Berber Numerals

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Berber Numerals 57 BERBER NUMERALS §1. Classification In recent years the most detailed classifications of Berber languages have been presented by Ajxenval'd (1987), using a structural-typological approach, and by Militarev (see Ajxenval'd & Militarev 1991: 157-59) working with lexicostatistics. Their results are as follows: 1. East Berber branch Siwa (oasis Siwa in West Egypt), Zurg (oasis Kufra in East Libya), Fezzan (oases Tmessa and El Fodjaha in South Libya), Augila (oasis Djalo in North- East Libya), Sokna (North Libya), Ghadames (oasis Ghadames in West Libya). 2. South Berber (= Tuareg) branch North group: Tuareg of the oasis Kufra, Tuareg of the oasis Ghadames, Imanghassaten, Uraghen, Ghat, Ahnet (Plateau Muydir); "Tamahaq": Em- midir, Taitoq, Aizer (Plateau Tassili), Ahaggar; Ayr (Plateau Ayr, Kel Ui, Kel Fenian, Kel Tafidet, Ibabidayan etc.), Tuareg of Borku (Chad), Tuareg of Zinder (Niger), East Tawllemmet (= Iulimidden or Awlemidden; Niger-Mali- Burkina bordeland). South group: Kel Arokas; "Tamaseq": Heyawa, West Tawllemmet, Takarangat, Tagdhaq (= Ifoghas; Plateau Adrar), Taneslemt; "Tamazeq": Ida u Sak (= Dausak), Ighauilen, Imaioghen (= Iguhadaren). 3. West Berber group Zenaga (= Taddungiyah; Mauretania — Senegal). 4. North Berber group 4.1 Atlas group: a) TaSelhait (= Silha): Tinduft, Ait Umbribed (basin of Dra and Djebel Bani); Izemdaln, Imeizad, Ida u Zikri, Ait Isaffen, Amanus, Ait Mzal, Igliwa, Ait Wazgit etc. (Antiatlas); Tazerwalt, Ait Baamrani, Hawwara, Ida u Semlal, AStuken, Masst, Tiguga, Seksawa, Ait Wadjes, Ida u Izimmer, Demsira, Ida u Geriun, Demsira (basin of the river Sus); Tuggana, Igedmiun, Ait Immur, Iha- han, Imeghran, Ida u Tanan, Ida u Zikki, Ida u Zal, Ntifa (High Atlas); b) Tamazight (= Beraber): Ait Messad (region of Demnat); Ait Izdeg, Ait Yahya, Ait Sliman, Ait KhebbaS, etc. (upper river Dades, High Atlas); Ait Sadden, Ait Yusi, Izayan, Ait Sgugu, Ait Mgild, etc. (Middle Atlas); Ait Ndir, Ait Naaman (region of Meknes); 4.2. Zenatiya group: a) "compact": Ait SeghruSen; Ghmara, Zbala (region of Tanger-Tetuan); Rif: Ait Uriaghel, Ibokkoyen, Ait Tuzin, Temsaman, Ikrayen, Ait Said, Ait 58 Ittift etc.; Bettiwa; Senhaza; Ait Warain; Beni Iznasen; Beni Snus, Beni bu Said (region of Tlemsen); Matmata, Harawa, ASaSa, Halima, Beni Rased, Beni Ferah, Gheraba etc. (region Frenda-Warsenis); Beni Menaser; Senua; Beni Salah, Beni Messaud, Beni Misra (region of the mountain Blida); Sawiya (= TaSawit); East Zenatiyan: Sened, Tmagurt (region Gafsa in Tunis), Djerba (island Djerba); Zrawa, Tauizut, Tamezret, Snini, Dwiret (South-East Tunis), Zwara; b) "of oases": Nefusa (Djebel Nefusa, North-West Libya); Righ (Tuggurt), Wargla Mzab (all in East Algeria); Figig (South-East Morocco); Tamentit, Tittaf (Twat); Tit (Tidikelt); Ksurs (Gurara — all the oases are in Central Al­ geria); 4.3. Kabyle (= Taqbaylit) group: At-Halfun, At-Yiratena, "Zuawa", Irzen, At-Hi§ema, At-Mangellat etc. (North Algeria). §2. Data Table 1: Proto-Berber and South Berber Proto-Berber Tawllemmet Tahaggart Taitoq Kel-Ui Ghat Prasse 1974 Alojaly 1980 Prasse 1974 Masqueray 1893 RB 1883 RB 1883 m. (It.) m./f. m./f. m./f. m. m. 1 *yTwSn ayyin/ayyit iyan/iyat yen /yet Ian ran 2 *sTn / *sinSt f. s&natit f. sanit(St) sen / senatet sin *hissTn m. sshin m. assin issin 3 *karad kZnuj/St kirad/kSridat kendh karadh karadh 4 *hakkQz 3kkoz/-St dkkoz/okkdzat okkoz okkoz sekkuz ! 5 *sammQs sammosZ-it sammus / samm&sat semmus f-et sammus sommus 6 *sadTs sodis Ait sadis / sadisat sadhis /-et sadis sadis 7 *sih (sahJ-at RB) sa *hissBh 3ssa/-y&t assa/ass&hit essa/essahet essi 8 *tSm (taman/-et RB) ettam /-et ettam tarn *hittSm attain/St attim / attamat 9 *tiz(z)ih tSza/-yit tazza /tazzahat tezza / tezzahet tezza teza 10 *marSw m&raw/St maraw / marawit maraw / merawet maraw meraw 20 s6mt(6t) sanit senatet essin senat tamarwen tamarwin temerawin maraw merawin 100 *te-mihday tented temede timidhi timad hi timedi (pl.) *ff-muhSd timad timad timadh 1000 *§-giHm agim adjim ajim RB = Rend Basset 59 Table 2: East Berber West Berber Ghadames Ghadames Zenaga Zenaga Lanfry 1973 Motylinski 1904 Basset 1909 Nicolas 1953 m./f. m./f. m./f. m./f. 1 yuun lyuut iun/iut iun & ni-iun / dual m. (9y)yu'nh, n9yu'nh f. £-uw9t 2 san / sonet sen / sinnet Sinan 1Senaneth $9n9nh 1 £a-ten9nh 3 kaared / kerdet karedh / karet karad / karadeth kSrSd." 1 karifel 4 aqquz/ aqqtfzet akkiz /akkizet akoz akkuf 1 akku&l 5 sammas / ssmmasst semmis SonvnuS / iomuSeth Sammui 1 SamnwSai 6 suzl sudset foz/fotset iodei1lodelet iudpi1 Sodetet 7 saa/saat sa/sat iSSa/USadet 3$teh 1 eSSB'dat 8 taam / taamet tarn ittem itt3mh 1 ittSmaL 9 asyy 1tesyyt tegu/teput tuza tu$h 1 tudfiat 10 marawImaraawet meraw /merawt merig 1 meregeth mar3gh, pi. ftnarm* 20 teSinde tallsndsh 30 tukarda tukarda 100 timadi, pi. temadan tamSdih, pi. tmuda'nh Table 3: North Berber Taselhait of Taselhait Taselhait of TaSelhait of Tamazight of Beni Mzab Tazerwalt Aspinion 1953 Semlal Sus ('Amiln) Demnat Hanoteau Stum me 1899 after Penchoen Woelfel 1954 Klingenheben Woelfel 1954 1860 m./f. m./f. m./f. m. m./f. m./f. 1 yinlyat yanlyat yan /ySt yi/i yan lyat iggen/igget 2 sin 1 snat sin/ snat sin/snat sin sinlsenat sen Isenet 3 krid/kritt knd/kntt kiadlkiatt karit kradh iaredftaret 4. kizl-t kkuz/kkust qquflqqust kds akkozl-t okkoz l-t 5 summits l-t ssmmus /-t ssmmQs l-t sipmiis s(em)mus 1 semmustsemmes l-t 6 sddis l-t sdisl-t sdisl-t sddfi s(ad)dis / saddist sez Isesset 7 ssS/-t sa/-t salsSt sa? sal-t saa l-t 8 lam At ttam/-t t(t)am/tamt sSm ! tanutem / tamtjtmunttarn l-et 9 m*/-t ttzal-t tzal-t dwuz dzal-t tes 1 tesset 10 mitiu l-t mraw l-t mraw l-t mfriw mraw I merawt meraw l-t 20 miriwin 100 twinest Table 4: Non-decimal (quinary, ternary, trigesimal) numeral systems all Mozabi UedGhir Djerba Djebel Neftisa m. Hanoteau Letoumer R. Basset Klingenheben 1 igguen ighem ! iSen udiun 15 iaret n ifessen 3 hands 2 sen tzem ! thin ! sen 20 okkoz n ifessen 4 hands 3 Saredh iaret saredh iaret 25 zegni n uyer d '/2 30 + sen n ifessen 2 hands 4 okkoz occas Saredh tfiiien 3 + 1 okkoz 30 uyer month 60 all Mozabi UedGrrir Djerba Djebel Nefusa m. Hanoteau Letoumer R. Basset KlinKCnheben 5 fus hand fus afiis ufes 50 zegni n temiti >/2 100 6 fus-igguen fus-ignem afiis diSLen hand + 1ufes d udlun 60 sen n yaren 2 x 30 7 fus-sen fus-tzem ( sebyath < Arabic) ufes d sen 80 zegni n temi(i '/2 100 d uyer + 30 8 fus-Saredh fus-faret attom ufes d iaret 90 iarel n yaren 3 x 30 9 fus-okkoz fus-occas attam diSen 8 + 1 ufes d okkoz 100 lemifi 10 meraw merawn akardai sen n ifessen 2 hands Klingenheben 1926-27: 44 found traces of the vigesimal system in the dialect of the tribe of Amiln (region of Sus) based on the Arabic borrowing iSerin "20": ?§Serfn ze meriw "30" = "20 + 10", sfn ize ^aSerin "40" = "2 x 20", sfn ize ?aSerfn ze meriw "50" = "2 x 20 + 10" etc. There were at least two or three ancient epigraphic "Libyan" languages related to the Berber language family: East Numidian, West Numidian and Fezzan-Tripolitanian. The best known East Numidian (= "Massilian") lan­ guage was used in old Numidia (North-East Algeria and North Tunis). Unfor­ tunately, in the known texts from the 2nd cent. BC no numerals are identified. Besides the "continental" Berber-Libyan languages there are their insular relatives — the languages of the Guanches, aborigines of Canary Islands, de­ finitively assimilated in the 18th cent. The exhaustive information concerning numerals of Guanches was collected by Woelfel 1954: "able 5: Guanche Gian Canaria ? Tenerife? Niccoloso Cedefio Marin y Berthelot Pseudo-Sosa Pseudo-Sosa daRecco deChil Cubas after Rixo 1 nail 1 ben been been ben ben 2 smetti = *sin- 2 lini liin or lini lini lini sijn or lini 3 amelotti 3 amiet amiat amiat amiat amiet or -at 4 acodetti 4 arba arba arba arba arba 5 simusetti 5 cansa conza cansa cansa cansa 6 sesetri 6 sumus sumus sumus sumus sumus 7 satti 7 sal sat sat sit sa or sat 8 tamatti 8 set set set set set 9 alda-morana 9 acol acot acot acot acot 10 marava 10 marago marago marago marago marago 11 nait-marava 11 ben y marago benir marago beni marago benir marago benir marago 12 smatta-m. 12 lini marago sinir marago lini marago 13 amierat-m. 20 limago linago linago 14 acodat-m. 30 amiago amiago amiago 15 simusat-m. 40 artogo aibago aibiago 16 sesatti-m. 50 oamago cansago cansago 60 sumago 61 Gran Canada? Tenerife? Niccoloso Cedeflo Marin y Bertheloi Pseudo-Sosa Pseudo-Sosa da Recco deChil Cubas after Rixo 70 satago 80 selago 90 acotago 100 bemaraguin bemaraguin beemaragoin Berber-Libyan-Guanche (shortly Berber) languages represent one of the six branches of Afroasiatic macro-family together with Semitic, Egyptian, Cushitic, Omotic and Chadic. Only the Semitic and naturally the Egyptian numerals can be projected on the proto-language level, cf. table 6: Proto-Semitic (Dolsopolsky 1995, p.c.) Proto-EKVPtian (Vycichl // Loprieno) 1 *?afi(b.)id-u(m) m. *?ab(b)id-at-u(m) f. *wi?yaw // *ivurruw m. Vifi.f f. 2 Bom.*t(n-8(-ni) *tfn-at-S(-ni) *siny-u-Sy *s(ni.t-8y acc.-gen. *tfn-ay(-ni) *lfn-at-ay(-ni) *sinya,t-By 3 *s/talSt.-u(m) f. *S/»Ul-it-u(m) m. *banuaw *h,amta.t 4 *?arMT-u(m) *?arbaf-il-u(m) *ifdaw *ifda.l 5 *ljamO-u(m) *hami!-il-u(m) *dfwey // *dtyaw *diwi.t 6 *!(d[u]l-u(m) *iid[u]t-Sl-u(m) *si[r]sa\v // *si?saw *si[r]sa.t 7 *sib?-u(m) *sab?-il-u(m) *safhaw *safha.t 8 *tamBna'y-u(m) *tamS nay-it-u(m) *hami/unaw *hamS/0na.t 9 *t(ST-u(m) *tiXY-4t-u(m) *pis!dav/ *pisi(ja.t 10 *?iSar-u(m) *?agar-it-u(m) *mtidaw *mdd.a.t 20 *?iSar-t = dual of *Tagar- "10" *dawitay < *mudawataydua = l of"10"f.
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