LEAF in 2015 Delivering more sustainable farming and Who We Are LEAF (Linking Environment And Farming) – the leading organisation delivering more sustainable food and farming

Our vision A world that is farming, eating and living sustainably

Our mission To inspire and enable sustainable farming that is prosperous, enriches the environment and engages local communities

LEAF celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2016 We are organising lots of fundraising activities during this landmark year based around the theme ‘delivering more sustainable food and farming fit for the future’. Support us and join in the celebrations!

Join LEAF at www.leafuk.org

2 From the President

The weather during 2015 has been better for most UK farmers. Bumper UK yields were achieved but so too was the global harvest, resulting in tumbling commodity prices. UK dairy farmers were equally affected by increasing yields overseas; the outcome a 25% average fall in UK milk prices for producers. Clearly this situation is not sustainable in the long term.

Following the election, Defra Minister Elizabeth Truss quickly gathered together leading representatives from the UK Food and Farming Industry to develop a 25 year plan. Its key themes are focused on innovation, research and development, the sharing of expertise and available data and the drive to improve skills within the industry. The aim in bringing together various parts of the food industry was to discuss how best to grow UK food production, sell more UK sourced food at home, increase exports, use new technology on farms and promote the British Brand.

LEAF is an organisation which knows about brands and the LEAF Marque is sought after by farmers. It is accepted by retailers and increasingly recognised by consumers. For over twenty four years LEAF has been the driving force in promoting sustainable food production whilst maintaining and improving the earth’s natural resources. Caroline, her team, LEAF members, retailers and the wider food and farming industry have worked closely together and are to be congratulated on their success to date. I believe there are big opportunities ahead in developing the brand to more products and for informing the public about the advantages of sustainably produced and traceable food. Open Farm Sunday is one way this engagement is promoted as are visits to LEAF’s network of Demonstration Farms; my sincere thanks go to you all.

LEAF celebrates twenty five years in 2016. Let’s make it a year to remember.

Baroness Hazel Byford DBE DL

3 Delivering more sustainable food. Proud to support LEAF.

www.waitrose.com 4 From the Chairman

2015 has been another very positive year for LEAF. New LEAF Demonstration Farms and Innovation Centres have been opened to add to the outstanding network that our team has developed and improved over the years. At our Annual Conference in November, Professor Dame Anne Glover spoke eloquently about the urgent need to continue funding new science for our industry, and most importantly to encourage its adoption in practice.

Open Farm Sunday broke all records with attendance and the whole agricultural industry owes a debt of gratitude to all the participating farmers and their numerous helpers for the way in which they portray the good messages about British food and farming.

Our LEAF Network of Demonstration Farms and Innovation Centres has a great role to play in trying out new ideas and techniques, and some of them are leading the way in what I see is a gradual change taking place in our industry. Young men and women, impatient to shake off the constricting blanket of support systems, are looking critically at the state of our , static yields and the march of the blackgrass menace, and developing strategies to make Integrated Farm Management the cornerstone of our farming. In the livestock industry too, great strides are being made in improving and embracing the use of genomic technologies to bring us greater productivity, feed conversion and eating quality. These are exciting times for those willing to embrace change, and I hope that many LEAF farmers, using the range of tools we make available, will be in the vanguard of that change.

It is instructive to look at how other industries are coping with the new economic order resulting from the emergence from recession. The chairman of BAE Systems, one of our largest manufacturing companies, in looking at the renaissance of British manufacturing, asked what has changed. Foremost, he said was attitude. “There is now a recognition that we are entitled to nothing: we must strive for everything, and our place in the competitive world can be held only by developing the highest skillset and having a mindset of continuous improvement.” That is a message we should all bear in mind, and indeed the board and staff will be doing just that as we prepare our strategy for the next five years.

As we prepare for the challenge of 2016 and beyond, I take the opportunity to thank all the LEAF team for their hard work and dedication over the last year, and to the members Delivering more sustainable food. of the board, who with their experience and time freely given help guide LEAF to its vital Proud to support LEAF. role of linking profitable farming with the highest standards of environmental stewardship. www.waitrose.com Stephen Fell, MRICS FRAgS 5 LEAF really matters to our businesses. We work with farmers and growers every day. We see rst hand the bene ts of integrated farm management and implementing best practice – on UK land and abroad.

As one of the largest and best-respected suppliers of fresh produce in the UK, our technical staff are strong advocates of the LEAF Marque scheme. We introduce, encourage and support growers with the scheme and indeed, we adopt IFM and LEAF principles on our own sites. That’s why we’re pleased to be associated with this publication and with LEAF. To learn more about Fresca Group and our constituent businesses, please see www.frescagroup.co.uk

6 From the Chief Executive

As LEAF approaches its 25th year it is interesting to reflect on our achievements and learn from the mistakes we have made. The world is a hugely different place to the one into which LEAF was born. We face economic uncertainty, climatic fragility and an ever more inquisitive and demanding public.

I would like to think we are an AGILE organisation – Adaptive (flexible and ready for change), Growing (seeking new ways to differentiate), Innovative (proactive in what we do), Lean (efficiency is valued in our farming systems and the organisation), and Expectant (always assuming change). During the past 25 years we have certainly made a valuable contribution to the understanding, delivery and promotion of more sustainable food and farming.

We have remained true to our core values and through the development and promotion of Integrated Farm Management provided a logical framework for farmers to adapt to the changes around them – in our markets, our climate and consumer demands and expectations.

All of this has happened as a result of the wonderful support of our members – corporates and individuals, sponsors, our Trustees, committees, staff and supporters. Thank you so much and well done. Together we have achieved a lot, but there is so much more to be done. With the impact of climate change rising up the agenda, identifying the opportunities for farming to be part of the solution is critical. That is why we will be focusing our efforts for 2016 and beyond on LEAF – delivering healthy food and farming, fit for the future.

This year’s annual review provides just a snapshot of our achievements delivered through our core activities of:

• Knowledge generation and exchange, though our wonderful LEAF Demonstration Farmers, Innovation Centres and effective management tools

• Market opportunity, through the strengthening and growth of LEAF Marque

• Public engagement, through the hugely successful Open Farm Sunday and Open Farm School Days.

2016 looks to be a memorable year for LEAF and we look forward to continuing to work with you as we prepare our members for the next 25 years of achieving healthy food and farming . Ensuring farming businesses are fit for the future. Caroline Drummond, MBE 7 The year at a glance Spring 2015

Facilitating sustainable farming knowledge generation and exchange is oneof LEAF’s overarching core activities. We work with farmers, the food industry, scientists and consumers to inspire and enable sustainable farming. We do this through our network of Demonstration Farms and Innovation Centres, developing management tools for farmers and through technical events. During the first quarter of 2015, we held a technical event on sustainable management, bringing farmers together to focus on this key area of Integrated Farm Management. Measuring and evaluating what impact our work and our members are making to the delivery of more sustainable farming across the globe, is key to LEAF’s ongoing growth. Our Global Impacts report, published in March and launched at the International Food and Drink Event, reported significant growth in the area of crops grown to LEAF Marque standards, which reached 266,324 hectares with a nearly 30% increase in the area of LEAF Marque crops being grown in Northern Europe. Hugely positive results that we are continuing to build on.

Summer 2015

We were delighted to launch our first two glasshouse businesses as Demonstration Farms - Tangmere Airfield Nurseries Ltd and Eric Wall Ltd. They will play a critical role in showing how the principles of IFM can be applied to the glasshouse sector

Another significant achievement for LEAF was achieving full membership of the ISEAL (International Social and Environmental Accreditation and Labelling) Alliance, the global membership association for sustainability standards, providing third party acknowledgement that LEAF Marque standards are robust and credible. 2015 was a special year as we marked the 10th anniversary Open Farm Sunday. The theme of this year’s Open Farm Sunday was celebrating British farming and food and we certainly did this in style! Total visitor numbers went over a quarter of a million with 291,000 people visiting events – representing a 40% increase compared to 2014. A huge thanks to the 389 dedicated farmers who hosted events and their 10,000 helpers – what a day for the whole industry to be proud of. Our growing Open Farm School Days initiative continues to play a vital role in connecting young people with where their food comes from and how itis produced. This year, we extended the initiative throughout June and saw over 6,000 school children out on farms. 8 This year’s tenth anniversary Open Farm Sunday broke all the records!

Eric Wall Ltd welcomed as a LEAF Tangmere Airfield Nurseries Ltd launched as a Demonstration Farm LEAF Demonstration Farm

LEAF’s growing Open Farm School Days initiative, reconnecting young people with where their food comes from

9 The year at a glance Autumn 2015

Providing farmers with the right tools and resources to deliver Integrated Farm Management is one our key activities. We were delighted to launch the third in our ‘Simply Sustainable’ series of technical guidance booklets – ‘Simply Sustainable Biodiversity’. Based on Six Simple Steps, it provides practical guidance to help farmers monitor, manage and enhance biodiversity through the adoption of IFM. Our grateful thanks to Asda for supporting all our Simply Sustainable booklets.

A further development this year has been the LEAF Marque Chain of Custody, which we began to roll out during the third quarter of 2015. Providing a clear, transparent and independent framework for mapping and monitoring LEAF Marque supply chains, it will help ensure integrity and transparency along the whole supply chain from gate to plate. It was wonderful to see some of our LEAF Marque producers recognised at the National Trust Fine Farm Produce Awards. We were also delighted that the LEAF Marque standard was accepted as one of the Sustainability Initiative Fruits and Vegetables (SIFAV)’s approved environmental standards. SIFAV aims to make imports of fruits and vegetables from Africa, Asia and South America 100% sustainable by 2020. Winter 2015

Our Annual Conference brought together nearly 150 people from across the food and farming industry to explore the challenges of climate change, population growth and growing health issues. Key note speaker, Dame Professor Anne Glover DBE FRSE, stated clearly that science, innovation and public engagement should take centre stage. Pushing forward the science behind IFM and communicating it to farmers is the key purpose of LEAF’s Innovation Centres. We were extremely pleased to launch the North Wyke site of as our latest Innovation Centre. It will play a leading role in showcasing and developing sustainable farming methods, particularly in the area of grassland systems. Our annual Open Farm Sunday ‘Sharing Successes’ event for our sponsors also welcomed local host farmers and regional co-ordinators to review this year’s outstanding achievements, discuss plans for 2016 and announce extending the reach of Open Farm Sunday for our second decade. Finally, we held two lively and informative ‘Speak Out’ training events for LEAF Demonstration Farmers at the end of 2015. 10 Simply Sustainable Biodiversity launch

LEAF Marque Chain of Custody developed to Dame Professor Anne Glover DBE FRSE presenting ensure robust and transparent supply chains at the LEAF Annual Conference

The LEAF Annual Conference 2015 explores the challenges of climate change, population growth and health

11 Proudly Supporting LEAF

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25% 266,324 hectares of crop 33 countries across the globe 25% of UK fruit and vegetable on LEAF Marque certified with farms producing to LEAF crop are grown on LEAF businesses across the world. Marque standards. Marque certified businesses.

3 1

1 technical on-farm 4event 2 LEAF Demonstration Simply Sustainable held and 3 videos produced Farms launched and a new Biodiversity is published with focusing on specific IFM LEAF Innovation Centre support from Asda. issues. - the North Wyke site of Rothamsted Research.


6,000 389 6,000 children visiting a farm 389 farms opened their gates 291,000 visitors to another as part of Open Farm School for the 10th anniversary record breaking Open Farm Days – engaging children Open Farm Sunday – a huge Sunday 2015. with food, farming and the thank you to all of them. natural environment.

13 Facilitating knowledge generation and exchange ... through our network of LEAF Demonstration Farms and LEAF Innovation Centres, farm business management tools, technical events and resources

Facilitating knowledge generation and exchange amongst farmers and researchers is absolutely fundamental to driving forward more sustainable farming through Integrated Farm Management. The LEAF Sustainable Farming Review, launched at the end of 2014, has been received very positively by our members. Its new format and functionality offers farmers an easy to use on-line management tool enabling them to step back, consider their farming practices and identify areas of improvement. We continue to develop the LEAF Sustainable Farming Review and in 2016, it will include a hugely valuable benchmarking capability. Showcasing and developing the sustainable farming practices of IFM is one of the main functions of our LEAF Network. We were delighted to launch our very first glasshouse businesses as Demonstration Farms - Tangmere Airfield Nurseries Ltd and Eric Wall Ltd. And our LEAF Network was further strengthened with a new LEAF Innovation Centre - the North Wyke site of Rothamsted Research, providing world renowned expertise, particularly in the area of grassland systems. Furthermore, as part of our ongoing work with Catchment Sensitive Farming, we have produced three practical videos looking at Integrated Pest Management, cover crops and filter fences. Key achievements in 2015 • Working closely with LEAF Demonstration Farmers, Innovation Centre representives and our members to disseminate best practice and new technologies • Promoting Integrated Farm Management through a wide programme of talks across the food and farming industry - both here and in Europe • Ongoing development of the LEAF Sustainable Farming Review to ensure we respond to users comments and it keeps pace with industry legislation • Launch of the first glasshouse LEAF Demonstration Farms - Tangmere Airfield Nurseries Ltd and Eric Wall Ltd • The launch of ‘Simply Sustainable Biodiversity’ – the third in our ‘Simply Sustainable’ series of technical guidance booklets, supported by Asda • Regular IFM Bulletins, Ebriefs and newsletters promoting sustainable farming • Ongoing involvement in the Sustainable Intensification Platform (SIP) – a Defra funded project looking at how IFM can contribute further to sustainable farming nationwide. 14 Farmers sharing best practice at a LEAF Technical Event

LEAF was proud to support the International Launch of ‘Simply Sustainable Year of Soils in 2015 Biodiversity’ guide supported by Asda

The North Wyke site of Rothamsted Research was launched as a LEAF Innovation Centre

15 Developing market opportunities

... through the LEAF Marque standard – a global assurance system recognising products that are farmed more sustainably

LEAF Marque is recognised by farmers, food manufacturers, retailers, consumers and Governments as a leading assurance scheme for more sustainably farmed products. Since its launch in the UK in 2003, there are now farmers in 33 countries producing to the LEAF Marque standard. We are proud of the partnerships we have developed, with growers, processors and retailers including Waitrose, Florette, Burts Chips and Farrington Oils. Our partnership with Unilever continues to strengthen as they look to source LEAF Marque oilseed rape for their spreads and dressings as part of their Sustainable Living Plan. Our third global impacts report, published in March, highlighted continued growth in the area of crops across the globe being grown to the LEAF Marque standard, which reached more than 250,000 hectares. We were also delighted to report a 29% increase in the area of LEAF Marque crops in Northern Europe. A huge achievement this year was gaining full membership of the ISEAL (International Social and Environmental Accreditation and Labelling) Alliance, the global membership association for sustainability standards. Full membership is the gold standard and provides third party acknowledgement of all the work that goes into ensuring LEAF Marque standards are transparent and credible. As part of our commitment to ensuring LEAF Marque remains robust and accountable, we started to roll out LEAF Marque Chain of Custody. This represents a huge investment for LEAF and will be critical in driving forward full traceability across LEAF Marque supply chains. Key achievements in 2015 • Our third global impacts report shows a significant growth in the amount of land across the globe growing to LEAF Marque standards, which reached 266, 324 hectares • Roll out of LEAF Marque Chain of Custody – developing robust and transparent LEAF Marque supply chains • Achieved full membership of ISEAL – the gold standard for global sustainability standards • LEAF Marque growers recognised for their commitment to sustainable farming. Gina and Peter Smithies from Pembrokeshire and Victoria and James Hawkins from Worcestershire were recognised at this year’s National Trust Fine Farm Produce Awards. And LEAF Marque producer, Carroll’s Heritage Potatoes were named Arable Innovator of the Year 2015 at the British Farming Awards.

16 LEAF Marque growers, Gina and Peter Smithies from Pembrokeshire and Victoria and James Hawkins from Worcestershire, recognised at the 2015 National Trust Fine Farm Produce Awards

Roll out of LEAF Marque Chain of Custody – developing robust and transparent LEAF Marque supply chains

Our third global impacts report shows a significant growth in the amount of land LEAF Marque producer, Carroll’s Heritage across the globe growing to LEAF Marque Potatoes were named Arable Innovator of the standards Year 2015 at the British Farming Awards

17 Thank you... Thank you... Thank you... Thank you...

Weald Granary

Thank you to all our members and sponsors who have helped support our work over the year. Engaging the public in sustainable food and farming ... through Open Farm Sunday, Open Farm School Days, LEAF Demonstration Farms, resources, training and the Virtual Farm Walk

Connecting and engaging with consumers about where their food comes from and how farmers care for the countryside is a fundamental part of Integrated Farm Management. Through Open Farm Sunday, Open Farm School Days, Demonstration Farms and many more communications tools, we reach out to the public to build trust and understanding in farming and food production. Our 10th anniversary Open Farm Sunday on 7th June was another record-breaking success with over a quarter of a million people visiting farms across Britain for farming’s national open day - a staggering achievement; thank you to everyone involved. Open Farm School Days continues to grow. We were delighted to work in partnership with Farming And Countryside Education (FACE) to deliver four free School Farm Visit workshops. We are also a proud partner of the new Countryside Classroom which is a single on-line destination where teachers can access resources, places to visit and people to ask to help teach about food, farming and the natural environment. LEAF also continues to be an active member of the Access to Farms partnership. Providing farmers with the skills and know-how to communicate their farming messages in engaging ways is at the heart of our Speak Out initiative and we were delighted to hold some lively Speak Out training events during the year. Work also continues on updating our on-line Virtual Farm Walk with some exciting new sections and downloadable resources. Key achievements in 2015 • 389 farms opened for Open Farm Sunday welcoming 291,000 visitors – our best year yet! • 6,000 school children visit farms throughout June as part of Open Farm School Days • Free Open Farm Sunday Information Events held for host farmers to exchange ideas and get inspired • School Farm Visit workshops delivered in conjunction with FACE • Speak Out training events held – equipping farmers and researchers with communication skills and resources • Proud to be a partner of Countryside Classroom an industry wide initiative committed to sharing our knowledge, experience and passion for farming, food and the natural environment.

22 The 10th anniversary Open Farm Sunday on 7th June was another record-breaking success

291,000 visitors to Open Farm Sunday events in 2015 - our best year yet!

6,000 school children discovering how their food is grown and where it comes from on A huge thank you to the 389 farmers who opened Open Farm School Days their gates for this year’s Open Farm Sunday23 Working in Partnership

... with our members, farmers, industry partners and the public to inspire and enable more sustainable food and farming

LEAF works together with our members, Demonstration Farmers, Innovation Centre representatives and partners across the wider food and farming industry who sharea common goal of delivering more sustainable food and farming. We are very proud of our alliances, they are absolutely vital to our continued growth and impact. We are pleased to be involved with the Sustainable Intensification Research Platform (SIP) – a multi-partner industry initiative funded by Defra to explore sustainable intensification. We are also delighted to be a partner in an exciting new initiative ‘Innovative Farmers’ providing farmers with research support and funding for sustainable farming. We continue to be involved with the Campaign for the Farmed Environment (CFE) as well as a number of other voluntary-led initiatives including the Greenhouse Gas Action Plan, Tried and Tested, Catchment Sensitive Farming and The Voluntary Initiative. All great examples of how the industry is working together, pooling expertise to develop, demonstrate and promote sustainable farming. Our membership of EISA (European Initiative for Sustainable Development in ) is critical to ensuring the uptake of Integrated Farming across Europe. In early June, we hosted a meeting with EISA members, representatives from EU farming organisations and Julie Girling MEP, to discuss EISA’s vision and strategy and its wider role within EU farming policy. Furthermore, we were delighted to continue our support of the GWCT’s Big Farmland Bird Count which serves to showcase the wonderful conservation work that’s going on across the country to help farmland bird numbers. Key achievements in 2015 • Partner in the Sustainable Intensification Research Platform (SIP) and ‘Innovation Farmers’ both developing the capacity of farmers for sustainable farming • Ongoing involvement with key industry initiatives including Campaign for the Farmed Environment, Catchment Sensitive Farming, Greenhouse Gas Action Plan, Tried and Tested and The Voluntary Initiative • Continued collaboration with EISA (the European Initiative for Sustainable Development in Agriculture) delivering Integrated Farming across Europe. • Partners with GWCT and FWAG Association in the Big Farmland Bird Count, helping to showcase the conservation efforts of farmers, landowners and gamekeepers to safeguard farmland birds.

24 Delivering more sustainable farming through IFM is at the heart of Government policy

Working together with EISA to deliver Integrated Farming across Europe

LEAF Demonstration Farmers are key to LEAF works in partnership across the food and driving forward the delivery of more farming industry to inspire and enable sustainable sustainable food and farming farming

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Summary of income and expenditure for the year ended 31 March 2015

Income and Expenditure 2014 2015 Incoming resources Voluntary income 26,508 9,610 Income of trading subsidiary 104,794 99, 496 Investment income 176 167 131,478 109, 273 Incoming resources from charitable activities 967,044 860,586 Total incoming resources 1,098,522 969,859

Resources expended Cost of generating funds 73,152 86,262 Charitable activities 913,428 871,505 Governance costs 10,001 6,739 Total resources expended 996,581 964,506

Net incoming/(outgoing) resources before gains 101,941 5,353 Gains/(Loss) on investment assets (121) 20 Net movement in funds for the year 101,820 5,373 Fund balances brought forward 312,263 414,082

Fund balances carried forward 414,082 419,455

27 28 LEAF’s 25th Anniversary

LEAF - delivering more sustainable food and farmingLEAF celebrates fit forits 25th the anniversary future in 2016. Set up in 1991, LEAF is now the leading global organisation delivering more sustainable food and farming.

During this momentus year we have a range of exciting fundraising activities for which we are seeking sponsorship or in kind support including:

• LEAF Marque Summit • LEAF Network conference • Consumer Engagement conference • Auction prizes for a fundraising dinner • Barn dance • 5km sponsored run • Bicycle ride • Cookery book • Open Farm Sunday 2016 • On-line and printed materials

Join in the celebrations! Get in touch to find out more about sponsorship opportunities T: 024 7641 3911 E: [email protected] www.leafuk.org

29 Join LEAF and make a difference LEAF is a membership charity, relying on the support of many individuals and companies to help us carry out our work - join online at www.leafuk.org or complete this application form.

leaF Membership application form Please complete this form and return it together with your cheque (made payable to ‘LEAF’) to LEAF, Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire, CV8 2LG membership Category (£ per anum, incl 20% VAT) individual farmer members Farm (below 121 hectares) £86.40 Farm (121 - 405 hectares) £172.80 Farm (405 - 700 hectares) £259.20 Farm (over 700 hectares) £345.60 Corporate members Corporate (50 employees or less)* £804.00 Corporate (50 - 100 employees)* £1,236.00 Corporate (100 - 200 employees)* £2,472.00 Corporate (200+ employees)* £3,090.00 *full time equivalent employees

College £247.20 advisers and Consultants £86.40




email 3430 32 DeliveringJoin LEAF Sustainable and make Farminga difference LEAF is a membership charity, relying on the support of many Throughindividuals and Integrated companies to help us Farm carry out our work - join online at www.leafuk.org or complete this application form. Management leaF Membership application form LEAFPlease helps complete farmers this formproduce and return good it togetherfood, with with careyour cheque and to (made payable to ‘LEAF’) to LEAF, Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire, CV8 2LG high environmental standards through Integrated Farm Managementmembership Category (£ per anum, incl 20% VAT)

LEAF’si ndividualIntegrated Farm farmer Management members (IFM) is a wholeFarm farm (below business 121 approach hectares) that delivers £86.40 more Farm sustainable (121 - farming.405 hectares) LEAF produces a £172.80 number of tools and resources to help farmers Farm (405 - 700 hectares) £259.20 farm more sustainably through Integrated Farm FarmManagement. (over 700 These hectares) include: £345.60

• TheCorporate LEAF Sustainable members Farming Review – anCorporate online self-assessment (50 employees management or less)* £804.00 toolCorporate (50 - 100 employees)* £1,236.00 Corporate (100 - 200 employees)* £2,472.00 • The LEAF Marque – an assurance system recognisingCorporate produce (200+ employees)*grown to LEAF’s IFM £3,090.00 principles*full time equivalent employees

• LEAFCollege Demonstration Farms and LEAF £247.20 Innovationadvisers Centres and Consultants– demonstrating IFM £86.40 in action

• A range of technical resources including the IFM Bulletin, Soil Case Studies, LEAF Informationname Centre, Simply Sustainable series of handbooks on soil, water and biodiversityaddress • Integrated Farm Management: A Guide – a guidebook highlighting the key principles of IFM and the benefits oft el following an integrated farming approach. email Integrated Farm Management is delivered in store by the LEAF Marque. 34 32 Who’s who at LEAF To all these people and the many others who give their time and expertise to support us, we owe our grateful thanks

LEAF Head Office Staff LEAF Board of trustees Caroline Drummond, Chief Executive

Lindsey Booth, Secretary/PA Stephen Fell, Chairman Simon Bull, Marketing and Communications Manager Carol Cartwright, IFM and Events Administrator Stuart Beer, Independent Anthony Goggin, LEAF Marque Technical Manager Andrew Burgess, Produce World Val Goldstraw, Membership Coordinator Rosie Carne, Yara UK Limited Justine Hards, Publications and PR Coordinator Philip Huxtable, JSR Farms Limited Steve Jones, Operations Manager Michael Jack, Agricultural and Food Alice Midmer, Projects Coordinator Adviser to HSBC Bank plc Mel McCarthy, Open Farm Sunday Coordinator Cedric Porter, Supply Intelligence Kathryn Mitchell, IFM Development Manager Richard Quinn, Trading Ltd David Rabbich, LEAF Intern David Roberts, SRUC Annabel Shackleton, Events and Open Farm Sunday Richard Whitlock, Richard Whitlock Ltd Manager Patrick Wrixon, Farmer and EISA President

Benjamin Browning, Treasurer James Johnson, Company Secretary

Regional LEAF Chairmen LEAF Innovation Centres

Ian Brown, North East Bayer CropScience, Cambridgeshire Andy Guy, East Midlands Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust, Robert Kynaston, West Midlands Leicestershire Andrew Nottage,East of Harper Adams University, Shropshire Jeremy Padfield, South West ,Dundee and Aberdeen David Roberts, Rothamsted Research North Wyke, Devon Ian Waller, South East Royal Agricultural University, Gloucestershire SRUC Crichton Royal Farm, Dumfries and Galloway Stockbridge Technology Centre, Yorkshire

32 LEAF Demonstration Farmers leaf policy and Robert Addicott, Somerset strategic development Peter Barfoot and Nathan Dellicott, Hampshire committee Brian and Patrick Barker, Suffolk Edward Baxter, Fife Chris Baylis, Lincolnshire Tom Heap, Chairman Richard, Barbara and Ben Bennett, Cornwall John Boyd, Hampshire Sue Armstrong-Brown, Green Alliance Nick and Claire Bragg, Somerset Mike Barry, Marks & Spencer plc Hugh Broad, East Lothian Rachel Bragg, Care Farming UK Anthony and Lucy Carroll, Northumberland Peter Carey, Bodsey Ecology Limited Philip Chamberlain, Oxfordshire David Ellerton, H L Hutchinson Andrew Ferguson, Hampshire Rebecca Geraghty, AHDB Simon Day and Duncan Worth, Lincolnshire Keith Goulding, Rothamsted Research Duncan Farrington, Northamptonshire Robert Helliwell, Upper Booth Farm David Felce, Cambridgeshire Alastair Leake, GWCT Will Forbes, Cambridgeshire Tom Oliver, Independent Andrew Francis, Suffolk John Peck, BASF Jake Freestone and Penelope Bossom, Cedric Porter, Supply Intelligence Worcestershire Marion Regan, Hugh Lowe Farms Ltd Mr Goodenough and David Jenkinson, Bruce Tozer, Map of Agriculture Gloucestershire Michael Winter, University of Exeter Keith Harris, Dorset Paul Hayward, East Yorkshire Robert and Sarah Helliwell, Derbyshire Tracey Hughes and Richard Kooijman, West Open Farm Sunday Sussex Philip Huxtable, East Yorkshire Regional Andrew Jackson, Herefordshire Co-ordinators 2015 David Kennedy and Chris Savage, Ayrshire Robert Kynaston, Shropshire Mark Knight, West Sussex Gail Anderson, North East and Cumbria Alastair MacLennan, Highlands Rebecca Dawes, Scotland Innes McEwen, Berkshire Philip Gorringe, West Midlands Chris Newenham, Essex Andy Guy, East Midlands Andrew Nottage and Ralph Grindling, Tamara Hall, Yorkshire and Humber Cambridgeshire David Jones, Jeremy and Sue Padfield, Somerset Jeremy Padfield, South West Jon Parker, Warwickshire James Taylor, South East Ian Pigott, Hertfordshire Tim Pratt, Suffolk John and Helen Renner, Northumberland Nick Tilt, Shropshire Ian Waller, Buckinghamshire

33 LEAF Advisory Board

Stephen Fell, Chairman

Mark Aitken, Scottish Environment Protection Agency Andrew Clark, National Farmers Union Sarah Cowlrick, Association of Independent Crop Consultants Andy Cureton, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Jennifer Donn, National Association of Agricultural Contractors Edward Ford, National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs David Henley, Easton and Otley College and LANDEX LEAF Marque Jill Hewitt, National Association of Agricultural Contractors John Ibbett, Bedfordia Farming Technical Advisory Glyn Jones, Food and Environment Research Agency Committee Vanessa King, Unilever R & D Colworth Chris Knight, Campden BRI Paul Dracott, Chairman Richard Laverick, Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board Belinda Bailey, Crop Protection Calum Murray, Innovate UK Association David Pink, Harper Adams University and the Food Ethics Richard Baldwin, Council Accreditation Service Christopher Price, Country Land and Business Association Lucy Bjorck, Royal Society for the Julia Roberts, National Federation of Women’s Institute Protection of Birds Jane Salter, Agricultural Industries Confederation Jim Egan, Game and Wildlife Ron Stobart, National Institute of Agricultural Conservation Trust Nick von Westenholz, Crop Protection Association Ian Finlayson, Produce World Graeme Willis, Campaign to Protect Rural England Anthony Goggin, LEAF Phil Goodliffe,Defra Peter Harkett, Alpha Agronomy Geoff Howe, Rebecca Inman, Farming Wildlife Advisory Group East Jamie Letts, Environment Agency Andy Mitchell, Marks & Spencer Stephan Morris, Blueskies Ltd Richard Perkins, World Wildlife Fund Chris Reading, SAI Global Ltd Jane Rickson, National Soil Research Institute, Cranfield University Gary Stoddart, SFQC Sue Whittington, NSF Certification

34 Dedicated to supplying quality products and advice to British farmers and growers since 1843

Committed to supporting LEAF and integrated farming

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@Yara_UK f Yara UK Ltd [email protected] www www.yara.co.uk LEAF (Linking Environment And Farming) Stoneleigh Park Warwickshire CV8 2LG

T: 024 7641 3911 E: [email protected] W: www.leafuk.org

@LEAF_Farming facebook.com/LinkingEnvironmentAndFarming

Registered Charity Number: 1045781 LEAF is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England number: 3035047

Text LEAF21 £2/£5/£10 to 70070 to donate to LEAF!