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The Solemnity of I s s u e the Most Holy ALL SOULS Trinity CATHOLIC CHURCH 1 Mass Times 3 News & Events Trinity Sunday 4 Calendar 6 All Souls Catholic School Is In The News! 9 Readings & Intentions “And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age. ” - Mt 28:20 A Community Centered In Christ, Nurtured by the Sacraments & Teachings of the Church; Committed to Excellence In Education, Living A Life of Service, Leadership, and Compassion. A MESSAGE FROM Our Pastor Pg. 1 My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, As we celebrate the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity Al celebrar la Solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad esta this week, let us reflect on the love and unity of the semana, reflexionemos sobre el amor y la unidad del Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Throughout sal- Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo. A lo largo de la historia vation history, God revealed his nature as a God of de la salvación, Dios reveló su naturaleza como un Dios love and faithfulness, a God who relentlessly pursues de amor y fidelidad, un Dios que persigue sin descanso in order to save us, a God who suffered and died in para salvarnos, un Dios que sufrió y murió para de- mostrar su amor por nosotros. En el cumplimiento de los order to prove his love for us. In the fulfillment of tiempos, Cristo se hizo humano para revelar al Padre; time, Christ became human to reveal the Father; he pasó tiempo en la tierra para formar discípulos, spent time on earth to form disciples, baptizing them with the bautizándolos con el Espíritu Santo, enseñó y vivió en perfecta Holy Spirit, taught and lived in perfect obedience to the Father. obediencia al Padre. Como cristianos, estamos llamados a contin- As Christians, we are called to continue the mission of Christ on uar la misión de Cristo en la tierra y entrar en comunión con el earth and enter into communion with the Father, Son, and Holy Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo. Spirit. En nuestra lectura del Evangelio de esta semana, antes de la In our Gospel reading this week, before the commission of the comisión de los apóstoles, Mateo señala que, "cuando lo vieron, apostles, Matthew notes that, “when they saw him, they wor- adoraron, pero dudaron". Estos eran los amigos más cercanos de shipped, but they doubted.” These were Jesus’ closest friends. Jesús. Caminaron con él durante tres años, fueron testigos de sus They walked with him for three years, witnessed his miracles milagros y atributos, de su muerte y gloriosa resurrección. A pe- and attributes, his death and glorious resurrection. Despite all of sar de todas estas increíbles experiencias que presenciaron, these incredible experiences they witnessed, they still doubted. todavía dudaban. Nuestro Señor no se rindió con ellos. En cam- Our Lord did not give up on them. Instead, He continued with bio, continuó con su plan y misión para ellos, dándoles poder con his plan and mission for them, empowering them with the gift el don de su Espíritu Santo y prometiendo estar con ellos hasta el of his Holy Spirit, and promising to be with them until the end fin de los tiempos. of time. La Buena Noticia es que, a pesar de nuestras dudas, pre- The Good News is that despite our doubts, concerns, and inse- ocupaciones e inseguridades, Cristo todavía tiene un plan y una curities, Christ still has a plan and mission for us. When God misión para nosotros. Cuando Dios nos llama a la misión, confía en nosotros y pide que confiemos en él por completo. No nece- calls us to mission, he trusts us and asks that we trust him com- sitamos enfocarnos en nuestras propias debilidades, sino en el pletely. We need not focus on our own weaknesses but on the poder absoluto y la misión de Cristo de amar y servir a Dios y absolute power and mission of Christ to love and serve God los unos a los otros. and one another. Reflexionemos sobre las maravillosas obras del Señor en nuestras Let us reflect on the wonderful works of the Lord in our lives vidas y agradezcamos a Dios por su constante amor y misericor- and thank God for his constant love and mercy. How can we dia. ¿Cómo podemos confiar en el poder de Cristo para proclamar trust in the power of Christ to proclaim the Good News despite la Buena Nueva a pesar de nuestras dudas e inquietudes? ¿Cómo our doubts and concerns? How can our Christian life reflect the puede nuestra vida cristiana reflejar el amor y la unidad del Pa- love and unity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? dre, el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo? Fr. David Vivero P. David Vivero Church Location: Chapel Location: 3280 W. 1st St. (SR #46), Sanford, FL 32771 800 S. Oak Ave., Sanford, FL 32771 Vigil Mass: (Sat) 4:00pm and 6:00pm Mon.-Sat. Daily Mass: 8:30am Sunday Masses: 8:00am & 10:00am (English), 12:00pm (Spanish) Confession: (Sat) 1:30-2:30 pm WELCOME Join In Pg. 2 Gospel Meditation gives rise to and connects all three members of the Holy Trinity. It is this laughter, flowing Welcome! For Your Day from the very depths of the Godhead that not only keeps the Trinity in joyful unity but spills All Are over into the creation of all beings and things. It et God be who God is. This is often one is an expression of Divine Delight! Have you Welcome Here “ofL the hardest things to do. Rather than ever taken time away from your agenda to If you are alienated or allowing the mystery of being created in the experience the Divine Joyfulness of God? upset, we welcome you image and likeness of God unfold and take root in our lives, we change the dynamic. We lovingly. If you are in We can reach a connection of Presence wherein want to be the creators who want to make God need of forgiveness, Jesus forgives you even the smallest of creatures suddenly radiate into the image and likeness we need God to be. completely—with unconditional love. the fullness of God: the wonderful creation of We have a hard-enough time letting the people their being, the innocence and playfulness of If you have been hurt by the Church, in our lives be who they are. We struggle even their movements, and the sustaining life breath we are truly sorry. If you are angry, more so with God. It is almost as if we want that flows through their veins. The same God God to be our imaginary friend who is not only Jesus offers you peace. If life has who created the heavens and the earth is the become burdensome, we are here to with us whenever we need but becomes the same God who wants you to call him ‘Dad’ and Being we need God to be. Who is it that we support you. We are happy you are the same God who preserves your life and has want God to be today? A protector, all things in His care. ©LPi here and want you to stay. We would disciplinarian, champion for justice, healer, like to share our lives with you. Come advocate for our cause, grantor of prayers, join us each week so we can worship guardian of my life, or the avenger? Our prayers tell an interesting story. When you God together. pray, what does God look like? We Serve... Recently, a young woman who was feeling All Souls Loves Visitors! invisible, overlooked, ignored, and We accept anyone who wants to share Did you know that All Souls Parish has a misunderstood by her husband struggled to Catholic cemetery? If you have a loved one in the life of the parish regardless of make her feelings known and get his attention. reposing there, you would know that of where they live. Please register as an Finally, she screamed, “Listen to me!” Thus, course. But, many others might not, and it's affirmation of your wish to share in the birth was given to a renewed and healthier especially significant with the Memorial Day relationship. We spend so much time storming community life of All Souls. weekend fast approaching. On Saturday, May heaven with our agenda and trying to make Registration cards may be found in the 29th, All Souls Cemetery will hold a special God into a “god” of our desires that we do not narthex of the church or chapel, the ceremony for deceased veterans at 10am (a hear God saying, “Listen to me!” God is separate article in the Bulletin provides the parish office during the week, or online desperately trying to get our attention. God is details). However, those that serve at the at our parish website: saying, I am here among you as not one but cemetery, and those that have served us and three, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Many allsoulssanford.org. Why not sign up our country, deserve special attention. Ms. people seldom notice God’s presence because today? We love new members! Mary Valente, Director of Cemetery they are so caught up with other spiritual cares Operations, cares for the resting place of our and concerns. And, when the “god” they Register Today at: loved ones, including the hallowed graves of fashion and create doesn’t produce as they www.allsoulssanford.org/parish- military veterans. Her dedication to that desire, they shake the dust from their feet and service extends from making sure the grass is registration move on.