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FBQ , unlike the eExam

was not recorded during the life time of the Prophet because the Prophet warned against doing so.

FBQ The Prophet said whoever memorizes commits into eExam memory any hadith and acts by it will enter paradise

FBQ The term used for any bid'ah bidia eExam innovation which is not supported by the Prophet is

FBQ The Prophet warned that rejected eExam should anybody introduce an innovation in our matter (i.e.) it will be

FBQ The two main parts of Isnad, Matn matnu, isnad eExam Hadith are


FBQ Statements credited to the hadith eExam Prophet (SAW) are known as

FBQ The Arabic term for a Muhaddith eExam traditionist is

FBQ The Hadith that is mainly targib eExam used to encourage people to do good is known as hadith

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FBQ Asmau’r-Rijal is another Science of eExam term for Hadith

FBQ The book of Muwatta by eExam Imam Malik is arranged in


FBQ According to the Prophet 4 four eExam the reasons why people marry women are

in number

FBQ A typical Prophetic Tradition matnu matn eExam can be divided into two parts namely, Isnad and

FBQ Literally, Hadith means sayings of the sayings of eExam modern while technically it Prophet Prophet means the Muhammad

FBQ Moral practice of the Athar eExam Prophet's companions is

FBQ The Scholar of hadith who Malik eExam rarely traveled out of Madina is Imam

FBQ The phrase Hadith Nabawi Prophetic Hadith of the eExam means tradition Prophet

FBQ Hadith Daif Hadith daif eExam

is unreliable and unacceptable Hadith

FBQ Hadith is the 2nd second eExam

primary source of Shari'ah

FBQ Complete this hadith: If you do what you do as you like eExam are not ashamed, then like

FBQ The first reason which led memorizers eExam to the idea of compilation of Hadith was the death of

of hadith http://www.tmanouonline.net/activate_eexam.php?coursecode=ISL121&stid=172&pid=T 2/11 7/20/2017 Untitled Document

FBQ The caliph who first made Umar ibn eExam an official statement on the Abdulaziz compilation of Hadith is

FBQ A compiler of sound Hadith Imam Bukhari eExam who laboured for good sixteen years (16yrs) before accomplishing his compilation is

FBQ Of all the 4 Imams of Imam Malik eExam Islamic jurisprudence, the one that is least traveled is

FBQ By the narraton of Muslim, patience perseverance eExam the Prophet said: He is not powerful he who defeats his opponent but the one who defeats his passion. This Hadith teaches

FBQ Literally defined, Muwatta a well trodden a path eExam means path

FBQ A Hadith that came to us Mutawatir eExam intact generation after generation is in the


FBQ The other word eExam interchangeably used with hadith is

FBQ Hadith collection arranged Musnad eExam according to chains of transmitters is called

FBQ A weak hadith is called daif da'if eExam hadith

FBQ There are 6 six eExam

books of hadith

FBQ The Muwatta of Imam Malik it is rich in eExam is also known as as a book content of fiqh because

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FBQ When a hadith has no sahih sahihun eExam complaint both in its isnad and matnu it is classified as hadith

FBQ The theme of the Hadith intention An-niyyah eExam one of An-Nawawi's collection is the importance of

FBQ Rufiatil aqlam wa jaffatis destiny predestination eExam suhf is a hadith talking about

FBQ Complete this hadith: Min tarkuhu ma la tarikuhu maa eExam husni Islami `l-Mari yanihi laa ya'niihi

FBQ Sahihayn is the term for the Bukhari, eExam books of Muslim


FBQ The Arabic term for science Asmaaur Rijal Asmaau eExam of Hadith is Rijaal

FBQ Of all the students of al- Muhammad eExam Zuhri ibn Ishaq

is rated highest

FBQ The Prophet’s Companion Urwa bn eExam who started compilation of Zubayr Hadith was

FBQ Sahih is to Imam Bukhari Sunan eExam as

is to Imam Abu Daud

FBQ The followers of the Taabiun tabiun eExam Sahabis are known as

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FBQ At his farewell pilgrimage, Hadith Sunnah eExam the Prophet recommended to the that they will not go astray as long as they hold fast to two documents; namely the Quran and

FBQ Hadith whose content was Qudusi Qudsiy eExam inspired to the Prophet is technically defined as hadith

FBQ The companion of the Abu Hurayrah eExam Prophet who has the largest volume of Hadith as a result of his unbroken companionship with the Prophet is

FBQ The Arabic word for mawdu' mawduu eExam fabricated Hadith is

FBQ The chain of transmitters of isnad isnaad eExam any hadith is known as

FBQ Hadith Sahih technically sound hadith eExam means

FBQ No one of you believes in love brotherhood eExam God till he wants for his brother what he wants for himself. This hadith teaches

FBQ Unlike text of the Qur'an, Hadith eExam

can be recited in Salat.

FBQ A hadith is classified to be Qur'an Quran eExam un-authentic when it contradicts a text of the

FBQ Whatever the Prophet taqrir eExam approved by his action is known as

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FBQ Some of the companions of Ahlu suffah eExam the prophet who always dedicate their lives to staying in the for devotions are called

FBQ According to one hadith a 4 four eExam child will be questioned while still in the womb on


FBQ The next in rank to hadith hasan eExam sahih is hadith

FBQ Those who documented Muhaddithun Muhaddithin eExam and compiled Hadith and Sunnah are known as

FBQ The collection arranged Musannaf eExam according to subject-matter is called

FBQ When we talk of matn of text real content eExam any hadith we mean the

of the hadith

FBQ Each hadith has 2 two eExam


FBQ The theme of the Hadith cleanliness eExam that says an-Nazafah shatrul is on

FBQ al-Amin Amin eExam was given to the Prophet as a nick name before his prophethood to attest to the high quality of his character

MCQ The Hadith whose words Hadith qawli Hadith fi‘li Hadith Hadith taqriri C eExam are reported spoken by qudsi Allah is called_____

MCQ Isnad means chain of chain of school of school of B eExam ______relation transmitters thought theology

MCQ Prophet Muhammad was a Creatures Animal Mankind Jinn C eExam mercy to all ______Kingdom

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MCQ Moral teachings of the Local National Universal Regional C eExam Qur'an are _____

MCQ Morality has something to Face Behaviour Wish Interest B eExam do with human ____

MCQ Qur'an was revealed to Jibril Mika'il Israfil Azra'il A eExam Prophet Muhammad through angel ____

MCQ Any action that is wajib or Optional Practical Required Compulsory D eExam fard in Islam is ______

MCQ Statements credited to the Sunnah Qur’an Hadith Surah C eExam Prophet Muhammad (SAW) are known as _____

MCQ Moral teachings in Islam is Fiqh Takfir Tahdhib D eExam known as _____

MCQ Another term Sahih Sunnah Khabar Athar B eExam interchangeably used for hadith is ______

MCQ “Khushu” in salât means Concentration Diversion Inattention Correction A eExam ______

MCQ Asmaa'u rijaal' is a scientific hadith Qur'an human nature A eExam study about ______beings

MCQ min husni Islamil mari'i to pray to to avoid what to always to love other B eExam tarkuhu maa laa ya'niihi God everyday does not keep neighbours This hadith is asking a good concern him watch of Muslim ------what goes on around him

MCQ The next in rank to hadith da'if mursal hasan mutawatir C eExam sahih is hadith ______

MCQ One of the Sahabahs who Sheikh Adam Sheikh Sheikh Ibn Sheikh Abu D eExam heard hadith from the Al-Iloriy Uthman Dan Batuta khurayrah Prophet is ------Fodio

MCQ One of the roles played by It gives more it competes it shows it causes A eExam Prophetic hadith is that ----- explanations with the how confusions ---- to the Qur'an Qur'an intelligent for Muslims the compilers of hadith are

MCQ The reasons why people 6 3 5 4 D eExam get married according one hadith of the Prophet are ------

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MCQ ______was the Hadith M. M. Azami M. O. Abdul M. Piktal M. W. Watt A eExam scholar who debunked the orientalists’ view on the reliability of Isnads of Hadith texts.

MCQ One of the great early Muhammad Abdu `l-Qadir Shaykh Az-Zuhri D eExam compilers of Hadith is al-Ghazzali Jilani Jazuli ______

MCQ A compiler of sound Hadith Ibn Abbas Abu Dawud Imam Imam C eExam who laboured for good Bukhari Tirmidhi sixteen years (16yrs) before accomplishing his compilation is called ______

MCQ A typical Prophetic Tradition Sahih Hasan Matn Jami C eExam can be divided into two parts namely, Isnad and ______

MCQ According to one hadith, a 4 6 7 3 A eExam child will be questioned while still in the womb on ------issues

MCQ The first hadith of An- salat sawm intention knowledge C eExam Nawawi's collections talke about------

MCQ The book of Muwatta by Musannaf Musnad Mufassah Mursal A eExam Imam Malik is arranged in ______style

MCQ The two most authentic Kitabayn Jalalayn Sunan Sahihayn D eExam books of Hadith are Bukhari otherwise called ____ wa Muslim

MCQ Hadith ______is the one Mursal Sahih mawdu’ Targib C eExam that is totally rejected

MCQ The following are among Imam Imam Muslim Imam Imam Ibn A eExam the six authors of Hadith Ghazalli Bukhari Maja except _____

MCQ The systematic collection Middle Beginning Second End A eExam and compilation of Hadith half began by the ______of the first century Hijrah

MCQ Of all the students of al- Muhammad Abu Ma‘shar Abdu `r- Yahya ibn A eExam Zuhri ______is rated ibn Ishaq Rahman Wahhab highest al-Sindi

MCQ In view of its enriched Sunan Abu Sunan Ibn Muwatta A eExam content and style of Dawud Maja information, ______is referred to by some scholars as a book of Fiqh http://www.tmanouonline.net/activate_eexam.php?coursecode=ISL121&stid=172&pid=T 8/11 7/20/2017 Untitled Document

MCQ Imam Malik is popularly Loved the Never Reflected Was born in C eExam known as Imam of the people of traveled out Madinah Madinah people of Madinah because Madinah of Madinah custom in he ______his opinion

MCQ Asmau’r-Rijal is another Knowledge of Compilation Science of Content of C eExam term for ______Hadith of Hadith Hadith Hadith

MCQ The first Hadith in the forty Nawafil Sadaqah Sincerity Punctuality C eExam collection of al-Nawawi of purpose at work revolves around ______

MCQ Montegomery Watt was an Palestinian American Lebanese Orientalist D eExam ______who criticized the reliability of Hadith

MCQ The phrase Hadith Nabawi Divine Prophetic Sound Weak B eExam means ______Tradition Tradition Tradition Tradition

MCQ The ______is the Rawi Hafiz Qari Qadi A eExam technical term for a narrator of Hadith

MCQ Only the______Sahabah Khalifah Hufaz Amir A eExam means the Prophet’s Companions among the terms

MCQ In rating authentic Hadith Hadith Hadith Hasan Hadith Hadith Daif B eExam ______is next to Sahih Mashhur Mutawatir

MCQ ______is unreliable and Hadith Hasan Hadith Daif Hadith Hadith B eExam unacceptable Hadith Sahih Marfu‘

MCQ ______simply means Mu’min Muslim Sahabah Salaf C eExam early Muslims of high integrity

MCQ Umar Ibn al-Khattab was Selfishness Greediness strictness Justice D eExam known for ______during his administration

MCQ Moral practice of the Athar Hadith Mursal Da'if A eExam Prophet's companions is _____

MCQ ______is the practical Sirah Sunnah Hadith Athar B eExam deeds of the Prophet Muhammad (s. a. w.)

MCQ ______are the secondary Ijmâ and Ijtihâd and Hadith Qur’ân and A eExam sources of Shari’ah Qiyâs Taqlid only Tafsir

MCQ A Hadith that came to us Isnâd Mutawatir Matn Mursal B eExam intact generation after generation is in the ______category

MCQ Among the excellent Hadith Daif Hadith Sahih Hadith Hadith B eExam categories of Hadith, the mussanaf Hasan first is tagged ______http://www.tmanouonline.net/activate_eexam.php?coursecode=ISL121&stid=172&pid=T 9/11 7/20/2017 Untitled Document

MCQ The Prophet’s Companion Marwân Zayd bn Urwa bn Ali bn Abi C eExam who started compilation of Thâbit Zubayr Tâlib Hadith was _____

MCQ Those who involved Mufassirun Mujahidun Muminun Muhaddithun D eExam themselves in the science of Hadith are______

MCQ Supply the first part of this He who He who He who He who D eExam Hadith: ‘______is not one teased us cheated us shouted cheated of us’ ( narrated by Muslim) on us

MCQ ______was known for his Umar Abu Bakr Bilal Zayd B eExam generosity in the earlier period of Islam

MCQ The followers of the Taabiun khulafa Qurra’ Huffaz A eExam Sahabis are known as ______

MCQ ______was the Ibn Abbas Abu Dawud Imam Imam C eExam Traditionist who laboured Bukhari Tirmidhi for good sixteen year before on his Hadith collection ______

MCQ What helps to remove Tafsir Târikh Hadith Tajwid C eExam ambiguities and absurdities in the life of a Muslim is ______

MCQ A nickname bagged by Musaddiq Siddiq Farûq al-Amîn D eExam Muhammad (s.a.w) in his pre-Prophethood life was ______

MCQ Qur'an was revealed to Totality Whole Piece Sudden C eExam Prophet Muhammad in meal manner _____

MCQ Book of instruction given to Suhuf Tawrat Lazd Zaburah D eExam Prophet Dawud is _____

MCQ The three collections of Abu Dâud Ibn Abu Dâud Abu Dâud Abu Dâud A eExam Hadith that are known as Majah and al- Tirmidhi and Muslim Bukhari and “sunan” belong to ______Nasâi Ibn Majah and al- Muslim Nasâi

MCQ The two main parts of Awwal and Bidayah and Isnad and Sahih and C eExam Hadith are______Akhir Nihayah Matn Daif

MCQ When Hadith contains Minute details Explanatory Name of a Scanty B eExam ______about a personality, details personality details it is a sign of weakness

MCQ Some of the companions of Ahlu suffah Ahlut-Tariqah Ahlus- Ahlul warah A eExam the prophet who always Sunnah dedicate their lives to staying in the mosques for devotions are called ------http://www.tmanouonline.net/activate_eexam.php?coursecode=ISL121&stid=172&pid=T 10/11 7/20/2017 Untitled Document

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