–Weekend Edition, NationalPublicRadio “A Who’s Whooftheavant-garde.” Tickets available nowat$25, $45and$65 John Scott John Bischoff Joseph Byrd OTHER MINDS19 Center withanentirely California Northern cast Minds,inassociationwiththeDjerassi Other 201 Franklin St(at Fell Street) (866) 920-5299 Charles CelesteHutchins of composers andimprovisers. San Francisco, CA SFJAZZ Center Wendy Reid Featured Artists Resident Artists Program,Resident Artists presents its19th sfj festival event atthemagnificent newSFJAZZ Roscoe Mitchell Myra Melford Donald Buchla Mark Applebaum azz.org.

Join thestaff Tickets are $200andwillfeature athree-course To attend HONORING JIMNEWMAN 7 PM/CELEBRATION WITHDONALDBUCHLA&CRAIGTABORN THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2014 NIGHT GALA OPENING Other Minds,attn.BlaineToddOther Mindsat: Other Canales’ award-winning nouvelle Basquerestau- 12-channel soundinstallationbyBuchla,followed (Including howto pay viacredit card) pioneer and composer Donald 333 Valencia Street Suite#303 San Francisco, CA 94103 dinner accompanied byaworldpremiere with ourninefeatured composers, inhonoring Please sendacheckpayable to Buchla. Theevent takes placeatchefPaul Please [email protected] the lifetime achievementsMindsco- ofOther rant DuendeinOakland’s lively uptowndistrict. pianist Craig Taborn. by asolosetthemagnifi cently gifted founder JimNewmanonhis80thbirthday and For questions: : andboard Minds,along ofOther

“No other city has an organization quite like Other Minds, catching all the things that would otherwise fall between the cracks.” –Alex Ross of The New Yorker

Other Minds is dedicated to the encourage- ment and propagation of contemporary music in all its forms through concerts, workshops Nonprofit Org. Other Minds U.S. Postage Paid and conferences that bring together artists 333 Valencia Street, Suite #303 San Francisco, CA and audiences of diverse traditions, genera- San Francisco, CA 94103-3552 USA Permit No. 925 tions and cultural backgrounds. By foster- ing cross-cultural exchange and creative dialogue, and by encouraging exploration of areas in new music seldom touched upon by mainstream music institutions, Other Minds is committed to expanding and reshaping the defi nition of what constitutes “serious music.”

Charles Amirkhanian, Executive & Artistic Director







THE 4 201 , T S 1 MARCH



NEW MUSIC MUSIC “I standby mylong-held convictionthat, “I standb John Adamsandsomany others.This year John Adamsandsomanyothers.Thisy America’s healthiestplacefor unconven- America Charles Amirkhanian, Charles Amirkhanian, variety ofstyles.You’ll behearingsome veros, Morton Subotnick, LaMonteYoung,veros, Subotnick, Morton great figures Cowell,JohnCage, asHenry and thrive. Ourproud includessuch history gr and thriv ,, Donald Buchla, v v Stev dedicated creativity.” serve greaterserve recognition for theirlifelong, dedicated cr uncompromising heroes ofminewhode- we’re presenting someoftheirprogeny ina ser tional andinventive composers to emerge Northern CaliforniaNorthern roundup that includes Lou Partch, Harrison,Harry Pauline Oli- uncompr tional andin we L Nor both composers and improvisers in a per capita,theSanFrancisco Bay Area is per capita,theSanF both composer Executive Director & Artistic Ex ariety ofstyles.Y er ou Harrison,Harr eat fi ’re pr ecutiv o v thern Calif e gr s, Mor e Reich,T

gur esenting someoftheirpr eater r ’ y mylong s healthiestplacef e omising her e &Ar . Ourpr es asHenr ton Subotnick v eativity entiv err ornia r ecognition f s andimpr tistic Dir y Rile oud histor ou -held convictionthat e composer y P . ” ’ll behearingsome r oundup tha oes ofminewhode- y Cowell,JohnCage ancisco Ba ar , DonaldBuchla, t ch, P , LaMonteY o ector or theirlif or unconv viser y includessuch a s t uline Oli- t includes s ina y Ar o emer ogeny ina elong oung ea is en- , g ear e , , , CONCERT 1 CONCER John Bischoff Sur John Bischoff music bo Nannick Buchla (), SilviaMatheus(fi Donald Buchla( piano andfi Drop b Donald Buchla A John Bischoff Intermission Joseph Byr Alan Zimmerman(per Sarah Cahill(piano),RobertLopez& L (violin), RickShino sound sculptur Mark Applebaum, Del SolStringQuar Mousk with pr per Animals (1961 Alan Zimmerman(per and electr W O Metaph Mark Applebaum,soloist Aphasia Mark Appleba Nannick Buchla (piano), SilviaMatheus(film) Donald Buchla(analog ), piano andfilm Drop by Dropfor analogsynthesizer, Donald Buchla John Bischoff Eff Surface John Bischoff music box, ukulele, andhanddrum Audio for laptop, Combine toychime, John Bischoff Intermission Alan Zimmerman(percussion) Sarah Cahill(piano) Lee BatesWilliams() (viola),Kathryn (violin), RickShinozaki (violin),Charlton KateStenberg Del SolStringQuartet: percussion andprepared piano Animals (1961) for stringquartet, Alan Zimmerman(percussion) and electronic tape Water Music(1963)for solopercussion Joseph Byrd sound sculpture withelectronics Mark Applebaum, Mousketier Praxis with projected graphicscore MindsEnsemble,Other Metaphysics ofNotation Mark Applebaum,soloist Aphasia Mark Applebaum e udio C ther MindsEnsemble ater Music e (viola),Kathr cussion andpr face E ojected graphicscor etier Praxis y Drop ysics ofNotation ombine

x ff onic tape , uk


ect f lm (1963)f

, soloist , soloist ) f ulele , soloist , soloist f d for laptopandanalogcircuit or analogsynthesiz e withelectr or laptopandanalogcir f analog synthesiz or stringquar

(25 MINUTES) yn BatesWilliams(cello) or laptop


epar zaki (violin),Charlton (16 MINUTES) , andhanddrum (20 MINUTES) tet or soloper T 1 : KateStenber cussion) cussion) (25 MINUTES) ed piano , , toychime onics e tet cussion FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2014 FRID 7 PMPANEL /8PMCONCERT DISCUSSION , er), er A , g , Y , FEBRU cuit

lm) AR Y 28 F has defi multi-instrumentalist andsounddesigner mals. B sound sculptur kinetic musicalsignlanguag ence withaselectionofwork the allur Mark Applebaumkick Composer JohnBischoff most singularandpr Byr States ofAmerica,andTheFieldHippies, deep psy Mor tutelage ofnewmusicleg who r under tr of the20thcentur of pacingandt r cessed acousticsoundsour Bischoff tur their impr ing theper r in theSanF and buildingelectr sic f mier to concludethefi sound inv or Ba video cr and machine 60 their improvised responses. totrigger ing theperformers withsuggestions Bay Area SilviaMatheusprovid- videoartist video created byBuchla incollaborationwith and machine. Thescore for Drop byDrop isa refinement ofcommunicationbetweenman 60’s, muchofhisworkhascentered onthe in theSanFrancisco Bay Area sincetheearly and buildingelectronic musicalinstruments sic founding father DonaldBuchla.Designing miere ofDrop byDrop bylive-electronic mu- to concludethefirst nightwiththeU.S. pre- Minds19isproudsound investigations. Other order histextural andchaostoarticulate Bischoff tures oftheelectronic mediumare explored. of pacingandtexture, andtheintrinsicfea- real timeaudio-collageinwhichtheelements cessed acousticsoundsources tocreate a tronic musicintothelive mediumusingpro- Composer JohnBischoff of the20thcentury. most singularandprolific musicpersonalities Byrd tocontinuesastonishasoneofthe States ofAmerica,andTheFieldHippies, deep psychedelia ofrock bandsTheUnited Feldman,Morton andVirgil Thomson tothe tutelage ofnewmusiclegends JohnCage, From hisearlyyears inNewYork underthe has defied allattemptsatcategorization. multi-instrumentalist andsounddesigner mals. Byrd’s career asacomposer, arranger, who reemerges withWater MusicandAni- underground minimalistlegendJosephByrd sound sculpture. Applebaumisfollowed by kinetic musicalsignlanguage todada-esque ence withaselectionofworks rangingfrom the allure oftheabsurd withtherigors ofsci- Mark Applebaumkicks off eal timeaudio-collageinwhichtheelements efi r onic musicintotheliv om hisearlyy der andchaostoar

y Ar es oftheelectr ’ , 2014 s, muchofhisworkhascenter nement ofcommunicationbetween man d tocontinuesastonishasoneofthe ounding f ton F e ofDr e gr emer ea videoar yr

deftly navigates thecrest deftly between ed allattemptsatcategorization. ound minimalistlegendJosephByr e oftheabsur eated byBuchlaincollaboration with def eldman, andVir d’ chedelia ofr e o f s car stigations. O vised r op byDr ormers withsug r ges withW tly na ancisco Ba . Thescor a ther DonaldBuchla.Designing e e ears inNewY eer asacomposer xtur . Applebaumisf

rst nightwiththeU vigate e onic mediumar tist SilviaMatheus pr y onic musicalinstruments sponses. . op byliv e olifi , andtheintrinsicf ticulate histe o d withtherig s off ater MusicandAni- e f ck bandsTheUnited e mediumusingpr

ther Minds19ispr y Ar s thecr c musicpersonalities

translateselec- gil Thomsontothe translateselec- or Dr ends JohnCag

OM19bypairing OM19bypairing gestions totrig ea sincetheearly e-electr e todada ces tocr s rangingfr ork underthe op byDr e ollowed by st b e ed onthe , arr ors ofsci- xtural . onic mu- etwe S xplor eate a -esque . pr ang o op isa ea vid- om e e- en oud ed. o- er , - ger d , “The premier newmusicfestival ontheWest Coast.” “The pr CONCERT 2 CONCER Tree Piece#55 “luluvariations” T J J.D. Parran (basssaxophone) John Hanes(drums) John Schott(guitar) John Schott( John Hanes(drums) Tom Dambly (trumpet) T African grey blueparrotlet, parrot, A John Schott John Schott Carving, Scraping,Changing Carving, Car Solo Impro Solo Improvisations Vinny Golia(basssax Vinny Golia(basssaxophone) Nonaah (worldpr Nonaah (worldpremiere) for bass Charles CelesteHutchins,soloist Charles CelesteHutchins,soloist Charles CelesteHutchins Charles CelesteHutchins Wendy Reid(violin) W Solo laptop, withinteractive video Solo laptop Scott Robinson(basssax Scott Robinson(basssaxophone) Wendy Reid W sax saxophone quartet Roscoe Mit Roscoe Mitchell (basssaxophone) Myra Melf Myra Melford, piano Dan Seamus(bass) D Buchla Lighting, anddigitalrecordingBuchla Lighting, Buchla Lighting muted violin, trumpet, stone/bowl ofwater, stone/bowl violin,trumpet, muted mute Intermission Intermission Myr Myra Melford Roscoe Mitchell Roscoe Mitchell .D ree Piece# om D frican gr an Seamus(bass) endy Reid(violin) endy Reid . P ophone quar ving, Scraping,Changing a Melfor arran (basssax d violin,trump ambly (trumpet) emier newmusic festiv ey parr or visations , withinteractiv chell (basssax d, piano 55 “luluvariations guitar) d (15 MINUTES) (20 MINUTES) , anddigitalr tet ot emier (25 MINUTES) , blueparr et

(30 MINUTES) ophone) T 2 ophone) , stone e) f ophone) or bass ophone) e video /b ecor otlet ” owl ofwater for f or (20 MINUTES) ding 7 PMPANEL /8PMCONCERT DISCUSSION SATURDAY, MARCH1,2014 S , A al ontheW TURD A , Y , MARCH1,2014 est Coast “lulu variations” from herTree Piecesseries, “lulu v Other Mindsconcludesits19theventOther witha Carving, Scraping, Changing, for Changing, guitartrio, Scraping, Carving, Charles Celeste Hutchins begins our second Charles Celest Car O operations. Reid’s workpointstothe inter- of techniques.Wendy Reid’s Tree Piece#55 of alivinglegend. of techniques.W of alivingleg operations. Reid’ and momentum.Myra Melford follows with and arranging runsanall-encompassingarc and meditative, Melford’s playing virtuosic and momentum.Myr and arr and meditativ connection ofallthings(includingourselves) digital projections. ComposerJohnSchott’s charged worktracesarangeofconcerns solo saxophone meanttoexplore theinstru- saxophones. Having begunasanexercise for digital pr char connection ofallthings(includingourselv world premiere performance of composer which attempttoreflect nature’s mannerof solo sax sax the way improvisation cangenerateswing technology for over twodecades,hishighly tions. From swirlingandclamorous tostilling Roscoe Mitchell’s Nonaahfor four bass to beheard, letaloneinthe hands technology f which attempttor world pr the tions. F to behear Roscoe Mit bass saxophones, auniqueinstrument witha ranged hisheraldedpiecefor(!)of aquartet ment’s three registers, Mitchellhas rear- performance. Having beeninvolved indigital night withaninventive, multimedialaptop her criticallyacclaimed solopianoimprovisa- by live-generated accompanied music will be night withanin per in nature. is anon-goingsetofmusicalprocesses music is anauto-didacticpracticethatresearches her criticallya bass sax ranged hisheraldedpiecef ment’ is anauto-didacticpracticethatr is anon-goingsetofmusicalpr in natur from thehumorous tothepolitical.Hutchins’ fr low andsonorous timbre thatisrare enough low andsonor om thehumor ther Mindsconcludesits19thev wa f ophones. Ha ving ormance ged worktracesarangeofconcerns ariations s thr will y r anging runsanall-encompassingar e impr om swirlingandclamor , Scraping ophone meanttoe emier ojections. ComposerJohnSchott’ . ophones, auniqueinstrumentwith a ee r b . d, letaloneinthehands ” e chell’ – Times –Los – or overtwodecades,hishighly end. ovisa a . Ha L ” fr e egisters, Mitchellhasr e per c ous timbr ccompanie os AngelesTimes v e Hut , Melf claimed solopianoimpr ous tothepolitical.Hutchins entiv ving begunasane om herT s Nonaahf endy Reid’ s workpointstotheinter- ving beeninv , Changing ti efl f on ormance ofcomposer

or chins beginsoursecond ect natur e a Melf ca , multimedialaptop d’ e thatisr s vir n ge r d ee Piecesseries, or s T xplor

or f or aquar by tuosic pla , f d f nera e r or guitartrio olv our bass live ee Piece#55 ous tostilling ’ ocesses s mannerof ollows with e theinstru- ar ed indigital e te swing ent witha -generate x e enough sear er ear- tet (!)of ying cise f ches o visa es) , s c or ’ d -