N ew Hoax Tried in t h e MILITANT PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKINC PEOPLE Sobell Case Vol. XXI - No. 48 267 NEW YORK, N. Y„ MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1957 PRICE 10c By C. R. Hubbard NOV. 26 — The attempt of Robert Morris, Council for the Senate Internal Security subcommittee, to explain the Soviet Sputniks with new “revelations” from David Greenglass, alleged “ atom spy” whose 1951 testimony led to the execution of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg and the U.S. Rulers Suffer “Jitters” imprisonment of Morton Sobell, now serving a 30-year term in Alcatraz, did not meet with much success. The .lew charges of the theft of satellite secrets by the “ Rosen­ berg spy ring,” were reported in the press, but w ith few ^exceptions, treated skeptically. The conservative N.Y. Herald Tribune, in a Nov. 23 editorial, Over Crisis At Home, Abroad even emitted a groan about peo­ Automation — ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- — — ----------------------a, -------------------------------------------- ple who can explain Soviet prog­ ress only through spy stories. The new “ revelations” of Green­ “M ore Guns, Less B u tter” Age" Topic glass were characterized as “one Facing Balky view.” The Tribune editors then commented, sarcastically, "What Why American secrets were these? If some car­ Of Forum bon copies of them are still left in the Defense Department files, Capitalism Needs Allies, Mideast, NEW YORK—Unusually live­ maybe they could be dusted out i ly discussion is expected at from the cobwebs and put into A War Economy the Conference on “America’s action. This is certainly useful information that we had these By Myra T. Weiss Future in the Age of Automa­ secrets.” Shaky Economy tion and Atomic Energy” spon­ The international arms race The Nov. 22 N.Y. Times re­ that has dominated all mankind sored by the American Forum- By Art Preis ported the Greenglass claims since the end of World War II For Socialist Education to be that the Rosenbergs stole U.S. entered a new stage with the America’s ruling class, seemingly so confident a few held Dec. 7, 10 A .M . and 3:30 “secrets on earth satellites, race in the missile field. The months ago, now is gripped by a mood of crisis. The daily P. M., at the Great Northern atom-powered planes and anti­ U.S. explosion of the first atom H o te l, 118 W . 57 St., N ew Y o rk missile weapons.” Then the bomb gave the prospect of war press continuously speaks of Wall Street’s and the gov­ City. There will be panels on Times added that Morris “would an unbelievable new horror. Now ernment’s “jitters.” Socialism and Democracy; Youth not say when the information the missile development puts the These “ jitte rs ” followed the firs t Soviet Sputnik, Problems, Trade Union ' Prob­ was stolen, nor would he identi­ delivery of .these terror weap­ lems, Cultural Problems and Po­ fy the agent from whom Rosen­ ons on an automatic, push-but­ which marked an end to the clear-cut U.S. military lead. litical Action. berg got his information. ” ton basis. But it would be wrong to attribute the tremors of Amer­ Meanwhile, the head of the A paper prepared for the As long as the arms race ica’s financial, political and m ilitary leaders to any real U.S. satellite observation sys­ Conference by Carl Dreher, en­ continues, the triggering of a fear of Soviet armed aggression. “ Loss of American pres­ tem, Dr. Fred ,L. Whipple, in­ gineer and author, will be dis­ world war is a constant danger. sisted that the '“Soviet Union tige,” “ unstable allies.” “ growing lack of confidence in the. cussed by Dave D e llin g e r, co- , , . _ _, . c.. It therefore becomes even more director of Libertarian Press;P r e s s ; j had passed the United (StatesStates ,pn.ur,on, nt than before to be the U.S. economy” are the type of concerns more and more Frederick L. Schuman________ off wW il-jits il-jits own—without the aid of spies source Qf ^ war danger in expressed by business and political commentators. liams College; Steve Nelson and saboteurs,” according to the order to end this threat to hu- In a recent speech, Vice President Nixon complained Chairman of the Communist N ov. 24 N ew Y o rk Tim es. C er­ man existence. Party of Western Pennsylvania; tainly spies could not steal what that the Soviet Union has opened “ a massive mon-military Farrell Dobbs, National Secreta­ the U.S. did hot possess. 11-YEAR OUTLAY offensive aimed at the overthrow of all free governments.” ry, Socialist Workers Party; Greenglass’ present claims First, what does the war drive This same fear of a “ non-m ilitary” advance by the Soviet M u rra y Kempton, columnist; were not even made at the trial mean for the U.S. economy? Union is stated more explicitly in a recent N.Y.. Times John L. Lewine, author; with of the Rosenbergs and Sobell in In the years 1946 through 1956 Russell Johnson of the Amer­ 1951. That Greenglass “remem-jthe “defense” program cost the It costs about $10 million to stage a single test of a long-range rocket missile like “The editorial. Citing the Kremlin’s own dread of. mass up­ ican Friends Service Committee bers” these “facts” only after American people at least $339 Corporal,” shown above in inaugural parade in Washington last January. The huge cost of risings, particularly since the East German, Polish and as moderator. the Soviet Union has taken the billion. This amount, does not developing such rockets was in Commerce Sinclair Weeks’ mind when he recently said the coun­ Hungarian revolts, the Nov. 8 Times writes off any revo­ On Friday evening December lead in missile and satellite de- , include the vastly expanded try must shift to “less butter and mor^ 'guns.” lutionary threat from the Soviet leaders: 6, a t 8:30 P.M ., also a t the velopment and six years after spending on international items “Consequently, the Kremlin rulers no longer appeal Great Northern Hotel, a recep­ the trial, doesn’t make them any like foreign economic aid, in- tion will be . held to honor A. J. the more credible. — Pormational and propaganda to the masses for a revolution from below. Rather, they Muste “for his work in further­ But if Greenglass’ current al­ services, domestic expenditures now propagate a revolution from above by bribing or sub­ ing political discussion on the legations evoke disbelief,- why like road construction, increased Kremlin Bolsters Soviet-Bioc verting ruling politicians, m ilitary leaders and a few in- basis of non-exclvtsion.” Schod- hould greater credence be giv-j “security” costs, civil defense, te lectuals. And this is the threat now confronting the etc.—all of which are really part died to make brief remarks at en to his original accusations democratic world.” the reception are Roger Bald­ against the Rosenbergs and So­ of the “defense” budget. win, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, b e ll? To pay -for past wars the gov­ Robert Morris followed up the Rule at Moscow Conference Russell Johnson, Sidney Lens ernment in this same period also WHY THEY HATE AMERICA’S RULERS John T. McManus, Tim Wohl- announcement of new “spy” spent in round fig u re s, $60 By John Thayer the 20th Congress, was being ,by the governments of those considered. ■ Now,. however, it countries but by the heads of forth and A. J. Muste. „ (Continued on page 2) b illio n on veterans and $64 b il­ The top leaders of the Soviet But how can the still-poor Soviet Union compete with is clear that an intermediate ithe Communist Parties of those lion in interest on the public orbit countries and of Commu­ the wealthy U.S. in bribery and subversion? W1iy, this debt. Therefore in these eleven nist Parties in the capitalist form has been decided upon for countries. the pi'esent at least. The second document released country has already spent scores of billions in economic “Spy” Hoax Victims years, past wars and the prep­ countries, -who went to Moscow the next day was a manifesto and military aid to foreign rulers. It has given lavish hand­ aration of a new one cost the for 'the 40th Anniversary cele­ The conferences were wider signed by representatives of 64 U .S.governm ent a to ta l o f $463 bration of the October Revolu­ in scope than the Cominform outs on a scale that beggars anything the Soviet Union Communist Parties. The Amer- billion. Now Elsenhower pro­ tion, stayed on for - two weeks had been. One conference em­ could afford. Yet, the American ruling class is beset by dcan OP. was not among the poses that the American people of conferences. This .appears to braced every .country in the So­ signatories inasmuch as the the cold fear of isolation, of unfaithful allies, of world­ tighten their belts for even big­ have been the biggest and long­ viet orbit in Europe and Asia. witch hunt in the U:S. makes it wide hatred. ger m ilitary budgets. est session of *CP leaders from The other. was world-wide, em­ The staggering rum of close all lover the world since the bracing Communist Parties both illegal for their members to go This hatred was described in the Nov. 19 N.Y. Post abroad. Consequently there were to half a trillion dollars in an days of the Communist Inter­ in the Soviet orbit and in the by Dr. Ernest Dichter, president of the Institute for Moti­ no representatives of the Amer­ eleven-year period gives some national, liquidated during the capitalist 1 countries.
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