
LIS policy

ISO 4217 Currency Code List (Official Fixed Euro Rates for Participating Countries)

Australia Australian AUD Austria Schilling ATS Conversion to Euro Conversion from Euro Ended

Belgium BEF BRC ATS Austria, Schilling ATS / 13.7603 = EUR EUR × 13.7603 = ATS 28-Feb-02

Canada CAD Colombian COP BEF Belgium, Franc BEF / 40.3399 = EUR EUR × 40.3399 = BEF 28-Feb-02

Czech Republic Koruny CZK Denmark Kroner DKK DEM , Deutsche MarDEM / 1.95583 = EUR EUR × 1.95583 = DEM 28-Feb-02

Estonia Krooni EEK Finland Markka FIM ESP Spain, Peseta ESP / 166.386 = EUR EUR × 166.386 = ESP 28-Feb-02

France FRF Germany DEM FIM Finland, Markka FIM / 5.94573 = EUR EUR × 5.94573 = FIM 28-Feb-02

Greece Drachmae GRD GTQ FRF , Franc FRF / 6.55957 = EUR EUR × 6.55957 = FRF 17-Feb-02

Hungary Forint HUF Ireland Irish Pund IEP GRD Greece, Drachma GRD / 340.750 = EUR EUR × 340.750 = GRD 28-Feb-02

Israel Shekels ILS Italy ITL IEP Ireland, Pound IEP / 0.787564 = EUR EUR × 0.787564 = IEP 09-Feb-02

Japan Yen JPY Korea (south) Won KRW ITL Italy, Lira ITL / 1936.27 = EUR EUR × 1936.27 = ITL 28-Feb-02

Luxembourg Luxemburgish franc LUF Mexico MXN LUF , Franc LUF / 40.3399 = EUR EUR × 40.3399 = LUF 28-Feb-02

Netherlands Guilder NLG Norway Krone NOK NLG The , Guilde NLG / 2.20371 = EUR EUR × 2.20371 = NLG 28-Jan-02

Peru Peruvian Neuevo Sol PEN Poland Zlotych PLN PTE Portuga l, Escudo PTE //008 200.482 = EU R EUU008R × 200.482 = PTE 288eb0-Feb-02

Romania Lei RON Russia RUB SIT Slovenia, Tolar SIT / 239.640 = EUR EUR × 239.640 = SIT 14-Jan-07

Slovak Republic Koruny SKK Slovenia Tolar SIT VAL Vatican City, Lira VAL / 1936.27 = EUR EUR × 1936.27 = VAL 28-Feb-02

Spain Peseta ESP Sweden Kronor SEK

Switzerland CHF Taiwan Taiwanese dollar TWD

United Kingdom British Pound GBP United States US dollar USD

Uruguay UYU

EURO Euro bank notes and began circulating in the above countries on January 1, 2002. At that time, all transactions in those countries were valued in Euro. Therefore, from that moment on, each income and expenditure variable belonging to a country that adopted Euro national currency will be expressed in Euro