MAHANOY AREA HIGH BEARSCHOOL FACTS GRADUATION 2014 Mahanoy Area High School GRADUATION 2014 Dear Seniors, Class of 2014 I wanted to let you know how proud I am of all your accomplishments you have achieved here at Maha- noy Area. My main goal for you was to take a lead- ership role and change the culture around here. I Officers want to tell you that you have exceeded my expec- President: Erin Noon tations. Your energy has inspired so many around Vice-President: greg Merchlinsky the building. Do not allow that energy to dissipate Secretary: Josh Baker as you move on to your next stages of life. I will Treasurer: Ruby Rodgers do my very best to pass on your momentum to next year’s senior class. In this past year I have Class Quote: observed how you have come together to create “All our dreams can come true, if we have a special bond. As you start to move in different the courage to pursue them.” directions do your very best to keep in touch with -Walt Disney each other. Maintain the support system you have come to establish at Mahanoy Area. If you need anything please do not hesitate to contact me. You Class Colors: Black and Vegas Gold are and always will be a Golden Bear. Congratula- tions Class of 2014. I wish you the best of luck now Class Flower: Yellow Rose and with all your future endeavors. Class Song: “Chances” By Five For Fighting

Mr. Thomas Smith Mahanoy Area High School Principal

Congratulations Class of 2014 MAHANOY AREA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION 2014 YES Program Graduates

“I’m proud of the YES grads and I wish them the best of luck with their future careers.” - Valerie Kane

Students of the Month

September: Kelsey Macieunas & Tyler Cavenas October: Jen Jackowiak & Greg Merchlinsky Front Row: Beretta Marion, Brandon Donelson, November: Marcella Scheeler & Alex Witiszin Brooke Kufrovich, Christy Evancho, Jen Jackow- December: Brooke Kufrovich & Tyler Davies iak, Kelsey Macieunas, Kyrsten Kukowski Back January: Christy Evancho & Larry McNeil Row: Larry McNeil, Raymond Earley, Sabrina February: Kylee Roberts & Kyle Bernardyn Roche, Sabrina Swartz, Shaina Leshko, Shawna March: Corrine Mensch & Bobby Wozniak Barr, Stephen Bolusky Missing from photo: Mar- April: Erin Noon & Brandon Donelson cella Scheeler, Charlene Yost, Caitlin O’Donnell, May: Shaina Leshko & Jimmy Thomas James Thomas, Alex Witiszin Outstanding Youth Summit Post Alumnus Meeting 2014 Three Mahanoy Students attended the Youth Summit Post Meeting to discuss upcoming Youth Summit events. Tyler Cavenas, Greg Mer- Congratulations! chlinsky, and Katie Loughlin participated in an open discussion involving the county’s proposal to add drivers’ education in school districts, the newly formed YES program, and present our lo- cal community project, fireworks at Mahanoy Mark “Mickey” City community day. Mahanoy Area submitted a grant proposal to gain financial assistance with community day events. We will know next month Holland if we were awarded the $500.00. MAHANOY AREA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION 2014 My most memorable moment of high school was...... hiding from the terrible weather at every track invi- ...when I became friends with Marcella and she got tational. - Josh Baker me to become more outgoing and get out there! ...getting hypnotized and pelvic thrusting in front of - Jessie Lindenmuthout with my friends. - Jimmy the entire school. - Jacob Shaup Thomas last play day! - Shaina Leshko ...In the middle of practice I hitthe fire alarm ...the friends I made. They helped me through this and it went off and everyone evacuated. - Marcella whole year and did a lot of activities. The one is not Scheeler just a school friend but also someone to have out- ...all the memories before games. - Christy side when school is over. - Sabrina Swartz Evancho ...creating and competing in the ninja game all ...when we had a sub for Mr. Nester and he got a throughout the years. No ninja points for you. - Se- phone call when he was boarding the plane for Italy bastian Kopinetz because Steph was on top of the metal cabinet and League Championship game against Pottsville. the whole class was acting out. - Ruby Rodgers - Larry McNeil ...playing the ninja game, inventing baby ball, win- ...watching Mr. Nester get his hair cut and forcing ning 5 championships, playing COD in the audito- him to workout with us to get him in shape. - Josh rium. - Greg Merchlinsky Kachmar ...winning the trophy back from Shenandoah this ...the times I’ve had in sports and the adventures I’ve past year. - Stephen Bolusky had with my group of friends. - Logan Strollis first homecoming dance. - Chetenne Coleman ...when I tripped and slid knee first in Mr. Nester’s ...making unforgettable memories and hanging out room. - James Minahan with my friends. - Jimmy Thomas ...when James Minahan had the Promethean pen and ...all the laughs I had with my friends, especially in tripped and fell and the spring from the pen shot out Ms. schagen’s class. - Mike McCarthy the back in Mr. Nester’s room. - Michael DeWald ...winning the District Championship during my junior ...when Ruby and I were at the hi-rise delivering year. There was no better feeling and I wanted it to meals on wheels and there was a man yelling at her last forever. - Dylan Mahmod because he thought she was trying to sell him a flat ...when Mr. Nester went on the Italy trip because the screen TV. - Carisa Byrne sunstitute made everything funny. - Jade Wuttke ...when we kicked Erin off the “island” inlunch. - Mac- ...when Mr. Nester first started teaching, we all gave ey Brown him the hardest times but always had a great time in ...the day I found out I was moving to a new town his class and throughout the years he became almost and would have to attend a new school. - Brandon eceryone’s favorite teacher. - Chelsea Hartranft Donelson ...going to States with the rest of the team. - Josh ...the friends I have made my senior year. I have the Shaup most reliable friends and they are always there to ...all the volleyball games and swim meets, espe- make me smile. - Sabrina Roche cially the meets where we broke the relay record. ...the game in my sophomore year against - Brooke Kufrovich Shenandoah that went to triple OT. - Kyle Bernar- ...making it to senior year, despite all the challenges dyn I went through during my freshman, sophomore and ...spending the summers with my closest friends. - junior years. - Sumer Messerschmidt Bobby Wozniak ...on the transition field trip when we hit a giant pot- Thoughts on Graduating “I will never forget the memories I made here. I hole leaving McDonald’s and everybody flew out of am ready, however, to experience college life and their seats and my chocolate chip McFrappeflew out move on to the next chapter of my life.” - Gregory of my hands. LOL! - Raymond Earley Merchlinsky MAHANOY AREA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION 2014 Class of 2014 Future Plans Joshua Baker Brandon Donelson Stephanie Krupilis Kutztown University Marine Corp McCann’s School of Business Elementary Education Phlebotomy Raymond Earley Shawnna Barr Pittsburgh Technical Institute Brooke Kufrovich College Culinary Arts Bloomsburg University Nursing Medical Imaging Christy Evancho Kyle Bernadyn East Stroudsburg University Kyrsten Kukowski Albright College Psychology College Criminal Justice/Pre-Law Childcare William Fazio Stephen Bolusky College Andrew Kuzma United States Marine Corp Criminal Justice East Stroudsburg University Physics Macey Brown Destiny Fertig Kutztown University Cedar Crest College Alejandra LeGrand Nursing Seton Hall University Ryan Buchman Nursing United States Military Austin Forte United States National Guard Shaina Leshko Carisa Byrne United States National Guard Kutztown University Justin Hall East Stroudsburg University Penn State University Criminal Justice Tyler Cavenas Mechanical Engineering Lehigh University Jessie Lindenmuth Business Accounting Chelsea Hartranft Lehigh Carbon Community College McCann’s School of Business Pottsville School of Nursing Cheyenne Coleman Surgical Technology Nursing Workforce Jennifer Jackowiak Alyssa Lorah Robert Cornish Kutztown University Penn State University Park Workforce Criminal Justice Biology

Walter Czerepuszko Joshua Kachmar Michelle Lott College United States Marine Corp Workforce Heating, Ventilation, AC Jessica Koller Kelsey Macieunas Tyler Davies Kutztown University Temple University Lebanon Valley College Social Work Speech/Language Pathology Early Childhood Education Sebastian Kopinetz Dylan Mahmod Michael DeWald Bloomsburg University Susquehanna University Workforce Electronical Engineering Accounting MAHANOY AREA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION 2014 Class of 2014 Future Plans Christopher Maley Caitlin O’Donnell Sabrina Swartz Workforce Luzerne County Community College College Social Work Photography/Advertisement Beretta Marion McCann’s School of Business Nickolas Pavelick Calvin Talbott Massage Therapy Workforce/Welding Shippensburg University Jeffrey Peguero Sports Marketing Michael McCarthy Workforce United States Military James Thomas Nemesis Ramos East Stroudsburg University Jeffery McMichael Lehigh Carbon Community College Speech Pathology Workforce Nursing Marissa Ulinitz Larry McNeil Kylee Roberts Workforce Penn State Harrisburg Kutztown University Business/Accounting Business Administration Stephen Weiseman Workforce Corrine Mensch Sabrina Roche Drexel University College Shawna Welsh Nursing Nursing Susquehanna University Math/Graphic Design Gregory Merchlinsky Ruby Rodgers Penn State University Park Lehigh Carbon Community College Jessica Wesch Civil Engineering Nursing Lehigh Carbon Community College Secondary Education Sumer Messerschmidt Marcella Scheeler Art Institute of Philadelphia Penn State Schuylkill B. Alex Witiszin Animation Radiology Penn State University Electrical Engineering James Minahan Jacob Shaup York Technical Institute Bloomsburg University Robert Wozniak Culinary Arts Misericordia University Joshua Shaup Physical Therapy Andre Negron Bloomsburg University/ Exercise Science Jade Wuttke Erin Noon East Stroudsburg University Bloomsburg University Shane Starkey Nursing Communications McCann’s School of Business Plumbing Charlene Yost Jordan O’Boyle Pasadena City College Lehigh Carbon Community College Logan Strollis Nursing Phlebotomy Bloomsburg University Kinesiology MAHANOY AREA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION 2014 The class that benefited me the most was...

...all of Mr. Scheeler’s classes. - Josh Baker ...all of them. Every class helped make me a well ...physics. - Jacob Shaup rounded students ready for anything college has ...personal finance. - Shaina Leshko to throw at me. - Robert Wozniak ...every class that I had my whole high school math because I tried my best in that years has helped me in some way. - Sabrina class and it will benefit me the most in the future. Swartz - Raymond Earley ...all my math and science classes to open my ...Ms. Loy’s. It kept me organized and I really en- eyes up to what I really enjoy. - Sebastian Kopi- joyed it. - Jessie Lindenmuth netz ...personal finance because everything we ...personal finance because I am planning to at- learned are things we use now and always will. tend college and major in finance. - Larry Mcneil - Marcella Scheeler ...sports physiology. - Logan Strollis ...personal finance. - Christy Evancho\ culinary arts vo-tech course. - James Mina- ...Mr. Scheeler’s class. - Ruby Rodgers han ...physics and AP calculus because for the next residential/industrial electrical class at vo- four years, that is all I will be doing. - Greg Mer- tech. - Michael DeWald chlinsky ...creative writing. It definitely helped me to opb- ...every single one. - Stephen Bolusky my mind when writing my own music and poetry. ...Mrs. Schagen’s class. - Cheyenne Coleman - Carisa Byrne ...personal finance. - James Thomas ...personal finance because it taught me all things ...personal finance. - Michael McCarthy I will use in the future. - Macey Brown ...2012 senior class. They taught me how to make ...any math class becaause it was like a vaca- the most out of high school aand a lot of my best tion from other classes like English. - Brandon friends came from that class. - Dylan Mahmod Donelson ...biology because it will help me with nursing. ...all of my classes throughout my high school - Jade Wuttke career have helped me and all of them have ben- ...the YES program. It taught me how I can get a efited me in every which way. - Sabrina Roche job, the skills I need and the proper skills for a ...Ms. Loy’s. - Caitlin O’Donnell job interview. - Chelsea Hartranft ...Mr. Nester’s Honors English courses my fresh- ...definitely personal finance. That class gave me men and sophomore years. They taught me to an understanding of how to take care of myself. remain diligentand Nessy taught me to remain - Josh Shaup inspired when it comes to my education. - Kyle ...biology. It definetely prepaared me for my ma- Bernadyn jor. - Brooke Kufrovich ...English. - Sumer Messerschmidt

Thoughts on Graduating Thoughts on Graduating

“I am not ready to walk down a different path “Mahanoy Area and the Class of 2014 has by myself. I can’t do this. I keep trying to con- treated me well, but it is time for us to fly on vince myself that I will be okay, but I cannot our own.” - Corrine Mensch come to terms with leaving all that I’ve ever known.” - Jen Jackowiak MAHANOY AREA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION 2014 MAHANOY AREA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION 2014 If I could change one thing about my four years of high school, I would... have taken freshman through junior year more people. - Raymond Earley seriously. - Josh Baker ...go out for more sports and try my best at ev- ...have focused more on my work and taken it erything. - Jessie Lindenmuth more seriously. - Jacob Shaup ...change nothing. I enjoyed my four years just ...not change a thing because everything be- the way they were. - Marcella Scheeler caause everything that happened in those four ...have been involved in more extra curriculars. years led me to where I am now. - Shaina Lesh- - Ruby Rodgers ko ...not change anything because I enjoyed and more involved in activities throughout the lived up these past four years. - Gregory Merch- years. My high school years was a good trip but linsky it’s time to end. - Sabrina Swartz ...have been involved in more activities and ...have packed my own lunch, telling my Mom I sports. - Stephen Bolusky owe $40 every other week isn’t fun. - Sebastian ...change some of my classes. - Cheyenne Cole- Kopinetz man ...have been more involved in activities and ...not change anything...those four years are what sports. - Larry McNeil made me who I am today. - Jimmy Thomas ...have been more involved in sports and activi- ...have worked harder. - Mike McCarthy ties. - Josh Kachmar ...not change a thing. My time here has been great ...have made sure that I spent more time with my and I feel like I made my mark on Mahanoy Area. friends and would have joined earlier. - Dylan Mahmod - Logan Strollis a lot better in school so I could make Honor ...have tried to involve myself in the community. Roll every marking period. - Jade Wuttke - James Minahan ...not change a thing. My four years of high school ...have learned even more at vo-tech. - Michael I made planty of mistakes but I leaarned from ev- DeWald ery one of them whether it was the easy way or ...not change a thing. I’m happy with my whole the hard way. Throughout my high school years high school career at Mahanoy Area. - Carisa By- all the lessons I leaarned made me the person I rne aam today. - Chelsea Hartranft ...not change anything because it all has made probably take Ms. loy’s class more seriously me into the person I am today. - Macey Brown because I slept way too much in there. - Josh ...change nothing. The four years of my high Shaup school career have made me who I am today. - ...definitely go to more football and basketball Sabrina Roche games. I would also get involved in school ac- have gone to Mahanoy ssince freshman year ins- tivities more. - Brooke Kufrovich stead of transferring sophomore year. - Caitlin more attention in class, do more of my O’Donnell homework, and pick better friends. - Sumer ...go back and ensure that I actually enjoyed my Messerschmidt freshman and sophomore years more than I did. - Kyle Bernadyn Thoughts on Graduating ...change absolutely nothing. I am happy with the way I spent my time and the person that it made “I am absolutely terrified to leave my family, me. - Robert Wozniak friends, and Mahanoy Area.” - Kelsey Macieu- ...change the dress code and try to talk more to nas MAHANOY AREA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION 2014 What does the class of 2014 think of their teachers? Most Serious Gave the Most Homework First Place: Ms. Loy First Place: Mr. Malkames Second Place: Mrs. Kane Second Place: Mr. Nester Third Place: Mr. Shirvinski Third Place: Ms. Zakrewsky Best Storyteller Gave the Least Homework First Place: Mr. Nester First Place: Ms. Kelchner Second Place: Mrs. Stone Second Place: Mr. Gerber, Mrs. Kane & Ms. Pollack Third Place: Mr. West & Mr. Shirvinski Third Place: Mrs. Stone Gave the Most Notes Gave the Least Tests First Place: Mr. Tobin First Place: Ms. Kelchner, Ms. Popalis & Ms. Pollack Second Place: Mr. Shirvinski Second Place: Mrs. Kane, Ms. Pepe & Ms. Brylewski Third Place: Mr. West & Ms. Luchetta Third Place: Ms. Getting, Mr. Tobin, Mr. Kline, Mr. Cray, & Mr. Gerber Wittiest First Place: Mr. Cray Biggest Sports Enthusiast Second Place: Mr. Nester First Place: Mr. Gerber Third Place: Mr. Bet Second Place: Mr. Kline & Mrs. Fegley Third Place: Mr. Holmes Best Dressed First Place: Mr. Malkames Friendliest Second Place: Mr. West First Place: Mr. Nester Third Place: Mr. Nester Second Place: Ms. Schagen Third Place: Mr. Bet & Ms. Brylewski rGave the Most Tests First Place: Mr. Scheeler Most Involved Second Place: Mr. Nester & Mr. Malkames First Place: Mrs. Fegley Third Place: Mr. Tobin & Mr. Shirvinski Second Place: Mr. Nester Third Place: Mr. Holmes Best Advice First Place: Mrs. Fegley Second Place: Mr. Nester Third Place: Ms. Pollack Secretary of the Commonwealth Visits Free Mahanoy Secretary of the Commonwealth Carol Aichele Enterprise Week was invited to Mahanoy Area to discuss the im- Congratulations to Lily Leahy and Mark Mahmod portance of voting to our Government classes. for being invited to participate in Pennsylvania Secretary Aichele discussed how students can Free Enterprise Week. Pennsylvania Free Enter- register to vote and get the word out. She also prise Week is a unique and challenging program discussed the political hot topics in the state in a designed for high school sophomores and ju- question and answer session. Aichele’s agency, niors. PFEW furnishes a perfect opportunity for the Department of State, oversees elections in eager students to learn about career opportuni- Pennsylvania. ties. MAHANOY AREA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION 2014 The teachers vote... Best Writer First Place: Alex Witiszin Second Place: Bobby Wozniak Third Place: Jordan O’Boyle, Kyle Bernardyn, Most Spirited Alyssa Lorah, Beretta Marion First Place: Erin Noon, Austin Forte Second Place: Josh Baker Third Place: Shaina Leshko, Kylie Roberts, Quietest Christy Evancho First Place: Kyrsten Kukowski Second Place: Calvin Talbott Third Place: Jessie Lindenmuth, Ray Earley, Best Actor Sumer Messerschmidt First Place: Tyler Davies Second Place: Josh Baker Third Place: Tyler Cavenas, Greg Merchlinsky Best Musician First Place: Jen Jackowiak Most Popular Second Place: Cheyenne Coleman First Place: Dylan Mahmod Third Place: Shane Starkey Second Place: Tyler Cavenas, Caitlin O’Donnell Third Place: Greg Merchlinsky, Ryan Buchman Funniest First Place: Josh Baker Most Organized Second Place: Austin Forte First Place: Ali LeGrand Third Place: Shaina Leshko, Beretta Marion, Second Place: Kylie Roberts Mike McCarthy, Jeff Peguero, Jimmy Thomas Third Place: Bobby Wozniak, Corrine Mensch, Brandon Donelson, Calvin Talbott, Jen Jackowiak, Most Reliable Marcella Scheeler First Place: Brooke Kufrovich Second Place: Kyle Bernardyn Most Involved Third Place: Kylie Roberts, Brandon Donelson, Jen First Place: Tyler Cavenas Jackowiak, Josh Kachmar, Shaina Leshko Second Place: Erin Noon Third Place: Greg Merchlinsky, Brooke Kufrovich, Best Dressed Kelsey Macieunas First Place: Logan Strollis Second Place: Caitlin O’Donnell & Christy Evancho Best Actress Third Place: Beretta Marion,Kelsey Macieunas, First Place: Erin Noon Sebastian Kopinetz Second Place: Kelsey Macieunas Most Polite Best Scholar First Place: Tyler Cavenas First Place: Tyler Cavenas Second Place: Brandon Donelson, Ray Earley, Second Place: Alex Witiszin Christy Evancho, Jessie Lindenmuth, Alex Witiszin, Third Place: Kyle Bernardyn, Ali LeGrand, Larry McNeil, Jimmy Thomas Andy Kuzma Biggest Bookworm Most Likely To Succeed First Place: Shawna Welsh First Place: Greg Merchlinsky Second Place: Sabrina Swartz Second Place: Tyler Cavenas Third Place: Sumer Messerschmidt, Third Place: Alex Witiszin, Bobby Wozniak, Brandon Sabrina Roche, Brooke Kufrovich Donelson, Christy Evancho, Kelsey Macieunas MAHANOY AREA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION 2014 My advice to underclassmen is... enjoy high sschool while you can. It’s the all, love and learn. - Kyle Bernadyn best four years of your life. - Josh Baker ...don’t take all AP classes available, just what ...waatch Duck Dynasty and keep it ccountry. - will help you. - Robert Wozniak Jacob Shaup study more and be prepaared for the real not be afraid to be who you are. Never forget world. - Raymond Earley about the little things in life. Live for today, don’t do your best no matter what it is. - Jessie wait for tomorrow. Most importaantly, don’t for- Lindenmuth get to keep smiling. - Shaina Leshko enjoy all the time you have left. It will go by keep trying no matter what grade you’re in. faster than you think. - Marcella Scheeler Don’t mess around in any class because it will enjoy high school because it goes by fast. come back to you in the long run. Your last cou- - Christy Evancho ple years of school goes by like that and the next live your last years in high school to the full- thing you know you will be wearing your cap and est. - Ruby Rodgers gown. - Sabrina Swartz to enjoy the last years of high school, don’t take keep the ninja game going and lift weights them for granted because they go by fast. - Greg- everyday. - Sebastian Kopinetz ory Merchlinsky ...”Ball is life.” - Larry McNeil not take AP English. - Stephen Bolusky stay in school and don’t do drugs. - Josh enjoy your high school years while you can. Kachmar - Cheyenne Coleman treat everyday as if it’s your last, take advan- take every opportunity that comes at you. tage of the time you have with your friends and High school goes by fast and you don’t want to do whatever makes you happy. - Logan Strollis regret anything. - Jimmy Thomas not catch senioritis. It’s the worst thing to ...don’t goof off. - Mike McCarthy have. Trust me! - Carisa Byrne work hard. Results will come. Make the best make it count. - Macey Brown future possible for yourself. - Dylan Mahmod enjoy the time you have left while you’re come to sschool. - Jade Wuttke young and don’t be afraid to push yourself to do ...have fun and cherish your high school years better. - Brandon Donelson because you will miss it when you leave. Even just live life to the fullest, wwork hard in though you won’t think so now. high school will school and don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t be some of the best years of your life. - Chelsea do it, and make friends you know will stick by Hartranft your side once you graduate. - Sabrina Roche ...don’t rush through high school. You’re going not let the drama get to you. It will all be over to miss it when it’s over. - Josh Shaup soon aand one day you will never remember in a have fun during your next high school years. few years. - Caitlin O’Donnell Join clubs, do sports and make the most of your value yourself. I’ve witnessed quite a lot of high school days. - Brooke Kufrovich you grow up and so many of you don’t take care hard and pay attention in class. - Sumer of yourselves. Be wise, determined, and above Messerschmidt

Thoughts on Graduating Thoughts on Graduating

“I wish there would have been more time to “I wish there was a way I could go back and focus on the little things and memories that start over again; go through all the fun times made us all who we are today.” - Kylie Rob- I had with my friends and fix my mistakes.” erts - Andy Kuzma MAHANOY AREA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION 2014 Student Council Assists On Wednesday, May 28, 2014 the student coun- cil sophomores and juniors assisted with the elementary field day from 8:30 until 2:30. Thank you to the following juniors: Katie Babinsky, Ja- son Richmond, Jacqui Pitts, Kiera Burke, Peter Luddy, Noel Bernardyn, Marcus Schmerfeld, and Anne Stramara. Sophomores that helped were Cheerleaders will be attending UCA camp from Luke Holman, Nolan Fegley, Jennie Neifert, Kim- June 17 through June 20. Junior Varsity Cheer- mie Loughlin, Gianni Versace, Lenny Dulsky, leaders for 2014-2015 are Gabby Lorady, Bri Trey Macieunas and Mason Evitts. Jones, Sarah Herring, Desiree Malacusky, Katie The following students put flags on the cem- Loughlin, Jacob Ulicny, Lauren Starkey, Sydney eteries in observance of Memorial Day: Christy Gnall, Kayla Schmerfeld, Katie Cunningham, Evancho, Joshua Kachmar, Brandon Donelson, Kathryn McCarthy, Payton Bernardyn, and De- Austin Forte, Erin Noon. Kelsey Macieunas, van Fisher. Varsity Cheerleaders for 2014-2015 Kylee Roberts, Brooke Kufrovich, Greg Merch- are Gia Hannon, Jacqui Pitts, Rebecca Herring, linsky, Jimmy Thomas, Jen Jackowiak, Bobby Tiffany Spalti, Rylee Kane, Kiera Burke, Noel Wozniak, and Andy Kuzma Bernardyn, Noel Kaufman, Amberly Blashock, Samantha Gnall, Kate Chapman, Haley Obrzut, Meghan Letcavage, Kim Loughlin, Brianna Mess- erschmidt, Mickayla Backo, Madison Ansbach.

Operation Store Front

Mahanoy Area will once again participate in Op- eration Store Front. Operation Store Front has a goal of raising community awareness of the to- bacco industry successful marketing strategies using retail promotions and advertising, often referred to as Point of Purchase or POP advertis- ing. This activity allows youth to actually docu- ment the amount of tobacco advertising at local retailers thru an in-store survey. It also provides High School Chorus performed its Spring Con- tobacco retail outlets with educational materials cert on May 13th. The high school concert fea- stressing the importance if insuring sales to mi- tured music from Pitch Perfect along with other nors do not occur. Youth will visit stores selling popular songs such as “My Wish” by Rascal tobacco products and provide educational ma- Flatts and “Some Nights” by Fun. The concert terials to the manager reminding them of the im- featured the Chordaires singing “Skyfall” by portance of checking identification when some- Adele. Solos were performed by Kylee Roberts, one is purchasing tobacco products. They will Matthew Reed and Tyler Davies. The concert also also complete a survey based on what they see featured a selection by the County Chorus mem- related to advertising and promotion of tobacco bers who are Tori Sallaway, Tyler Cavenas, Tyler products and record their results. Davies and Kathryn McCarthy. MAHANOY AREA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION 2014 31st Annual Business Law Class Schuylkill County Goes to Law Day On May 1st 2014 Mrs. Janet Gettig’s Business Academic Achievement Law class attended the Carbon County Court- house Law Day presentation. Students in Awards on a question and answer session with Carbon County judges and attorneys. Students also had the pleasure of observing a mock court case between Marian School District and Lehighton School District. The Business Law class will take what they learned from this event and incor- porate it into their curriculum. Vaccines Help Protect Travelers! If you are traveling this summer, keep this in mind. It’s never a bad idea to check with your Six students from the high school were select- doctor about what boosters or vaccines you may ed to receive the Schuylkill County Academic need as an adult to help protect you in places Achievement Awards. On Tuesday, May 13, at where immunization standards may not be up to St. Nicholas Hall, Minersville, PA. They were hon- par with the USA. ored by Dr. Joie Green and Senior Class Advisor

Mr. Nester at an award breakfast. These students Research has found that some vaccines which were presented with award certificates and me- were previously thought to provide life-long im- dallions in front of all Schuylkill County schools munity do not. One example is the Pertussus vac- and administration. Pictured above are Mr. Nest- cine (which helps prevent Whooping Cough). All er, Tyler Cavenas, Greg Merchlinsky, Kelsey Ma- adults are now recommended to have a booster cieunas, Alex Witiszin, James Minahan, Michael as Whooping Cough is on the rise again. DeWald, Superintendent Mrs. Green

Enjoy your travels - wherever they may take you - but don’t bring home any unwanted souvenirs!

Commissioners’ The Envirothon was held on Tuesday May 6, 2013 at the Schuylkill County Fairgrounds. Two teams Board Meeting from the elementary, middle, and high school competed in the competition. The students were The Schuylkill County Commissioners held a tested on their knowledge of forestry, soils, wild- public board meeting for our entire high school life, aquatics and current environmental issue. on April 23rd 2014. The board meeting was held The students also attended a presentation from in our high school auditorium. The process of “Red Creek Wildlife Center”. Shawna Welsh, the meeting was discussed in a question and Josh Baker, Nick Scicchitano, Marcus Schmer- answer session directly afterwards. The main feld, Brandon Donelson, Darryl Andreas, Bob agenda item was to recognize Tyler Cavenas as Wozniak, Sebastian Kopinetz, Sabrina Roche, Schuylkill County Scholar Athlete. and Sabrina Swartz. MAHANOY AREA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION 2014

The Mahanoy Graduation 2014 Area SADD Club With June 3rd quickly approaching, the senior has been working class is finalizing all preparations for their grad- to launch their uation day. Graduation will be held on the eve- “My Voice PA” ning of June 3rd at 7 pm in the high school gym. Campaign. The Baccalaureate will be held on June 1st at 7 pm at slogan chosen Blessed Theresa of Calcutta Church in Mahanoy for the positive City. In their final days at Mahanoy, they will rem- social norms message is “Bear Pride is in Store, inisce upon their favorite memories here. The 34 Let’s Get Some More”. The students analyzed seniors will miss their favorite teachers, class- the Pennsylvania Youth Survey to arrive at the es, and most importantly, the bonds they shared statistic which identified that our students feel with each other. Congratulations to the class of that our school supports them. We had 34 more 2014. Good luck with your future endeavors and points in two categories that mention school best wishes to you all. pride when compared with other schools. The Communities in Schools grant was used to pur- chase pencils and t-shirts that display our posi- Thoughts on Graduating tive message. SADD will hold a raffle at lunch near the end of the year in order for students to “I’ll come bacck and sit in the student win a shirt, some will also be given out during section at sporting events...I’ll always be a Red Ribbon Week. Golden Bear!” - Shaina Leshko Night at the Movies

May 30th “I feel no matter how much we say we The Mahanoy Area Drug and Alcohol Prevention want to get out our senior year it doesn’t hit Coalition and SADD is planning an end of the year us until we get closer to graduation day.” - after school activity for the high school students Jess Wesch on May 30th. Schuylkill County Drug and Alco- hol has informed us that we can obtain a grant for $1,500.00 for this event. The event must be held after the student school day. The goal of “I may say that I can’t wait for college the event is to show students that they can have but I do want time to slow down because I’m fun without making destructive decisions. The not ready to leave the place and everyone I students will participate in field activities, and grew up with.” - Brooke Kufrovich will then attend a movie at the Pearl Theatre in the Schuylkill Mall. The event will be free to all eligible students who sign up by May 28th. “I think I am ready to move on to the next chapter in life aand experience college Mahanoy Donates to and real life.” - Justin Hall American Heart

Association “It’s sort of like a car crash. The car A great big thank you to Nancy Brylewski for is speedding out of control. You see the tree her efforts in raising $2,125.00 to donate to the you’re aabout to hit. The car is you and the American Heart Association. Our school district tree is graduation. You know it’s coming so all was provided with a letter thanking the efforts of everyone involved. MAHANOY AREA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION 2014 Schuylkill County Cross Country Clean-Up 2014-2015 The Mahanoy Area cross country team would like to add new members for next school year. Practices officially start in August, but there will be summer workouts throughout June and July. Anyone and everyone is welcome to come and try a practice out. Cross country is a great sport to condition your body and keep you healthy. It is perfect for students that participate in oth- ers sports because it is great at keeping you in shape. You can contact any cross country mem- ber because they will be glad to help. Come try it out!

The South Vo-tech and SKIP organized the first Creating Awareness county clean-up competition on April 23rd. Stu- Earth Day is a day meant to increase awareness dents were given three hours to clean up areas and appreciation for the earth’s environment. in their community. Pictures were submitted to Held on April 22, Earth Day is currently celebrat- the Vo-tech as the clean-up occurred. Mahanoy ed in more than 175 countries annually. students Marcus Schmerfeld, Daryl Andreas, Earth Day was founded in 1970 by Gaylord Nel- Alyssa Lorah, Corrine Mensch, Nolan Fegley, son, a senator from Wisconsin. Nelson got the Brandon Donaldson, Josh Baker, Bob Wozniak, idea of Earth Day after he saw the effects of a Jacob Shaup and Nick Scicchitano cleaned the large oil spill in 1969 in Santa Barbara, California. back of the parking lot as well as the East End Nelson thought the world would be a healthier Park. They were then invited to the Vo-tech for place to live if more people knew about protect- a luncheon and prizes. North Schuylkill won the ing the earth. traveling trophy for cleaning up the most trash. On April 22, 1970, 20 million Americans partici- This event will be held annually. pated in the first Earth Day. These people pro- tested things that would harm the earth such as air and water pollution. Moving Today, Earth Day is celebrated in many ways. People plant trees or pick up trash. Celebrat- Forward ing Earth Day is doing anything that benefits the environment. To celebrate Earth Day, you can Pennsylvania School Boards Association is proud to announce as part of “PSBA Moving For- ward”, the opening of the 1895 Student Art Gal- lery in March 2014. 1895 is the year that PSBA opened its doors to assist the school boards in Thoughts on Graduating Pennsylvania. The 1895 gallery will feature a new school district every two months showcasing their students’ artwork grades K-12. Each school “ I feel like I left my mark on Mahanoy Area district will receive a picture of their display along and did pretty well as a student. I would like with a picture in PSBA’s Bulletin & Web Page. to thank everyone who made my 13 years Mahanoy Area will display artwork of students in nothing less than perfect.” - Dylan Mahmod grades K-12 in May 2015. MAHANOY AREA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION 2014 Mahanoy Area 2014 Senior Blood Drive Interviews Mahanoy Area held its last blood drive here in Senior students completed a mock interview as our Large Group Instruction room on April 7, part of the graduation project on Tuesday, May 2014. Nurse Merchlinsky was proud to inform 13th, 2014. Interviewers from surrounding busi- me that we hit our goal for the year in achieving nesses volunteered their time to interview the 33 units of blood donated. We will be establish- students. Interviewers included Donna McGowan ing a scholarship award from the American Red human resource manager from Poly Plastic Prod- Cross in the amount of $1000.00. Thank you for ucts; Gary MacCready program manager and di- everyone that participated throughout the year. rector of youth programs from Energy Industry We have a community blood drive planned for Partnership; Michele Randis human resources July 5th in conjunction with our Youth Summit manager from Ateeco, Inc./Mrs. T’s Pierogies; Project/Community Day. Yvonne Gavalis administrative services man- ager from Highwood USA; and Tara Biller RSC For soon to be employee representative from Wegmans Distri- bution Center. The overall feedback was very SENIORS… positive. One stated that some of the students The deadline for submitting your senior photo performed better than the adults that she inter- for the yearbook is Friday, October 31, 2014. views. A couple of students were offered part- 1. Make an appointment with the photographer time summer jobs and others said that the stu- of your choice to have your photos taken this dents really made an impression. Mahanoy Area summer. also received many compliments for conducting 2. When you get your proofs, return them prompt- the mock interviews for the seniors and they are ly so the photographer has enough time to pre- all looking forward to coming back next year. pare your photo for the yearbook. Some area photographers will e-mail me your photo, some will not. 3. It is your responsibility to make sure I receive 2015 YEARBOOK Your yearbook should be a record of your senior it by October 31, 2014. If it is not received by the year, from jumping in the pool at the end of your deadline, there is no guarantee that your photo junior year throughout your entire senior year! It will be included in the yearbook. is easy to submit photos of you and your friends Take the following requirements to your photog- for possible use in the 2015 yearbook! rapher before you have your photo taken. They Simply e-mail photos to: will also be on the website. [email protected] SENIOR PHOTO GUIDELINES FOR YEARBOOK PHOTO Vertical format only Graduation Slide Show Traditional background only A slide show featuring pictures from Kindergar- No props, tattoos or hands should appear in the ten through 12th grade will be created and shown photo to the Class of 2015 as they receive their year- Girls need to wear school appropriate necklines books in May, 2015. This slideshow will also be One wallet size photo is needed shown to the audience before your graduation e-mail photo in a jpeg format as an attachment ceremony. It is not too early to begin gathering to photos for this memorable presentation. [email protected] They can also be e-mailed to dscicchitano@ma- by Oct. 31, 2014 at any time or given to Ms. Scicc in the A confirmation e-mail will be sent when photo is high school art room. received. MAHANOY AREA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION 2014 Most artistic: Calvin Talbott, Shawna Welsh, Sumer Messerschmidt, Sabrina Roche, Senior Superlatives... Jeff McMichael, Charlene Yost

Most likely to make you smile when Biggest heart: you need it the most: Jessie Lindenmuth, Marcella Scheeler, Erin Noon, Josh Baker, Mike McCarthy, Cheyenne Colemaan, Stephen Bolusky, Jade Wuttke, Brandon Donelson, Bobby Wozniak, Andt Kuzma, Bobby Wozniak, Kylie Roberts, Logan Strollis, Brandon Donelson, Alex Witiszin, Jess Koller, Ruby Rodgers, Andre Negron, Shawna Welsh, Kyle Bernardyn, Jordan O’Boyle Marissa Ulinitz, Josh Kachmar

Most organized: Most athletic: Kyle Bernardyn, Kelsey Macieunas, Tyler Cavenas, Shaina Leshko, Jen Jackowiak, Alex Witiszin, Ali LeGrand, Brooke Kufrovich, Dylan Mahmod, Sumer Messerschmidt, Brandon Donelson, Macey Brown, Larry McNeil Greg Merchlinsky, Marcella Scheeler Worst case of senioritis: Most unorganized: Carisa Byrne, Larry Purcell, Jess Wesch, Steph Krupilis, Shane Starkey, Austin Forte, Chelsea Hartranft, Mike McCarthy, Sebastian Kopinetz, Carisa Byrne, Robert Cornish, Alec Jackson Josh Shaup, Caitlin O’Donnell, Logan Strollis, Jake Shaup, Jeff Peguero Most shy: Ray Earley, Kyrsten Kukowski, Most fashionable: Sumer Messerschmidt, Chris Maley, Dylan Mahmod, Kelsey Macieunas, Alex Witiszin, Shawna Barr, James Minahan, Logan Strollis, Beretta Marion, Stephen Weisman, Walter Czerepuszko, Sebastian Kopinetz, Christy Evancho, Mike DeWald, Billy Fazio Kylie Roberts, Corrine Mensch Most outgoing: Wildest sense of style: Jimmy Thomas, Caitlin O’Donnell, Jeff Peguero, James Minahan, Beretta Marion, Michelle Lott, Ruby Rodgers, Justin Hall, Brooke Kufrovich, Jessie Lindenmuth, Jess Wesch Charlene Yost, Erin Noon, Ryan Buchman

Most school spirit: Most reliable: Josh Baker, Cheyenne Coleman, Austin Forte, Bobby Wozniak, Charlene Yost, Shaina Leshko, Kylie Roberts, Erin Noon, Greg Merchlinsky, Marcella Scheeler, Caitlin O’Donnell, Brandon Donelson Larry Mcneil, Shawna Welsh, Corrine Mensch, Sebastian Kopinetz, Kelsey Macieunas, Most likely to succeed: Jen Jackowiak Alex Witiszin, Brooke Kufrovich, Greg Merchlinsky, Kelsey Macieunas, Most likely to be seen texting: Bobby Wozniak, Shawna Welsh, Alyssa Lorah, Austin Forte, Ryan Buchman, Jade Wuttke, Tyler Cavenas, Corrine Mensch, Kyle Bernardyn Destiny Fertig, Macey Brown, Caitlin O’Donnell, Erin Noon, Justin Hall, Steph Krupilis, Funniest: Carisa Byrne Ruby Rodgers, Jimmy Thomas, Josh Baker, Mike McCarthy, Caitlin O’Donnell Most likely to be seen in the spotlight: Greg Merchlinsky, Erin Noon, Kylie Roberts, Biggest flirt: Kelsey Macieunas, Tyler Cavenas, Tyler Davies Nemesis Ramos, Ryan Buchman, Christy Evancho, Austin Forte Best musician: Jen Jackowiak, Logan Strollis, Mike McCarthy, Jeff McMichael, Shane Starkey, Andy Kuzma, Cheyenne Coleman MAHANOY AREA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION 2014 Nikki Stetson Photography purchase photos of your favorite Golden Bears at


7 Job# 5087 School Mahanoy Area School 3/17/14 9:20 PM eDesign 142 Template eDesign L ©2007 Herff Jones, Inc., Even All Rights Reserved Page Black Ink Includes Spot Color(s) Process 4 Color (CMYK) Submitted MAHANOY AREA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION 2014 Special wishes go out to...... my boys in the hood...stay strong. - Josh Bak- best friends, Gia and Mason, all the under- er classmen,, katie B. - I’ll miss volleyball with you. ...all of my friends. - Shaina Leshko - Christy Evancho ...everyone that is still in school, everyone that fellow classmates with their future plans. is graduating - I hope you make your goals and - Ruby Rodgers dreams be real. - Sabrina Swartz ...Andy, Jimmy, Dylan, Tyler and Justin as they go ...myself due to the fact that I am amazing and onto college and hopefully we can continue our plan to have the perfect life. - Sebastian Kopi- relationship and succeed in life. And to Nolan, netz Luke, Jason, Wronski, and Mason-enjoy these whole senior class for the best of luck in last years because they go by very fast. - Greg their future careers. - Larry McNeil Merchlinsky ...everyone in the Class of 2014. - Josh Kachmar ...the kids taking AP English next year and the #clique; Baker, Seabass, Bobby, Zane, & the football team. - Stephen Bolusky BA, also Mr. Nester for being the best class advi- parents for always believing in me. - Chey- sor ever. - Logan Strollis enne Coleman scarf...I miss it. - James Minahan ...all my friends going off to college, starting the family and friends and the academy. - Mi- next chapter in their lives. Don’t forget me! - Jim- chael DeWald my Thomas ...Mr. Nester who was the best class advisor ever ...all the poor sould who have to keep going to and who is going to miss us the most. - Carisa school. - Mike McCarthy Byrne ...The freshmen upcoming, good luck with your little cousin, Amberly, maake high school next four years. Make the most of these four memorable. Also, to the girls’ basketball team, years and don’t take them for granted. - Dylan turn it around back to State Championship days. Mahmod - Macey Brown family because they’ve been so supportive ...all the seniors who are emlisting in the military, of me. - Jade Wuttke no matter what branch. - Brandon Donelson ...the class of 2014, I hope each and everyone of ...all of my friends I made this year. I wish Sa- you go far in life and accomplish all of your life brina, Raymond, Sandy, Kyrsten and Shawnna a goals. You can do whatever you want as long as successful and happy future. - Sabrina Roche you set your mind to it. Good luck my class of ...Ms. Pollack, it’s going to be weird not seeing 2014. - Chelsea Hartranft you everyday and getting advice from you. I ...the rest of my senior class, 2014 was an amaz- wish you well for the rest of the time you spend ing year. Thanks, guys, for all the years of fun. at Mahanoy. - Caitlin O’Donnell - Josh Shaup ...the underclassmen on the Quiz Bowl team and ...all the volleyball players and swimmers, give it Stage Crew, you guys got it easy with that reno- everything you got. Soon it will be over and you vated stage-make the most of it. And you Quiz will miss it terribly. Good luck. - Brooke Kufrov- Bowl kids, just have to stay inspired. You have ich what it takes to be at the top. - Kyle Bernardyn family,who has been by my side through ...Mr. Nester and trying to find a new class like these crazy four years. - Sumer Messerschmidt us! - Robert Wozniak ...the 2015 class and Abby Foose, Travis Card and Ashley Eickoff. - Raymond Earley ...all the underclassmen. Good Luck! - Jessie Thoughts on Graduating Lindenmuth ...the senior class-I hope everyone achieves ev- “To every end, there is a new beginning.” erything you have wanted. - Marcella Scheeler - Tyler Cavenas MAHANOY AREA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION 2014

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who’ll decide where to go.” - Dr. Seuss

Congratulations Class of 2014