose injected every 8 weeks.

Code 14 (Another method) include -

Post-coital pill, day-after pill, PC4 pill, Ovran post-coital pill, Schering PC4 pill, male pill. Female sheath/condom, Femidon Vaginal ring Douche

New Code Code 17 Vasectomy This code should only be used for a single, widowed, divorced or separated woman whose partner has had a vasectomy.

There is a soft check between CcPreg, CCMUsu, CcBfor and Marstat so that if vasectomy is coded, Marstat should be 03-06 or Tgthr = 02. If Marstat is coded 01- 02, then sterilisation applies.


Code 01 (Mini-pill - progesteron only) include -

Femulen Neogest Micronor Norgeston Microval Noriday

Code 02 (Combined pill incl. multi-phasic pill) include -

BiNovum Marvelon Ovran Brevinor Mercilon Ovran 30 Conova Microgynon 30 Ovranette Eugynon Minilyn Ovysmen Femodene Minulet Synphase Loestrin 20 Neocon 1/35 Trinordiol Loestrin 30 Norimin Tri Novum Logynon Norinyl - 1 Logynon ED Ortho-Novin 1/50

If the informant has 21 or 22 day packets or different coloured pills for different days of her cycle, code 02 applies.

44 Code 03 (Pill, not sure if mini or combined) include -

any brand name not listed above (but remember that spelling/numbers may not be exact eg Overon 30, Eugynon 20, Trinadol, Leogenon etc should be recoded 07);

DK brand name or brand name not given;

Exclude -

Injections, Microgynon 30 injections - code 12 PC4 (this is a post-coital pill) - code 14 Ovran post-coital pill - code 14 Schering PC4 pill - code 14 Day-after pill, male pill - code 14 (Pill) implant - code 13


This should only be coded if CCMUsu or CCPreg are multicoded.


The method coded here must also appear at CCMUsu or CCPreg. REFER any discrepancies to s/v.

DK or Refused - code [.

REFER to s/v if there is a note that the informant uses 2 methods equally.


Take care with informants who have had a baby in the last 2 years and check that the time period is reasonable in relation to the date of birth of the child. Recode if necessary eg if UsuTime code 5 (at least 2 years) but baby born 9 months ago. In this case, amend UsuTime to code 3 (at least 6 months, less than 1 year); CcBfor should then be coded 19 (pregnancy).

If the age of any person in the household is less than 2 yrs and Usutime = 5 (at least 2 yrs), a message will appear suggesting that Usutime be checked.


Recode answers at 05 into codes 01-04 or codes 06 or 07 where possible using the following notes.

Breast Feeding...... 06

eg not likely to get pregnant while breast feeding; breast feeding not ovulating; don't wan t to use anything that might affect breast feeding.

45 Exclude Just had a baby/not ovulating etc. where breast feeding not mentioned (code 05); No sexual intercourse since birth of baby (recode CCMUsu to code 15).

Just don't use a method/not bothered if have baby ...... 07

eg Just don't use one; never bothered with any method; don't think it's necessary; just not bothered; Don't mind getting pregnant; Trusting to luck; Not steady sexual relationship - just happened one time; Keeping fingers crossed; Not planned.


Include in code 02: Unlikely to conceive because of age (if aged over 45)

Include in code 03: Husband infertile because of illness; impossible to conceive as both infertile; treatment for overactive thyroid meant I became infertile; difficulty becoming pregnant; could only get pregnant by IVF (in vitro fertilisation)

Include in code 04: Religious reasons; Muslim beliefs

Include in code 05: Just had a baby - will go back on pill when periods start; had coil removed last week - due to see doctor soon about an alternative; waiting to be sterilised; periods not regular.

If the only answer is no sexual relationship/no partner, or "never bother with that (sex) any more" recode CCMUsu to 15 - do not recode the household box. However, leave in code 05 " hardly ever bother with that".

If YNoCC = 3 (possibly sterile), MorePoss cannot equal 1.


Recode answers at code 14 where possible into new code 17 or codes 01-13, 15, 16, 19 using notes at CCMUsu.

Vasectomy...... 17

This code cannot be used if WhoStlsd is coded 2 or 3.

Code 19 is for pregnancy and takes priority over code 16.

It is acceptable for CcBfor to be coded 19 (pregnancy) even though it refers to a period after a birth, provided it is not referring to more than 6 months after the birth eg UsuTime coded 2 (3 months, less than 6 months), CcBfor coded 19 and baby born 10 months ago - accept.

46 REFER other discrepancies to s/v.

If there is only one method coded at CcBfor, the method here should usually differ from the method at CCMUsu or CCPreg, or from the main method at MstFrq. However, if a combination of methods is used, the previous method may be one of these eg CCMUsu uses mini-pill and sheath, CcBfor used mini-pill only immediately before that.

If the same single method is given here as well as at CCPreg, CCMUsu or MstFrq (eg CCMUsu at present uses sheath only, CcBfor used sheath only immediately before that) then delete the codes at UsuTime and CcBfor and treat UsuTime as DK/Refused.

Refer to s/v all cases where it appears that all methods ever used rather than method usually used immediately before are given eg it is possible that someone used the pill and sheath in combination, but not the pill and injections; not IUD together with cap or contraceptive sponge.

If at CCMUsu, CcPreg or CcBfor one of codes 01-14 has been used, then codes 15, 16 or 19 should not be coded as these are single codes.


Code answers using notes at PillTye2


This question does not apply to those who had a sterilisation or other operation 2 years (or more) ago.

Emergency contraception is:

(i) Taking the pill, sometimes called the morning after pill - a course of 2 pills which must begin within 3 days of unprotected intercourse (eg PC 4 pill)

(ii) IUD/coil - this must be fitted within 5 days of unprotected intercourse.


DK/Refused not allowed at this question.


This question does not apply if the informant or husband/partner has been sterilised (SterilA or SterilB coded 1) or had another operation (OtherOp coded 1-3), or is pregnant.

Note that MorePoss applies if CCMUsu is coded 17 (the answer should relate to the informant only in this case).

47 If Ynocc has been coded 3 (possibly sterile), MorePoss cannot equal 1 (could have more children).

The question refers to whether the informant could physically have children by normal conception. If the informant could only get pregnant by using artificial means such as In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) or if a married/cohabiting informant's partner is infertile, then MorePoss should be coded 2 and PrDiff coded 1.


Recode all answers at code 05 where possible using the following notes.

Include in code 01: Difficulty conceiving; Hormonal problem; Husband has lo w sperm count; Difficulty with fertility - had to take fertility drug to become pregnant; had problems affecting the ovaries and neck of the womb which makes conceiving difficult; Husband's radiation treatment has probably sterilised him; Husband infertile/sterile; Infertility due to treatment for overactive thyroid; Past problems in falling pregnant; Because of age (nes) if aged 40-45; age - unlikely to get pregnant (aged 42).

Include in code 02: Had 3 ectopic pregnancies; had many miscarriages; only 20% chance of carrying full term.

Include in code 03: Advised by doctors not to have any more children after last pregnancy.

Include in code 04: Because of age (nes) if aged over 45.

Answers such as "no sexual relationship", "no boyfriend", "financial", "one in four chance of another baby with cystic fibrosis" - recode MorePoss to code 1 (could have (more) children) unless a physical difficulty is also given.

48 Income

Editing Instructions

General instructions

Where benefit amounts are DK or missing the following instructions should be followed. Please refer also to ‘A guide to Benefits- April 1998’ to calculate benefit amounts.


There is a hard check that NI Retirement pension can only be coded if age is 65 or over for men, or 60 or over for women.

Note that the wife's allowance should be included on the husband's questionnaire if she is aged under 60.


A soft check will be activated if Jobseeker’s Allowance is coded but in the Employment section the person is coded 6-9 at UnempTim (ie unemployed for 12 months or more).

Jobseeker’s Allowance only lasts for one year. Sometimes people may not claim benefit when they first become unemployed. SUPPRESS the check if there is a note explaining that the information is correct.

A check will be triggered if the person is on Training for work/ET/Employment Action/Community Action and neither Income Support nor Jobseeker’s Allowance is coded.

People on these schemes receive payment from DSS, including the £10 training allowance, and it should be shown here. If the person only receives the £10 allowance and is not entitled to benefit, code the allowance to Jobseeker’s Allowance. Check with OthSrcM (where the interviewer may have incorrectly entered it as YT allowance), or Other at CardBnM or OthRgPay where it may be entered - if it has been entered there transfer the amount to StatBnAm, code Jobseeker’s Allowance or Income Support as appropriate, and remember to delete and recode the other questions as necessary.

There is a soft check between UnBenA, UnBenB and IncSup and this question ie if they say they are claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance at UnBenA or UnBenB or Income Support at IncSup, then you would expect them to be receiving this benefit. This information could be discrepant because claiming is not the same as receiving, and if there is a reason for the discrepancy the check may be suppressed. However, if the person says he/she

49 is claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance, but it is actually Income Support that they are receiving, then recode Employment UnBenB to No and IncSup to Yes.


If Child Benefit (including one parent benefit) is the only benefit received and the amount is not correct, a hard check will be reported. Amend to the correct amount:

A soft check will be triggered if the amount is £100.00 or more. This is just to check to ensure the amounts look correct given the type of benefit and the person's circumstances eg make sure that the amount is weekly, and that the interviewer hasn't entered an amount which is a mixture of periods eg they may have weekly figure for one benefit and add on the four weekly amount rather than weekly benefit for another (this may particularly apply to the mobility component of Disability living allowance).

If there is a note that the informant doesn't know the amount but gets the "usual" amount, then impute the amount where possible.

If the informant only knows the total combined amount for benefits at Ben1Amt, code the amount for benefits at one question and transfer the remainder to the other question eg receives NI retirement pension, Income Support and Attendance allowance - total £100.35; code £32.40 for Attendance allowance and code the remainder for retirement pension and income support. MAKE FULL NOTES ON THE FACT SHEET OF WHAT YOU DO, AND ANY CHANGES YOU MAKE. WE MUST BE ABLE TO REINSTATE THE ORIGINAL INFORMATION IF NEED BE FROM THE NOTES ON THE FACT SHEET. CardBnM

The following should be transferred to other questions:

Enterprise allowance - delete and transfer to OthRgPay

Allowance for a foster child - delete and transfer to OthRgPay

Mobility allowance - this is now part of Disability Living Allowance

Motability allowance - include as Mobility allowance

YT allowance - this should appear at usual wage (Pyperiod -PaySlip) if with an employer, or at OthSrcM if college based.

Training for work/ET/EA allowance - this should appear at Ben1Q

Exclusions from Benefit/Income Section altogether:

The following do not count as benefits or income and should be deleted entirely.

Housing Benefit - rent rebates and allowances

Council Tax rebate

50 Christmas bonus

Death grant

Maternity grant Criminal injuries compensation

Industrial injury compensation

Widow's benefit

Social Fund Payments

There is a hard check that if the person receives Attendance allowance they must be aged 65 or over.

If the person is aged under 65 and the amount seems correct, recode to Disability living allowance at Ben1Q as the person is receiving the Care component of DLA which replaced Attendance allowance for those aged under 65.


Check that the person is really receiving Invalid Care allowance - this benefit is for people of working age, 16-59 for women and 16-64 for men, who give up work and stay at home in order to look after someone who gets Attendance allowance - the dependent doesn't necessarily have to be in the household.

Just check that the amount looks correct for the benefit received and the person's circumstances. If it looks correct, SUPPRESS the check.


There is a check that code 5 Training schemes can only be used if the person is on YT and is at college/on a course in Employment.

If the person is on Training for work/ET, the £10 allowance and their Income Support or Jobseeker’s Allowance should be coded at Ben1Q and Ben1Amt. Check the amounts to make sure everything is included at Ben1Amt and recode as necessary.

If the person is on YT with an employer then what they receive should appear at wage details at TakeHome -GrossAm.

Community Action should now be dealt with in the same way as Employment Action and be recorded against income support/Jobseeker’s Allowance.

51 OthNetAm A soft check will be triggered if the amount at OthNetAm is less than half the amount at OthGrsAm. This check is just to ensure that extra digits, or annual rather than monthly amount have not been entered. If there is a note that deductions other than tax were made, and the amounts are given, then recode OthNetAm to gross minus tax; if amounts are not given, then calculate using the formula:

NET = GROSS x 75 100

If there is no note, then accept the figure.

If OthNetAm is DK or Refusal but an amount is given at OthGrsAm a check will be activated to calculate the amount at OthNetAm.

If there is a note that no tax was deducted, code net the same as gross. Otherwise, assume tax was deducted, and code net as 75% of the gross.


If OthGrsAm is DK or Refusal but an amount is entered at OthNetAm, a check will be activated to calculate the amount at OthGrsAm.

If there is a note that no tax was deducted/the person doesn't pay tax, code gross the same as net. Otherwise, assume tax was deducted at 25% and calculate OthGrsAm using the formula:

GROSS = NET x 100 75


Educational grant Exclude Tuition fees; Access funds (housing benefit for students)

Rent from property or subletting Include rent for garage; rent for field etc

TakeHome - GrossAm

General notes

The usual pay is required.

If the informant started a new job last week and has not yet been paid, what he expects to get should be coded.

52 If off sick or on maternity leave, or on short time, then the usual pay should relate to when they were working/before maternity leave/short time.


There is a soft check that TakeHome should not be less than half of GrossAm. This check is to ensure that extra digits, or an annual rather than a monthly/weekly, are not entered at gross. If the information seems correct, then SUPPRESS the check. There will be a message to calculate TakeHome if TakHmEst is DK or Refusal, but an actual amount is given at GrossAm.


There is a check that gross cannot be less than take home pay.

A message to calculate GrossAm will occur if GrossEst is DK or Refusal, but an actual amount is given at TakeHome.

See the additional instructions for the formula for calculating gross. We will assume that gross equals take home pay plus tax and National Insurance. Ignore the entry at PayeAm/PayeEst when calculating gross.

An error will be reported if TakeHome plus PayeAm is £10 (or more) less than the amount entered at GrossAm.

If there is a note that non-taxable expenses such as travel, subsistence etc have been included, and the amount of these non-taxable expenses is given, then deduct this amount from TakeHome. Otherwise, if the amount of non-taxable expenses is not given, or there are no explanatory notes, then amend GrossAm to agree with the sum of TakeHome plus PayeAm.

To calculate National Insurance or Income Tax, use the FRS pay calculation spreadsheet. Only use the contracted in monthly or weekly to calculate from gross to net or net to gross.


This question refers to occasional bonuses in the job the informant was doing in the reference week.


If the informant will be paying National Insurance but has not yet done so, SIinsLTY should be coded No.


If SIAmLTY is DK, you will see a message to calculate the amount.

If the interviewer has noted that the informant pays flat rate only (Class 2), then calculate the amount of NI paid so far, using the current rate.

If there is a note that the informant pays flat rate plus profit related (Class 2 and Class 4), refer to s/v for a calculation.

If there are no notes, or the number of months is not given at LongSelf, SUPPRESS the check.


A message to calculate the amount will appear if SENatAm is DK.

1. If there is a note that the informant pays flat rate only (Class 2), then enter the amount of NI for 12 months, using the current rate

2. If it is noted that flat rate plus profit related (Class 2 and Class 4) is paid, and an amount is entered at GrsPrft, then calculate the amount of profit related NI and add on the current rate of flat rate contribution. (We will always assume NI relates to the last tax year when calculating.)


Recode answers at code 3 (specified at XSjReg) where possible.

Include in code 1: the informant works to a regular pattern but not regularly each week eg every fortnight, once a month. Also include evening class teachers who work regularly each week in term time only.


Refer to s/v if the earnings for main and second job cannot be separated, and have all been entered at TakeHome - GrossAm.

There is a soft check that SjNetAm cannot be less than half of SjGrsAm.

This check is to ensure that the interviewer has not entered an extra digit, or annual instead of monthly amount. If there is a note that other deductions are also made, and the amount is given, Recode SjNetAm to the gross minus tax and NI only. In all other cases, accept the amount, provided it seems reasonable, and SUPPRESS the check.

If SjNetAm is DK and gross is given, there will be a message to calculate the amount.

54 If there is a note that no tax (or NI) is paid, Recode SjNetAm to the amount at SjGrsAm. In all other cased, refer to s/v for a calculation.


There is a check that gross cannot be less than net (SjNetAm).

If an amount is given at SjNetAm, but SjGrsAm is DK, there will be a message to calculate gross.

If there is a note that no tax (or NI) is paid, enter the amount given at SjNetAm. In all other cases, refer to s/v for a calculation.


Examine the answer at XOthRgPay and use the notes below to help establish if this is a regular payment which the informant is receiving, which should be counted as Yes at OthRgPay, or whether it should be transferred to another question, or whether it should be deleted entirely from the income section.

Include in Yes at OthRgPay:

An allowance for a foster child

Enterprise allowance

Foreign state benefits eg Eire Jobseeker’s Allowance, retirement pension from Australian government

Pension from German government as compensation for being in a concentration camp

Territorial Army Reserve payments - retaining fees only

Income from a Handicap/Occupation Centre if the informant is handicapped

"Unearned" income as sleeping partner ie money received for doing no work but informant is not a member of a limited company (in which case it would be counted as working as an employee)

Coal allowance (in lieu of coal) from British Coal

Education Maintenance Allowance (High School Bursary - Scotland)

Boarding school allowance for children from Navy

Income from a loan set against the value of the house

Legacy of performing rights royalties

55 Statutory Maternity Pay received from a former employer (ie informant is unemployed or economically inactive) provided the informant is receiving it at present

Exclude from OthRgPay:

Benefits or allowances the informant no longer receives eg Child benefit for son who is now working, Enterprise allowance received for part of the year but no longer, Statutory Maternity Pay received earlier in the year but no longer.

Salary from previous job

Housing benefit

Council tax rebate

Payments in kind

Lump sum payment (such as redundancy or severance pay)

Money from another member of the same household eg parental contribution in lieu of grant pocket money from parent in the household

Any business allowance from an employer (except a rent or council tax allowance from an employer)

Strike pay or sick pay from a trade union

Payment from insurance company for unemployment/sickness

Tips/commission - this should already be covered at wage details

In other cases it is likely that the person will have income eg a housewife with children would receive Child benefit, someone of retirement age would receive NI retirement pension, a disabled person would receive some benefit. Check with the spouse/ partner's or parent's questionnaire to see whether this person's income has been incorrectly included there. If it is possible to work out what this person's income would be from these entries, then estimate and enter a code.

If respondent receives a student grant, code back to the education section.