Tuesday, September 22—Episode 01

John Barsa* Acting Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development

Gary Bauer* President, American Values

Andrew Brunson* Former Pastor, Izmir Resurrection Church

Representative Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.)* U.S. House of Representatives

Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.)* U.S. Senate

Dave Hoppe* Former Chief of Staff Office of the Speaker, The Honorable Paul D. Ryan

Cissie Graham Lynch* Communications Advisor and Ministry Spokesperson Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse

Eric Metaxas* NYT Bestselling Author Host of the Nationally Syndicated Eric Metaxas Radio Show

Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo*

Representative Chip Roy (R-Texas)* U.S. House of Representatives

Allie Stuckey* Host, Relatable

Representative Mark Walker (R-N.C.)* U.S. House of Representatives

Walker Wildmon* Vice President of Operations, American Family Association

Wednesday, September 23—Episode 02

Claire Culwell* Twin Survivor, Pro-Life Speaker

Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.)* U.S. Senate

Representative Jody Hice (R-Ga.)* U.S. House of Representatives

Abby Johnson* CEO and Founder, And Then There Were None

Dana Loesch* Syndicated Radio Host, The Dana Show

Bishop Vincent Mathews, Jr.* Missions President, Church of God in Christ

Dr. Albert Mohler Jr.* President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Melissa Ohden* Founder, The Abortion Survivors Network

Representative Steve Scalise (R-La.)* Minority Whip, U.S. House of Representatives

Representative Ann Wagner (R-Mo.)* U.S. House of Representatives

Andrew Wommack* Founder, Andrew Wommack Ministries and Charis Bible College President, Truth and Liberty Coalition

Thursday, September 24—Episode 03

Michele Bachmann* Former Congresswoman, Minnesota

Dr. Bill Bennett* Host, America Strong: The Bill Bennett Podcast; Former Secretary of Education, Best-Selling Author

Dr. Ben Carson* Retired Neurosurgeon, Author, Former Presidential Candidate

Walt Heyer* Founder, Walt Heyer Ministries

Pastor Jack Hibbs* Senior Pastor, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills

Senator (R-Okla.)* U.S. Senate

Bill Pascoe* Tea Party Patriots Action

Virginia Prodan* President, Virginia Prodan Ministries

Abigail Shrier* Writer and Author

Dr. Carol Swain* Author and Speaker

Larry Taunton* Author and Columnist

Gayle Trotter* Host, Right in DC Podcast

Scott Turner* Executive Director White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council

Tim Wildmon* President American Family Association; American Family Radio

Andrew Wommack* Founder, Andrew Wommack Ministries and Charis Bible College President, Truth and Liberty Coalition

Sydney Wright* Student, Georgia Northwestern Technical College

Friday, September 25

Gary Bauer* President, American Values

Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.)* U.S. Senate

Ken Blackwell* Senior Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance

Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William G. Boykin* Executive Vice President, Family Research Council Former Commander of Delta Force

Carter Conlon* General Overseer, Times Square Church

Franklin Graham* President and CEO Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse

Representative Mike Johnson (R-La.)* U.S. House of Representatives

Mark Meadows* White House Chief of Staff

Scott Rasmussen* Public Opinion Pollster and Political Analyst

James Robison* Founder, Life Outreach International

President * 45th President of the

Carrie Severino* President, Judicial Crisis Network

Ben Watson* Super Bowl Champion Co-Executive Producer, Divided Hearts of America

Pre-recorded Breakout Sessions 9-25-20

THE BIBLICAL CASE FOR CULTURAL ENGAGEMENT Abraham Hamilton, III, General Counsel and Public Policy Analyst, American Family Association*

Christians have a unique calling to be salt and light in the world. But should this be limited only to the proclamation of the gospel? In The Biblical Case for Cultural Engagement, Abraham Hamilton III will walk us through the Scriptures to examine the ways God has called every believer to be a cultivating force in the beliefs, pursuits, and practices of society.

TEARING DOWN OUR HISTORY & OUR COUNTRY Gary Bauer, President, American Values*

Cultures and societies memorialize their heroes in statues and monuments so future generations can remember and reflect on their accomplishments. In this breakout, Gary Bauer explains why the left's repeated assaults against America's history and memorials are really attacks on America itself.

RACISM, PROTESTS AND “BLACK LIVES MATTER”: AN HISTORICAL AND BIBLICAL ASSESSMENT Andrew Wommack, President, Truth & Liberty Coalition*; David Barton, Founder, WallBuilders*; Bishop E.W. Jackson, Founder, S.T.A.N.D*

America has been rocked by violent protests sponsored by Black Lives Matter and Antifa. In this breakout, Truth and Liberty Coalition President, Andrew Wommack, leads a discussion with David Barton (founder of WallBuilders) and Bishop E.W. Jackson (founder S.T.A.N.D.). Together, they will address racism, “Black Lives Matter,” Antifa, the violent protests, and the un-American ideologies that are fueling the conflict.

ADVOCATING FOR THE PERSECUTED: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM Rushan Abbas, Founder and Executive Director of Campaign for Uyghurs*; Sam Brownback, Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom*; Arielle Del Turco, Assistant Director of the Center for Religious Liberty, FRC*; Bob Fu, Senior Fellow for International Religious Freedom, FRC*; Lela Gilbert, Senior Fellow for International Religious Freedom, FRC*; Dr. Richard Ikiebe, Founder, International Organization of Peace Building and Social Justice*

Across the globe, religious believers face growing persecution from oppressive governments and violent nonstate actors. In , Nigeria, and countless other countries, Christians and others face hostility and danger simply due to their faith. In this breakout session, top U.S. officials and victims of religious persecution from around the world will explore current challenges to international religious freedom and the importance of promoting the freedom to believe for all people.

HOW THE SUPREME COURT AND THE CORONAVIRUS ARE CHANGING THE FUTURE OF EDUCATION Joseph Backholm, Senior Fellow for Biblical Worldview and Strategic Engagement FRC*; Corey DeAngelis, Director of School Choice, Reason Foundation*; Bethany Mandel, Editor, Ricochet.com, Columnist, the Forward*; Cathy Ruse, Senior Fellow, FRC*

Education in America is changing quickly and that's good. This panel will discuss how the Supreme Court and the coronavirus are creating both challenges and opportunities in education and what it means for your family.


Ryan T. Anderson, William E. Simon Senior Research Fellow in American Principles and Public Policy, DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society, The Heritage Foundation*; Andrew Beckwith, President, Massachusetts Family Institute*; Emilie Kao, Director, DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society, The Heritage Foundation*; Sharon Slater, President, Family Watch International*

Join experts Ryan Anderson of The Heritage Foundation, Sharon Slater of Family Watch International, and Andrew Beckwith of the Massachusetts Family Institute as they discuss the attempts to sexualize children through their school’s curriculum and share concrete ways you can fight back to protect children.

USHERING IN A NEW DECADE OF PRO-LIFE POLICIES Connor Semelsberger, Legislative Assistant for Pro-Life Issues, FRC*; Hope Hoffman, Dilation and Curettage Abortion Survivor*; Josiah Presley, Curettage Abortion Survivor*; Patricia Rucker, State Senator (R-W.Va.) *

Recent opposition to common sense abortion restrictions like protections for survivors and prohibiting taxpayer funding for abortion makes the next 10 years a critical moment to advance pro-life efforts. This panel will highlight the key pro-life issues facing our country today and how activists and legislators can be the difference in making America a pro-life nation.

THE TRANSGENDER MOVEMENT: INDOCTRINATING AND STERILIZING CHILDREN Erin Brewer, Co-founder, The Compassion Coalition, Author, and Speaker*; Dr. André Van Mol, Co-Chair of American College of Pediatrician’s Committee, Adolescent Sexuality*; Brandon Showalter, Journalist, The Christian Post*; Dr. Abigail Shrier, Writer and Author*; Peter Sprigg, Senior Fellow for Policy Studies, FRC*

The impact of the transgender movement on adults—such as punishing those unwilling to affirm the falsehood that a man can become a woman or vice versa—is serious. However, the impact on children and adolescents is truly alarming. From indoctrination through “Drag Queen Story Hours” to invasion of privacy in locker rooms and showers to the destruction of girls’ sports to the actual sterilization of vulnerable children, this panel will examine how the transgender movement threatens the well-being of children who have “gender dysphoria” and children who don’t.