May 14, 1973 Col~Nnhia Q:>Llege Vol
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A meeting was held in Rm 600 on May 10 to allow presentation of· alternative plans, but attendance at that meeting was almost non existent. The Advisory Board, a few S.B. Eleutions This Week faculty people, and your reporter were the only people present. Dave Stockbridge The three choices offered for next It was decided by a general elec Pending the outcome of this Elections will be held this week to year's Student Government are tion last year to set aside this rigid week's election, an election to fill decide fhe future of Student Govern retention of the current Advisory form in favor of a more streamlined any elective offices will be held on ment at C.J.C. On the ballot will Board system, reversion to the more type of government. The system in May 30 and 31. This will be preceded appear three choices for the form complex and for_mal Student Council use currently is almost entirely by an ·assembly of candidates in Rm Student Government will take at system, or abolition of Student staffed by volunteers. The Presi 600 on May 29. Columbia next year. Government altogether. dency is the only position filled by an Any students who wish to seek Ballots will be available to the The Student Council system elected candidate. An Advisory office are advised to register- with Student Body in front of the consists of an elected President and Board, consisting of interested Linda Dunn or one of the Advisory cafeteria from eight until about elected secretary and an elected students, sits regularly to decide Board members in the Student three during the day on Tuesday and Student Council of approximately matters of finance and support for Activities office. Wednesday and from six-thirty to ten people, depending on the. Student Student initiated projects. Ad-Hoc A candidate must be a full time seven-thirty at night. All registered population. In addition, there are committees formed to fill a specific student, carrying 12 or more units, students of Columbia Junior College several formal committees with need and then dissolved have taken and must be maintaining an ...... are eligible to vote. appointed chairman. the place of standing committees. acedemic average of 2.0 or better. May 14, 1973 Col~nnhia Q:>llege Vol. III, No. III DONATIONS.... ) It's .A Gas In Stockton ACCEPTED -•.. By Mike Lombardini IN A RECENT Bullfrog staff meeting, the idea of selling each paper at a nickel or dime apiece was brought up. This brought various reactions from different people·.some said the paper should remain free, while others supported this proposistion of selling the paper. _ After a brief discussion it was di:>,.ided that the paper would remain photo by Cindy FREE, but that DONATIONS.of any amount, even a penny, would be the Bullfrog comes out. POLICE: ARE THEY FOR PROTECTING OR PROVOKING'? accepted. Containers for these So, jf you ve got any spare change donations will be supplied by the loose coill$, or cluttering pennies Bullfrog. This money will go jingling in your pocket, think abeut Last Sunday, April 29, Stockton in line for ·some time. Although the towards helping pay for production donating them to a worthy cause. was a place with a beautiful sunny restrooms were a hassel, the people costs of the paper. Presentl)S it costs The Bullfrog will continue to croak day and abput twenty thousand all took it lightly and made the best us about $140 each time an issue of for all to hear. people who came to Billy Hebert of what they had. Field for a day of fun and music. Then things began to happen. As Good vibrations were felt by every people . boogied to the last band, 1 one. The · police weren't searching Fleetwood Mac, some strange ~y for any drugs or weapons-they let things were happening outside the 1~'iW:t~t}-·.J-~ people bring in anything they ball park and a policeman stood on ~Af wanted. At this time, I wouldn't stage talking to the M.C. The police 1~ r:Jv'rj~~ . ~ ~f"''{ have thought myself that anything man soon after that song turned off bad could possibly happen. the electricity so that nobody could · °'~·A ~GY-v)~v(J Then the music started and people use the public address system to were drinking, smoking, laughing, inform the crowd that the concert {{5o. iv:r.., ~:.J'P t:;,p ~;"'·\,· r and dancing for this beautiful day was over. Apparently some police ;;~1:-r~ ir!>'('fr<) 11;;,:..,tr ,- J .}( was one to remember. Everyone man tried to warn the crowd to was a friend and the music only got leave, but nobody could hear what ~,L~V;,;~A~: . tC~7 you higher. The concert was put on he had said. I was close to the band 7 Iµ (Y by Gold Rush Productions, and even and everyone around there was still ' ~ If: P':' 1!_,L ~ "''-> · y) though there were a few loose ends, waiting for Fleetwood Mac to come 1~ it was organized well. back for an encore. Then it hap r.0- ~?00,{ 'j ~} t }"~, ,1- One of the loose ends was the bath pened without warning: Tear gas room accommodations and they was thrown into the crowd inside the y i.)P·jY ~~r-' f P-, IP/ 1• ~ were pretty bad. People had -to wait ball park. People ran to get out be- Cont. on Page 2 Page2 Bull Frog May 14, 1973 Stockton WE CAN In Brief' from page one cause no one knew what in the hell was going on. At lhis point 1 ask lhe LIVE OFF THE LAND. Elmer F. Bennett, Assistant Di Stockton Police Departm~t "Why rector of the Office of Emergency in heU did you gas the peopl~ inside Elaine Squaglia Preparedness, recently stated that Lhe concert when the trouble was How would you like to live off the edible and useful plants of the Sierra he hoped the American public would ou tside the concert?" Well, that's land? !f this interests you, you have Nevada and particularly, Tuolumne voluntarily adopt the use of lower beside the point now , the damage is two thmgs going for you right off the horsepower engines and restraints done. · County. The student will learn the bat: 1) Those elevations between use of plant identification keys and on the use of other petroleum The people panickeil because they 2,000 and 4,000 feet offer the most methods of collecting, preservtng products, but he added: didn't k-now ~hal to da but run to get abundant wild materials (man, this and preparing material for domesuc "There are real doubts whether .'ome fresh air. They got infuriated is where we live!> and 2) a course use. Field trips will be take·n to the American peo_pJe are going to and a lot of passive pe9Ple turned entitled Wild Edible and Useful different parts of the County. accept such changes in their life angr_ and hostile. Police shot people Plants of the Sierra is being pro Peggy Edwards, a graduate of style ... The alternative would be , lhe back with rubber bullets and posed for the late summer at Col U.C. Berkeley with a degree in to send an expeditionary force to the kept gassing-they had gas .masks. umbia Junior College. Conservation of Natural Resources Middle East that would make Viet Bo~lles were thrown by persons ~·o_.uJd you like to I~ to make a is proposed lo instruct the course. nam seem like a picnic." lrym~ to stop the cops, but this ~ehaous. salad of m1ner's lettuce, Peggy has long displayed an interest One can only assume now that the wasn t a good soJution. People were Jam from iJanzanit.a berry blossoms in this particular area of natural re present draft law will not expire on beating on youlqs left and right. ar~d useful, beautiful baskets from sources and her artful use of wild June 30th of this year, but rather Then the "~IGS" began walking in 1; 1gg4;r pine need.Jes? If so, this materials can be attested to by Ross young men will once' again face the g!·oup of six lo t~n wavfag lheir cou:5e can . le.11 you how. It is Carkeet, who is spearheading the unfair choice of being drafted for an hilly club and saying, ·'Hey. freak, ~es.1_~ned .to make the student proposal to the Curriculum Com unj~st war, or leaving the country get out of here before ou gel beat lam1har with the diversity of wild mittee for adoption. agam. up!"' T don't understand this kind of And as we move into the Middle treatment for anyone; not even the East War, there are going to be .o caned "hippie." many who will oppose our being My hair may be longer than any of there. Informed people who·are not the COJ:>S who were fighting but is Tutoring: afraid to speak out will be very Lhal reason enough? I didn.o..._harm lo embarrassing to the Executive a~yone and the only illegal thing J branch _of the Government. · did~ day '»as to smoke marijuana. Even now our Government is During the. chaos o{ the gassing l For . All Who Need It. planning sedition trials to put those ·cut my foot when I stopped · to who opp-os~ these actions into prev~nt. a rp-0ther a no her child concentration camps for the dura A question for all you readers who some of these people because the from being lram pJ~d by the scared staff just isn't that good at tutoring tion of th~ w~r.