PL Propylene LLC Application for PSD Greenhouse
Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of a Proposed 20-Acre Expansion Tract Adjacent to an Existing PL Propylene, LLC, Facility, Houston, Harris County, Texas By: Jeffrey D. Owens HJN 080122 AR 31 Prepared for: Prepared by: Zephyr Environmental Corporation Horizon Environmental Services, Inc. Austin, Texas Austin, Texas December 2012 Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of a Proposed 20-Acre Expansion Tract Adjacent to an Existing PL Propylene, LLC, Facility, Houston, Harris County, Texas By: Jeffrey D. Owens Prepared for: Zephyr Environmental Corporation 11200 Westheimer Road, Suite 600 Houston, Texas 77042 Prepared by: Horizon Environmental Services, Inc. 1507 South IH 35 Austin, Texas 78741 Russell K. Brownlow, Principal Investigator HJN 080122 AR 31 December 2012 Intensive Cultural Resources Survey of a Proposed 20-Acre Expansion Tract Adjacent to an Existing PL Propylene, LLC, Facility, Houston, Harris County, Texas MANAGEMENT SUMMARY Horizon Environmental Services, Inc. (Horizon), was selected by Zephyr Environmental Corporation (Zephyr), on behalf of PL Propylene, LLC (PLP), to conduct an intensive cultural resources inventory and assessment of a proposed 8-hectare (ha) (20-acre [ac]) expansion of PLP’s existing facility located at 9822 La Porte Freeway, Houston, Texas 77017. PLP currently operates a propane dehydrogenation unit at this plant site and is proposing to build a second dehydrogenation unit on an approximately 8-ha (20-ac) tract located within the overall plant complex. The PLP facility is an existing chemical processing plant surrounded by areas that have been developed for mixed commercial, industrial, and residential uses. The existing plant is bordered on the north by the eastbound La Porte Freeway frontage road, residential subdivisions are located to the east and south, and another industrial plant is located to the west.
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