Pinto et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2021) 20:142

REVIEW Open Access Exploring different methods to evaluate the impact of basic income interventions: a systematic review Andrew D. Pinto1,2,3,4* , Melissa Perri1,4, Cheryl L. Pedersen1, Tatiana Aratangy1, Ayu Pinky Hapsari1 and Stephen W. Hwang1,4,5

Abstract Background: Persistent income inequality, the increase in precarious employment, the inadequacy of many welfare systems, and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic have increased interest in Basic Income (BI) interventions. Ensuring that social interventions, such as BI, are evaluated appropriately is key to ensuring their overall effectiveness. This systematic review therefore aims to report on available methods and domains of assessment, which have been used to evaluate BI interventions. These findings will assist in informing future program and research development and implementation. Methods: Studies were identified through systematic searches of the indexed and grey literature (Databases included: Scopus, Embase, Medline, CINAHL, Web of Science, ProQuest databases, EBSCOhost Research Databases, and PsycINFO), hand-searching reference lists of included studies, and recommendations from experts. Citations were independently reviewed by two study team members. We included studies that reported on methods used to evaluate the impact of BI, incorporated primary data from an observational or experimental study, or were a protocol for a future BI study. We extracted information on the BI intervention, context and evaluation method. Results: 86 eligible articles reported on 10 distinct BI interventions from the last six decades. Workforce participation was the most common outcome of interest among BI evaluations in the 1960–1980 era. During the 2000s, studies of BI expanded to include outcomes related to health, educational attainment, housing and other key facets of life impacted by individuals’ income. Many BI interventions were tested in randomized controlled trials with data collected through surveys at multiple time points.

* Correspondence: [email protected] 1MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, Unity Health Toronto, Toronto, Canada 2Department of Family and Community Medicine, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Canada Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Conclusions: Over the last two decades, the assessment of the impact of BI interventions has evolved to include a wide array of outcomes. This shift in evaluation outcomes reflects the current hypothesis that investing in BI can result in lower spending on health and social care. Methods of evaluation ranged but emphasized the use of randomization, surveys, and existing data sources (i.e., administrative data). Our findings can inform future BI intervention studies and interventions by providing an overview of how previous BI interventions have been evaluated and commenting on the effectiveness of these methods. Registration: This systematic review was registered with PROSPERO (CRD 42016051218). Keywords: Basic income, Income inequality, Social determinants of health, Methodology, Health, Equity.

Background employment, the rise of income inequality, and substantial Income inequality has risen in many high-income coun- economic uncertainty [18–20]. To reduce COVID-19 tries since the 1970s, resulting in many individuals not transmission, many countries enacted lockdowns that led benefiting from the increase in societal wealth creation. to business closures and worsening economic conditions Comparatively, poverty rates have remained high in [21, 22]. Several high-income countries, such as Canada many low- and middle-income countries [1–3]. Current and New Zealand, have moved to provide some form of welfare policies around the world do not adequately pro- emergency income support to assist their citizens who are tect members of society, particularly during times of fi- financially impacted by the pandemic [23, 24]. However, nancial crisis [4]. Even in high income countries such as many argue that these temporary benefits will not be able Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom, to sustainably address the widespread and long-term im- many argue that the existing welfare policies are dis- pact of COVID-19 [25, 26]. Instead, a permanent BI can criminatory and perpetuate system-level barriers for be explored as a potential solution to reduce this gap and marginalized populations. Some examples of these bar- bring positive impacts to various aspects of people’slives, riers include the complicated and time-consuming bur- including their health and overall quality of lives [27]. eaucracy processes to access the services, extensive Some proponents of BI also suggested BI as a potential policing on benefit eligibility, and the prioritization of next step in the evolution of social welfare [28]. Further, monetary values that neglect the client’s morale and the similarities between BI and some policy measures im- quality of life [4–6]. plemented during the pandemic have presented a unique One proposal to improve income security and re- opportunity to study the effect of BI policies on different duce the onerous nature of welfare is a basic income life domains [26]. (BI), also referred to as , Guar- One of the most compelling reasons for investing in anteed Minimum Income, Basic Income Guarantee, BI is that it may produce cost savings through reduced (NIT) or a demogrant [7, 8]. A health and social service costs [29, 30]. This rationale is BI is given to all who meet the income eligibility cri- supported by numerous studies that found a correlation teria, is simple to administer, and is unconditional in between low income, worse health outcomes, and higher nature (i.e. does not require recipients to seek work) use of the health care system [31, 32]. In the Canadian [9]. The idea of providing all members of society a BI BI field experiment (1974–1979), research suggested that dates back to ancient times and represents a payment receiving BI was associated with reduced hospitaliza- from the government to ensure recipients achieve a tions, physician visits and some improvements in mental minimum income level [10–12]. health [10]. The idea of a BI gained popularity in the 1960s and Academics have long been interested in studying the 1970s, inspiring field experiments in the United States and impact of BI interventions on various social, health and Canada [10]. However, the neoliberal era of the 1980s and labour-specific outcomes. The COVID-19 pandemic has 1990s was associated with reductions in government also spurred further interest in the exploration of BI as spending and a decline in financial supports for those who part of post COVID-19 economic recovery plans and as were unemployed or disabled [13–15]. Within the past a potential long-term solution to reduce the poverty rate decade, growing income insecurity, precarious employ- [33]. Relevant experiments have occurred worldwide be- ment, and concern around displacement of manual labour fore the pandemic, in locations such as Namibia (2008– by automation and artificial intelligence have sparked a 2010), India (2011–2012), Kenya (2011–2013) and renewed interest in BI [16, 17]. The dialogue around BI Finland (2017–2018). However, no synthesis has been further gained momentum during the COVID-19 pan- done that consolidates methods of evaluation across BI demic in 2020, that resulted in a rapid loss of specific outcomes. Our objective was to search peer- Pinto et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2021) 20:142 Page 3 of 20

reviewed and grey literature to identify and examine Covidence and DistillerSR. Each citation was reviewed methods used to evaluate the impact of BI interventions. independently by two team members. Citations that Specifically, this review provides a repository of BI evalu- were potentially relevant were retrieved for full-text re- ation methods, including study design, data collection view by two team members. The authors were contacted methods, and outcome domains that can be adopted by for papers that could not be retrieved. The search was researchers and policy makers who wish to implement a not limited by language. Studies that were not available BI intervention. This review also identifies outcome do- in English were reviewed by an individual fluent in the mains that were overlooked in existing BI evaluations. appropriate language and/or translated into English. Any Finally, heterogeneity in the approaches to data analysis disagreements on whether to include or exclude an art- and important considerations around BI implementation icle in each stage of screening were resolved by the pro- are described. ject coordinator and the principal investigator (ADP). Data from included papers was extracted by one team Methods member and then confirmed by a second team member. Search strategy and selection criteria The extraction form was created using MS Excel and in- Relevant articles published on or before January 30, cluded the following variables: citation; purpose; 2020 were searched from the following databases: Sco- methods used (including type of study, type of BI imple- pus, Embase, Medline, CINAHL, Web of Science, Pro- mented, dates, data collection methods, evaluation Quest databases, EBSCOhost Research Databases, and methods, data analysis methods); location; sample; par- PsycINFO. The start year of the publication was not spe- ticipant demographics; outcome domains; and results. cified to filter the search results. To supplement searches Data was subsequently synthesized by examining com- of the indexed literature, grey literature sources were mon patterns surrounding the methods of data collec- searched in consultation with an Information Specialist tion used to evaluate the impact of BI interventions (Additional File 1). The following search terms were along with common outcomes analyzed by each study. used in all of the databases: “basic income”, “guaranteed Furthermore, we examined the commonalities in the annual income”, “guaranteed minimum income”, “mini- data analysis methods across the included studies and mum income”, “negative income tax”, “optimal income made note of any external data sources that were trian- transfer*”, mincome, demogrant*, “citizen* income”,or gulated with data collected during the BI interventions. “universal income”. We also searched Google, Google In addition, any considerations around implementation Scholar, Open Grey and Campbell Library along with of a BI intervention discussed by the authors were also websites that focused on BI interventions. Additional noted and analyzed to identify the common themes. As studies were identified through expert contacts and the this systematic review is focused on methodology rather reference list of included studies. than outcomes, when a large number of outcomes were Studies had to meet all three of the following inclusion reported in one resource (e.g., a book or final report criteria: 1) The article had to report on a BI intervention about an experiment) the main outcome and health out- or program, which provided guaranteed income uncon- comes were prioritized. ditionally to low-income individuals. Studies describing The quality of 53 articles that included primary data selective interventions, such as the Bolsa Familia or uni- analysis was assessed using the Joanna Briggs Institute versal interventions in regions such as the Netherlands, (JBI) critical appraisal tools [35]. The JBI tools were se- were excluded due to pre-defined conditional require- lected because of the heterogeneity in the study designs ments to gaining income [34]. 2) The study had to re- captured in our review and JBI offers a comprehensive port on the methods used to evaluate the impact of BI selection of pragmatic checklists that address different interventions. Reporting on the methods used to imple- types of study. Twenty-three articles were assessed using ment a basic income scheme was not sufficient for inclu- the checklist for RCTs, and the same number of articles sion. 3) The article had to report primary data from an were assessed using the economic evaluation checklist. observational study (e.g., case-control, cohort), experi- Four articles were simultaneously evaluated using check- mental study (e.g., randomized controlled trial or RCT), lists for RCTs and economic evaluations, given their or protocol for future research. Reviews, opinions, com- adoption of both designs [36–39]. Checklist for case mentaries and editorials, or literature that specifically fo- series was used to critically appraise 2 articles [40, 41], cused on a subset of the population (e.g., children, and another article was assessed using the checklist for seniors) were excluded. quasi-experimental studies [42].

Data extraction, synthesis and presentation Results Articles that were identified through the search were Our search identified 6146 citations by database and 383 uploaded to two systematic literature review software: citations through grey literature searches, expert Pinto et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2021) 20:142 Page 4 of 20

contacts and search of reference lists. After removing income falls below a certain threshold of tax liability, duplicate publications, 4668 citations remained for while people whose income exceeds the threshold pay screening. Following abstract and title review, 805 full- tax to the state. As their income increases, the amount text citations were assessed for eligibility. The most of benefits received by eligible individuals also decreases common reason for exclusion was a failure to discuss [43]. One US study assessed a citizen’s dividend model methods to evaluate an unconditional BI experiment that was implemented in . Under this system, all (n = 304). During full-text review, 27 additional dupli- Alaskan residents are entitled to a yearly dividend pay- cates were identified. Sixty-six articles could not be re- ment from the Alaska Permanent Fund, which is funded trieved, the majority were published more than 30 years by the state’s oil revenues [42]. The Indian, Namibian, ago. Only two studies from the grey literature search Kenyan, and Finland BI programs involved uncondi- met inclusion criteria. A total of 86 citations met the eli- tional cash transfers (UCTs). Figure 2 presents the num- gibility criteria for inclusion (Fig. 1). Of these, fifty-three ber of studies that emerged from each of the BI articles conducted analysis of the primary data and were programs captured in this review. critically appraised (Additional File 2). Of the 86 articles included, 63 were based on studies Details of BI studies in the United States, 9 in Canada, and five were focused Ten basic income experiments and programs were iden- on studies in both the United States and Canada. The tified in this review, with four of them being carried out remaining articles were about the Madhya Pradesh Un- in the United States from the 1960s–70s: the New Jersey conditional Cash Transfers Project (MPUCT) in India Income Maintenance Experiment (NJ), The Rural In- (n = 4), the BIG Pilot Project in Namibia (n = 3), and BI come Maintenance Experiment (RIME), the Gary In- programs in Kenya (n = 1) and Finland (n = 1). Most of come Maintenance Experiment (Gary), and the Seattle- the American and Canadian studies (n = 77) were based Denver Income Maintenance Experiment (SIME/DIME). on 5 experiments that involved BI programs that utilized These American income maintenance experiments were a NIT model. NIT, or negative income tax, is a system the first Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT) conducted that allows the state to pay benefits to people whose in a community setting rather than a clinical setting.

Fig. 1 Selection Process of Articles Pinto et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2021) 20:142 Page 5 of 20

Fig. 2 Number of Studies Assessing Different BI Experiments a. a The total number of studies exceeded 86 because several studies included data from more than one BI experiment

The main purpose for all of the experiments was to assignment for each study utilized the Conlisk-Watts measure the labour supply response to BI guarantee (i.e. Assignment Model, which was developed to scientifically would BI result in a decline of work effort). In total, optimize placement of participants within the treatment eight BI experiments included in this review were de- groups based on characteristics relevant to the outcomes signed as RCTs, with only the BIG project in Namibia being analyzed (Table 1)[44]. and the Alaska Permanent Dividend Fund in the US The Manitoba Income Maintenance Experiment adopting observational design (Table 1). The sample (MINCOME) was also conducted from 1974 to 1979 in sizes in the BI experiments that implemented an RCT urban Winnipeg and rural Dauphin, Manitoba. This ex- design were relatively large, ranging from 809 partici- periment was designed as an RCT and was the only one pants in the RIME experiment to 11,688 participants in to include a saturation site (Dauphin, Manitoba), which the MPUCT (Table 1). The BIG project in Namibia in- presented an opportunity to look at the effects a BI volved 398 individuals, while the study on the Alaska would have on the community as a whole. The focus of Permanent Dividend Fund observed data from about 48 this experiment was also on labour supply, similar to the million individuals (Table 1). American experiments. Unfortunately, the majority of The NJ Experiment ran from 1968 to 1972 and was the data collected during the study was never analyzed proposed to measure the labour supply response of due to budgetary constraints (Table 1)[10]. urban males aged 18–58 [46]. To address the gap in Conducted from 2008 to 2010, the Namibian BIG Pilot knowledge with respect to BI impacts on labour supply Project was purported to be the first universal UCT pro- in rural communities, RIME was initiated [47]. RIME gram in the world and was designed as an observational took place in various locations across the United States, cohort experiment [40]. A monthly BI grant was pro- included single parent female headed households and vided to approximately 1000 participants, of whom 398 was conducted from 1970 to 1972 [48]. Gary was an were followed with surveys every 6 months. The main NIT experiment that was carried out from 1971 to 1974 purposes of the pilot were to reduce poverty and im- and involved urban families who were mostly black and prove social behaviours and the local economy. The headed by females, which distinguished it from the other intervention has been reported as having a large positive BI interventions in the US that involved a high propor- effect on the main outcomes as well as health outcomes tion of white families [49, 50]. Finally, the SIME/DIME [40, 41]. study had a considerably larger sample size than the The Madhya Pradesh Unconditional Cash Transfer other American experiments and was the only experi- Project (MPUCT) was conducted in India from 2011 to ment with a treatment duration longer than 3 years, 2012 and included 11,688 individuals [45]. This experi- spanning from 1970 to 1976 [51, 52]. The sample ment adopted the RCT study design and a cluster Pinto et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2021) 20:142 Page 6 of 20

Table 1 Basic Income Experiments and Programs Basic Income Location Study Design Years Sample #a Sample Survey Income Data Other Data Experiment/ Description Timeline Collection Sources Program New Jersey Trenton, Paterson, Randomized 1968– 1357 Adult males 18– Pre-enrollment Income Data - Schools, Income Passaic, Jersey Controlled 1972 households 58 and at least Interview, Forms;Pay hospitals, Maintenance City, New Jersey; Trial (725 one other family Baseline stubs;Social public Experiment Scranton, intervention; member Interview, Security organizations (NJ) Pennsylvania, USA 632 control Twelve aggregate offering [44]) Quarterly data services to the Interviews, a Periodic Audit poor, and follow-up inter- Forms other relevant view 3 months institutions and after the last organizations payment was - Family made. composition reporting: monthly for experimental and every 4 months for controls Rural Income Duplin County, Randomized 1970– 809 families Adults 18–58 Baseline Periodic Audit - Schools, Maintenance Iowa; Calhoun Controlled 1972 (372 including either Interview, 12 Forms hospitals, Experiment and Pocahontas Trial intervention; two-parent or sin- quarterly public (RIME) Counties, North 437 control gle parent house- Interviews, organizations Carolina, USA [44]) holds headed by follow-up inter- offering females with at view 3 months services to the least one other after the last poor, and family member; payment other relevant rural areas institutions and organizations - Family composition reporting: monthly for experimental and every 4 months for controls Gary Income Gary, Indiana, USA Randomized 1971– 1799 families Black adults 18– Baseline Monthly - Family Maintenance Controlled 1974 (1028 58 including interview and Income Report composition Experiment Trial intervention; single parent eight interviews FormsPeriodic reporting: (Gary) 771 control families especially about every 4 Audit Forms monthly for [44]) headed by months experimental females and at and every 4 least one other months for family member controls Seattle/Denver Seattle, Randomized 1970– 4800 families Adults 18–58 Baseline Monthly - Family Income Washington; Controlled 1976 (2747 with at least one interview and Income Report composition Maintenance Denver, Colorado, Trial intervention; other family interviews about Forms Periodic reporting: Experiment USA 2053 control member every 4 months Audit Forms monthly for (SIME/DIME) [44]) experimental and every 4 months for controls Manitoba Winnipeg, Randomized 1974– > 1300 Adults 18–58 Baseline None listed - The Manitoba Guaranteed Manitoba, Controlled 1979 families (575 with at least one interview and Population Annual CanadaSaturation Trial intervention; other family interviews 3 Health Income Site: Rural 612 control member; times per year Research Data Experiment community of [44] Institutionalized, Repository (MINCOME) Dauphin and a retired, or database number of small disabled were - Use of rural excluded from aggregate data communities. Winnipeg. Elderly from the and disabled not Department of excluded from Education Dauphin Pinto et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2021) 20:142 Page 7 of 20

Table 1 Basic Income Experiments and Programs (Continued) Basic Income Location Study Design Years Sample #a Sample Survey Income Data Other Data Experiment/ Description Timeline Collection Sources Program (saturation site). Alaska Alaska, USA Observational: 1977– 48,686, 169 All residents of Monthly surveys, None listed - CPS Merged Permanent Differences in 2015 Alaska and all with some Outgoing Dividend Difference residents of questions asked Rotation Fund control states at fourth and Groups (MORG) that have been eighth month of provided by matched with the survey the National Alaska on (Integrated Bureau of employment to Public Use Economic population ratio Microdata Research and the Series – Current (NBER) for population share Population number of working part-time Surveys (CPS) hours worked provided by the Minnesota Population Center) Namibia Basic Otjivero-, Observational: 2008– 398 individuals All individuals Baseline, 6- None listed - Key informant Income Grant Namibia cohort 2010 [40] under 60 years month, 11- interviews: e.g., Pilot Project month surveys local nurse, police chief, local leaders and shop keepers - Case studies including pictures Madhya Rural Villages, Modified 2011– 11,688 Universal: all Baseline survey, None listed - Case Studies Pradesh Indore District; Randomized 2012 individuals; individuals within interim including Unconditional Rural Tribal Controlled 2034 the villages evaluation structured Cash Transfer Villages, Indore Trial households (8 survey, final interviews (MPUCT) District, Madhya villages evaluation - Community Pradesh, India randomly survey, post-final level surveys assigned to evaluation - Interviews with intervention; Survey key 12 villages to respondents control [45]) - Tracking of children’s weight for age - Tracking of children’s attendance and school performance Give Directly Rural Rarieda Two-level 2011– 1440 Individuals living Baseline and None listed - Saliva samples Unconditional Region, Kenya cluster- 2013 households in a house with a endline surveys to measure Cash Transfer Randomized (503 thatch roof cortisol levels Program Controlled intervention; - Height, weight, Trial 432 “pure” and upper-arm control in circumference control of children villages; 505 under five “spillover” years control in - Interviews with intervention village dwellers villages [36]) Pinto et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2021) 20:142 Page 8 of 20

Table 1 Basic Income Experiments and Programs (Continued) Basic Income Location Study Design Years Sample #a Sample Survey Income Data Other Data Experiment/ Description Timeline Collection Sources Program Finland Basic Mixed Rural and Randomized 2017– 175,000 (for Individuals aged Baseline survey None listed - Administrative Income Urban Areas in Control Trial 2018 the registry 25–58 receiving and one interim data on Experiment Finland data) and unemployment survey nearing employment 1633 (for benefits from the end of the - Qualitative survey) Kela (Finnish intervention interviews social insurance (results not institution) reported in the preliminary report) aSample size is often not consistently reported. The sample size is referenced throughout sampling method. In this experiment, villages, rather common domain to be evaluated was health outcomes than individuals, were randomly selected for the inter- (n = 11), including fertility, hospitalization rates, nutrition, vention or control sites. All participants living within a and birth weights, followed by income level and living selected experimental village received the BI payments conditions (n = 10). Family stability, particularly marital for 1 year. The main purpose of the experiment was to dissolution, also became the focus of nine articles based lift people out of poverty (Table 1)[53]. on the four major BI experiments in the US, namely NJ, An UCT program was also conducted in Kenya from RIME, Gary, and SIME/DIME. Several articles (n =7)also 2011 to 2013 with 1440 individuals. This project used an examined elements that can affect the implementation RCT design and involved multiple treatment arms ran- and analysis of a BI experiment, henceforth described as ging from a one-time transfer payment to nine monthly the methods domain, such as potential underreporting of installments. Household recipients were also randomized employment status and income level, stigma that may hin- (in addition to households being randomly selected to der participation in a BI experiment and other social wel- participate). The main purpose of the experiment in- fare, and the potential understatement of the effects of BI cluded measuring work effort response, behavioural ef- intervention due to the temporary nature of the experi- fects and psychological well-being (Table 1)[36]. ment [55–57]. The two other major domains that were In January 2017, Finland introduced a partial BI experi- assessed include education-related outcomes (n =6)and ment that followed two thousand recipients aged 25–58 asset ownership [3]. A few other articles also examined years for 2 years. Following the RCT principle, participants the impact of BI intervention on awareness of social ser- were sampled randomly from the Finnish population who vices, risk-taking in labour market and rate of migration received regular unemployment benefit without any re- [58–61]. Details of the main outcomes evaluated in each gional or other emphasis. Similar to the other BI experi- article are described in Table 2. ments, their main purpose was to investigate whether a BI Throughout the past six decades, workforce participa- could provide stronger incentive for workforce participation tion consistently became the most evaluated domains of than the current social security system. The preliminary BI intervention, with up to 17 articles drawing information findings of the experiment were published in 2019 and uti- from labour data taken during the BI experiments in the lized both administrative and survey data (Table 1)[54]. 1970’s(Fig.3). Some study interest on health-related out- Lastly, an observational study completed in the US exam- comes was also shown during the 1970’s, before declining ined the impact of a permanent fund dividend provided to in the next three decades and picking up again in 2010’s. Alaskan residents on the state’s labour market. This cash Family stability was also consistently evaluated between transfer was introduced in 1977 and has continued until the 1970’s and the 1990’s, but research interest in this do- the present. The study included in this review used popula- main seemed to decrease in the 2000’s. Conversely, the tion survey and census data from 1977 to 2015. The impact impacts of BI on income level and living conditions only of the fund was measured by evaluating the change in em- began to gain interest in the last two decades. ployment and part-time jobs, change in labour force partici- The data collection process for each of the experimental pation, and change in worked hours (Table 1)[42]. studies involved either interviews at baseline and periodic points in time throughout the intervention period or the Methods used in BI studies use of surveys. The NJ had the greatest quantity of surveys, The articles included in the review evaluated the impacts including a pre-enrollment, baseline, twelve quarterly inter- of BI intervention on seven major domains. About half of views and a follow-up interview. The other US-based ex- the papers (n = 40) focused on outcomes relating to labour periments followed a similar structure, most including a supply or workforce participation. The second most baseline interview, 8–12 quarterly interviews and follow-up Pinto et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2021) 20:142 Page 9 of 20

Table 2 Data Extraction Outcomes No Authors, Basic Type of Basic Country Main Outcome Main Outcome Results Year Income Income Experiment 1 Ashenfelter, SIME/DIME NIT USA Labour supply Incentive effects on labour supply would have a 1990 [74] real effect on the transfer costs of such a program 2 Baumol, US IMEs NIT USA Housing consumption behaviour Increase in home ownership 1974 [73] (not specified) 3 Bawden, NJ, RIME NIT USA Work incentive None 1970 [48] 4 Beck et al., India UCT India Illness or injury in the household and Less minor illness or injury in the household 2015 [45] vaccination coverage found in the intervention group, but no effect on vaccination coverage and serious illness and injuries 5 SEWA Bharat, India UCT India Basic living conditions including Basic living improved including sanitation, 2014 [53] sanitation, drinking water, energy energy sources sources 6 Bishop, 1980 NJ, RIME, NIT USA Marital dissolution rates Rates of marital dissolution were higher [69] Gary, SIME/ DIME 7 Brodkin and NJ, SIME/ NIT USA Labour supply Labour supply showed very little evidence of a Kaufman, DIME work disincentive 2000 [87] 8 Burtless, NJ, RIME, NIT USA Work hours and earnings Work hours and earnings are decreased among 1986 [88] Gary, SIME/ NIT recipients across all four experiments DIME 9 Burtless and SIME/DIME NIT USA Work hours The estimated reduction in hours is larger when Greenberg, the analysis focuses on those below the 1981 [68] breakeven level 10 Burtless and SIME/DIME NIT USA Labour supply Reduction in labor supply was larger in the 5- Greenberg, year experimental sample than the 3-year one 1982 [89] 11 Burtless and Gary NIT USA Labour supply Labour supply is largely unaffected by NIT, but Hausman, it may be reduced by poor health and aging 1978 [90] 12 Byrne, 1973 NJ, Gary NIT USA Mother’s work disincentives with day- Mothers have a disincentive to work when [91] care costs faced with day-care costs 13 Cain and SIME/DIME NIT USA Marital Stability when accounting for Impact of NIT on marital breakups decline with Wissoker, potential bias from different durations the length of the programs 1990 [72] of experiments 14 Cain et al., NJ NIT USA Labour supply of married women Disincentives with labor-force participation for 1974 [92] white wives 15 Calnitsky, MINCOME NIT Canada Community experience - Motives to participate in MINCOME are related 2016 [55] to money/assistance - Social stigma experienced by MINCOME recipients was lower than welfare recipients 16 Choudhry MINCOME NIT Canada Family income level and marital Increase in marital dissolution with lower family and Arvin, dissolution income level 2001 [93] 17 Choudhry MINCOME NIT Canada Income level and marital dissolution NIT payments did not encourage splits by and Hum, lowering the financial costs of marital disruption 1995 [94] 18 Connor, NJ, RIME, NIT USA Marital stability, nutrition, education No consistent effects on marital stability, Rodgers, and Gary, SIME/ and nutrition or education Priest, 1999 DIME, Canada [44] MINCOME 19 Curry, 1981 NJ NIT USA Work effort Work effort did not decline [95] Pinto et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2021) 20:142 Page 10 of 20

Table 2 Data Extraction Outcomes (Continued) No Authors, Basic Type of Basic Country Main Outcome Main Outcome Results Year Income Income Experiment 20 Davala et al., India UCT India Debt and Borrowing Debt and borrowing reduced 2015 [76] 21 Dickinson NJ, RIME NIT USA Uses of the Data: labor supply Labor supply response was focus of and Watts, response experimental design 1975 [85] 22 Elesh and NJ NIT USA Health and health care utilization No effect observed on health and health care Lefcowitz, utilization. 1977 [96] 23 Forget, 2011 MINCOME NIT Canada Hospitalization rates Hospitalization rates fell [10] 24 Forget, 2013 MINCOME NIT Canada Hospital separations Hospital separations declined [64] 25 Forget, 2010 NJ, RIME, NIT USA Work effort US: reduction in work effort [97] Gary, SIME/ and DIME, Canada MINCOME 26 Forget et al., MINCOME NIT Canada Hospitalization rates Hospitalization rates fell 2013 [98] 27 Greenberg SIME/DIME NIT USA Underreporting of employment and Higher degree of underreporting of and Halsey, quarterly earnings employment status and earning by intervention 1983 [56] recipients compared to that by the control group 28 Greenberg, Gary NIT USA Underreporting and work effort Underreporting work effort was substantial Moffitt, Friedmann, 1981 [65] 29 Groeneveld SIME/DIME NIT USA Marital dissolution SIME/DIME increased the rate of marital et al., 1980 dissolution [70] 30 Haarmann, BIG Pilot UCT Namibia Nutrition and child development Reduced food shortages 2008 [40] Project (Namibia) 31 Haarmann Namibia UCT Namibia Poverty Rates Poverty rates decrease et al., 2009 [41] 32 Haushofer Kenya UCT Kenya AssetsConsumption Increased Asset Values and Shapiro, 2013 [36] 33 Heffernan, RIME NIT USA Awareness of social services No effect on awareness of social services 1977 [60] 34 Hollister, NJ NIT USA Total family hours and total family Significant response to the experimental 1974 [99] earnings treatment by Whites and Spanish-speakers for total family hours and total family earnings. 35 Hum and MINCOME NIT Canada Family income level and marital Social roles expected of each partner, not family Choudry, dissolution income, determines family stability 1992 [100] 36 Hum and MINCOME NIT Canada Labour Supply Response of Families Negative effect on work hours for single female Simpson, and Individuals heads 1991 [101] 37 Hum and NJ, RIME, NIT USA Labor supply response Insignificant changes in work behaviour Simpson, Gary, SIME/ and 1993 [102] DIME, Canada MINCOME 38 Huston, 1999 NJ, RIME, NIT USA Children’s educational outcomes Mixed effects on children’s school performance [103] Gary, SIME/ and attendance, achievement and aspirations, DIME high school completion, educational Pinto et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2021) 20:142 Page 11 of 20

Table 2 Data Extraction Outcomes (Continued) No Authors, Basic Type of Basic Country Main Outcome Main Outcome Results Year Income Income Experiment attainment, employment. 39 Johnson, US IMEs NIT USA Risk taking in labour market Risk-taking rises with income 1980 [61] (not specified) 40 Jones and Alaskan UCI USA Evolution in labour market No change in employment within Alaska pre- Marinescu, Permanent and post-dividend payment, and no difference 2018 [42] Fund in labour market evolution between Alaska and Dividend other states 41 Kaluzny, NJ, Gary NIT USA Home ownership Increases in homeownership 1979 [49] 42 Kangas et al., Finland UCI Finland Work effort No difference in average days in open 2019 [104] employment, but slight increase in self- employment rate and their associated earnings 43 Keeley et al., SIME/DIME NIT USA Labour supply Income effects are negative for wives and 1978 [105] female heads; Substitution effects are positive 44 Keeley et al., SIME/DIME NIT USA Labour supply effects and costs of Labor-supply response and program costs vary 1978 [106] alternative negative income tax widely with the support level and tax rate programs 45 Keeley and SIME/DIME NIT USA Work disincentives SIME/DIME reduced hours of work Robins, 1979 [107] 46 Keeley, 1980 SIME/DIME NIT USA Migration Increased rate of mobility for white married [58] males and females 47 Keeley, 1980 SIME/DIME NIT USA Fertility NIT negatively effects married whites’ and [108] positively effects married Chicanos’ fertility 48 Keeley, 1980 SIME/DIME NIT USA Rate of migration Increased rate of migration [59] 49 Keeley, 1987 SIME/DIME NIT USA Marital Dissolution Positive effect on marital dissolution/divorce [109] rates 50 Kehrer and Gary NITTwo USA Birth weight No difference in birth weight Wolin, 1979 guarantee [63] levels and two tax rates 51 Kerachsky, RIME NIT USA Farm family labor supply Changes in guarantee produce a pattern of 1977 [110] negative effects on labor supply 52 Kershaw, NJ NIT USA Earnings No evidence indicating a significant decline in 1972 [111] weekly earnings 53 Kershaw and NJ NIT USA Withdrawal from Work No substantial withdrawal from work Fair, 1976 [84] 54 Levine et al., NJ, RIME, NIT USA Labour supply Reduction of work effort 2005 [112] Gary, SIME/ DIME 55 Maynard, RIME NIT USA School performance Improvements in school performance; Increases 1977 [66] in educational attainment. 56 Maynard and Gary NIT USA School performance Increase in average reading achievement for Murnane, grades 4–6 1979 [113] 57 McDonald Gary NIT USA School enrollment Being males increased rate of school enrollment and and reduced labor force participation Stephenson, 1979 [114] 58 Metcalf, 1973 US IMEs NIT USA Temporary NIT results extended to A temporary experiment will 1) understate the [57] (not permanent NIT results income effect and 2) overstate the gross and specified) compensated price effects of the NIT. Pinto et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2021) 20:142 Page 12 of 20

Table 2 Data Extraction Outcomes (Continued) No Authors, Basic Type of Basic Country Main Outcome Main Outcome Results Year Income Income Experiment 59 Moffitt, 1979 Gary NIT USA Employment status and unconditional Labor supply reductions for husbands and [115] hours worked female heads, but not for wives 60 Moffitt, 1981 NJ, RIME, NIT USA Weekly work hours Reduced weekly work hours [71] Gary, SIME/ DIME 61 Moffit and NJ, RIME, NIT USA Weekly work hours Reduced weekly work hours Kehrer, 1981 Gary, SIME/ [75] DIME 62 Munnell NJ, RIME, NIT USA The effect of the NIT Treatments on Reduction in work effort for most subsamples et al., 1987 Gary, SIME/ Work Effort and Labour Supply [116] DIME 63 Murray and MINCOME NIT Canada High school continuation Adolescent males did continue in high school Pateman, longer 2012 [67] 64 Neuberg, SIME/DIME NIT USA Distortion in reporting hours worked Distortion revealed in reporting hours worked 1988 [62] 65 Nicholson NJ NIT USA Participants’ understanding of the NIT The NIT was not well understood by and Wright experimental participants 1977 [37] 66 O’Connor RIME NIT USA Diet Little, if any, influence on the quality of the and Madden, diets of the Iowa families; evidence of a 1979 [117] beneficial effect on the quality of the diets of the North Carolina families. 67 Osterkamp, BIG Universal Namibia Poverty reduction Poverty was substantially reduced 2013 [78] Coalition Unconditional (Namibia) Cash Transfer 68 Robins, 1980 SIME/DIME NIT USA The effect of the NIT treatments on The effect of the NIT Treatments on the Labor [38] the labor supply of youth Supply of Youth 69 Robins, 1985 NJ, RIME, NIT USA Labour supply Labour supply reduced [118] Gary, SIME/ DIME 70 Robins, SIME/DIME NIT USA Rates of leaving and entering Higher rate of leaving employment and lower Tuma, and employment rate of entering employment Yaeger, 1980 [119] 71 Robins and SIME/DIME NIT USA Impacts of accounting differences Weighting techniques that considered West, 1986 between study attriters and non- differences between attriters and non-attriters [120] attriters on employment and earnings did not have significant impact on the employ- estimates ment and earnings estimates 72 Ross, 1970 NJ NIT USA Work Disincentive Effects No evidence of work disincentive response [121] 73 Rossi and NJ NIT USA Work effort Work effort declined slightly Rosenbaum, 1983 [77] 74 Salkind and NJ, RIME, NIT USA Fertility, nutrition, birth weight Lower fertility; quality of nutrition increased; Haskins, 1982 Gary, SIME/ Fewer low birth weight babies [50] DIME 75 Skidmore, NJ NIT USA None None (paper only describes the type of data 1974 [46] that are available from the experiment) 76 Spiegelman SIME/DIME NIT USA Labor supply Husbands and single-family heads left employ- and Yaeger, ment more readily 1980 [83] 77 Standing, India UCT India Debt Less likely to increase debt and more likely to 2015 [122] reduce it 78 Stephens, SIME/DIME NIT USA Work hours for men in dual-headed Hours of work reduction for men in dual- 2007 [123] households headed households was greater for the 5-year Pinto et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2021) 20:142 Page 13 of 20

Table 2 Data Extraction Outcomes (Continued) No Authors, Basic Type of Basic Country Main Outcome Main Outcome Results Year Income Income Experiment experiment than the 3-year one 79 Watts, 1969 NJ NIT USA Participation Almost all of those who have been invited to [124] participate in the payments program have chosen to do so 80 Weiss, Hall, SIME/DIME NIT USA Schooling investment Increase in schooling investment and Dong, 1980 [125] 81 West, 1980 SIME/DIME NIT USA Wage rates Little basis to indicate any effect on wage rates [126] 82 West, 1980 SIME/DIME NIT USA Work effort among non-heads of Reduction in work effort among non-heads [127] families 83 Widerquist, NJ, RIME, NIT USA Work-effort reduction Work-effort reduced 2005 [51] Gary, SIME/ and DIME, Canada MINCOME 84 Widerquist, NJ, RIME, NIT USA Work Disincentive Results Longer periods of nonemployment or return to 2013 [128] Gary, SIME/ and work DIME, Canada MINCOME 85 Wright and NJ NIT USA Labour force participation No difference in incentive to work Wright, 1975 [129] 86 Wright, 1975 NJ NIT USA Work disincentive effects No statistically significant work disincentive [39] effects

Fig. 3 Number of Citations Evaluating Specific Domains from 1961-2020a. a This figure includes five studies that evaluated impact of BI on two domains and were counted twice as a result. The count in this figure also excludes one study that did not assess a specific domain of outcome Pinto et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2021) 20:142 Page 14 of 20

interviews. The MINCOME experiment ended data collec- Cash Transfer program collected measurements on chil- tion after the third round of interviews. The MPUCT ex- dren’s weight. A unique aspect of the Namibian BIG periment was unique in their utilization of evaluation-based project included its incorporation of case studies relating surveys that were administered at interim, final and post- to outcomes [40]. The use of these case studies provides final time points. valuable context on the poverty in the region and the Each experiment utilized a wide array of data sources to living conditions of the participants before the BIG gather information on the participants’ eligibility to re- intervention, the participants’ expectations for the inter- ceive benefits, their demographics, and the outcome of in- vention, and how the intervention compared to their terests. There was a concern about underreporting of expectations. income during the BI experiments using the NIT model, The evaluation approach of the Alaskan Permanent particularly among participants in the treatment arm, Fund Dividend is different from those employed in other given the amount of benefit that they were eligible for studies. Jones and Marinescu [42] used the employment would decrease as their income increased [62]. To address to population ratio and the share of the population this concern, several BI experiments involved multiple working part-time when comparing the evolution of forms of income substantiation to determine the amount labour market outcomes in Alaska before and after the of benefits that the participants were able to claim. Com- introduction of the dividend payments. The observed pared to other US-based interventions, the NJ held the data were divided into pre-dividend years, covering July most robust income data collection method, as informa- 1979 up to the introduction of dividend payment in June tion was gathered using income data forms, pay stubs, so- 1982, and post-dividend years from July 1982 to June cial security aggregate data and periodic audit forms. In 2015. All outcomes of the study were measured through contrast, Gary and RIME only utilized self-reported in- analysis of existing survey data, namely the Current come information and periodic audit forms (Table 1). Population Survey. Additional data sources that were included during the BI There were 64 studies in this review that either ana- experiments in the US included family composition lyzed data collected during the BI experiments or pro- reporting and social- and health-related organizations. posed a specific approach of analysis, with most of them Nine articles complemented the data that was col- adopting some form of multi-variate statistical modelling lected during the duration of the BI experiment with (n = 60) in their analyses, while other studies conducted other data sources. In most cases, this involved adminis- bivariate (n = 6) or univariate analysis (n = 9). Economic trative data that provided further information on the modelling and simple regressions were the two most specific domain in question. For example, a study exam- used statistical models, accounting for utilization in 53 ining the impact of NIT on birth weight utilized data studies. Other statistical models that were used include taken from the Indiana’s certificate of birth [63]. Other difference in differences, path analysis model, principal studies also triangulated survey or interview data with components analysis, time series model, structural equa- administrative data related to health (n = 2), school per- tion modelling and root-mean squared error. formance and resources (n = 2), and employment and in- Finally, some authors of the included articles discussed come level (n = 3), while another study combined data important elements that need to be considered when taken from multiple population-based surveys to exam- implementing and evaluating the impact of a BI inter- ine employment rate (n =1)[10, 42, 54, 56, 64–67]. vention (n = 23), and some common themes emerged. No specific income-based data sources were listed for Inaccurate reporting, such as underreporting of income MINCOME; however, information was gathered using streams among the treatment group and inability to re- the Manitoba Population Health Research Data Reposi- call past experiences, was the most common consider- tory Database along with information from the Depart- ation highlighted by the authors (n = 9). High rate of ment of Education. Similarly, no income-specific data attrition was also cited as a common issue that was en- source was reported in the preliminary findings of the countered during longitudinal BI programs that lasted Finnish experiment, although administrative data captur- for several years (n = 7). The next common consider- ing indicators of work effort response was supplemented ation was related to recruitment (n = 6). For example, a with analysis on survey data to measure a number of study examining the MPUCT program in India empha- health outcomes. Comparably, the MPUCT, Namibian sized the importance of cluster-level randomization to and Kenyan projects did not mention income-specific mimic the universality of BI and to prevent distortion of data sources utilized. Rather, each experiment included BI effects that can be delivered through community-level interviews with key informants such as local stake- mechanism [45]. Two studies underscored the need to holders, local leaders, shopkeepers, village dwellers, as select control and treatment populations with compar- well as health care providers and police chiefs [36, 40, able characteristics to avoid inaccurate estimation of BI 53]. Both MPUCT and the Give Directly Unconditional effects due to unaccounted confounding variables [38, Pinto et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2021) 20:142 Page 15 of 20

68]. Several researchers also cautioned against extrapo- group, while taking into account differences that already lating the results of a single BI experiment to the na- exist prior to the treatment [42]. By employing this ap- tional level, considering the differences in the population proach, researchers were able to both examine the evo- characteristics, local policies, and the existing welfare lution of the labour market in Alaska prior to and systems (n =4) [38, 69–71]. In addition, some authors following the introduction of the dividend fund and discussed the potential attenuation or exaggeration of compare it against the changes in labour market in other the BI impacts due to the temporary nature of the BI ex- states that did not implement a similar program. Be- periments, which could influence participants to behave cause of its large scale and the need to accumulate longi- differently than if the intervention were longer or per- tudinal data that can span over decades, this type of manent (n =3)[71–73]. Other important considerations study is hard to replicate, particularly in a setting that that were discussed include the high cost of running a does not have a reliable system to maintain population BI intervention, which can pose a challenge for replica- data. This approach also requires careful selection of tion [44, 74, 75]; the relatively rare instances of outcome other locations that are comparable in its population of interests such as divorce that can influence the reli- characteristics to serve as appropriate controls. ability of the estimates [38, 72, 75]; community influence Various debates have emerged that discuss the effect- on the acceptance of BI [76, 77]; and the importance of iveness of study designs used in the evaluation of BI ex- selecting an appropriate method for transferring the periments. Widerquist [79] argues that due to their fund to accommodate participants who may not have ac- narrow focus and context, controlled, small-scale experi- cess to a bank account [76]. ments have limited ability in uncovering the potential benefits of BI. The experiments included in this study Discussion involved relatively large numbers of participants and col- In summary, 86 studies that spoke to 10 types of BI ex- lected longitudinal data that spanned over several years periments were identified. The studies were diverse in and touched on various domains. The large sample size nature and occurred within the past six decades. Our is important in producing reliable results with a high de- analysis revealed several consistent elements of the BI gree of precision and power, especially when differences evaluation methods despite geographical differences. between populations were assessed. Other researchers Most of the BI experiments implemented RCT design contend that conventional RCTs which account for the and randomized the sample selection at household or in- majority of experiments included in this review may not dividual levels. Two BI experiments in rural settings, the be an appropriate approach for demonstrating the effect- MPUCT in India and the Give Directly Unconditional iveness of BI. Scholars argue that the provision of in- Cash Transfer Program in Kenya adopted cluster- come to a randomized cohort of individuals overlooks randomized controlled trials, where randomizations oc- the influence of structural factors on BI-related out- curred at the village-level. The advantage of this ap- comes [80]. These structural factors include social proach is its ability to mirror a universal basic income norms, role modeling, business responses, collective ac- program where everybody receives an income and to tion and work for the underemployed [80]. In light of capture any effects of basic income that are operated this, future BI experiments can consider other designs, through community-level mechanisms and are facilitated such as clustered RCT or other longitudinal study de- by behavioural adaptation [45, 76]. However, this ap- signs that provide BI to all members of a specific cluster, proach must take into account the higher degree of simi- such as a neighbourhood or a city [80, 81]. larities among individuals within a cluster relative to Overall, the studies placed a particular focus on those between different clusters. labour-related outcomes, which included job searching The Namibian BIG Project and the Alaska Permanent attitudes and hours worked. Additional outcomes in- Dividend Fund used observational design to evaluate the cluded impact on marital stability and dissolution, edu- impact of BI. The BIG project was a pilot study aimed to cational investments and outcomes, awareness of social move forward the nation’s discussion around basic in- services, level of debt, wage, and home ownership. A few come and therefore chose to observe only one village studies (n = 11) analyzed the impact of BI on health- that was manageable in size and experienced a high de- related outcomes as their main outcomes, including gree of poverty [78]. In contrast, the Alaskan Permanent hospitalization. In many cases, the methods and out- Dividend Fund is a state-funded program that has been comes were driven by the time period in which the BI running for almost 4 decades. The study examining this experiments were conducted. In the 1960’s and 70’s, a program utilized census and population-based survey strong focus was placed on the impact of BI on labour data and chose difference-in-differences (DiD) analysis activities while more recent literature has incorporated a approach that allows for comparison between a group more holistic picture of BI’s impacts on factors such as that is exposed to a treatment and another unexposed social connectedness, health outcomes and education. Pinto et al. 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The shift in focus towards health and education out- compare experimental and control sites must consider comes in studies dated after the 1990’s may be attributed these differences [76, 77]. to the societal recognition of the importance of the so- This systematic review provides various implications cial determinants of health [7, 8, 13, 14]. for future research and intervention implementation re- Almost all studies used self-reported data, which was lated to BI. Primarily, this review has identified what collected using surveys administered in person serially, previous evaluations of BI interventions have used as complemented with administrative data. The common outcome measures when determining overall effective- use of surveys in BI experiments was also noted in an- ness. Identifying these outcomes not only provides a other review [27]. Several evidences have emerged on basis for future research, but also identifies existing gaps potential reporting bias due to underreporting of level of in knowledge with respect to the assessment of BI inter- income and employment among the treatment group, ventions (e.g., how does BI influence rates of violence?). particularly when the amount of benefits received is Moving beyond the identification of common outcome dependent on their income level [56, 82]. Recall bias is measures, methods which have been incorporated in also a potential issue that researchers must contend with evaluations of BI interventions have been identified. This when using self-reported information. The SIME/DIME again provides future researchers or program implemen- experiment, for example, asked participants to recall in- ters information on how to meaningfully evaluate a BI come information from the previous 4 months and more intervention. This systematic review demonstrates the recent events may influence their perspectives and sub- range of impact BI interventions have on individuals, all sequent responses [83]. Therefore, data from alternative of which contribute to overall health and well-being. sources, such as unemployment insurance agencies or However, the findings also outline common challenges tax reports can be considered in future BI experiments that may be faced when assessing a BI intervention, in- to ensure accurate information. Appropriate training for cluding cost, which again can assist in developing prag- interviewers and clear reporting forms are also potential matic evaluation strategies. measures to consider for reliable data collection [84]. This review has a number of strengths. It is the first When designing a BI experiment, researchers will systematic review to focus on the methodology used to need to consider the sample size of individuals who evaluate BI in numerous experiments. All studies in this present their outcomes of interest. A study focusing field from all countries were included and the similar- on marital dissolution, for example, explained that ities and differences on various aspects of their method- their analytical approach must address the issue of ology were described. This review also has limitations. small number of divorce occurrences to reliably meas- First, experiments with conditional cash transfers (e.g., ure the relationship between BI and divorce rates Brazil’s Bolsa Familia, Italy’s Sostegno per l’Inclusione [72]. High rates of attrition, particularly in longitu- Attiva, and Uganda’s Youth Opportunities Programs) dinal studies spanning over a number of years, can were not included. BI experiments that were still in the also reduce the effective sample size and introduce planning phases or had been prematurely cancelled (e.g., bias if there are differential attrition rates between the in Scotland, the Netherlands and Ontario, Canada) were control and the experimental groups, or if there is a excluded. Our study’s exclusion of qualitative methods fundamental difference in the characteristics of the of evaluation limited its insight on individual’s percep- participants who drop out and those who remain [74, tions of BI. Furthermore, the inconsistency in the report- 84]. Furthermore, future BI experiments could assess ing of methods, which can be attributed to the wide the dose-specific effects of income subsidy on the array of included studies, poses a challenge in determin- population, as was done during the NJ experiment ing the effectiveness of specific methods. that collected behaviour data from a sample that was given various amount of benefits [85]. Conclusions The local resources to support the BI experiments will Income represents a key social determinant of health, also need to be carefully considered, particularly when which aids in the attainment of employment and main- they are implemented in a rural area with limited access tenance of health and well-being [86]. The implementa- to technology. The MPUCT in India described difficulties tion of BI studies are particularly unique in that they are in providing cash to participants as the majority of house- shaped by the policy priorities of the government in holds did not have bank accounts, and physical transfer of power. Research and interest in BI will continue to grow funds proved to be challenging given the remote and hard as states recognize that the current models of welfare to reach location of the experiment site [76]. Finally, exist- are inadequate, overly bureaucratic and lead to further ing presence of social agencies in the communities and harms due to welfare-state conditions. The current so- local policies around social welfare may also influence the cial, health and political climate that has developed as a take-up rate of the BI intervention, and any attempt to result of the COVID-19 pandemic, presents a unique Pinto et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2021) 20:142 Page 17 of 20

opportunity to discuss the impacts of BI on overall corresponding author had full access to all the data in the study and had health and well-being. This systematic review provides final responsibility for the decision to submit for publication. future researchers and program developers the tools Availability of data and materials needed to develop and evaluate BI as a method of social Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated intervention effectively. or analyzed during the current study. As identified by this review, there are various outcome measures and methods that have been implemented to Declarations evaluate existing BI interventions. Moving beyond the inte- Ethics approval and consent to participate gration of RCTs, future research in this area should evaluate Not applicable. the rationale for different methodological approaches, while considering novel methods used to capture individual-level Consent for publication Not applicable. data, including through administrative data linkage. Add- itional methods that should be assessed in relation to BI Competing interests intervention evaluations include the use of qualitative The authors declare that they have no competing interests. methods. Completing accurate and rigorous evaluations of Author details social interventions, such as BI, will not only ensure that ef- 1MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, fective programmatic and policy-level changes occur, but will Unity Health Toronto, Toronto, Canada. 2Department of Family and 3 also aid in the improvement of the health and well-being of Community Medicine, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Canada. Department of Family and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of various populations. Toronto, Toronto, Canada. 4Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. 5Division of General Internal Medicine, Abbreviations Department of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. BI: Basic Income; COVID-19: Coronavirus Disease of 2019; Gary: Gary Income Maintenance Experiment; IME: Income Maintenance Experiments; Received: 20 October 2020 Accepted: 24 May 2021 MPUCT: Madhya Pradesh Unconditional Cash Transfer Project; NIT: Negative Income Tax; NJ: New Jersey Income Maintenance Experiment; RCT: Randomized Controlled Trial; RIME: Rural Income Maintenance References Experiment; SIME/DIME: Seattle-Denver Income Maintenance Experiment; 1. Niessen LW, Mohan D, Akuoku JK, Mirelman AJ, Ahmed S, Peters DH, et al. UCT: Unconditional Cash Transfers; US: United States Tackling socioeconomic inequalities and non-communicable diseases in low-income and middle-income countries under the Sustainable Development agenda. Lancet. 2018;391:2036–82 [cited 2020 Dec 30]. Supplementary Information Available from: The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi. 2. Pickett KE, Wilkinson RG. Income inequality and health: A causal review. Vol. org/10.1186/s12939-021-01479-2. 128, Social Science and Medicine. Elsevier Ltd; 2015. p. 316–26. 3. Lin KH, Tomaskovic-Devey D. Financialization and U.S. income inequality. Additional File 1. Search Strategy and List of Searched Databases. Am J Sociol. 2013;118(5):1284–329. 4. Fletcher DR. Welfare reform, Jobcentre plus and the street-level Additional File 2. Assessment of Quality of Individual Articles. bureaucracy: towards inconsistent and discriminatory welfare for severely disadvantaged groups? Soc Policy Soc. 2011 Oct 1;10(4):445–58. https://doi. Acknowledgements org/10.1017/S1474746411000200. This study was supported by funding from the St. Michael’s Hospital 5. Albeda W. The dream of a humane capitalism. Maandschr Econ. 1999;63(6): – Foundation. AP is supported as a Clinician Scientist by the Department of 406 26. Family and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, 6. Pelton LH. Welfare Discrimination and Child Welfare. 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