
GeneralAssembly (@ Distr. GENERAL


Thirty-ninth sess ion Agenda item 104


I. At its 3rd plenary neeting, on 21 1984, the ceneral Assenbty. on the recommendation of the ceneral Conmittee, decided to include in the agenda of its thirty-ninth session the item entitled! "Activities of foreign econonic and other interests which are impeding the implenentation of the Dectaration on the cranting of Independence to colonial countries and Peoples in Namibia and in all other under colonial domination and efforts to elininate colonialisn, apartheid and racial discrinination in : report of the Special Committee on the Situation with regard !o the Inplementation of the Declaration on the Grantinq of Independence to Colonial Countries and peoples,'.

At the same meeting' the Assembly decided to allocate the it.en !o lbe Fourth Cornmitt.ee for consideration and report. 2. The Fourth Conrnittee considered the iten at its 2nd to llth neetings, betr.reen 24 Septenber and 26 October tA/C.4/39/sR.2-1I).,

3. At the 2nd neeting, on 24 Septenber' the Chairrnan drew attention to a letter dafed 24 Augusr 1984 (A/39/4781 addressed to the secretary-General by lhe Chairman of the Special Corunitbee on the Situa!ion with !egard to the Implenentalion of the )oeclaration on the cranting of Independence to Cotonial countries and Peoples,

84-28678 0160P (E) A/39/663 English Page 2 a transnitting the reconmendation of the Cofiunittee that nilitary aclivities and arrangenents by colonial Powers in Territories under lheir adninistration h'hich night be inpeding the implenentation of the Declaration on the cranling of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples should be taken by the General Assenbly in connection with its consideralion, in the Fourth Conunittee' of the present ilern.

4. At. the sane rneeting. the RapporLeur of the special Corunittee nade a statenent in which he gave an account of the relevant activities of the SPecial Comrittee during 1984 and drew attention to chapter V of the report of the Corunittee relating to itern 104 and chapter v' of the report relating to nilitary activities and arrangements by colonial Powers in Territories under their administration which migh! be i.mpeding the impl.ementation of the Declaration on che cranting of Independence to cotoniat Countries and Peoples (A/39/23 (Part III) , !/ as well as the relevant documentation of the Special comnittee (A/Ac.109/766. 778, 779, 7SL, 7 82, 786 and 787).

5. The general debate on the iten took place at the 3rd to llth neetings, oelween 16 and 26 October. 6. At its 7!h meeting, on 22 October, the Fourth Conunittee granted requests for hearing in connection with its consideralion of the iten to Mr. J. A. Go nze lez-conz Alez (A/C.4/39/'11 and Mrs. Wilna E. Rever6n, Oficina de a Informaci6n Internacional para 1a Independencia de (A/C.4/39/7/Add.L\. I Mrs. Rever6n and Mr. conzalez-conzd lez rnade statenents at the 8th meeting, on 23 October.

7. On 23 October, the of America subniteed anendnents (A/C.4/39/L.21 to the draft decision contained in chapter VI, paragraph 14, of docunenl A/39/23 (Part III), which were subsequently introduced by the representative of the United States in a staternent to the Fourth Corunittee at its 1lth meeting on 26 October. The anendments read as foltows: "(a) fn paragraph 8, lines 2 and 3, delete the words rin particular the United States of Anerica and , ri "(b) fn paragraph 9' line 11, delete the nords rin particular lhe United slates and Israelr."

8. At. the IIth neeting, on 26 October, the Chairman drevr attention to documents A/39/23 (Part III)/Corr.I and A/c.4/39 /L,2/ Cor r .I r issued j.n Chinese, French and Spanish only.

U To be incorporated in Official Records of Ehe ceneral Assernbly, Thirtv-ninlh session' Supplenent No. 23 (A/39/23\ . I A/ 39 / 663 English ) Page 3

9. At ehe sar0e neeting, the Fourth Commlttee aalopted lhe draf! resolution contalned in A/39/23 (Part III), chapter v, paragraph f2, by a recorded vote of 1I2 to 4, with 23 abstentions (see para. LL't, Z/ The was as follows: 9/ I!@gr ' Albania, , , , , , , , , ' , , Botshrana, BraziI, Darussalan, , Burma, , Byelorussian soviet socialist Republicl , Central Afrj.can Republicl , ChiLe, , Colonbia, Conoros, congb, cosca Rica, Cuba. , Czechoslovakia, Democratic Yenen' , Doninican Republicl Ecuador, , EI Salvador, , , , Ganbia' German De$ocratic RePublic, , -, cuyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, , Indonesla, (Islamic Republic of) , Iraqr , ;Iordan, , , Lao People's Denocratic Republic, , Libyan Arab ,tamahiriya, , l,lalaysia, lfaldives, MaIi, Mauri tania, , i,tongolia, l'lorocco, l,iozambique, t Nerd zealand, Nicaragua, , Nigerla, ornan, Pakislanr Panama ' PaPua Nev Guinea, Peru, , , , Romania, Rvranda, saint vincent and the crenadines' , , , Sierra l,eone, Singaporer , , , Syrian Arab Republic, , , , , , , Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, ) Union of soviet socialist Republics, united Arab Emlrates, United Republic of , Uruguay, venezuela. Viet Nam, Yenen, Yugoslavia, zaire, ' .

Againstr Doninica, crenada, United Kingdon of creat Britain and , United states of Anerica.

Abstaininqr Austria, Belgiun, , Dennark, linland, , Gernany, Federal Republic o!, creece, Iceland, Ireland' Israel' , , , , Luxembourg, ualawi, , Norway, Paraguay' , , sweden. 10. At the sane rneeting, the Fourth Connittee took action on the draft decision contalned Ln A/39/23 (Part III), chapte! vI, paragraph 14r and Ehe United states anendnents thereto, contalned Ln A/c.4/39/L.2, as follows:

2/ statements in explanation of vote were nade by the representatives of the foUowing Member statea: Australia, Au6tria, Barbados, , , canada, Cltadr Chller D€nnark, Dominican Republic, Fiji, France, cermany, PeateraL Republic ofr , Irelandr IsraeL, Italy, Jamaica, ;Iapan, , Netherlandsr , Norrray, Onan. Papua New cuinea, Senegal, Sudan, Sweden, Turkey, Uruguay, Viet Nan and zaire. y - Subsequent to tbe voting, the representative of Guinea stated that hls I delegation had intenaled !o vote in favour of the draft resolution. A/ 39/663 English Page 4 I

(a) The first anendment (see para. 7 (a) ) was adopeeal by a recorded vote of 62 to 47, with 24 abstenlions. 9/ \he voting was as follows: In favour t Atgentina, Australia, Austria, Bahanas, Bel-gium, BeIize, Burna, Caneroonr Canada, , Chad, Chile, , Conoros, Costa Rlca, Dennark, Dotninica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El salvador, Fiji, Finland, France, cabon, Ganbiap cernany, Federat Republ-ic of, creece, crenada, Haiti, Ilonduras, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Ita1y, Ivory coast, Janaica, Japan, Liberia, Luxembourg, Malawi, Nepal, Netherlands, Ner.r Zealand, Niger, Nonray, Panarna, Papua Ner., cuinea, Philippines, Portugal, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sanoa, Senegal, , Solonon Islands, Spain, Sri Lanka, Swedenr Thailandr United Kingdon of creat Britain and Northern lreland. United States of America, Uruguay, Zaire.

!g!nE!: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Antigua and Barbudal Bahrain' Bulgaria, Byelorussian soviet socialist Republic, china, Congol Cubar Czechoslovakia, Democratic yenen, Ethlopia, German Denocratic Republic, Ghana, cuinea, cuyana, Hungary, lndonesia, Iran (Islanic Republic of), , itordan, Kuwait, Lao peoplers Detnocratic Republic, Libyan Arab ilamahiriya, , Mexico, ttongolia, Nlcaragua, Nlgeria, , poLand, gatar, Sauati I Arabia, syrian Arab Republic, runisiar Uganda, ukrainian soviet Social-ist Republic, Union of Sovie! Socialist Republics, United Arab Erirates, United Republic of Tanzania, Viet Nan, , Yugoslavia, zanbia, zinbabwe.

Abstai.nings Barbados, Benin, Boliva, Botswana, , Brunei Darussalam, cyprus, Egypt, India, Kenya, Lesotho, !4alaysia, ualdives. , , Paraguay, peru, , , Sudan, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Venezuela.

g Statenents in explanation of vote were rnade by the representatives of the follosing Menber Statest Austratia, Austria, Barbados, BeIgiun, Botswana' Canada, Chad, Chiler D€nmark, Doninican Republic, Fiji, f'rance, , Federal RepubJ.ic of, creece, Irelandr Israel, Italy, ,Jamaica, Japan, l4a1arri, Netherlands. New Zealand, Norway, Onan, Papua Neu Guinea, senegal. sudan, Sweden, Turkey, Uruguay, I Viet Nan and za ire. A/ 39 / 663 English ) Page 5

(b) The second amendment (see para. 7 (b)) was adopted by a recorded vote of 52 to 4?, with 25 abstentions. 9/ The voting was as follows:

In favour s Argentina, Augtraliar Austria, Bahamas, Belgiun, Belize, Burma, cameroon, canada, central African nepublicr chad, chtle, Colonbiar , Co6ta Rica, Dennark, , Doninlcan Republic, Ecuador r El Salvador, Flji, Finland, France, cabon, Ganbia' cermany, Federal Republic of, Greecer ' Haitir Ilonduras, Icelandr lreland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, ,tanaica, Japan, Liberia, Luxenboulg, !,l,alawi, Nepal, Netherlands' New Zealand, Niger, Nornay, Panama, Papua Ner.r cuinea, Phllippinesr Portugal, saint vincent and the Grenadlnes, sanoa, senegal, Singapore, Solornon Islands, Spain, Sri Lanka, SvJeden, Thailand, of creat Britain and Northern Ireland, Uniteal States of America, Uruguay, zaire.

Aqainst r Afghanistan, ALbania, Algeria, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahrain, Bulgaria, Byelorussian goviet socialist RepubLic, china, congo, cuba, czechoslovakia, DemocEa!ic Yemen, Ethiopia, Gernan Denocratic Republic, chana, Guinea, cuyana, Aungary, Indonesla, Iran (Islanic Republic of) . Iraq, , Nulraitr Lao People's Denocratic Republic, Libyan Arab Jarnahiriya, !.{auritania, Mexico, !,tcngolia, Nicaragua, , pakistan, poland, eata!, Saudi ) Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukrainian Soviet socialist Republic Union of sovi.et socialist Republics' United Arab Enirates, United' Republic of Tanzania, Viet Nan, Yemen, Yugoslavia, zanbia, u imbabwe. Abstaining: Bangladesh, Barbados, Benin, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei DarussaLam' Cyprus, Egypt, India, Kenya, Lesotho, lralaysia, l,laldives, lt'czambique, Onan, Paraguay, Peru, Rnanda, Sierra Leone, sudan' Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey' Venezuela.

y statements in explanation of vole were nade by the representative€ of the following Menber states! Australia, Austria, Barbados' Belgiun, Botstrana, canada, Chad' Chile, Denjnark, Doninican Republic; Fiji, France, cernany, Federal Republic of, Greece' Ireland, Israel, Italy' Jamaica, Japan, l,lalar.ri, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Onan, , Senegalr Sudan, Sweden, Turkey, Uruguay, viet Nam and Zalre. ) N39/663 Bnglish Page 6 I

(c) The draft decision contained in a,/39/23 (Patt III), chaPter vI, paragraph 14, as arnended, nas adopted by a recorded vote of 115 to ]1, wich 15 absbentions (see para. Lzr. g The votlng was as followst ILE4,S!! Afghanistan. Albania' Algeria, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda' Argentlnar Bahanas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Benin, , Bollvia, Botswanar Brazllr Brunei Darussalam' Bulgaria, Burma, Burundi, Byelorussian Soviet Soclallst Republic, Cameroon, central African Republic chad, china' colonbia, comoroa, Congo, costa Ricar cuba, Cyprus,' czechoslovakia' Denocratic yemen, Djibouti, Doninican Republic, Ecuador EgyPt, El Salvadorr Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Ganbia, German ' Denocratic Republicl Ghana, Glenada, Guatenala, Guinea, , Balti, Eondulas, Hungary. India' , Ilan (Islamlc RePublic of), Iraq' Ivory Coast, ,tamalcar Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lao PeoPlers Denocratic RePublic, lesotho, Liberia, Libyan Arab Janahiriya' l'Ladagascar, Malayaia, !'laldives' ltal i, Maur itarr ia, l4exico, uongolia, lrorocco, uozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria' oman, Pakistan' Panana, Papua NerY Guinea, Perur PhillPPines, Poland, Qatar, nonanla, &randa, Saint vincent and the Grenadines, samoa, Saudl Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, SingaPore, Solomon Islands' Sri IJanka, sudan, syrian Arab Republic, Thailandr Togo, trinldad and a Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukrainian Soviet Sociatist ! RePublic, Union of Sovlet soclalist RePublics, United Arab Enirates, Uniteat R€public of Tanzania, uruguay, venezuelar viet Nam, Yenenr Yugoslavia, zaire, zanbia, zimbabwe. s!Eg!.r Belgiun, canada, Doninica' France, Gernany, r'ederal Republic ofl Italy' ilapan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, united Klngdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, united states of Anerica' Abstalninqr Australia, Austria, Dennark, Finland, Greece, Iceland' rreland, Israelr l,talawi, New zealand, Norway, Paraguay, Portugal, Spain, srreden.


11. the Fourlh Cotnnittee recomnende to lhe General Assenbly the adoPtion of the follouing draf t resolution:

V statementa in explanatlon of vote were nade by the represenlatlves of the following tianber Statest Australia, Austria, Barbados, Belgium' Botswana, Canada, Chad, chile, Denmark, Doninican RePublic. Fij1, France, Gernany, Federal Republic of,, Greecer Irelandr Israel, Italy, .fanaica, Japan, t{alawi, Netherlands, New Papua New Guinea, senesal, sudan, sweden, rurkey' urueuay' ;::i"l* lll-ilirT"., I A/39/663 English Page ?

Aclivities of foreiqn econonic and other interests which are

The ceneral Assernbly,

Having considered the iten entitled 'Activities of foreign econonic and other interests rrhich are inpeding the lnplementation of the Declaration on the Granhing of Independence to Colonial Countries and peopler ln Nanibia anal in all other Territorles under colonial domination and efforls to elininate coJ.oniali6m, apartheid and racial discrinination in southern Africa., Aaving examined the chapter of the report of the Speclal Codmittee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the crantlng of Independence to Colonial Countries and peoples relatlng to the iten, ?/ Taking into consideration the relevant chapter of the report of the United Nations council for Nanibia, 8/

RecalLinq its resolutions 1514 (xv) of L4 December 1960, containing the Declaration on the cranting of Independence to Colonial Countrieg and Peoples, 262I (xxv) of 12 october I9?0, containing the progr arnrne of action for the full implementation of che Declaration, and 35lII8 of II Decernber 1980r the annex to which contains the plan of Action for the E'uII Implenentation of the Declarationr as well as all other resolution€ of the United Nations relating bo the iten.

Reaffirminq the soLexnn obligation of the adtninistering poeerg under the Charter of the United Nations to pronote the political, economlc, Boclal and educational advancerflent of lhe inhabltants of the Territories under thelr administratlon and to prolect the hut[an and natural resources of those Territories against abuses, Taking into account the relevant provielons of the pariE Declaratlon on Nanibia and the Programme of Action on Namibia, 9/ adopted at. Conference in Support of the Struggle of the Nanibian people for Independgnce.

A/39/23 (Part III), chaP. V. v 4/39/24, part tvro, chap. IX. A/ 3e / 663 English Page I

Reaffirming that any econonic or other activity nhich irnpedes the implernentation of the Declaration on the Granting of IndePendence to colonial Countries and Peoples and obslructs efforts aimed at the el-inination of , apartheid and racial discrimination ln southern Africa and other colonial Territories is in direct viol,ation of the rights of the inhabitants and of th€ principles of the charter and aLl relevant resolutions of the United Na tions, Reaffirning that the natural resources of all Territories under colonial and racist dorninaiion are the heriLage of the peoples of Ehose Territorles and that the exploitation and depletion of those resources by foreign economic interests, in particular in Nanibia, in association with the occupying r69ine of Africa, constitute a direc! violation of the rights of the peoples and of the principJ.es in the charler and all relevant resolutions of the United Na tlons,

Bearing in mind the relevanE provisions of the Econonic Declaration and other docunents of the Seventh Conference of Eeads of StaCe or Governnent of Non-Aligned Countries, held at New Delhi fron 7 to 12 !4arch L983, LL/ Takinq inco account the relevant provisions of the Bangkok Declaration and Progranme of Action on Namibia, II/ adopted by the United Nations Council for Natnibi.a on 25 May 1984 at its extraordinary Plenary neetings held at tsangkok' and of the Councilrs conclusions and reconmendations of the seminar on the Activities of Foreign Econonic Interests in the Exploitation of Nanibiars Natural and lluman Resources, organized by the Council at r,jubljana, Yugoslavia, from 16 to 20 Aprll L984' !L/ Noling with profound concern that tbe colonial Poners and certain states, througb their activitles in the colonial Territories, have continued to disregard United Nations decisions relating to the item and that they have failed to inplement, in particular, the relevant provisions of ceneral Assenbly lesolutions 262I (xXV) of 12 October 1970 and 38/50 of 7 Decenber 1983, by which the Assenbly called upon the colonial Powers and those Governments that had not yet done so to take legislative, adninistrative or other neasures in respect of their nationals and the bodies corporate under their jurisdiction that own and operate enterprises in colonial Territories. particularly in Africal which are detriftental to the interests of tbe inhabitants of those Terlitories, in to put an end to such enterprises and to prevent nee investnents lhat run counter to the interests of the inhabitants of tbose Territories.

L0/ See A/ 3A/L32-S/ L567 5 and Corr.I and 2, annex. g/ A/39/24, Part three' chaP. II. L2/1 lbtd., part two, chap, II1. A/39/663 English ) Page 9

Condemning the intensified activitles of those foreign econonlc, flnanciar and other interests whlch continue to expLoit the naEural and hunan resources of the colonial Territories and to accunulage and repatriate huge Profits to the detrinent of the interest of the inhabitants, particularly in che case of Nanibia, thereby impeding the realization by the peoples of the Territories of their legitimate aspirations for self-deterrninat ion and independence,

scrongly condemning the support which the racist ninority r6girne of South Africa continues to receive from those foreign economic, financial and other interests iihich are collaborating wlth the r6girne in the exploltat.lon of the natural and hunan resources of the international 1erritory of Nanibia, in the further entrenchment of its ilLegal racist domination ovei the Terricory and in the strengthening of its system of apartheid, strongly condemninq the investment of foreign capital in the production of uranium and the collaboration by certain l{estbrn States and other States with the racis! rninority r69ime of South Africa in the nuclear fieltt which, by providing that r6gine with nuctear equipnenL and technol-ogy, enables lt bo develop nuclear and rnilitary capabilities and to becone a nuclear power, thereby promoting South Afr-icais continued iltegal occupation of Narnibial

Reaffirning that the natural resources of Namibia, including its marlne ) resources, are the inviolable heritage of people and that the exploitatlon of those resources by foreign economic lnterests under the protection of the illegal colonial administralion, in violation of the CharLer, of the relevant resolutions of the ceneral Assenbly and the Security CounciL and of Decree No. I for the protection of the Natural Resources of Namibia, enacted by the United Nations Council for Namibia on 27 Septenber L974, !Z/ and in disregard of the advisory opinion of the rnternational court of alusEice of 2l- ,rune L97L, y/ is.iuegar and contrlbutes to the naintenance of the il1e9a1 occupation rdgine and is a grave threat to the integrity and prospericy of an independent Nanlbiar Concerned abou! the conditions in other colonlal Territ.ories, including certain Terrilories in the Caribbean and the pacific Ocean regions, where foreign econornic, financial and olher interests continue to deprive the indigenous populat.ions of their rights over the riealth of their countries, and lrhere tbe inhabitants of those Territories continue to suffer fron a loss of land ordnership as a resurt of lhe fairure of the administering powers concerned to restrict Che sale of land to foreigners, despite the repealed appeals of the ceneral Assembly,

_ OlficigL.Rqcolqs of the cenerat Assenbt-y, Thirtv-flfrh Session, Supplement-13/ No. 24 (A/35/24\, vol. I, annex iI.

Africa in A/ 3e / 663 EngLlsh Page 10 I

conscious of the continuing need to nobilize Public oPinion against the involvement of foreign econonic financlal and other interests in the exploitation of natural and hunan resources,' which inPedes the independence of colonial Territories and the elimination of racisnr partlcularly in southern Afr ica, I. Reaffirns the inalienable right of the peoples of dependent Territories to sel-f-deterninacion and independence and to the enjol[ent of the natural resources of their lerritories, as well as their right to digpose of those resources in their best interests,

2. Re iterates thae any administering or occupying Poirer that depr ives the colonial peoples of the exercise of their tegitimate rights over their natural resources or subordinates lhe rlghts and interests of those Peoples to foreign econornic and financial- interests violaLes the solemn obllgations it has assumed under the charter of the United Nationst

3. Reaff irns that, by their dePletive exploitation of natural resourcesr the continued accunulation and of huge Proflts and the use of those profits for the enrichrnent of foreign sectlers and the perpetuation of colonial donj.nation and racial discrlminatlon in the Territories, the activities of foreign econonic, financlal and other interests operating at present in the colonia.l- Territoriesr particularly in southern Africa, constitute a obstacle to political indePendence and I racial equality, as well as to the enjoyment of the natural resourcea of those Territories by Lhe indigenous inhabitantsl

4. Condenns the activities of foreign econonic and other interests in the colonial Territories impeding the inplenentation of the Declaratlon on the cranting of Independence to colonial countrles and Peoples, contalned in General Assembly resolutlon I5I4 (xv), and the efforts to elinlnate colonialism, apartheid and racial discriminationl

5. C!DEe44q the policies of Governtnents that continue to support ol collaborate with those foreign economic and other interests engaged ln exploiting the natural and resources of the Territories, lncluding, in particular, iUegally exploiting Nanlbla's marine resources, violating the political, economic and social rights and interests of the indigenous PeopleE and thus obstructing lhe fuII and speedy lnplenenlation of the Declaratlon in respect of those Territor ies, 5. strongLy condenns the collusion of the covernments of certain western states and other states with the racist ninority r69ime of south Africa in the nuclear field and calls upon those and aII other Governments to refrain fron supplying that r69ime, directly or indirectly, with installations that might enable it !o produce uraniun, plutoniuttr and other nuclear materialsr reactors or military equiPmentt 7. Reduests the special Connittee on the situation with regard to the Inplementation of lhe Declaration on the Granting of IndePendence to Colonlal I A/39/663 English Page 1l countries and PeopLes to continue to monitor closelt fiie sltuation in the renaining colonial Territories so as to ensure that all economic activities in those Territories are aimed at strengthening and diverslfying lheir econornl.es in the interests of the and ttreir speedy accession to independence and, in that connection, requests the adnlnistering Porder s concerned to ensure that the peoples of the Terrilories under their administration are not exploited for political, nllitary and other purposes detrinental to their intereals t

8. strongly condernns those western states and aII other states' as wel-l as the transnational corporations, which conti,.-ue their investnents in, and supply of arnaments antl oil and nuclear technology to, the racist r6girne of south Africa' thus buttressing it and aggravating the threat to world peacet 9. Calls upon all statesr in particuLar certain l{estern States, to take urgent, effective neaEures to terminate all collaboration with the racist r6gime of south Africa in the pollticaL, diPlonatic r economic, trade' nilitary and nuclear fields and to refrain from entering into other relations with that r6gime in vlolation of tbe relevant resolutionE of the unlted Nations and of the Organization of African Unityt 10. Calls once aoain upon all covernments that have noc yet.done so to take fegislative, adltinistrative or other m€asures ln resPect of lheir national.s and the bodies corporate under their jurisdiction that ovtn and operate enterprises in colonial Territories, particularly in Africa, which are detrinental to the interests of the inhabitants of those Territoriesr in order to put an end to such enterPrises and to Prevent new investrnents that run counter to the interests of the inhabitants of those Territoriest

11. calls upon all states to terninate, or cause to have terninatedt any investnents in Nanibia or loans to the racist ninority r69ime of south Africa and to refrain from any agreenents or rneasures to promote trade or other econonic relations with that r6gimel

f2. Requests all states that have not yet done so to effective neasures to end the supply of funds and other forms of aasigtancer including rnilitary supplies and equiPnen!' to the racist ninority r69ime of South Africa, which uses such assistance to rePress lhe PeoPle of Namibia and their national liberation movementt

13. strongly condernns south Africa for its continued exPloitation and plunaering-TEE-naturat resources of Nanibiar in conplete disregard of the legitimate interests of the Nanibian peoPle, for the creation in lhe of an economic structure dePendent essentially uPon its mlneral resources and for its illegal- exlension of the territorial. sea and its Proclanation of an econonlc zone off the coast of Namibiat 14. Declares that all actlvities of foreign econonic inlerests in Namibia are irregat under international law and that consoquently south Africa and all the foreign economic interests oPerating in Namibia are liable to Pay damages to the future lanful Goverru ent of an indePendent Nanibiat A,/39/661 English Page l?

15- cal1s upon those oir-producing and oi1-exporting countries lhat have not yet done so to take effective measures agains! the oil conpanies concerned so as to terminate the supply of crude oil and petroleum products to lhe raclst 169ime of South Africat

15. Reiterates that the exploitalion and plundering of the marine and other nalural resources of Namibia by south African and other foreign econonic interests, including the activities of those transnalional corporations which are engaged in lhe exploitation and export of the Territory's uraniun and other resources, in violation of the relevant resolutions of the ceneral Assenbl-y and che security councir and of Decree No. I for the protection of the Natural Resources of Namibia, are illegal dnd contribute to the naintenance of the lllegar occupation rdgirne and are a grave threat to the integrity and prosperity of an independent Namibia;

17. Condemns the plunder of Narniblan uranium and calls upon the Governftents of all statesr Particularly those whose nationals and corporations are invorved in the ninlng or enrichment of, or traffic in1 Namibian uraniurn, to take all appropriate rneasures in compliance vrith the provisions of Decree No. I for the protection of the Natural Resources of Namibla, including the practice of requiring negative certlficates of origin, to prohibi! and prevent state-owned and other corporationsl together with their subsidiaries, from dearing tn Narnibian uranium and fron engaging in uranlun prospecting activittes in Namibia t

I8. Requests all States to take legisLative, administrative and other measures, as appropriate, in order effectlvely to isolate South Africa polit.ically, economically, militarily and culturally, in accordance with ceneral Assembly resolulions ES-B/2 of 14 Seplember 198I, 361121 B of 10 December L98L, 37/233 A of 20 December I9B2 and /36 A of l December 1983, 19. Calls once again upon al1 States to discontinue a]-l econonic, financial and trade rerations with the racist minoriEy r6gine of south Africa concerning Namibia and to refrain fron entering into any relations vrrth south Africa, purpor t ing to act on behal.f of or concerning Namibia, vrhich may Iend support t.o iCs continued illegal occupation of that Territoryl

20. rnvites arr Governrnents and organizations of the united Natlons systen, having regard to the relevant provisions of the Declaration on th.e Establishrnent of a New rnternationar Economic order, contained in Generar Assembly resoLution 3201 (S-VI) of I l.,tay 1924, and of the Charter of Econonic Rights and Duties of states' contained in Assenbly resolution 32gr (xxrx) of 12 Decenber 1974, to ensure, in parlicular, tbat Che permanent the sovereignty of coloniar Territories over lheir natural resources is furty respected and safeguarded t

2I. Calls upon the administering powers to abolish aII discrininatory and unjust wage systems and working.conditions prevailing in the Ter r itories under theif adninistration and to apply in each Territory a system of flages to aII the inhabitants withou! any discrlminationl A/39/663 Engllsh Page 13

22. Requests the secretary-General to undertake, through the Departnent of Public information of the secretariat, a sustained and broad canpaign wlth a view to informing world Pubtic oPinion of the facts concerning the piUaging of natural resources ln colonial Territories and the exploitation of their indigenous. populations by foreign and, in resPect of Nanibia, the support they render to the racist minority r6gine of south Africat 23. Appeals to aII non-governmental organizations to continue their canpaign to nobilize international public opinion for the enforcenent of econonic and other sanctions against the 169ime1 24. Requesta the special comnitEee to continue to exanine this question and to report thereon to the GeneraL Asset0bly at its fortieth session.

L2. Tbe Fourth co littee also reconmends to the ceneral Assenbly the adoption of the following draft dec ision: acBlvlEres

I. The General Assenbly, having considered lhe chapter of the report of the sPecial Committee on the situation with regard to the Inplementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to colonial Countries and Peoples relating to an ilen on che sPecial Connltteers agenda entitled nMilitary activities and arrangenents by colonial Powers in Territoriea under their administration nhich might be irmeding the inPlenenbation of the Declaralion on the cranting of Independence to colonlal Countries and Peoples"' L\/ and recalling ils decision 3g/4L9 of 7 Decenber 1983 on this subject, deplores the fact that the colonial- Powers concerned have taken no steps to implement the requests repeatedly addressed co them by the Assembly, most recently in paragraph 10 of it.s resolutiod 38/54 ot 7 Decenber 1983, to withdraw immediately and unconditionally their rnilitary bases and installations from colonial Terrltories and to refrain from establishing new one s.

2. The General Assembly, in recalling its resolution 1514 (xv) and alL other relevant united Nacions resolutions and decisions relating to miLitary bases and installations in colonial and Non-self-Gover ning Territoriest reaffirns its strong convlction that the Presence of nilitary bases and installatlons in the Territories concerned could constitube a major obstacle to the inplementation of the Declaratlon on the Granting of Independence to

!9/ 439/23 (Part III) , chap. vI. 39/663 English^/ Page 14

colonial countrles and peoples and that lt is the responsibility of the adninistering Pohters concerned ln ttrat regard to ensure that the existence of such bases and lnstallations does not hlnder the populations of the Territories from exercising their right to se lf-determination and indeperderEe in conformity niti the purposes and principles of the Charter. Furthermore, anare of the presence of mltitary bases and instalratlons of the administerirg po$rers corcerned and of other countries in those Territories, the Assembly urges the administering powers concerned to continue to take all necessary measures not to invorve those Territorles in any offensive acts or interference against other States and to comply fully with the purposes and prirEiples of the Chart.er, tlle Declaration on the crantlng of fndepend€nce to Colonial Countries and Peoples and the resolutions and decisions of the Uniteal Nations relatlrg to mllitary activities and arrargements $r colonial po,rrer s in Territories under the lr aaunini strat ion.

3. The General Assembly deplores the fact that South Africa anat the colonial Pohter s continue to enqage in actlvities and dispositions of a military character and to establlBh and malntaln ba€es and other milltary installations in Nanibia and other colonial Territories in violation of the purposes and prirE iples of the Charter and of Assenbly resolution 1514 (xV).

4. The ceneral Assenbly condernns atl military activitles and arrangements in colonial Terrltorles which deny the peoples concerned thelr right to self-detern ination and lndependerEe.

5. The ceneral Assenbly note6 tlat, ln southern Africa in general and in and around Namibia in particular, a critical situation continues to prevail a6 a result of South Africa.s continued i11e9a1 occupation of the lerrltory. I'he illegal occrryyirg 169 ime has resorted to deq)erate rneasures in order to suppress by force the legltlnate aspiration6 of the p€opl-e and nalntain lts control over the Territory. In its escalatirE rrar agalnst the pe@le of Nanibia and thelr national llberatlon movenent, the south we6t Africa peoplers organlzation, strugglirq for freedon and independerper the 169 irne has rep€atedly cormrltted acts of armed aggression against the neighbouring indeperdent African countri.es, particularly Angola, whlch have caused extensive loss of hunan lives and destruction of the economic infrastructure.

6. The ceneral Assenbly, notlrB that in Namibla, the SoutJr African covernnent has continued to expand its network of mlritary bases and carried out a rnassive build-up of its mllitary forces, condernng any contlnuirq co-operation of certain Hestern States and other States wlth South Africa in supplyirE it with arns and mllitary egu ipment as rrell as technology, incl-udirg technology and equipment ln the nuclear field capable of being utilized for nilitary purposes. The Assenbry condenns south Africa for its ever increaslrg and large-scale military build-up in l€nlbla, its lntroduction of conpulsory mllitary service for Namibians, ltE forced recru itnent and training of Nanibians for tribal arnies and its recruitment of rnercenarles and other fore ign agents in order to carry out its pollcies of internal repression ahd its rnllitary attacks against independent African states. In this connection, A/39/663 English D Page 15

the Assenbly calls upon all States to co-operate in taking effective measures to prevent the recruitment, lraining and transit of nercenaries for service in Narnibia. The Assembly is particularly nindful in that regard of the relevant resolutions of the organization of African Unity, the Polilical Declaration igsued by the sevenEh Conference of ueads of State or Governnent of Non-ALigned Countriesr held at New Delhi from 7 to 12 l4alch f983, ly the t'ina1 conmuniqu6 of the sumlit Meeting of Front-Iine states' held at Arusha' United Republic of Tanzania. orL 29 April 1984, L|j/ Lhe Final Corununiqu5 of the Regional symposiun on south Africa'a lUegal Occupation of Nanibial The Threat to lnternational and security' herd at Arusha, united Republic of Tanzania' fron 2 to 6 April L984. &/ the relevant Provisiong of the Declaration adopted by the International conference on the between south Africa and Israel held at vienna from U to 13 ,tuly 1983, ry and the relevant decisions aalopted by the Fourth Islanic Sunmit Conferencet held at fron L6 to 19 January L984. 20/ 7. The General Assembly, accordingly' denands the inmediate cessation of the lrar of oppression waged by the.racist minority r69ime against the people of Nanibia and their national liberation novenent, as weII as the urgent disnantling of atl nilitary bases in the Territory. neaffirming the legitinacy of che struggle of the people of Nanlbia to achieve their freedon and independencer the Assenbly appeals to aII Scates to render sustained and increased noral and poLitical support, as rrell as f inanc j.al, milltary and l other naterial assietarrce, to the south gfest Africa PeoPLers Organization to enable it to intenslfy its struggle for the liberation of Narnibia. 8. The General Assembly condemts any continued military collaboration and support which certain t{eEtern countries and other states render to the Governrnen! of South Africa antl calls uPon all States to cease such collaboration and suppor ! to that Govettrnent, Particularly the sale of weaPons and other matgrielr which increases its caPacity to wage uars against neighbouring African slates. In particular, the Assembly calls uPon all Governnents to conply strictly with the provisions of Security council resolution 4I8 (19?7) of 4 Novenber 1977, by ldhich the Councilr actlng under Chapter vII of the Charter, decided to aPPly speclfic sanctions against south Africa. In this connection, the Assembly draws Particular attention to the relevant provislons of its resolubion 38,/36 of f December 1983, the Paris Declaration on Namibia and tbe Progranrne of Acblon on Namibia adoPted at the

L6/ A/ 38/L32-s/L5 675 and corr. 1 and 2, annex' sect. r. nl A/AC.rLsll,.6tl. ry A/39/24, part three' chaP. II. !9/ Arz38l31I-S/1588 3 . n/ A/ 39/LgL-s/L6 4I4 and Corr.I. A/ 3e/ 663 English Page 15 I lnternational conference in support of the struggle of the Narnibian people for Independence, Ll ana the Bangkok Declaration and progranme of Aclion on Namibia 2j/ adopEed by the United Nations Council for Namibia on 25 !,iav I9g4 at its extraordi.nary plenary neetings held at Bangkok. 9. The ceneraL Assenbly considers that Che acqulsition of nuclear neapons capabirity by the racist rdgime of south Africa, with i.ts infanous record of violence and aggressionl constitutes a further effort on its part to terrorize and intimidate independent states i.n ehe region into submission while also posing a threat to all rnankind. The continuing assistance rendered to the south African rSgirne by certain westeln countries and other states in the military and nuclear fields beries their stateat opposilion to the racist practice of the South African r6gime and rnakes then rrilling partners of its hegemonistic and crlninal poricies. The Assenbly accordingly condenns the continued nucrear co-operation by certaln l{eatern countries and other states rrith South Africa. It calls upon the States concerned to end all such co-opelation and, in part.icuLar, to halt the supply !o South Africa of eguipnenC, technology, nuclear nateEials and related training, which increases its nuclear capabi l ity.

10. the ceneral Assembly, noting thac the militarization of Namibia has led to the forced of Namibians, to a greatly intensified floyr of and to a cragic disorganization of the faniry rife of the Nanibian PeoPle, strongly condemns the forclbLe and wholesale displacenent of Narnibians from cheir hones for rniJ.itary and poritical purposes and the introduceion of I ggmpylgory for Nanibians and declares that all measures by the ilregal occupation r5gime to enforce nilitary conscription in Nanibia are nurr and void. rn this connection, the Assenbly urges arl covernments, lhe specialized agencies and other intergover nmental organizations to provide lncreased naterial assistance Co the thousands of refugees who have been forced by the apartheid r69irne.s oppresslve policies ln Nanibia and south Africa to flee into the neighbouring front-Iine States.

I1. The ceneral Assembly recalls its resolution ES-g /Z of 14 Septenber 1981, by vrhich it sbrongly urged States to cease forthwith, indivldually and collectively, all dealings with south Africa in order totallv to isolate it politicallyl economically, nilitarily and culturally.

L2. The ceneral Assenbly strongly deprecates the establishment and naintenance by colonial Powers and their al-lies of military bases and other i'nstallations in the colonial Territories under their adninistration phich inpede the ixnplementation of the Declaration on the cranting of Independence

2L/ Re of of the Nanibian Pe (A//CONF. 12 0,/13 ) , Part th ree. 4/ A/39/24, part three, chap. Ir. I A/39/663 English Page 17 to Colonial countries and Peoples and which are inconpalible with the purposes and Principles of the Charter of Che United Nations and of Assembly resolution r5r4 (xv).

13. The General Assenbly reiterates its condennation of all military activities and arrangenents by colonial Porrers in Territories under their administration which are delrinental to the lnterests and rights of the colonial peoples concerned, especially their righ! to self-det€rnination and independence. The Assernbly once again callE upon the colonial powers concerned to terrninate such activities and eliminate such nilitary bases in conPliance with its relevant resol-utions and in partlcular with pargraph 9 of the PIan of Action for the FuIl Inplenentation of the Declaration on the GranCing of Independence to Colonial Countries and peoples, contained in the annex to its resoLution 35/ll8 of 11 . 14. The ceneral Assembly deprecates the continued alienation of land in colonial Territories for military installations. While it has been argued that the servicing of such installations creates emplol4nent, nevertheleqs, the large-scale uti].ization of local econonic and nanpower resoulces for this Purpose diverts resources wbich could be more beneficially utilized in pronoting the economic development of the Territories concerned and is thus contrary to the interests of their populations. 15. The General Assenbly requests the Secretary-ceneral to continue, through the Department of public Inforr0atlon of the Secretariat, an intensified canpaign of pubJ.icity with a vlew !o inforning world public oPinion of the facts concerning the nilieary activities and arrangements in colonial Territories which are inpeding the inplenentation of th€ Declaratlon on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, contained in General Assenbly resolution 1514 (XVl . 16. The General Assembly requests the Special Committee to continue its consideration of the ilem and to report thereon to the Assenbly at its fortieth sess ion.