N ew Hoax Tried in t h e MILITANT PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKINC PEOPLE Sobell Case Vol. XXI - No. 48 267 NEW YORK, N. Y„ MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1957 PRICE 10c By C. R. Hubbard NOV. 26 — The attempt of Robert Morris, Council for the Senate Internal Security subcommittee, to explain the Soviet Sputniks with new “revelations” from David Greenglass, alleged “ atom spy” whose 1951 testimony led to the execution of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg and the U.S. Rulers Suffer “Jitters” imprisonment of Morton Sobell, now serving a 30-year term in Alcatraz, did not meet with much success. The .lew charges of the theft of satellite secrets by the “ Rosen­ berg spy ring,” were reported in the press, but w ith few ^exceptions, treated skeptically. The conservative N.Y. Herald Tribune, in a Nov. 23 editorial, Over Crisis At Home, Abroad even emitted a groan about peo­ Automation — ------— — ------a, ------ple who can explain Soviet prog­ ress only through spy stories. The new “ revelations” of Green­ “M ore Guns, Less B u tter” Age" Topic glass were characterized as “one Facing Balky view.” The Tribune editors then commented, sarcastically, "What Why American secrets were these? If some car­ Of Forum bon copies of them are still left in the Defense Department files, Capitalism Needs Allies, Mideast, NEW YORK—Unusually live­ maybe they could be dusted out i ly discussion is expected at from the cobwebs and put into A War Economy the Conference on “America’s action. This is certainly useful information that we had these By Myra T. Weiss Future in the Age of Automa­ secrets.” Shaky Economy tion and Atomic Energy” spon­ The international arms race The Nov. 22 N.Y. Times re­ that has dominated all mankind sored by the American Forum- By Art Preis ported the Greenglass claims since the end of World War II For Socialist Education to be that the Rosenbergs stole U.S. entered a new stage with the America’s ruling class, seemingly so confident a few held Dec. 7, 10 A .M . and 3:30 “secrets on earth satellites, race in the missile field. The months ago, now is gripped by a mood of crisis. The daily P. M., at the Great Northern atom-powered planes and anti­ U.S. explosion of the first atom H o te l, 118 W . 57 St., N ew Y o rk missile weapons.” Then the bomb gave the prospect of war press continuously speaks of Wall Street’s and the gov­ City. There will be panels on Times added that Morris “would an unbelievable new horror. Now ernment’s “jitters.” Socialism and Democracy; Youth not say when the information the missile development puts the These “ jitte rs ” followed the firs t Soviet Sputnik, Problems, Trade Union ' Prob­ was stolen, nor would he identi­ delivery of .these terror weap­ lems, Cultural Problems and Po­ fy the agent from whom Rosen­ ons on an automatic, push-but­ which marked an end to the clear-cut U.S. military lead. litical Action. berg got his information. . . ” ton basis. But it would be wrong to attribute the tremors of Amer­ Meanwhile, the head of the A paper prepared for the As long as the arms race ica’s financial, political and m ilitary leaders to any real U.S. satellite observation sys­ Conference by Carl Dreher, en­ continues, the triggering of a fear of Soviet armed aggression. “ Loss of American pres­ tem, Dr. Fred ,L. Whipple, in­ gineer and author, will be dis­ world war is a constant danger. sisted that the '“Soviet Union tige,” “ unstable allies.” “ growing lack of confidence in the. cussed by Dave D e llin g e r, co- , , . _ _, . . c.. . It therefore becomes even more director of Libertarian Press;P r e s s ; j had passed the United (StatesStates ,pn.ur ,on, nt than before to be the U.S. economy” are the type of concerns more and more Frederick L. ______Schuman of f wW il-jits il-jits own—without the aid of spies source Qf ^ war danger in expressed by business and political commentators. liams College; Steve Nelson and saboteurs,” according to the order to end this threat to hu- In a recent speech, Vice President Nixon complained Chairman of the Communist N ov. 24 N ew Y o rk Tim es. C er­ man existence. Party of Western Pennsylvania; tainly spies could not steal what that the Soviet Union has opened “ a massive mon-military Farrell Dobbs, National Secreta­ the U.S. did hot possess. 11-YEAR OUTLAY offensive aimed at the overthrow of all free governments.” ry, Socialist Workers Party; Greenglass’ present claims First, what does the war drive This same fear of a “ non-m ilitary” advance by the Soviet M u rra y Kempton, columnist; were not even made at the trial mean for the U.S. economy? Union is stated more explicitly in a recent N.Y.. Times John L. Lewine, author; with of the Rosenbergs and Sobell in In the years 1946 through 1956 Russell Johnson of the Amer­ 1951. That Greenglass “remem-jthe “defense” program cost the It costs about $10 million to stage a single test of a long-range rocket missile like “The editorial. Citing the Kremlin’s own dread of. mass up­ ican Friends Service Committee bers” these “facts” only after American people at least $339 Corporal,” shown above in inaugural parade in Washington last January. The huge cost of risings, particularly since the East German, Polish and as moderator. the Soviet Union has taken the billion. This amount, does not developing such rockets was in Commerce Sinclair Weeks’ mind when he recently said the coun­ Hungarian revolts, the Nov. 8 Times writes off any revo­ On Friday evening December lead in missile and satellite de- , include the vastly expanded try must shift to “less butter and mor^ 'guns.” lutionary threat from the Soviet leaders: 6, a t 8:30 P.M ., also a t the velopment and six years after spending on international items “Consequently, the Kremlin rulers no longer appeal Great Northern Hotel, a recep­ the trial, doesn’t make them any like foreign economic aid, in- tion will be . held to honor A. J. the more credible. — Pormational and propaganda to the masses for a revolution from below. Rather, they Muste “for his work in further­ But if Greenglass’ current al­ services, domestic expenditures now propagate a revolution from above by bribing or sub­ ing political discussion on the legations evoke disbelief,- why like road construction, increased Kremlin Bolsters Soviet-Bioc verting ruling politicians, m ilitary leaders and a few in- basis of non-exclvtsion.” Schod- hould greater credence be giv-j “security” costs, civil defense, te lectuals. . . And this is the threat now confronting the etc.—all of which are really part died to make brief remarks at en to his original accusations democratic world.” the reception are Roger Bald­ against the Rosenbergs and So­ of the “defense” budget. win, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, b e ll? To pay -for past wars the gov­ Robert Morris followed up the Rule at Moscow Conference Russell Johnson, Sidney Lens ernment in this same period also WHY THEY HATE AMERICA’S RULERS John T. McManus, Tim Wohl- announcement of new “spy” spent in round fig u re s, $60 By John Thayer the 20th Congress, was being ,by the governments of those considered. ■ Now,. however, it countries but by the heads of forth and A. J. Muste. „ (Continued on page 2) b illio n on veterans and $64 b il­ The top leaders of the Soviet But how can the still-poor Soviet Union compete with is clear that an intermediate ithe Communist Parties of those lion in interest on the public orbit countries and of Commu­ the wealthy U.S. in bribery and subversion? W1iy, this debt. Therefore in these eleven nist Parties in the capitalist form has been decided upon for countries. the pi'esent at least. The second document released country has already spent scores of billions in economic “Spy” Hoax Victims years, past wars and the prep­ countries, -who went to Moscow the next day was a manifesto and military aid to foreign rulers. It has given lavish hand­ aration of a new one cost the for 'the 40th Anniversary cele­ The conferences were wider signed by representatives of 64 U .S.governm ent a to ta l o f $463 bration of the October Revolu­ in scope than the Cominform outs on a scale that beggars anything the Soviet Union Communist Parties. The Amer- billion. Now Elsenhower pro­ tion, stayed on for - two weeks had been. One conference em­ could afford. Yet, the American ruling class is beset by dcan OP. was not among the poses that the American people of conferences. This .appears to braced every .country in the So­ signatories inasmuch as the the cold fear of isolation, of unfaithful allies, of world­ tighten their belts for even big­ have been the biggest and long­ viet orbit in Europe and Asia. witch hunt in the U:S. makes it wide hatred. ger m ilitary budgets. est session of *CP leaders from The other. was world-wide, em­ The staggering rum of close all lover the world since the bracing Communist Parties both illegal for their members to go This hatred was described in the Nov. 19 N.Y. Post abroad. Consequently there were to half a trillion dollars in an days of the Communist Inter­ in the Soviet orbit and in the by Dr. Ernest Dichter, president of the Institute for Moti­ no representatives of the Amer­ eleven-year period gives some national, liquidated during the capitalist 1 countries. Though no ican OP at the Moscow anni­ vational Research, Inc., following his recent international idea of the effect of the mili­ war by Stalin as -a friendly ges­ permanent organizational struc­ versary celebration or at the tour. Interviewed by Mike Wallace, Dr. Dichter said that tary program on the economy of ture to the “democratic” impe­ ture has been set up a formal conferences which followed. the nation. Few serious econ­ rialist countries. political line has been enunci­ America’s reputation abroad “couldn’t be any worse” and Study *>f the documents re­ omists would quarrel with the (For some months there had ated and agreed to. “everywhere I went I met anti-Americanism in virulent veals that they do mot set forth statement that U.S. post-war been rumors of some move by Public reports of the confer* j forms.” t capitalist expansion was made Moscow to reconstruct an or­ once was restricted to the is­ (Continued on page 2) This “ appalling deterioration” of U.S. prestige, said possible by this government sub­ ganization to coordinate and suing of two documents. The Dr. Dichter, is rooted in the fact that while “we still sidization. Without this support, control the political lines of the first document to be released the economy would have col­ various East European countries was that unanimously adopted talk idealism. . . we have ceased to practice it in many lapsed. and of the Communist Parties iby representatives of the Soviet- An Interview ways. . . We talk freedom, but we back up dictatorships Reformists, Stalinists and lib­ throughout the world, all of orbit countries of Europe (USSR, like Franco’s.” Asked by Wallace if he thought “that erals, however, claim that cap­ them considerably shaken up by Albania, Bulgaria, H ungary; With in the world’s eyes we’re hypocrites, a split personality,” italist industry could be “stim­ the 20th Congress and the East Germany, Poland, Rumania, MORTON SOBELL, witch­ ulated” just as well by govern­ events following, particularly Czechoslovakia) and of Asia Dr. Dichter replied, “Absolutely.” hunt victim in Alcatraz and Dr. Otto Nathan ment expenditures for other the Hungarian Revolution. It (C hina, N o r th Viet Nam, In short, the common people everywhere m istrust the his wife HELEN SOBELL, than war preparation. Instead was said that revival of the Com- 'North Korea). Technically it I See Page 4 who is fighting for his release. protestations of selflessness from America’s ruling Big •\ (Continued on page 2) inform, dissolved shortly after was not a document agreed to | Business class. “ You get nothing for nothing in this world — and damn little of that,” goes the old saying. And U .S . imperialism offers even less. As Dr. Dichter con­ ceded, “ . . .We give the wrong way. We give grudging­ South’s Employers Use Racism to Block Unions ly. condescendingly. We give with political strings at­ By Henry Gitano man. Ed Russell also sent three executive boards and then at­ be splitters of the Southern la­ ual integration. “Then, only a that time will lessen its effec­ tached. . . ” letters to each worker and made tempt to sell them on the idea bor movement is Adel] Somer- few hours after the violence tiveness. Southern employers arc at­ that union money is being spent sett’s United Southern Employes speeches, linking the IUE with which occurred when the Guards­ What profound bankruptcy and tempting to maintain the low- on race integration. . . IGillman Association (USEA). In Rook “LESS BUTTER, MORE GUNS” activities on behalf of the Negro men withdrew, race hatred be­ abject capitulation before the wage, open-shop South, by pit­ said, adding: ‘It’s getting so that H ill, S.C., Somersett’s attacks on struggle for equality. came the dominant factor gov­ whole rotten Southern ruling ting white against Negro, while in some places the white man the Textile Workers at Klan The continuing Mideast crisis, the crisis of the NATO In Jackson, Miss, a similar ra­ erning union positions. . . When class! The AFL-CIO’s subservi­ labor’s officialdom slumbers in won’t talk to the Negro and meetings, and promotion of his cist attempt by the management a number of community, church ence to the Democratic Party military alliance brought about by French objection to massive silence. the Negro won’t talk to the | own “union” resulted in the “near ol' the Vickers plant proved in­ and civic leaders later called for prevents organized labor from the shipment of a few rifles 'by the U jS. and England to effectual when a majority voted white man, though they are on collapse of the hooded order in B enjam in D.^ Segal in the N ov. a day of prayer, labor was silent. fighting its worst enemies in the Tunisia, the hand-wringing and outcries and mutual rec- 11 New Leader reports how “ra­ for the IUE anyway. But in.Bay the same job.’” I York County” (Rock Hill area) Further reports indicated that, Solid South, which sends Demo-j riminations about “permitting’” Soviet scientists to get cism stymies unions in the Springs and at the Raleigh, N. In some instances, racism is according to one news report. in at least one area of the state Crof ti* *- *T 1L't t’ n n 1 n k /-V — U a t am/, « « ...... - South.” He gives the example C., Westinghouse plant the IUE causing defections from the un­ Segal relates that most of the containing a large proportion of “first” - these reflect, in reality, the of the Bay Springs, Miss. North­ feels that racism was the fatal | ions. Because of a convention Klansmen belonged to the Tex­ Negroes, union members were known public opinion researcher, y U .k,. imperialism to ■ stabilize Its domination factor. At Westinghouse, the mandate calling for the aboli­ tile Workers Union. Somersett’s ern Electric Products Corporation joining WCC’s as never before.” estimates the loss of wages due international y. The revolutionary masses — particularly plant manager told white work­ tion of segregation in its organ­ attacks on the TWU so outraged (Neco) where two days prior to In Little Rock itself, the WCC to discrimination at roughly $30 ill the anti-imperialist undeveloped lands — are finished an NLRB election, the owners, ers that 'Nfegroes would get their ization. the American Federa- these particular KKK’ers that it slate in the recent elections drew billion anmialiv Ed and Sam Russell, injected jobs if the union won. tion of Teachers, AFL-CIO, lost; nearly erupted in violence and heavy support from working- with any form of imperialism. But labor is more .powerful racism . The union lo s t 291 to 86, Inside a New Albany, Miss, the white Atlanta local with 1,- “ membership is estimated to have class areas. And yet, tihe internal needs of the U.S. p ro fit economy than those who profit from ra­ although this past summer, a furniture plant, a company fore­ 500 members. W hite Chattanooga dropped fro m 175 members to BANK ON TIME cism, and organized labor must keep pressing for solution by outward expansion. A ll the majority of Neco workers signed man posted pictures of Negroes teachers are also reorganizing on less than a dozen.” face its responsibilities'. Labor scores of billions spent and invested abroad in the past cards saying they were interest- a( a union convention. Along­ an independent basis to maintain Last.1 year at an auto workers The Nov 10 New York Times must isolate and. render ineffec­ ed in fo rm in g an IU E local. side was a crudely lettered post­ segregation. educational institute in North reported that John Edelman, decade, all the hundreds of billions poured into war ex­ tive the racists in the white er: “ Do you want niggers rep­ But despite earlier fears, Carolina, several racist-minded Washington representative of the penditures, all the “built-in stabilizers” of grudging so­ working class. An energetic cam­ ANTI-NEGRO RANTING resenting you? Then vote ‘No’ Southern defections are the ex­ leaders from Birmingham, Ala., Textile Workers Union, com­ paign with battalions of organ­ cial reforms have failed to assure a stable and steady Prior to the balloting, Ed Rus­ today!!!” The Upholsterers In- ception. The Southern Regional walked out because discrimina­ plained that the issue of inte­ izers must make a beginning for development to U.S. capitalism. sell called the workers into the ternational Union, AFL-CIO, t- Council found that most South­ tion was openly discussed. Nev­ gration is injected by the em­ the South’s unionization by com­ plant lobby, where he shouted tributed its defeat partly to ern members do not get “riled ertheless these same local offi­ ployers before nearly every NL­ Sputr'k. . . Arms Race. . . Mideast. . . NATO Con­ batting- the cancer of race pre­ that the union was “nigger lov- White Citizens council activities. up” over, although they oppose, cers helped defeat a White Citi­ RB election. Edelman said this flict. . . L ittle Rock. . . Stock Market Break . . These are th a t judice which keeps white and ing” and its .president, James Segal points to a pattern — the adoption of policies relating zens Council-inspired secession was a big factor in cancelling Negro from uniting for their the headlines of our time. They are the symptoms of a Carey, was a “nigger lover.” these are not isolated cases. to segregation by their nation­ movement. an organizing drive against a mutual interests. The fight for profound inner malady of U.S. and world capitalism. When Russell brandished the evidence: “Charles Gillman, AFL-CIO di­ al unions. Many realize that out­ Segal outlines the treacherous chain of textile mills in the equal rights cannot be side- Commerce Secretary Sinclair Weeks said we must prepare a Copy o f the June 4 Jackson rector in the Alabama-Georgia- side the mainstream of organiz- role of the Arkansas AFL-CIO South. A1 K issler, A F L -C IO o r­ (Miss.) Daily News, with a huge’ Florida area, reports that White ized labor there is no place to Council in the Little Rock cri ganizer, said that unions had no stepped in the Southern organ­ for a sh ift to “ less butter and more guns,” he was not four-column photo showing Carey j Citizens Councils try to get un- go- sis. The Council deplored mobs ready answer to the bosses’ ra­ izing drive; it must be met head only plagiarizing the Nazi slogan, he was reciting the dancing with a young Negro wo-[ion members to serve on their One of the most active would- and violence and supported grad­ cist appeal, though they hope only program possible under capitalism. Page 2 THE MILITANT Monday, December 2, 1957

The Marxists Why Khrushchev Cut Down Zhukov By George Lavan $ ikov’s courting of the unpre­ soldiers has increased so no which they produced leaders of their own choosing — _ which (Third of a series of three) cedented ovation on Red Navy doubt has their resentment. In Are They Still Pals? Day and his speech in Lenin­ the campaign against “rotten may not happen until the In Britain Khrushchev’s victory over Mar­ grad calling for further de-Sta­ elements” (those who soon after actual beginning of a political shal Zhukov in the recent Krem­ linization, jn a tone of fami­ the 20th Congress desired to car­ revolution—the desire to get a ry de-Stalinization beyond the foot in the political door hy ac­ ------By Peter Fryer ------lin power struggle is a demon­ liarity used by Soviet bureau­ stration of the superiority of crats before factory workers, as official limits) in the armed cording a relative popularity to Special London Correspondent the party over the military ma­ sheer adventurism. Was not this forces, Zhukov and Timoshenko one or another rival in the in- fin three previous articles (Oct. 28. Nov. 4 and Nov. chine within the Soviet bureau­ military hero, grown politically denounced “false democratiza­ ter-bureaucratic fights will re­ 25 M ilitant), Peter Fryer has analyzed recent develop­ cracy. important overnight without any tion” and the tendency of young main strong. The party apparatus permeates experience in that art, not play­ officers to forego compulsion STABILIZATION FOR NOW ments in the British radical movement. This is the con­ all sections of Soviet society, in­ ing the role of the sorcerer’s and try, instead, to convince elusion of the series.] 's) • :------cluding rival sections of the bu­ apprentice who would conjure the troops. In an address to Khrusche.v’s tr iu m p h over And now to sum up. In the trinally pure. Stalinism made reaucracy. In Stalin’s day this up forces which he would be un­ officers of the Polish Army, Zhukov, however, finally marks these groups what they are, midst of all the confusion of was true also of the secret po­ able to con tro l ? Zhukov hammered on this same the unification of command in down to the last ‘Long live !’ resignations and declarations, ex­ lice, which because of its addi­ (Zhukov’s popularity is a rela­ theme lest “the struggle against the Kremlin and hence a polit­ of their Third Period Comintern- pulsions and polemics, one fact tional advantage of possessing tive and contradictory phenome­ the cult of personality should ical stabilization of the bu­ ese. stands out: that rich possibili­ the means of coercion, was even non. The military is probably degenerate into a negation of reaucracy’s rule for the pres­ more powerful than the party. the least hated section of the authority in general.” ent conjuncture. While it lasts, ties now exist for rearing, A S E A G E R bureaucracy since it plays no no “lesser evil” figures will be training and educating a strong TO LEARN AS TEACH HUNGARY A F T E R B E R IA ’S PUR G E direct role in the economic op­ permitted to emerge. Thus the and influential Marxist move­ But there are Trotskyists The purge of Beria and rele­ pression of the Soviet masses Certainly Soviet workers and Soviet masses, temporarily ar­ ment in Britain. The streams and “Trotskyists” in quotation are flowing together: Commu­ gation of the secret police to a and since the secret police, not students who sympathized with rested in their leftward develop­ marks. The Marxist who is subordinate status, was both an nists disillusioned with Stalin­ it, bears the onus for repres­ the Hungarian Revolution must ment by the smashing of the seeking a movement soon learns act of appeasing the Soviet pub­ ism; Bevanites disillusioned with sion. During the war the lead­ have been disillusioned w ith Hungarian Revolution but not that. And he comes to the genu­ lic and a measure of self-pro­ Bevan; trade unionists who see ing generals achieved a genuine Zhukov's crushing of it. So Zhu­ driven back past the gains of ine Trotskyist movement with tection by the other sections of the 20th Congress’ de-Staliniza- the need for militant and prin­ popularity with the masses. This kov’s popularity must be consid­ ail the ardor of a thirsty man the bureaucracy. It left the par­ cipled leadership, political as was an expression of the atti­ ered a relative thing—the sort tion, probably have before them who finds a stream of clear ty the sole all-pervading section well as economic, if the Tory tude of the masses to the So­ masses, unable to exercise free a period of developing their own water. Here are Marxists who of the bureaucracy. A t the same Tito, Khrushchev and Bulganin are shown here at 1955 offensive is to he beaten back. viet Union. They hate the bu­ choice, give to a supposedly inner forces until they can have kept traditions alive—with­ time, however, it. increased the conference in Yugoslavia. A t that time, ties were renewed From Communist Party, Labor reaucratic regime but wish to “lesser evil.” themselves break the bureau­ out turning them * into dogma. a rm y ’s political importance, as the Kremlin bureaucrats apologized for “ Stalin’s errors.” Party and workshop floor alike defend the country’s economic The Soviet working class has cracy’s stabilization. This might Who do not use the fact that since the latter had actually car­ Since then, relations have warmed and cooled on two occasions. there is coming forward the ad­ base against the restoration of not yet burst the political strait- take the form either of a direct Trotsky was right on so many ried out the Beri§ purge, and A t a recent Moscow Conference, the Yugoslavs refused to sign vance guard1 of a new. Marxist capitalism. Stalin and his en­ jacket into which Stalin forced assault or the exertion of such issues as an excuse for any new statement of Soviet-bloc countries. (See story, page one.) was now the sole armed section tourage were hated as the lead­ it. They have loosened it here pressures on the regime that leadership. The task is to forge Great Man theory. Who, above of the bureaucracy. That only ers of the bureaucratic rulers and torn it there, but they have Khrushchev’s domination is shat­ this precious cadre, to weave all, are as eager to learn from by calling upon Zhukov and the while the generals were popular yet to emerge as a free force tered and the bureaucracy’s fac-' these streams together in one the new adherents they are the bureaucracy as a whole, the It is one thing for the headss army was Khrushchev able to as defender’s of the country and tion struggle resumes > under sturdy movement, to assimilate party rather than the military of the regime to court publicc on the Soviet scene. Until they winning as they are willing and save himself and purge Molo­ its economy against the «Nazi much more auspicious circum­ into a harmonious team, these is more suited to rule. For con­ support. To the extent that they are able to form their own able to teach them something. tov, Malenkov and Kaganovich y invaders. The popularity of stances for mass intervention. different backgrounds and expe­ tinuance of bureaucratic rule in succeed they temporarily e-rrvnns and take actions in Whose approach to people, there­ last July, tremendously enhanced Y Zhukov, the most successful gen­ riences, to raise the ideological the USSR means much more to­ strengthen the regime or abatee fore, is improving all the time,> the political' position of the eral, increased after the war’ level of these workers who want day than settling the inner dis­ the dangers to it. (Of course inn since it takes into account the! m ilitary bureaucracy and! made because he was persecuted by to be communists. conditioned-reflex prejudices and putes and controlling the vari­ the long run the increasingly * Zhukov a contender for the) y S ta lin . ous factions of the bureaucracy obvious need of the regime for APPARENT CONFUSION misunderstandings that come“ Numlber One position in the ...Needed War Economy for their overall benefit. It public approval along with con­ from years of believing in lies.■ Kremlin ruling caste. Thus the SOLDIERS HATE The Marxist alternative to (Continued from page 1) ernment. They proved that a Examine the past year’s is­■ logic of the power struggle led means first and foremost keep­ cessions to the people encourage PRUSSIAN f^ETUP Stalinism in Britain still has, as ing the regime afloat on the the latter, build its self-confi­ state really concerned with so­ sues of Labour Review, for in­■ directly to a showdown between That is but one side of the of foreign military aid, they it seems to me, one foot in the rising tide of mass dicontent dence and hastens the ultimate cial welfare and a capitalist stance, and you see how the new’ the party apparatus headed by picture, however. Because of its propose an industrial develop­ past, even as the other foot is and the stormy times ahead. day of its direct political in­ state are mutually exclusive. A Marxist movement is sprouting1 1Khrushchev and the office caste privileges and luxuries in the ment program / for non-indus- poised for an enormous forward Flexibility, a quality military tervention.) But for a faction genuine welfare state can only forth in Britain out of a soil1 headed by Zhukov. midst of the general impover­ trialized countries. Instead of stride. The ex-communist Party bureaucracies are not noted for, of the bureaucracy that is not exist within a socialist society. made fertile by what are es­ The m ilitary bureaucracy pos- ishment of the common people instruments of destruction they member is bewildered and dis­ is a requisite. dominant to attempt to build The American economy pulled sentially Trotskyist ideas and1 sessed even greater power of and because of its excessive and propose spending at home for mayed hy the multiplicity of up support • in a bid for power out of the depression only hy analyses. Four out of five ofF coercion than the secret police The party occupies a more arbitrary powers over the ranks, the welfare of the people—spe­ groups, each c la im in g to be; is a far different matter. In means of government outlays more r-r-revolutionary tban its the contributors to these firstt had. But it was concentrated in strategic position than the m ili­ the military bureaucracy can cifically for schools, housing, such a case the masses are be­ for World W ar HI. Big Business competitors, each bawling its six issues are either membersi camps and garrisons, not per- tary in relation to the popula­ have no real popularity with the hospitals, dams and for adequate ing called on—even though in a reaped a golden harvest and lungs hoarse selling literature of the Communist Party (these; meating Soviet society and the tion as a whole. The network of masses. The gulf between sol­ unemployment and old-age pen­ limited manner—to act against kept on amassing fortunes be­ at the entrance to public meet­ write under pen-names) or werei rest of the bureaucracy but rela- party functionaries and units dier and officer is tremendous sions. the dominant section of the bu­ cause of the cold-war military ings, each carrying the banner in the party until quite recent­- tively shut off from them. It penetrates all layers of the pop­ on pay, food, housing, clothing, Posed abstractly, this might reaucracy. If they do engage in budget after 1946.. The simple of “real” (Marxism. His immedi­ ly . did not exercise police func- ulation. Not only do these en­ etc., etc. Formalizing the in­ seem possible. But it is no ac­ such an action will they then truth is that American Big Busi­ ate reaction is to ask w h y on On the editorial board, whose; tions and the attempt to do so deavor, upon directives from the ferior social position of the men cident that the U.S. govern­ stop? Might they not continue ness today absolutely requites a earth these rgroups are not meetings I have attended since would have been an open decla- top, to steer, deflect or curb to the officers’ corps is the ment has failed to engage in on and do away with the whole war machine hot o n ly to serve its united. As soon as he begins to last March, I have met only two> ration of war against the rival the masses, they are also an whole reactionary rigamarole of that kind of “pump-priming” on bureaucratic regime including world-wide predatory aims but separate the sheep from the other persons who were Trot­. sections of the bureaucracy. invaluable means of constantly “military courtesy” and Prus­ a serious scale. that section which had sum­ as the only way at its disposal goats, however, he realizes that skyists before 1955. The old and1 Thus the military’s coercive taking the political pulse of the sian discipline, restored by Sta­ No one can contest the need moned them for the limited to buoy the economy. a purely organizational solution new go forward together on La­. power had to remain potential population, thus permitting the lin as far back as 1935. The of undeveloped countries for in­ aim of redressing the balance It is otherwise with the So­ to what is a fundamental polit­ bour Review, their common taskc in the inner-bureaucratic strug- Kremlin to adjust policy accord­ same hatred on the part of the dustrial development. Non-indus- in the inner-bureaucratic strug­ viet planned economy. Full use ical problem would not advance the creative application and con­. gle until a show-down in which in g ly . enlisted men at the officers’ ex­ trialized nations are forced into gle? Or, even if they could be of productive power and contin­ the cause of Marxism very far. sequent enrichment of Marx­ it should actually attempt to Under the best of circum­ altation and their own degrada­ Controlled in the limited action, economic dependence on the ad­ ued expansion are possible there The fact must he faced1 that take over. Preparation for such stances the military is a force tion as is found in capitalist ism. And so stronc is this com­ would not the experience and vanced countries, for their role without an arms budget. As a some of these groups are in re­ an action was all the more dif- to be reckoned with. What made armies, exists in the Red Army bination that Labour Review, precedent prepare them to come in world economy is limited pri­ matter of fact, an end to the ality no more than vestigial rem­ j ficult because of the existence Zhukov an even more danger­ and Navy. Probably more since without a single tremor, could onto the poflitical arena unsum­ marily to supplying raw mate­ arms race would result in a nants of a stage jn the history in the military body itself of ous rival was his mass popu­ it is not forgotten that the Rev­ open its columns to a long, de­ moned if the new regime, after rials for the industrial machines more rapid expansion of that of the British Trotskyist move­ { built-in agencies of the party larity, as compared to that of olution had once done away withh tailed and closely-argued attack a period of trial, failed to satis­ of the imnerialist countries. To industry which could be devoted ment that quite evidently is over ap pa ratus. Khrushchev and other Kremlin it all and introduced a military on Trotskyism, which a mem­ fy their expectations? even permit, let alone aid the and done with. No ex-CommU- The outcome of the struggle figures, and his deliberate cam­ system of social equality andd to consumer goods. ber of the editorial board (him­ industrial development of the nist Party member, who shares illustrates more than the su- paign to increase it by identify­ Tt is beyond question that democracy. self a member of the Commu­ non-industrial segment, of world W ILL SOVIETS CATCH UP in the moral responsibility for ’ periority of the party. It shows ing himself with the demand for many elements of the bureau­ As the educational and cul­ nist Party!) answered in the economy to any significant ex­ The Soviet rate of economic th ^ persecution and vilification ' that from the point of view of further de-Stalinization. cracy must have regarded Zhu- tural level of the conscripted same issue. This kind of funda­ tent would have unsettling ef­ growth is higher than that of of . the Trotskyists in past years mental discussion is unknown in the UJS. This is a source of (even if he never participated fects on the economy of the im­ the Communist Party, which perialist powers. It would cut anxiety to the ruling circles in in the beatings-up) can point a has nipped the tender buds of off the principal source of chean the U.S. For it poses the ques­ finger of scorn at these groups discussion that appeared for a raw materials. And industrial tion of whether the Soviet econ­ for their sectarianism, their dog­ ...The Moscow Conference brief period a year or so ago. power that does not represent omy can catch up with the matism-, their unwillingness to (Continued from page 1) “We are not afraid of discus­ ism) and “revisionism” (the term a note of “militancy” inter­ the press calls a peace plea. American in the next period. learn, their insistence that ev­ a mere extension of that of the sion,” a leading British Trot­ a kiew political line. They are applied to tendencies demand­ spersed with the old class-col- This slogan is not simply a call Addressing himself to this ques­ ery syllable in their journals imperialist nation would only skyist said to me a little time tomnendiums of the political ing further de - Stalinization). laborationist formulas. The C'P tion, Harry Schwartz, New York shall be scrubbed till it is doc- for the capitalist nations to con­ serve as unwanted competition. ago. “We are sure we have the positions on (the important in­ The burden of the attack is, of chiefs hope that this together clude peace treaties with the Times analyst cited the follow­ right answers and the better ar­ ternal and international prob­ course, on the “revisionists.” with the Soviet sputnik achieve­ Soviet Union—a demand every CONFLICT WITH PROFITS ing as a factor: guments. That is not the same lems that the Soviet leaders indicating that they are by far ments will reinvigorate the ca­ genuine socialist would be duty A t home, the’ capitalist class “First, will the Soviet Union ...T ry New thing as saying we know all have been proclaiming for some the greater danger to the re­ dres of {he parties in the cap­ bound to support. It includes would never permit “welfare” have to continue spending vast the answers! We are learning time. However, the tone, the gimes in the Soviet orbit. italist countries. an offer to mute the class strug­ spending to the tune of half amounts on arms production in a^l the time—in the process of dmphasis given certain points The scientific successes, they gle within the capitalist coun­ a trillion dollars over an eleven- the future as in the past? Pres­ POLAND-USSR RELATIONS “Spy Hoax” building a movement.” and the ambiguities in the doc­ hope, will establish confidence tries. Thus it refers to the vear span. For this would un­ ident Eisenhower’s intimation of uments have a political signifi­ The area of greatest ambi­ tbat the ” Khrushchev leadership building of “popular fronts,” dermine its profits irretrievably. greater military LABEL LOSES TERROR (Continued from page 1) cance. guity is that d e a lin g w ith is advancing the UlSSR to so­ which in Stalinist language has Take housing for instance. As spending, in his speech last And in this process of build,- the relations between the vari­ cialism and is therefore a fit always meant sacrificing work­ Art Preis wrote in his pam­ week, undoubtedly will exert revelations with a proposal to The declaration of the 12 So­ ing a movement the “label” of viet-orbit countries begins by ous countries. Since one of the international leadership. Refer­ ing class political independence phlet. “Welfare State” or Social­ pressure on Moscow to keep up release both Greenglass and Trotskyism is losing its terrors. counterposing the growth of feathers in Khrushchev’s cap ences to the class-struggle in for the sake of a coalition with ism, “ What would happen (o the its own large effort in the arms Harry Gold (’the other govern­ There are manv who think that exorbitant Profits of the con­ their strength to the waning of was the absent of Poland’s Go- the capitalist world are for the capitalist parties. Similarly, the race, thus diverting resources ment witness in the R'osenberg- mulka to the document, this am­ struction and real estate interests.! a9 the Trotskyist analysis comes •imperialist power. Over 950 m il­ ears o f CiP m ilita n ts ge nu ine ly slogan of the “people’s anti- otherwise usable for capital in­ Sohell trial) from prison as a to the landlord^’ high (rents for to be recognized as the only lion people, a third of mankind, biguity reflects the unresolved desirous of fighting for social­ monopoly coalition,” — whereby vestm en t.” reward for “cooperation.” Mor­ valid Marxist analysis, the word tenements, if there were enough now live in the Soviet orbit. hut deadlocked relationshin be­ ism in their own countries and the OP in this country gives Here we see the Soviet m ili­ ris proposed that a committee Trotskyist will tend to fall into decent homes for everybody?” Another 700 million have thrown tween the UISI9R and Poland. able on that account to win in­ support to the Democratic Party tary budget listed as an ob­ be formed to seek their release. disuse (just as one uses ‘Lenin­ One could also ask. what would off the colonial yoke and won The formulation gives theoret­ fluence in the mass movement. — has been made a guiding pro­ stacle to the economic goals of Did Greenglass agree to make ist’ rarelv, and ‘Engelsist’ not ical satisfaction to both narties. hapnen to the profits of the national independence. In addi­ However, the design of the gram for OP’s throughout the Soviet planned economy. And new eharces against the Rosen- at all). Be that as it may, the The absolute equaflitv of the (na­ medical trust if the government tion to these losses', the impe­ Kremlin overlords is not to fur­ capitalist world. this is not a Marxist speaking bergs in the hone that such “co­ Trotskvists’ willingness (a) to tions of the Soviet bloc is pro­ built enough hospital and re­ rialist countries are rent by ther the revolutionary aspira­ Elsewhere, a bid is made to but a pro-capitalist expert on operation” would earn his re­ enter into serious debate and (b) claimed. but. as Orwell nut it, search facilities to take care of class antagonisms. Imnerialist tions of the CP cadres but to the British, French and Italian Soviet affairs. If Schwartz ob­ lease fro m prison ? And i f he to learn, is making a steady im­ the USSR is more eaual than everybody’s health (needs? O r war olans and their NATO. Mid­ use them fn a pressure game capitalist classes to become would manufacture new “spv” pact. the others, since it is “the first what, would hapnen to the mo­ servation is correct, then the dle East and 9EAT0 military for arriving at a status quo “neutralist.” This is done by im­ charges now in order to win and mightiest .Socialist power.” nopoly profits of the utilities if U.S. military budget, in addi­ I have no dramatic successes a’liances are Castigated and their deal with imperialism. It is for plication in a section describ­ bis release, is it not possible the government satisfied all the tion to preparing for war, serves to record. ^ failure predicted. The same note The Yugoslav delegation did this purpose that the Kremlin ing how UJS. imperialism is that he agreed to manufacture demand for electric power? But it is a sober fact that of confidence in the Soviet abil­ not sign this document ostensi­ has been anxious to reassert un­ “threatening the national inde­ two ineeds ’ of , the capitalist the original charges in order The greatest need the Amer­ the Marxists whose activity is ity to defeat imperialist attack bly because this section was un­ shakable political control over pendence of the developed cap­ class: (1) To sustain the Amer­ to gain lenient treatment? ican people have yet experienced conducted inside the Labor Party that has marked the post-Sput- satisfactory to it. However, the­ the world Communist movement. italist countries.” Experience ican economy and (2) to slow (Greenglass was first put under for massive government, spend­ are the only organization whose nik diplomacy and statements of o ry a'nd p o litic a l p rin c ip le has teaches that the GP’s in these HBT scrutinv for stealing urani­ PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE” ing for their welfare was dur­ the Soviet Union’s 1 economic work in relation to the Com­ the Kremlin runs through, the as little meaning for the Tito- countries would be directed to um ore w h ile employed as a ing the depression of the 1930’s. g ro w th . munist Party crisis has been document. Added is a bold note istt bureaucracy as it does for Achievement of “peaceful co­ support any capitalist regime mechanic on the atom bomb Slum's, malnutrition and shabby consistent and serious, and the of confidence about the ultimate Khrushchev— both are practi­ existence” is the “most impor­ that gave the slightest sign that project.) Certainly, the fact that clothing were common ailments only organization which has won triumph of socialism in the cap­ tioners of empirical, power poli­ tant worid-wide task of the day,” it might be turning to “neu­ Greenglass’ wife though im­ in the United States, the rich­ new members as a re su lt. M ost italist countries. ties, for which theory is not a the document proclaims. This tralism.” What CP policy aims plicated in his 195>1 spy story, of thes'e new members are m ili­ guide but a grab bag into which also is the main theme of the at ultimately, however, is a est of the capitalist powers. As was never arrested let alone tant workers, many of them COVER UP OWN CRISIS one reaches for an appropriate second document, signed by the status quo deal with American the Roosevelt Administrate jailed for her part in the “con­ New York with splendid records on. the No mention of “contradictions” formula after a course of ac­ 64 Communist parties, which imperialism. conceded, one-third of the na­ spiracy,” raises the question job. Their contribution to the within the Soviet bloc, such as tion has already been decided tion was ill-housed, ill-clothed, of a deal between the prosecu­ Bazaar new Marxist movement in Brit­ was heard at the time of the on. The document’s formula ill-fb d . tion and the witness. would have been just as satis­ ain is no less valuable than Polish defiance and Hungarian GOV’T DESTROYS FOOD The New York School of So­ that of the smaller number of uprising, appears in the docu­ factory to Tito as it was to UNRELIABLE ‘EVIDENCE’ Yet the U.S. government nev­ cial Science announces that its historians, economists, journal­ ment. Instead the tense social, Gomulka, if the former had not Once more we must take a er undertook production of de­ Annual Christmas Bazaar w ill be ists etc. who are grouped round political and national relation­ felt that signing would jeo­ look at the nature of “accom­ cent homes (except for token held Saturday, December 14, a t Labour Review. ships inside the Soviet orbit are pardize financial and military plice” testimony. The conviction slum clearance), good food and brazenly ic-nored as follows: "In aid fro m the UJS. 116 University Place. of the Rosenbergs and Morton I luse • the word “ new” w ith ­ warm clothes, not to speak of the Socialist states the broad A11 our friends are urged to Sobell in 1951 w ould n o t have out any intention of denigrat­ AIMS AT STALINIZATION less essential commodities, for masses of the working people been possible under rules of ev­ ing the past. The comrades who this would have interfered with contribute their white elephants stuck to their principles when enjoy genuine freedom and dem­ Issuance of the documents idence in a New York state the system o f, the private pro­ such as precious stones, jewelry, ocratic rights. People’s power signalizes that Khrushchev, hav­ court. Something more weighty the rest of us were dazzlled and duction of these goods for prof­ insures political unity of the ing stabilized the power fight electric appliances, end tables, than the testimony of an ac­ misled by Stalinism laid a solid it. Instead of producing what masses, equality and friendship inside the Kremlin bureaucracy, last year’s fur coat (mink, chin- complice who has something tb foundation. Theirs was the help­ the people needed, the govern­ among the nations...” Similarly is now taking steps to stabilize chiila, beaver or rabbit w ill ■ be gain from the kind of testimony ing hand a year ago. The hand ment destroyed food or paid for the Hungarian Revolution is pass­ the situation within the Soviet he gives is required. The U.S. had hooks in it. Now we and its non-production in order to accepted), books, records, ob­ ed off as an “imperialist plan” bloc and among the Communist Constitution forbids conviction boost prices, thus assuring a jects of art. Solicit those trades they are starting to build to­ that was defeated. Parties throughout the world. in treason cases on the basis of profit and therefore an incentive gether on the foundation, so Holding such conferences is a people you regularly do business such unreliable testimony. Ac­ The section on theory shows for capitalist production. In or­ step toward restoring a working 'with for a contribution of food, tually, Sobell and the 'Rosen­ that there can be more helping that, the vaunted “ political unity der to prevent complete de­ discipline. The documents give clothing, wine, candy, fu rn itu re , bergs were not tried on spy hands, more books, more jour­ of the masses” is more a wish moralization of the unemployed them all a single comprehensive charges, but under the federal nals, Imore activity, and the than a fact. For political de­ millions, relief was supplemented etc. If you can’t bring in the “conspiracy” laws, which allow viations are bitterly assailed. political line. growth and consolidation of a by work projects, but never for merchandise, call AL 5-7852 and conviction on evidence that These are described as “ dogma­ In discussing the struggle for tbe production of essentials. The arrange for a pickup. well-equipped revolutionary lead­ would be held insufficient in any tism” (the bureaucracy’s code socialism in the capitalist coun­ [New Deal policies flowed from other kind of case. ership. name for unregenerate Stalin- tries, the documents introduce I the nature of a capitalist gov- THE MILITANT Page S

—ascription M per j * * x . ■gnei article* ft* oontrtb- tt.BO for 6 months. Foreign: a to re do aot neoee eerily rep­ resent The M ilitant’* polldee. #f.90 per year; $2.So for 6 t h e MILITANT These are express** in its months. Canadian; $3.50 per Published Weekly in the Interests of the Working People editorials. Soviets—Reality and Caricature fear: #$1.75 for 8 months. THE MILITANT PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION "Entered as second class [The following article, “The ees; conducted a struggle against Countries of the West could have Bundle Orders: 6 or more 116 University PL., N. Y. 3. N. Y. Phone: AL 5-7466 matter March 7, 1944 at the copies 6c eaoh hi U.S., 7o Post Office at New York. Soviets — Reality and Carica­ deserters; collected foodstuffs, stopped the process. But the Editor: DANIEL ROBERTS N.Y., under the act of Msxob saoh In foreign countries raw materials, supplies. Revolution was confined within I. 1879." ture,” by George Cunvin, is re­ BuKineMM Manager: PRANCES JAMES Above all, the soviets develop­ the frontiers of the former tsar­ printed from the special, Nov. ed the initiative and creative ist empire. Vol. 21 - No. 48 Monday. December 2, 1957 7, issue of .Peter F rye r’s The abilities of the people. With the rise of the bureau­ Newsletter devoted to the 40th cracy the role of the soviets be­ Anniversary of the Russian Rev­ REALITY DURING gan to decline. In the early so­ olution. (See review, this page.) FIRST YEARS viets the right of recall was fun­ “Democracy” in Okinawa George Cunvin has been an ac­ In the first years of the Revo­ damental to the proper function­ tive member of the British La­ lution, soviet democracy was a ing of soviet democracy. If a One of the myths assiduously propa­ the national oppression which the U.S. oc­ bor Party for 22 years. — Edi­ real and living thing. When the delegate fulfilled his duties bad­ gated by America’s big-business press is cupation force represents. His' election tor.] constitution of the young, Soviet ly, if he no longer represented that (imperialism on the part of modern was hailed by organized labor in Japan The Union of Soviet Socialist Republic stated that “Russia de­ the views of those who elected capitalist countries is a thing of the. past. proper. Republics — it was no accident clares itself to be a republic of him, he could- be, and frequent­ workers’, soldiers’ and peasants’ Direct colonial rule, as that of in that this was the title given to ly was, recalled. He had the backing of a United Front the State which emerged from delegates. All power, both cen W ith the advent, of Stalinism Algeria, is explained as a vestige of 19th party composed of Communist Party ad­ the October Revolution. In this tral and local, is vested in these and the disappearance of free­ Century imperialism. Though U.S. impe­ herents and Socialists. But the m ilitary name was summed up the pro­ soviets” it meant exactly what dom of discussion and the right LENIN rialism has long preferred indirect rule authorities swung their weight in the gram of an epoch — the transi­ i t said. to criticize in the Communist of its economic vassal states, it has in tional period between the end In 1922, B u kh a rin and Preo Party and in the trade unions, election and succeeded in placing 24 pro- tives of the workers at the point brazhensky could still write in only those who found favor with the past engaged in direct colonial rule of capitalism and the beginnings Americans on the 30-man assembly. of a new form of society — so­ of production. their “ABC of Communism” : the all-powerful secretariat and, indeed, last week furnished the world The American brass then opened a drive cialism . They were the direct mouth­ “ To an ever greater extent the could hope to be elected to the pieces of the men at the work­ masses of the people, the work­ w ith a current example on the island of This transitional period was soviets. The right of recall re­ to get nid of Senaga. A ll public work in shop bench or the coal face, in ers and poor peasants, come to Okinawa which it looted from Japan at characterized by Marxists as the mained only on paper. the city was brought toi a standstill when daily contact with their work­ participate in the joint labors of “dictatorship of the proletariat” The original constitution of the end of the war. mates, able to respond instan­ the soviets, the trade unions, and the bank controlled by the U.S. authori­ which, in plain English, simply the Russian Socialist Federative By order of Lieutenant General James taneously to every nuance of a the factory committees. This is ties refused, to make customary advances means the rule of the working Soviet Republic states: “The All- rapidly changing political situa­ going on everywhere. In the E. Moore, High Commissioner and m ili­ to the city. The Americans then loudly class. Russian Congress of Soviets is tary commander of the U.S.-occupied is­ tion. country towns and in the villages the supreme authority. . . and •denounced Senaga for having brought ad­ For many years before the With the March 1917 revo­ people who never did anything must meet at least twice a year.” land, the rules of municipal government Russian Revolution of 1917, so­ ministration of Naha to a stop. lution, soviets once agaia emerg­ of the kind before are now ac­ It did so even during the peril­ cialists had engaged in long aca­ in Naha, Okinawa’s capital, were revised ed spontaneously as the expres­ tively participating in the work ous days of Civil War! But after Last June, the assembly, by a two- demic .discussions about the form to remove its elected mayor, Kamejiro sion of the workers’ will. Soviets of administration and in the the general secretary usurped thirds vote, decided to remove Senaga. of government which would bring Senaga, from office. of workers’ deputies, soviets of building of a new life. In this all -power this clause became a But in new elections in August, the United about the transformation of the Making up rules as he went along, peasants and of soldiers. way the soviet power secures dead letter. Front doubled its strength in the assem­ social order. the widest self-government for Moore decreed that henceforth anyone ‘ALL POWER bly. Under the rules, this nullified th 'e Ever since Marx it has been the various localities and at the SOVIET REPUBLIC convicted of a felony could not hold o f­ generally accepted that this task TO THE SOVIETS’ same time summons the broad WITHOUT SOVIETS removal proceedings. Whereupon Moore TROTSKY. WAR MINISTER-1923 fice. This was designed to bar Senaga’s would fall to the workers as a Right from the start the so­ masses of the people to partici­ Years passed — and what changed the rules. viets constituted a challenge to reelection on Jan. 12. Senaga had been clasS; but how would the work­ pate in the work of government.” years — without the soviets be­ ing class organize its State when the power of the Provisional Many visitors to the Soviet ing summoned, uptil finally they The American action is evoking sharp olithic unity” in the soviets. Only imprisoned by the Japanese militarists it achieved power? Government. Lenin- recognized Union during that period con­ were replaced, in the Stalin Con­ protest throughout Japan. The Socialist the caricature remained. prior to World War II for his “anti-gov­ Only in the Commune that here was the embryonic firm this graphic picture of a stitution of 1936, with a spur­ Party branded it an “ action that denied form of the dictatorship of the ernment activities” and he was imprisoned o f 1871 did) the w o rld catch a genuine and developing workers’ ious form of parliamentarism. HUNGARIAN EVENTS the self-government of the Okinawans fleeting glimpse of what work­ proletariat. The working class democracy in action. Today the Soviet Uniop can tru­ again 'by U.S. authorities in 1952 for “ har­ Today we still talk and write ers’ power would look like. had itself created the organs But even then the germs of ly be described as a soviet re­ boring a fugitive.” and trampled on their democratic rights.” of the Union of Soviet Socialist through which it would exercise degeneration were at work. At public without soviets. Republics even though the tra­ Senaga was elected by the Japanese We believe that organized labor in this THE WORKERS’ its rule. the best it was no easy task to In the early days the best ditional forms of soviet rule people of this island in protest against DIRECT MOUTHPIECES u, “All power to the soviets” be­ transform “every cook into an worker-delegates to the soviets country ought to join in the protest. have long disappeared. Recent Then came the 1905 re vo lu tio n came the slogan of the Bolshe­ administrator” (Lenin). were drawn into the task of ad­ events in Hungary once again in tsarist Russia, a revolution in viks and this was the program The flower of the Russian ministering the State. Under demonstrated that in a revolu­ which the political parties of the which gave it victory in Novem­ working class had been decimat­ Stalinism, the administrative ap­ The True Source of Corruption tionary situation the , working Russian workers played the lead­ ber 1917. ed in. the civil war. Its vanguard paratus became more and more class intuitively throws up work­ ing role. But for the task of That victory would have been — the finest in the woTld — separated from the people and Senator John L. McClellan, chief labor foods and inferior drugs on the market. ers' councils as instruments of organizing and guiding the revo­ impossible without the soviets. was swamped in a sea of back­ transformed into ah instrument prober and Senatorial advocate of a na­ Then, all kinds of restraints must be struggle and for wielding power lution, a new type of organiza­ They welded the alliance of the wardness and illiteracy. This was of the ruling caste. after victory. tional “ right to slave” law, clamored applied to advertisers to prevent the more tion came into existence — coun­ workers and peasants against fertile soil for the rising bu­ The Soviet State, as it emerg­ against union corruption before the Ar­ flagrant lies used to bamboozle consum­ cils of working, men, or soviets, the exploiters. reaucracy to sink its roots into. ed from October, was the ideal The soviet form of government kansas Chamber of Commerce in 'L ittle ers. Even so, one has only to spend a few to give them their Russian name. They played a central role in instrument for translating into is, so far, the ’only one which REVOLUTION ISOLATED has proved capable of abolish­ Rock, Nov. 20. “ There is a grave danger hours with a television or radio set to These soviets were not politi­ the civil war; helped the work practice Engels’ vision of the of the Military Revolutionary Only the extension of revolu­ ing capitalism and laying the that in a few years our cherished free understand the volume of corruption in cal parties or trade unions but State “withering away.” But consisted of elected representa- Committee; mobilized the draft­ tion to the advanced industrial this required that the material foundations of a socialist society. enterprise system will be supplanted by the advertising racket. conditions for the expansion of Half a century of parliament­ a racketeering, dictatorial-controlled gang­ There is no area of life untouched by culture should be to hand. ary socialism in Scandinavia has sterism economy, unless some present the corrruption that flows from profit- In the conditions jprevailing left capitalism practically intact, trends can be reversed and a clean-up op­ in Russia at the end of the civil complete with monarchy and the greed. Look at the hypocritical, lying and war this was impossible. Within rule of finance-capital. Within eration performed by corrective legisla­ The Record of Forty Years corrupt politicians this system breeds. limits the rise of a bureaucracy a week of the establishment of tion,” he said. was inevitable, but a healthy so­ soviet -power, capitalism disap­ What is flimsier, more unsubstantial than “Bourgeois and proletarian, jit is. The fact that many of How the Bureaucracy Arose.” viet democracy could have exer­ peared from the Russian scene, W hat McClellan is saying is that cor­ the campaign promise of a capitalist poli­ white -man and African, intel­ the fundamental. proWem&. in-, “The Bolshevik Resistance to cised- e ffe ctive co n tro l over the never to return. These historic ruption in American society originates lectual and Philistine, bureau­ volved in the ’ present regroup­ Stalinism (1923 - 1928).” “The tician? Men and women like McClellan bureaucracy and prevented its facts speak for themselves. in the labor movement and that the un­ crat and revolutionary; all live ment discussion in the United Red- A rm y : M ir r o r o f S oviet sit in the highest representative bodies worst excesses. It was precisely When they finally come to today in the shadow of October. -States are dealt with in this -Society.” “Theories and prac­ ions are on the verge of corrupting his because soviet democracy threat­ grips with the bureaucracy, the of the land only because they know how It dominates our time like a symposium reveals anew that a tice of Soviet Psychologists.” “ cherished free enterprise system.” The ened its privileges that the bu­ to curry favor w ith the profiteers and po­ volcano destined yet again hy critical study of the Russian “Heroes, Cult and Spectac-le on Russian workers will no doubt reaucracy had to crush the so­ tru th is exactly the opposite. Corruption litical machines in the “free enterprise” its (eruption to shake and re­ Revolution must be undertaken the Soviet Screen.” “Unsolved re-establish these organs of viets. stems from the capitalist class. shape the world, to topple rul­ by anyone seriously interested Problems of Kolkhoz Agricul­ working class democracy which system. The same ruthless terror which served them so well in three revo­ ers and bring empires crashing in socialist politics. Such a study ture.” “The Giant Strides of For instance, what crooked union boss smashed the opposition in the lutions, and w ill once again give No, Senator McClellan, it is not the to ruin.” will be stimulated and aided by Russia’s Planned Industry.” or corrupt labor official could thrive if CBSU and tore the living heart labor movement that threatens to engulf These lines, by Peter Fryer, this special issue of the News­ The contributors include reality to the proud name their the employers didn’t favor him? Busi­ out of Bolshevism ensured “mon- country bears. free enterprise with corruption. It is the appear in the editor’s introduc­ letter. Included-, in addition to Prof. Hyman Levy, British au­ ness makes an extra margin of p ro fit capitalist class that has corrupted, either tion- to a special issue of the the articles, are a chronology, thor of many popular books on a suggested reading list and science and dialectical material­ when workers’ demands can be sold out directly or indirectly, almost the entire British independent socialist by venal union officials. weekly, The Newsletter, pub­ “Who’s Who” sketches of lead­ ism, Joseph Hansen, editor of labor officialdom. ers of the Revolution. the International Socialist Re­ Again, in making the “free enterprise” lished on the 46th anniversary The workers will have to combat the of the Bolshevik Revolution. The The articles range from a de­ view, Joseph Clarke, recently system work without too much scandal, scription of how the -Bolsheviks resigned from the foreign edi­ corrupting influence of the capitalist class issue contains special features W o rld Events all kinds of restraints have to be placed and 25 separate articles hy as took power in Petrograd in Oc­ tor’s desk of the New York over their leadership in order to clean many socialist writers on dif­ tober, 1917 to a criticism of Daily Worker and Tony Guthrie, on the individual capitalists. The govern­ TESTING — ONE, TWO — government which is friendly to ferent aspects of the Russian present-day Soviet architecture. “the name under which a pro­ ment has a Pure Food and Drug Act and up the labor movement. When they do, TESTING! The U jS. g o ve rn ­ the Soviet Union:” Revolution from 1917 to the A partial list of titles: “Hon­ minent member of the British ment quietly paid $600,000 into special inspection agents to enforce it. McClellan and his kind w ill also be swept present. est, Realistic, Disciplined,Dem­ Communist Party writes for the a fund for rural development Even so, there are plenty of unhealthy aside. Ip these articles the Revolu­ ocratic; That was Le n in ’s Newsletter.” TUNISIA’S PURCHASE OF in Egypt and released 25% of tion emerges as the living force B olshevik P a rt y.” “Why and The articles face big issues ARMS from the United States Egyptian funds frozen in the head on. An example of the re­ and Britain has caused a rift U.S. when Egypt nationalized sults is this quote from Robert between France and her imperial­ the 'Suez Canal. The Wall Street Hunter’s article on purges and ist allies. Tunisia announced she A Conference on America’s Future Which. Edition of Trib Journal, Nov. 21, reports that frame-up trials: “Before a pol­ would buy arms for her small U.S. diplomats “will closely icy of principle, all the tortur­ army on the open market after watch Egypt’s reaction” to see ing explanations why Magnito­ France had stopped shipments In the Age of Automation and Atomic Energy if it will be received- “as a sign Are We to Believe? gorsk should be balanced against because of Tunisian sympathy o f UJS. frie n d s h ip ." Saturday, December 7 from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. the execution of a Kamenev, with the Algerian revolution. Last week we reported that a world poll sponsored Sztalinvaros against the anni­ Rather than have'Tunisia buy OPENING SESSION, 10-11 A.M. Panelists: JOHN DICKINSON, writer; EVE by the New York Herald Tribune found that almost 60% hilation of Rajk, are seen as the guns from Egypt or the Soviet A T L E A S T 90% O F T H E MERRIAM, poet; DR. OTTO NATHAN, econ­ of the people throughout the world believe that H-bomb weaknesses of little men who block, the U.S. and Britain sold A. J. MUSTE, presiding. FRANK BELLO, CUBAN POPULATION sup­ omist; HARVEY SWADOS, novelist, author of do not know that people rise her about 1,000 small arms Nov. science editor, Fortune. JACK CYPIN, social explosions are endangering the 51- ports, in one way or another, “On the Line” ; ROBERT WRIGHT, chairman. above defeats, renew their 14 in spite of French protests. scientist and co-author of “The Robot Revolu­ health of future generations. Re­ Beyond that it seemed that two Social Action Committee, Union Theological hopes, and above all need, not the armed rebellion led by Fidel porting this finding Nov. 17, the different people had written both * + * tion.” DR. CARL DREHER, engineer and au­ Sem inary. illusions, but the truth. Castro against dictator Batista, thor of the new book “Automation: What It director of the poll, Elmo W il­ articles. according to an on-the-spot re­ AFTER THE NOV. FRENCH son, railed against the fact that “The cult of the individual Is, How It Works, and Who Can Use It.” “In the New York edition: port in the New York Herald GENERAL STRIKE of a mil­ AFTERNOON PANELS, 2:30-5 P.M. is based on the self-cult of Dr. Dreher’s paper will be read. so m any people rejected the Con­ ‘A ll over the world tremendous Tribune of Nov. 24 and 25. The many individuals forming an lion civil, service workers, the 1. Socialism and Democracy tention of U.S. government “ex­ numbers of people believe, in rebel army is only 2,000 strong, elite, guardians. of arcane se­ government has moved to put MORNING PANELS, 11 A.M.—1 P.M. Moderator: RUSSELL JOHNSON, director perts” that the H-tests do not con spite of expert opinion to tbe -but ‘‘for anyone to rout them workers back on their jobs un­ s titu te a hazard. -He b itte rly com­ crets, directors of the people’s of the Peace Section, (New England Region, contrary, that continued H-bomb from the mountains would re­ der military discipline. (In will, builders of socialism, 1. Trade Union Problems American Friends -Service Committee. plained that “ educated-” people explosions are a danger to those quire a full-scale operation such guiders of the arts and sciences, France railroads, buses, and Moderator: SIDNEY LENS, Chicago trade Panelists: HERBERT APTHEKER, editor, are as concerned as “laborers” yet unborn.’ In thel Paris edition, as the United States used1 in and recipients of higher ra­ most utilities are nationalized.) unionist and secretary of AFSE. Political Affairs; DAVE DELLINGER, the about the danger. the phrase, ‘in spite of expert Okinawa in World War II. Noth­ French workers are expected to tio n s.” Panelists: Trade unionists and labor writers Libertarian Press; FARRELL DOBBS, nation­ However, Mr. Wilson and the scientific opinion to the contra­ ing short of that could drive raise a “howl of protest,” says Another article tells, through including: BERT COCHRAN, FRED FINE, al secretary, Socialist Workers Party; MUR­ Herald Tribune editors apparent­ ry,’ was eliminated. them out.” (Batista has no visi­ the Christian Science Monitor. STEPHEN GRATTAN, TOM KERRY, RUSS ly felt that this view of the poll extensive quotes, how the Rev­ RAY KEMPTON, newspaper columnist; JOHN “ In the New York edition: ‘The ble capacity to employ a similar NIXON and SAM POLLOCK. would not sit well with the read­ olution was presented in 1917 to * * * L. LEWINE, educator; STEVE NELSON, attitude of the m ajority is -plain­ fire power in Cuba.) ers of their European edition. the readers of the Yorkshire INDONESIA’S request to neg­ chairman, Communist Party of Western Penn­ ly a reflection of misinforma­ 2. Youth Problems This is effectively demonstrated P ost — whose “readership of otiate with the Netherlands sylvania; • DR. FREDERICK L. SCHUMAN, tion.’ In the Paris edition: ‘The Moderator: SHELDON WEEKS, youth sec­ in a letter to the New York Yorkshire business men need over the fate of Western New historian, professor at Williams College. attitude of the majority is not CEYLONESE WORKERS are retary, American Friends Service Committee, Post Nov. 20. The writer, Allen somehow to get some facts Guinea (tfhich is still under" a reflection of ignorance, mis­ engaged- in a new, militant New York City. 2. Political Action Klein, contrasts the version of about the world, and yet keep Dutch domination) has received information or hysteria.’ Miss­ round of strikes. Last week, a Panelists:• EARL DURHAM, national youth Wilson’s article that appeared their illusions intact.” backing in the UN from most Moderator: CONRAD LYNN, civil rights at­ ing from the overseas paper was three - day shipping workers’ secretary, Communist Party; MICHAEL HAR­ torne y. in the New York edition of the The optimism for the socialist of the' Asian-African bloc of the domestic sentence, ‘It is well strike and railway workers’ RINGTON, national chairman, Young Socialist Herald Tribune with the one ap­ future of humanity, expressed nations. Panelists: JAMES ARONSON, editor, Na­ to remember, though, that even strike was followed by a walk­ League; NINA LANDAU, recent visitor to pearing in Paris. in this issue of Tbe Newsletter, tional Guardian; DR. ALBERT BLUMBERG, educated people have misconcep­ out o f postal and telegraph China, student at University of Wisconsin; member of the State Committee, Communist Following is the text of Mr. flows from a critical study of workers. Then a large group of tions about radiation. . . ’ the Bolshevik Revolution—with DAVID McREYNOLDS; TONY RAMIREZ, Party of 'New York; JOYCE COWLEY, SWP Klein’s letter, which appeared shipyard workers struck. The “In the New York edition: member of F.O.R. youth group; TIM WOHL- candidate for Mayor of New York, 1957; TY- under the caption, “Which Trib no illusions needed. government has turned a deaf Buffalo FORTH, managing editor, Young Socialist. The fact that many experts. . . RELL WILSON, veteran socialist; MILTON do Y6u Read?” — Fred Halstead ear to these workers who are "The U.S. edition of the Her­ have gone on record as saying MILITANT FORUM 3. Cultural Problems ZASLOW, secretary, Committee for Socialist for the most part employed in U n ity . ald Tribune evidently does not that the harm of fallout is ‘well nationalized industry. The Har­ Moderator DR. STRINGFELLOW BARR, know what the European edition within tolerable lim its’ seems to bor Workers Union is threaten­ “ Is the Cold War noted publicist ,and former president of St. CLOSING SESSION, 5-5:30 P.M. have no effect on the thinking is doing and vice versa. 1917 - 1957 ing a new strike and an appeal Getting Hotter?” John’s College. Address by A. J. MUSTE. I “The past week end both edi­ of those polled.’ A special edition of Peter for a general strike to compel tions ran an article based on a “ In the Paris' edition: The fact the government to negotiate. The Sponsored by: Fryer’s The Newsletter honor­ H e a r: global poll by the paper’s ‘World that government officials and ing the 40th Anniversary of leadership of many of the strik­ Poll’ as written by its director, scientists have contradicted each ing workers has been reported MURRY WEISS the Russian Revolution. American Forum -- For Socialist Education Elmo Wilson. Charts' and an­ other on this matter has the av­ as Trotskyist. On the other Associate Editor, the Militant 40 pages 30 cents at the swers in both editions told that erage man on the anxious seat. hand, the Associated Press, GREAT NORTHERN HOTEL 118 W_ 57th ST., NEW YORK CITY great numbers of people every­ Many reputable scientists have Order from: Nov. 25, reports that the Com­ Sun., Dec. 8 - 7 :30 P.M . where, the great majority, fear­ said with very little qualification The Militant munist Party has “been trying Registration Fee: $1.00 831 M ain Street ed the results of H-bomb test that H-bomb testing is dangerous 116 University Place to hold- down the strike move­ fallout to unborn generations. in the extreme. . . * ” New Y ork 3, N.Y. ment lest it topple Ceylon’s Wades Sell Home to Protect t h e MILITANT Children; Braden Case Ends V O L U M E XXI M O N D A Y . D EC . 2, 1957 N U M B E R 48 By William Bundy Wife, who bought the suburban been active in labor and civil house and resold it to the rights circles for years was con­ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew E. Wade Wades. To protect the home victed, Dec. 13, 1954, sentenced IV announced, Nov. 18, that they Dr. Otto Nathan Wins Acquittal from racist terror the Wades to 15 years in prison, and1 forced have sold their home in a Louis­ to spend seven months in jail ville, K y . suburb because they and Bradens appealed for help and got it from many Louisville before he could raise a $40,000 and their two children cannot citizens, N e g ro and white. bond.to be free pending appeal. They Faced Racist Terror count on adequate police pro Among these were- three white Braden’s conviction was reversed tection against racists. The fam­ Noted Educator Tells Militant Why He trade unionists: Vernon Bown, in the higher courts and the oth­ ily will continue to live in the a Teamster; Lewis Lubka, an er cases were subsequently drop­ Louisville ghetto for Negroes. IUE->CK) shop steward; and La- ped. The Emergency Civdl Lib­ Three weeks earlier, the frame- Rue Spiker, a shop steward in erties Committee and many lib­ up case against Cart Braden was the Grain Millers Union. An­ eral, labor and church groups Risked Jail to Defy House Committee o fficially closed ,with the return other who helped was Louise participated in a nationwide de­ to 'Braden of books and letters Gilbert, a white social worker. fense effort. Five major court seized in 1954 as “evidence.” By Harry Ring Just after midnight on June rulings resulted from the Wade- Thus (he famous Louisville* 27, 1954, the house was half­ Braden case. NEW YORK, Nov. 25 — This afternoon I sat with Dr. Otto Nlathan in his study Case has ended. In their heroic destroyed by a dynamite blast, The Wades’ house lay in ruins discussing the victory that he has just scored for civil liberties — the reversal last three-year struggle the Wades, but th e Wades escaped injury. for three years as a result of the Bradens and their friends Friday of his conviction for contempt of Congress, a conviction that m ight have car­ In spite of the fact that the court suits over the ownership. successfully f o u g h t o ff the ried a one - year prison® racists who had harassed the The Wades finally gained frame-up directed against them same Judge Curran who was Wades were widely known, the ownership last spring, and with term with it. for daring to challenge the white compelled to reverse his deci­ police did (nothing. After sev­ borrowed money paid off mort­ Every available inch of space supremacists. But under the cir­ sion last week. eral weeks a state Grand Jury gages and repaired it. In an­ in his study is crammed from Curran “reluctantly” granted cumstances, it was beyond their began an investigation which nouncing that they had sold the floor to ceiling with well worn a motion for acquittal on the power to press fo r w a r d to was turned into an attack on house, the Wades said they have books. On the wall over his basis of the Supreme Court de­ achieve their original aim — Wade’s white (friends. vBown was lost $1,500 on the deal. * desk is a photograph of the cision of last June in the .Wat­ namely, to win for the Wades accused o f bombing the house Said Andrew Wade: “My wife late Albert Einstein. Otto Na­ kins case which, he conceded, the right to live wherever they and was indicted under an old does (not feel th a t the county than was his close friend and would apply in D r. N a th a n ’s case chose. and unused “ sedition”, law. The police will provide adequate pro­ is the executor of his estate. Watkins, a UAW organizer, had He is a noted professor of eco­ THE TROUBLE BEGAN Bradens, Lubka, Spiker, Gilbert tection to her and our two little also been convicted of contempt nomics who has taught in the The case began in 1954 when and (Bown’g 79-year-old room girls. . . It is a miracle that of Congress after invoking the major universities here and the Wades were unable to find mate, |I. O. Ford, were also in­ she did (not lose our youngest First Amendment against th e dicted on “sedition” charges. ANDREW WADE IV, CHARLOTTE WADE, and their abroad. Seated in his study, a a suitable house. (In ten years child when the house Was blown House Committee. The high up before.” The county police, daughters. After a three-year struggle to live in a Louisville soft-spoken, courteous man, he 18,000 new homes had been Bown demanded immediate court (ruled be had not been suburb — during which they and their friends faced bombings seems to fit completely the tra­ b u ilt fo r w h ites b u t on ly 360 trial on the bombing charge but who have jurisdiction over the properly advised by the com­ and frame-ups — they have sold their house to protect their ditional picture of the scholar. for Negroes.) They sought help the prosecution ignored the suburb, have failed to this day mittee as to the purpose of its children from violence. (See story, this page.) But Otto Nathan is as much from Carl and Anne Braden, a bombing and tried Carl Braden to arrest or convict the dy­ investigation and the pertinency a courageous man of action as white newspaperman and his for “sedition.” Braden, who had na m iters. of the questions he had refused he is a man of ideas. This be­ to answer. came quickly apparent as he Bitterly assailing the Supreme explained why and how he de­ Court stand, Judge Curran Letters from Readers liberately risked imprisonment DR. OTTO NATHAN branded it “wrong” and “false” Xmas Booh Bargains to defy the witch-hunting House and declared he was directing „ , , Un-American Activities Commit- On Churches Role some of the problems that we questions (Dr. Nathan refused to the acquittal of Dr. Nathan only (Use this ad as your order form) out-oLwork people have to face, reply oh the grounds that they because “I cannot substitute my E d ito r: Down here they run circles hir­ WON PASSPORT violated his Constitutional right judgment for that of the Su­ I believe in a higher power. ing and laying off to reduce of the free speech and associa­ preme Court.” W HITE COLLAR—The Amer­ By Marx mid Engels Dr. Nathan was haled before G I A N T IN C H A IN S toy B a r ­ For want of a better name, call union strength on the job. I tion as guaranteed by the First rows I>unha.m. A Marxist ac­ ican Middle Classes b y C. the House Committee on June DISTURBING STATEMENT Wright Mills. Americas lead­ CAPITAL by Karl Marx it ■God. But I never felt led to^have seen at times nine out of 12, 1956. It was then “investi­ Amendment. count of the meaning and his­ Vol. I $2.00 (plus 15c) ( ) W h a t do you th in k o f C u rra n ’s tory of philosophy. In popular ing sociologist studies the po­ join a church and I never fit in 23 men in a department that gating” what it termed fraudu- This angered the witch hunt­ litical. economic and cultural Vol. II $1.75 (plus 15c) ( ) statement, I asked Dr. Nathan. style, not professional jargon. Both for $3.50 (plus 25c) ( ) one either. They haven’t done were on their trial period, and j lent securing and use of pass- ers. But they went into a com­ Intensely interesting and w it­ position of middle class, (pa­ “It is highly disturbing,” he per) $1.75 (plus 10c) ( ) anything except help kee'p the always a few days before their | ports by “subversive elements.” plete rage when Dr. Nathan re­ ty bool?. (Originally $3.75) $1.50 HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THE­ answered quietly. “It lepas sup­ ORIES by Karl Marx (Vol. 4 people in ignorance. They speak trial period was up they were Dr. Nathan had won a passport (plus ISo /mailing charge) ( ) THADDEUS S T E V E X S by- fused to permit them to exam­ port to those who want to take Ralph Korngold. Magnificent of Capital) $3.00 (plus 15c) against slums and war but nev­ laid off and a new person was in 1955 after a 2%-year fight. ine his hard-won passport, TRAITOR OR PATRIOT. The legislative action to counteract biography of the great figure ( ) er do anything about it. (In­ hired the next week. They save Life and Death of Sir Roger The State Department had de­ told them that I would be glad of Radical Reconstruction. the Wakins decision.” • Casemen-t. By Denis Gwynn. MARX - ENGELS SELECTED stead they preach pie in the money that way by working nied his application, claiming, to read its contents to them (Originally $6.00) $2.00 (plus CORRESPONDENCE $1.50 (plus Returning to the hearing iit- Story of the man who became sky—Thank God for what you men on the minimum wage, and among other charges, that he and some one could look over 15c) ( ) 15c) ( ) self, I asked Dr., Nathan why a humvainitarian hero by his haven’t got in the way of de­ they have less vacation to pay had been a member of the Ger­ my shoulder while I read it,” he exposes of imperialist exploit­ KARL LIEBKN ECHT by Karl he had invoked the First rather MARX AND ENGELS ON cent housing, food or clothes. off. Also, it costs nothing to man Communist Party. When recalled with a chuckle, “but I ation of colonial people in Bel­ W. Meyer. Only biography of BRITAIN $2.00 (plus loc) ( ) than the F ifth Amendment. While gian Congo and South Amer­ the great German revolution­ The churches also help educate hire and lay off because it is the Circuit Court upheld Dr. Na­ wasn’t le ttin g 'it out of my THE HOLY FAMILY by Marx the Supreme Court has now af­ ica and who wia® hanged by ist in English. $3.25 (plus 15c) people to conformity. That is chargeable as operational ex­ than, the State Department took hands.” (' ) and Engels. $1.35 (plus 15c) forded a limited measure of pro­ British dm ring World War I to think alike and think what penses for learners. (So they get the case to the Court of Ap­ for his efforts in behalf of ( ) tection to First-Amendment THE ROOTS OF AMERICAN you’re told. I’ve been out get­ credit on their income tax and peals which ruled that he was CITED FOR USING RIGHT Irish Revolution. Originally COMMUNISM by Theodore DIALECTICS OF NATURE by witnesses at Congressional com­ ting subscriptions for the M ili­ get the work done too. entitled to a quasi-judicial hear­ “That was when they moved $3.50. N o tv $1.2-5 (p lu s 15c) ( ) Draper. Valuable for its pains­ Frederick Engels $1.50 (plus mittee hearings, it upheld the tant. Hope they have come in Arkansas is the hot spot now to cite me for contempt. But THE STORY OF MY LIFE by taking research i-nto early 15c) ( ) ing where the rules of evidence penalizing of such witnesses at Clarence D a r r o w. Amer history of American Commu­ b y now. on integration. The radio is very w ould ap ply. R a th e r tha n do so, they must have got cold feet on that time. On the other hand ica's most famous lawyer and nist Party. $6.75 (plus 20c) ( ) M rs. L .T . open on reporting the news now, the point, because when the ci­ KARL MAIIX AND THE the State Department quickly the story of the many labor the right to the legal defense THE NEGRO FAMILY IN THE CLOSE OF HIS SYSTEM by Texas even the local station not in the granted Dr. Nathan his pass­ tation and indictment were cases he defended (paper cov­ afforded by the Filth Amend­ U.S. by E. Franklin Frazier. Bohm-Bawerk with a reply by chain. port. This was sufficient to make handed down they were based ers) $1.45 (plus 10 c) ( ) A sociological classic.. (Orig­ ment had been pretty well es­ Rudolph Hilferding $3.50 (plus From Mississippi H . J. him a target for the House only on my invoking the First THE SOCIAI. HISTORY OF inally $5.00) $1.95 (plus 15c) 15c) ( ) tablished by then, despite the Miss. Amendment.” A R T h y Arnold Hauser. F a ( ) E d ito r; Committee inquisitors. McCarthyite smear against those THE LOGIC OF MARXISM by They asked him if he was The motion to cite Dr. Nathan mous and expensive work now B L A C K BOURGEOISIE by E. William F. Warde, (mimeo­ I am forwarding letters to who invoked it. available in paper covers. Franklin Frazier. A scathing then o r had ever /been a mem­ graphed) $1.00 (plus 15c) ( ) you from a friend in Mississippi. Disagrees With Us for contempt of CongJess was “No, I couldn’t do that,” Dr. Vol. 1 $125 (plus 10c) ( ) study and Indictment. (Orig­ ber of the Communist Party and adopted by unanimous vote of Vol. II $1.25 (plus 10c) ( ) inally $4.00) $3.50 (plus 15c) N athan said, “Some of my THE DEVELOPMENT OF CAP­ R. C. Editor: ( ) if he had sworn /alsely on his the House of Representatives. friends advised me to. But that t h e t h r e e p e n n y n o v f . l ITALISM IN RUSSIA by V. I. Chicago It is my belief that the so- passport application that he was Last April, Federal District was out of the question for me. by Bertdlt Brecht. Not the THE STRUGGLE FOR A PRO­ Lenin. $1.75 (plus 15c) ( ) called Workers Councils in Hun­ LETARIAN PARTY by James (The letters follow.— Ed.) not a member of the Communist Judge Edward Curran found-him play but a full-length novel WHAT IS ECONOMICS I By Ro­ I had made jup my mind long P . C a n n o n gary were not composed in the Party. U’o these and similar guilty as charged. It was' the with the same period as back­ sa Luxemburg (mimeographed, before that if I was ever sub­ (oloth) $2:75 (plus 15c) ( ) Dear Friend: ground. Bitingly humorous al­ stiff covers). The only English m ajority of class conscious work­ (paper) $2.00 (plus 15c) ( ) poenaed I would use the First. legory on capital! st society translation. $1.00 (.plus 15c) life as always has its com­ ers, but of Roman Catholics in and its ethics, (paper) $1.75 It’s the best way to fight for HISTORY OF AMERICAN ( ) pensations and drawbacks and if sympathy with the Vatican and (plus 10c) ( ) TROTSKYISM by James P. civil liberties. The Fifth Amend­ THE F O U N D A T IONS O F therefore opposed to the cur­ C a n n o n we stop and look we can al­ TWO PLAYS: CAUCASIAN CHRISTIANITY by Karl Kaut- ment gives self - protection (cloth) $2.75 (plus I5c) ( ) ways find something that needs rent government which was then Fund Scoreboard CHALK CIRCLE nnd GOOD sky. A Marxist classic. (Orig­ against these committees and (paper) (2.00 plus lac) ( ) Communist. This belief is based WOMAN OF SKTZUAN by Ber­ inally $5.50) $3.00 (plus 15c) being done. If we had a real strengthens civil liberties in that on the fact that the chief sup­ C ity Quota Paid Percent tolt Bredht. Among the most THE ECONOMIC BASIS OF ' ( ) labor leader now, we could let it makes things more difficult remarkable dramas of our pe­ POLITICS by Charles Beard porters of'the enemies of Com- Cleveland $ 600 $ 704.00 110 CAPITALISM AND SOCIALISM loose a barrage on the Rosen- for the witch-hunters and par­ riod. (paper) $1.45 (plus (p 10c) a p e r ) $1.-25 (p lu s 10c) ( ) berg-S obeli witchhunt. munnism in our country were Allentown 102 102.00 100 ( ) ON TRIAL by Fritz Sternberg. alyzes their investigations. But THE STRANGE CAREER OF (Originally $7.00) $2.50 (plus Roman Catholics or McCarthy- Buffalo 1,800 1,800 100 iSince we have such a wonder­ when you . invoke 1 the first CAPTAIN DREYFUS — The J I M CROW by C. Vann Wood­ 15c) ( ) ful counter-spy ring (the best ites. The Militant advertises Milwaukee 250 250.00 100 Story of n Nlnss Hysteria. By w a r d (p a p e r ) $.1.50 (p lu s 10c) Amendment, you are clearly THE JEWISH QUESTION—A that rebellion in Hungary as a 300 300 100 Nicolas Halaisz. The famous in the world) just how did the Y oungstow n ( ) MARXIST INTERPRETATION posing the rig ht of free speech anti-Semitic, frameup. By anal­ Soviet Union get so far ahead revolution, which was an error, Chicago 1,560 1,410 91 AUTOMATION AND SOCIAL by A. Leon. Excellent history and association.” ogy it throws much light on as it was a counter-revolution. D e tro it 825 690 81 PROGRESS by S. Lilley. (Orig­ and analysis. on our stolen secrets ? the rise of McCarthyism. in the “Yes, it’s true,” he continued, inally $3.75) $3.25 (plus 15c) (cloth) $1.50 (plus 15c) ( ) I see where old 'Senator M a r­ Doing that was playing into the O akland 240 180 75 U.S. (paper) $1.45 (plus 10c) “There were only adverse deci­ ( ) (paper) $1.00 (.plus 15c) ( ) tin Dies is heading a citizens hands of capitalism. Twin Cities 1,584 1,191 75 ( ) sions up till then on the use of RUSSIA SO YEARS AFTER by TITO SPEAKS by Vlado Dedi- Council speaking through Mis­ 600 428.00 71 MAIN CURRENTS IN AMER­ Joseph M anlet Victor Serge. A veteran of the jer. Biography of the Yugo­ Los Angeles the First. The Hollywood Ten, ICAN THOUGHT by V. D. Par sissippi favoring the segrega­ 4,000 2,777.25 69 October Revolution and Sta­ slav leader by his then sec­ Cleveland, Ohio Josephson, the Barski group and rington. Required reading for N e w a rk 240 165 69 lin's prisons draws the bal­ retary. (Originally $3.50) $1.00 tionists and f ig h t in g the others went to jail for using it. all students, of American cul N ew Y o rk ance sheet of a revolution be­ (plus 15c) ( ) NAACP. I’d like to know why 4,500 2,500.90 56 ture. (paper) Vol. I The Co Letter to Faubus It was likely that it would mean trayed. (oloth) $3.50 ( ) THE HISTORY OF A LIT­ his work is not un-American ? Philadelphia 480 259.00 54 lonial M'incl: 1620-^1800. $1.45 ERARY RADICAL. By Rand­ jail for me, too. But what could TIIE LONG DUSK by Victor Did you see that the Grand Editor: Seattle 500 250 50 (plus 10c). ' ( ( ) olph Bourne. Essays by the I do ?” Serge. A novel. Anti-fascist San Francisco 450 180.00 40 Vol. II The Romantic Revolu talented American rebel of the Dragon of the KKK in Mobile, •Following is the text of a let­ and anti - Stalinist refugees St. Louis tion in America: 1800—1860 World War I period. (Orig­ Ala., has resigned because he 80 12.00 15 C L E A R -C U T caught in France by Nazi in­ ter that I wrote to Gov. Faubus $1.45 (plus 10c) ( ) inally $3.75) $1.65 (plus 15c) can’t get enough support from of Arkansas: G eneral — 157.85 — RULING NEEDED vasion. The beginnings of re­ ( ) BLACK ANGER, by W ulf Sachs sistance movement. (Original­ the citizens? “You may be a hero to a few THE PHILOSOPHY OF HEGEL How do you feel about it True account by a Viennese ly $2.75) $1.00 (plus 15c) ( ) Totals through Nov. 27 $18,111 $13,357 74 by W. T. Stace. The articles in the Militant Ku Klux bigots and white su­ now? Do you consider the de­ refugee doctor of his psycho AMERICAN LABOR STRUG­ (cloth) $3.98 (plus 15c) . ( ) on the Southern moderates were premacists desirous of retard­ analysis of a Negro worker in cision in your case a complete GLES by SamiueJ Yellen. (pa­ (paper) $1.98 (plus 15c) ( ) wonderful. If only they were ing education for both white Somth Africa, and (how the per) $1.50 (plus 15c) ( ) victory, I asked. “Certainly, ev­ patient, finds his own therapy THE ESSENCE OF CHRIS­ more widely read and circulated and colored children for the pur­ TIANITY by Ludwig Feuer­ ery defeat of the Un-American as a leader in the heroic bus T H E COMING O F T H E by more people in the South. pose of furnishing a source of boycott in Johannesburg, (pa FRENCH REVOLUTION By bach. The book so important Committee is a victory,” he re­ A party to fight the States cheap labor in your “Right to per) $1.75 (plus 10c) < ) Georges Lefebvre (paper) $.93 in development of Marx's 2 More Cities Reach plied, “And I’m relieved it’s (plus 10c) ( ) thought (paper) $1.45 (.plus THE SHAME OF THE CITIES Righters already has the po­ Work (scab) Law” Southern over with. But I cannot consid­ 15c) ( ) by Lincoln Steffens. The fa­ HUNGARIAN TRAGEDY by tential following that would states. er it a full victory until we mous “muckraking" classic peter Fry.er. The author was DEVELOPMENT OF MOXIST swallow both parties ‘ in the But the fact is, this sordid de­ VIEW OF HISTORY by G. V. have a clear-cut decision enforc­ a/vallaible In pap er co v e rs . Hungarian correspondent for south. Just kill the poll tax and bacle of using bayonets to stop Goal; Fund at $13,357 Shows the integral connection the London Daily Worker. Plekhanov. A Marxist classic ing unqualified rights under the between business and crime Here is the eyewitness1 story which bears its formidable ti­ register the Negro and you have American children from enter­ First Amendment.” tle because In Defense of Ma­ By Cpnstance F arr v: that still explains political cor­ of the uprising his paper a new South. ing class rooms in (Little Rock Have you suffered profession­ ruption. $1.25 (plus 10c) ( ) wouldn't print, (paper) $1.00 terialism wouldn t get by the has jeopardized the “already National Campaign Director Czarist censor. Long unavail­ Damp weather has me down ally as a result of your oppo­ (plus 10c) ( ) shaken” integrity of the United able. $1.35 (plus 15c) ( ) now but I am still much better Two more branches have h it 100% since last week’s sition to the witch hunt, I asked Rooks by I, roll T r o t s k y LABOR: FREE AND SLAVE FERDINAND LASALLE — Ro­ and much encouraged by events. States far more throughout the this 64-year-old fighter for civil by Bernard Mandel. Important HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN mantic Revolutionary by Da­ * ¥ V world than the ridiculous antics scoreboard of the Press and Publications Fund. “ As I pre­ historical study of labor and liberties who is also a life-long vid Fodjtman. An excellent bi­ REVOLUTION. The three vol- anti-slavery movements (Orig­ of that other demagogue and ography of the controversial Sorry you are experiencing viously told you,” writes the Buffalo campaign director, independent socialist and out­ uPfes complete in one. $12.50 inally $3.00) $1.00 (plus (10c) political opportunist, the late (plus 25c) j ( ) German socialist pioneer. (Orig­ “I was certain that Buffalo would spoken proponent of Marxist < . ) inally $3.50) $1.00 (plus 15 c) Senator Joseph R. McCarthy. come through before the dead- uted $50, so far, in the Twin the ory. LITERATURE AND REVOLU­ I.WAV. by Paul Brissenden. ( ) C ities.” TION. $3.75 (plus 15c) ( ) The classic study of the Wob­ Chester M . C'adle line. We did have to scrape the “ Yes,” he said, “I have faced THE SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY THE THIRD INTERNATION­ bly movement. (Originally bo tto m o f the b a rre l and do a grave professional difficulties. OF WILLIAM MORRIS by A. Cleveland, Ohio However, in spite of these en­ AL AFTER LENIN $7.50) $5.75 (plus 15c) ( ) Calendar lot of maneuvering, but it sure von Heltmib-Oitz-Phelan. Biog­ couraging demonstrations of sup­ Usually it’s not something that (cloth) $4.00 (plus 15c) ( ) LOOKING BACKWARD by Ed­ raphy of the great English is a great satisfaction to know (paper) $2.50 (plus 15c) ( ) port to the fund for the publi­ you can pin down. A contract ward Bellamy. The famous poet and artist who was a that we could do it again.” Con­ with a university expires. You STALIN. A biography. $6.00 novel of a socialist utopia. founder of the socialist move­ cation of out-of-print works by sidering the lay-offs and the have a good record, but the con­ (plus 15c) ( ) $1.25 (plus 15c) ( ) ment. (Originally $3.50) $2.00 Of Events Questions Leon Trotsky, as well as other THE PERMANENT REVOLU­ THE HAWK AND THE SUN (plus 15c) ( ) hardships of illness in this area, socialist and Marxist publica­ tract isn’t renewed. Sometimes TION $3.50 (plus 15c) ( ) by Byron Reeoe. A novel by a NEGROES ON THE MARCH — New York it is certainly a great achieve­ tions, the fact is that with only they tell you frankly why, but THE FIRST FIVE YEARS OF Southerner about a lynching A Frenchman's Report on the Sunday, Dec. 8, 8 P.M . — “ In ­ For the Left ment on the part of this indus­ even when they don’t you know THE COMMUNIST INTEIINA- in a small town. (Originally a few days to December first, American Negro Struggle. By flation and other Current Prob­ trial city. that it’s because of your po­ TIONAL $3.00) $1.00 (plus 15c) ( ) Daniel Guerin. Best book on By Sidney Lens the total of $18,111 has not been Vol. 1 (cloth) THE IRON HEEL by Jack the modern history and pres­ lems of1 U.S. Capitalism.” Speak­ Introduction by A. J. Muste. In addition the steel center, reached. Therefore, in deference litical opinions. $3.50 (plus 15c) ( ) London. The famous novel pre­ ent stage of Negro struggle, er: David Miller. 116 University Comments by John Dickinson, Youngstown, reached its final to the requests from several As we wound up the inter­ Vol. II (paper) dicting totalitarian rule and (cloth) $2.00 (plus 15c) ( ) view, J asked Dr. Nathan how $3.00 (plus 15c) ( ) Place (near Union Square). Aus­ T i m Wohlforth, Stephen goal before the finish. And we branches for more time, the revolt against it. $2.00 (plus (paper) $1.50 (plus 15c) ( ) he felt about the national cam­ THE REVOLUTION BE­ 15c) ( ) pices: Militant Labor Forum. Grattan, Farell Dobbs, Conrad are encouraged by a letter from deadline has been extended to TRAYED CASE OF THE LEGLESS VET­ Contribution 5i0c. Lynn, Albert E. Blumberg. the Twin Cities fund drive di­ December 15th. paign just launched by the (cloth) $3.00 (plus 15) ( ( ) Emergency Civil Liberties Com­ ERAN by James Kutcher. The Published by rector: “You can count on the We want especially to urge (paper) $2.00 (plus 15c) ( ) celebrated witch-hunt victim Payment must accompany or­ mittee to get Congress to abol­ der. Make checks and money T w in C ities fo r 10|0% on De­ readers of The Militant to take IX DEFENSE OF MARXISM tolls his story, (paper) $1.00 American Forum — ish the House Un-Am erican A c­ (cloth) $2.75 (plus 15c) ( ) (plus 15c) ( ) o rd e rs to : cember 1st. Last week, we re­ advantage of this extension of For Socialist Education tivities Committee. “I’m all in ceived a $2 and a $10 Contribu­ time to send in that contribu­ Chicago 29 pages 25 cents favor of it,” :he jreplicd. “I cer­ tion from friends. Support like tion they have been wanting to F rid a y , Dec. 6., 8:15 P.M . — Order from: tainly (hope that many people Pioneer Publishers this for the socialist press has make, to 116 University Place, Hear Howard Packer on “Sput­ PIONEER PUBLISHERS been very gratifying and helps will (rally behind the 'ECLC in New York 3. There is no bet­ nik, Science and Socialism.” M ili­ 116 U n iv e rs ity Place considerably to meet the finan­ its campaign to abolish the j»om- 116 University Place New York 3, N. Y. tant Labor Forum, 777 West New York 3, N. Y. cial needs of the Publications ter way to show your support of mittee. It’s extremely jiecessary Adam s St. Program. Friends have c o n trib - eur publications program. for civil liberties.”