Geography PE English - Making and following maps of Athletics.  Class Poetry – Owl and the - Map symbols Outdoor and Adventurous Activities Pussy Cat Bikeability  Stories by the Same Author Swimming  Persuasion – making leaflets of

Morecambe’s attractions now and in the past. History  Frances Bowes – History of our school and church. RE Maths  – Albert Modley Shape – Link with Art  Winter Gardens – History of Morecambe – Midland Hotel The Bible – Stories  Station building  Problem Solving  Investigations.  Use strategies, such as scanning, skimming, and using an index to locate information.  Offer evidence to support reasoning. Computing  Internet research of Old Morecambe Music  Eric Morecambe Off  Songs from Eric Morecambe and his era Looking after ourselves – online.  Reflect , rewind and replay. –  Offe Lancashire music.

PSHE  Sea safety Science Looking after ourselves in the holidays.  Humans – How we grow and stay healthy. Relationships – how to keep them healthy  What do we eat?  How we look after our bodies. Relationships  What happens to our bodies when we exercise DT Making a healthy meal I recognise the feelings of Learning about food groups • others. Predict and anticipate events. Record Information using formats they have •I can spot the causes of derived. Art other people’s feelings. Pencil sketching of Morecambe and its’ buildings. Looking at Art Deco Style Eric Gill – Frieze in Midland Art work - Generate imaginative ideas in response to stimuli - Make connections and see relationships