nkwazimagazine.com ISSUE 50 | MARCH / APRIL 2021 24 DANA PATEL BEAUTY IN THE EVERYDAY 38 MUSIC: SEBASTIEN DUTCH 40 CONSERVE: SNAKE SAFETY 56 FEATURE: GABON AIR DISASTER WWW.FLYZAMBIA.COM jan-2020-a4.pdf 1 2021/02/12 14:58:45 LUS-JOZ-A4-New.pdf 1 2021/02/10 14:17:28 EXPLORE ZAMBIA NOW! MFUWE & LIVINGSTONE SPECIAL 30% discount off return fares for groups of 4 or more travelling together Children & youth get an additional 25% discount C C M M Y Y CM CM MY From Lusaka, Ndola and Solwezi MY CY CY CMY CMY K Valid for travel 1 March - 30 April K MASK UP AND FLY LUSAKA & JOHANNESBURG DAILY FLIGHTS
[email protected] +260 977 335 563 SA BOOKINGS ZAMBIAN BOOKINGS +260 956 374 743 +27 (0)11 390 1110
[email protected] +260 974 778 552 flyzambia.com +260 977 335 563 +260 956 374 743 www.flyzambia.com +260 974 778 552 CREDITS / THE TEAM PUBLISHING EDITOR Walid Nassar
[email protected] DEPUTY PUBLISHING EDITOR Jolezya Adeyemo
[email protected] DESIGN Jarvis Michelo
[email protected] SALES MANAGER Musonda Chisenga
[email protected] DISCLAIMER: While precauti ons have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the contents of our magazine, Silver Fox Publicati ons Ltd. does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the quality, accuracy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of any informati on, product or service represented within our magazine. Views in this publicati on are not necessarily those of Silver Fox Publicati ons Ltd. COVER IMAGE: The love of football starts early in Zambia.