Research and Science Today Supplement 1/2014
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RESEARCH AND SCIENCE TODAY SUPPLEMENT ~ Scientific Review ~ No. 1/2014 ISSN-e: 2344 – 0007 ISSN-L: 2344 – 0007 Târgu-Jiu 2014 Research and Science Today Supplement 1/2014 Cover: Batcu Alexandru Director: Mărcău Flavius-Cristian Contact: Mail: [email protected] Tel: +40766665670 ACADEMICA BRÂNCUȘI PUBLISHING ADDRESS: REPUBLICII AVENUE, NO. 1 Târgu Jiu, Gorj Tel: 0253/218222 COPYRIGHT: Reproductions are authorized without charging any fees, on condition the source is acknowledged. Responsibility for the content of the paper is entirely to the authors. 2 SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Prof. univ. dr. Adrian Gorun, Secretary Prof. univ. dr. Gămăneci Gheorghe, General, National Commission for Prognosis Universitatea "Constantin Brâncuși" din Prof. univ. dr. ing. Ecaterina Andronescu, Târgu-Jiu. University Politehnica of Bucharest Prof. univ. dr. Ghimiși Ștefan Sorinel, Prof. univ. dr. Michael Shafir, Doctoral "Constantin Brâncuși" University of Târgu- School in International Relations and Jiu. Security Studies, ”Babes-Bolyai” University. Prof. univ. dr. Bîcă Monica Delia, Prof. univ. dr. Nastasă Kovács Lucian, The "Constantin Brâncuși" University of Târgu- Romanian Academy Cluj-Napoca, "George Jiu. Baritiu" History Institute Prof. univ. dr. Babucea Ana Gabriela, Prof. univ. dr. Adrian Ivan, Doctoral "Constantin Brâncuși" University of Târgu- School in International Relations and Jiu. Security Studies, ”Babes-Bolyai” University. Conf. univ. dr. Flavius Antoniu Baias, Prof. Dr. Miskolczy Ambrus, Eotovos University of Bucharest. Lorand Univeristy (ELTE), Hungary C.S II Duță Paul, Romanian Diplomatic Dr. Gregg Alexander, University of the Free Institute. State, South Africa Conf. univ. dr. Răzvan Cătălin Dobrea, Professor, dr. jur. et phil. Ditlev Tamm, Academy of Economic Studies. Center for retskulturelle studier (CRS), Pr. Conf. univ. dr. Dumitru A. Vanca, University of Copenhagen University "1 Decembrie 1918" of Alba Iulia. Prof. univ. dr. Victor Munteanu, Christian Conf. univ. dr. Purec Sorin, "Constantin University "Dimitrie Cantemir" Brâncuși" University of Târgu-Jiu. Prof. univ. dr. Ilias Nicolae, University of Conf. univ. dr. Neamțu Liviu, "Constantin Petrosani. Brâncuși" University of Târgu-Jiu. Prof. Univ. dr. Doinița Ariton, Danubius Dr. Dragoș Davițoiu, Bucharest Emergency University of Galati. University Hospital . Prof. Univ. dr. Ioan Deac, National Defence C.S. III Manolache Viorella, Institute of the University "Carol I". Political Science and International Relations, Prof. univ. dr. Florin Müller, University of Romanian Academy. Bucharest. Lect. univ. dr. Tomescu Ina Raluca, Prof. univ. dr. ing. Gheorghe Solomon, "Constantin Brâncuși" University of Târgu- University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest Jiu. Prof. univ. dr. Iuliana Ciochină, Lect. univ. dr. Dan Ionescu, Universitatea "Constantin Brâncoveanu" University. "Lucian Blaga" din Sibiu. Prof. univ. dr. ing. Marius Bulgaru, Lect. univ. dr. Hadrian Gorun, "Constantin Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. Brâncuși" University of Târgu-Jiu. Prof. univ. dr. Nicolae Todea, University "1 Lect. univ. dr. Rujan Cristinel, "Constantin Decembrie 1918" of Alba Iulia. Brâncuși" University of Târgu-Jiu. Prof. univ, Mircea Neagoe, Lect. univ. dr. Trocan Laura Magdalena, Transilvania University of Brasov "Constantin Brâncuși" University of Târgu- Prof. univ. dr. Niculescu George, Jiu "Constantin Brâncuși" University of Târgu- Lect. univ. dr. Simionescu Elena Jiu. Giorgiana, "Constantin Brâncuși" University Prof. univ. dr. Moise Bojincă, "Constantin of Târgu-Jiu Brâncuși" University of Târgu-Jiu.. Lect. univ. dr. Gavrilescu Alin, "Constantin Prof. univ. dr. Popescu Luminița, Brâncuși" University of Târgu-Jiu. "Constantin Brâncuși" University of Târgu- Lect. univ. dr. Plăstoi Camelia, "Constantin Jiu. Brâncuși" University of Târgu-Jiu. Prof. univ. dr. Cruceru Mihai, "Constantin Ș.l. dr. Ciofu Cristian Florin, Universitatea Brâncuși" University of Târgu-Jiu. "Constantin Brâncuși" din Târgu-Jiu. Research and Science Today Supplement 1/2014 CONTENTS HISTORY HOSPITALS IN CRAIOVA IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY ................................................... 6 Elena-Steluţa DINU GENERAL ASPECTS OF THE GENESIS TO THE CONSTITUTIONAL REGULATIONS – FIRST STATUTES IN WALLACHIA AND MOLDAVIA ........................................................... 16 Elena - Roxana DOBRIŢOIU THE DIPLOMATIC BYZANTINE CEREMONIAL DURING THE PERIOD OF THE FIRST FOUR CRUSADES (1095-1204) ..................................................................................................... 25 Raul Constantin TĂNASE INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS THE FUTURE OF THE EUROZONE. HAS THE «NEVER ENDING» GREEK TRAGEDY REACHED ITS FINAL ACT? ......................................................................................................... 33 Alina BUZĂIANU TWO SIDES OF SECURITY: HUMAN SECURITY AND NUCLEAR SAFETY ........................ 44 Andreea Emilia DUȚĂ DEMOCRATIZATION - CONCEPTUAL DELINEATIONS ......................................................... 58 Flavius-Cristian MĂRCĂU THE „5+2” NEGOTIATIONS MODEL FOR THE SOLVING OF THE TRANSNISTRIAN CONFLICT ....................................................................................................................................... 63 Ion PANAIT UKRAINE – A MATTER OF EUROPEAN AND ROMANIAN SECURITY ............................... 72 Paul DUȚĂ GLOBALIZATION AND INTERREGIONALISM ......................................................................... 81 Magda Simona SCUTARU SOCIAL SCIENCES THE SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH METHODOLOGY IN APPROACHING OF THE THEME:˝THE SOCIAL IMPACT OF DOMINATION AND VOLUNTARY SERVITUDE.˝THE RESEARCH PROJECT (II) .............................................................................................................. 89 Nicolaie MĂNESCU MEDICINE APPENDICULAR PERITONITIS – REVIEW ON THE TREATMENT ALGORITHM ............... 97 Dragoș DAVIȚOIU Laura MANDA HYPERBILIRUBINEMIA AS A PREDICTIVE FACTOR FOR APPENDICULAR PERFORATION ............................................................................................................................. 104 Dragoș DAVIȚOIU Laura MANDA CONTROVERSIES ON THE OPERATIVE MOMENT IN PLEURO-PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS ........................................................................................................................... 114 Florin CHIRCULESCU OLD AND NEW – AN UPDATE IN TUBERCULOSIS SURGERY ........................................... 121 Florin CHIRCULESCU 4 July 2014 SUBCLINICAL HYPOTHYROIDISM AND VALPROIC ACID TREATMENT IN CHILDREN WITH EPILEPSY ........................................................................................................................... 129 Diana EPURE Mărgărita MATEI Smaranda NIȚĂ Magda SANDU Daniel TELEANU Raluca TELEANU THE RISK OF VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY AND EPILEPSY ..................................................... 134 Magdalena SANDU Daniel Mihai TELEANU Raluca Ioana TELEANU INFORMATION ABOUT RESEARCH AND SCIENCE TODAY JOURNAL………….….139 5 Research and Science Today Supplement 1/2014 History HOSPITALS IN CRAIOVA IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY Elena-Steluţa DINU1 ABSTRACT: THIS ARTICLE PRESENTS THE MAIN HOSPITALS THAT OPERATED IN CRAIOVA, THE CAPITAL OF DOLJ COUNTY IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. MILITARY HOSPITALS WERE ESTABLISHED BEFORE THE CIVIL ONES CLOSELY WITH THE ORGANIZATION OF MILITARY POWER, THROUGH SOLDIERY REGULATIONS IN JULY 1831. INAUGURATION OF FILANTROPIA CIVIL HOSPITAL WAS POBBIBLE ONLY IN 1856, AFTER MORE THAN TWO DECADES AFTER THE ENACTMENT OF THE ORGANIC REGULATION FROM 1831. ITS PROVISIONS ALSO LISTED THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THIS HOSPITAL. ANOTHER HOSPITAL WAS FOUNDED DUE TO THE DONATION OF MERCHANT THEODOR I. PREDA, WHICH PROVIDED BOTH HEADQUARTERS AND INCOME REQUIRED FOR FUNCTIONING. THE CHURCH WAS ACTIVELY INVOLVED IN THE ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF THE FINANCIAL HEALTH OF THE HOSPITAL MADONA-DUDU. HOSPITAL OF CONTAGIOUS DISEASES WAS ESTABLISHED ONLY IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. IT WAS BUILT THANKS TO THE CONTRIBUTION OF INDIVIDUALS. KEY WORDS: CRAIOVA, LAZARETTO, PHYSICIANS, THE TRUSTEESHIP OF CIVIL HOSPITALS, FILANTROPIA HOSPITAL. Health settlements reported in Craiova during the nineteenth century, are divided into two categories: military and civilian. The first military hospitals in Craiova were established by the Russians in the context of Russian-Turkish wars in the territory of Oltenia, as was the case of the hospital organized in the years 1807-1808, which operated until 1812. Even though most civilians sought health to unauthorized persons, Russian soldiers received specialized medical help. In this sense, the surgeon Droslovici was sent by Ipsilanti in March 1807 to work in the new hospital. Next physician to arrive in Craiova was Constantin Lambrino in 1808. He cared for both Russian soldiers and local soldiers. By bringing these physicians it was desired to obtain improving health care from which only military personnel enjoyed by then. In the context of the same wars, the Russians occupied Oltenia, in October 1853, 1 Doctor în Istorie (Phd in history), Universitatea „Babeş-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca, România, elena_dinu2010@ 6 July 2014 after that they began to organize 12 hospitals in which the Russian soldiers could receive medical care when war broke out. Only three of these hospitals (no. 2, no. 5, no. 12) were held in Craiova, through the means of local government, and were installed in 26 public and private buildings, comprising a total of 1865 beds2. Their installation was completed in March 1853,