, Parakeets, and Allies Vultures, Hawks, and Allies  Australian King-  Black-shouldered Kite  Blue-winged Parrot  Little Eagle   Wedge-tailed Eagle  Swift Parrot  Swamp Harrier  Crimson  Spotted Harrier 195 species (+5 other taxa)   Brown Goshawk Year-round, All Years  Red-rumped Parrot  Collared Sparrowhawk Date:  Musk Lorikeet  Black Kite Start Time:  Little Lorikeet  Whistling Kite Duration:  Purple-crowned Lorikeet  White-bellied Sea-Eagle Distance:  Rainbow Lorikeet Party Size: Bee-eaters, Rollers, and Allies

Grouse, Quail, and Allies  Rainbow Bee-eater Waterfowl  Brown Quail  Dollarbird

 Plumed Whistling-Duck  Stubble Quail  Greylag Goose (Domestic type) Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers

 Freckled Duck Grebes  Silver Gull

 Black Swan  Australasian Grebe  Gull-billed Tern

 Australian Shelduck  Hoary-headed Grebe  Caspian Tern

 Maned Duck  Great Crested Grebe  White-winged Black Tern

 Australian Wood Duck  Whiskered Tern  Australian Shoveler Cormorants and Anhingas

 Pacific Black Duck  Little Pied Cormorant Pigeons and Doves

 Grey Teal  Great Cormorant  Rock Dove

 Chestnut Teal  Little Black Cormorant  Spotted Dove

 Pink-eared Duck  Pied Cormorant  Common Bronzewing

 Hardhead  Australasian Darter  Crested Pigeon

 Blue-billed Duck  Peaceful Dove  Musk Duck Pelicans  Australian Pelican Cuckoos Shorebirds  Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo

 Pied Stilt Herons, Ibis, and Allies  Black-eared Cuckoo

 Red-necked Avocet  Pacific Heron  Shining Bronze-Cuckoo

 Pacific Golden Plover  Great White Egret  Pallid Cuckoo

 Masked Lapwing  Intermediate Egret  Fan-tailed Cuckoo

 Double-banded Plover  White-faced Heron

 Red-capped Plover  Cattle Egret Owls

 Red-kneed Dotterel  Rufous Night-Heron  Barn Owl

 Black-fronted Dotterel  Glossy Ibis  Southern Boobook

 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper  Australian Ibis

 Red-necked Stint  Straw-necked Ibis Frogmouths

 Latham's Snipe  Royal Spoonbill  Tawny Frogmouth

 Common Greenshank  Yellow-billed Spoonbill  Marsh Sandpiper Swifts

 Wood Sandpiper Falcons and Caracaras  White-throated Needletail

 Painted Buttonquail  Australian Kestrel  Pacific Swift  Australian Hobby Rails, Gallinules, and Allies  Brown Falcon Kingfishers

 Lewin's Rail   Laughing Kookaburra

 Black-tailed Nativehen  Peregrine Falcon  Red-backed Kingfisher

 Australian Crake  Sacred Kingfisher  Spotless Crake Cockatoos

 Australasian Swamphen  Galah Fairywrens

 Dusky Moorhen  Long-billed Corella  Superb Fairywren

 Black-tailed Nativehen  Little Corella

 Eurasian Coot  Sulphur-crested Cockatoo Cuckooshrikes  Cockatiel  Black-faced Cuckooshrike  White-bellied Cuckooshrike  White-winged Triller

Honeyeaters Grassbirds and Allies  Yellow-faced Honeyeater  Little Grassbird Thrushes  Noisy Miner  Brown Songlark  Eurasian Blackbird  Red Wattlebird  Rufous Songlark  White-plumed Honeyeater Starlings and Mynas  Fuscous Honeyeater Sittellas   Crimson Chat  Varied Sittella  Common Myna  White-fronted Chat  Blue-faced Honeyeater Shrike-tit Flowerpeckers  White-naped Honeyeater  Crested Shrike-tit   Brown-headed Honeyeater  Black-chinned Honeyeater Whistlers and Allies Wagtails and Pipits  Painted Honeyeater  Grey  Australasian Pipit  Little Friarbird  Golden Whistler  Noisy Friarbird  Rufous Whistler Finches, Euphonias, and Allies  European Goldfinch Pardalotes Old World Orioles  Spotted Pardalote  Olive-backed Oriole Old World Sparrows  Striated Pardalote  House Sparrow Fantails Thornbills and Allies  Willie-wagtail  Speckled Warbler  Grey Fantail  Buff-rumped Thornbill  Yellow-rumped Thornbill Monarch Flycatchers

 Chestnut-rumped Thornbill  Magpie-lark  Yellow Thornbill  Restless Flycatcher  Weebill  Western Gerygone Jays, Magpies, Crows, and Ravens  Southern Whiteface  Australian Raven  Little Raven Pseudo-Babblers  raven sp.  Grey-crowned Babbler  crow/raven sp.  White-browed Babbler White-winged Chough and Apostlebird Woodswallows  White-winged Chough

 White-breasted Woodswallow  Masked Woodswallow Australasian Robins  White-browed Woodswallow  Jacky-winter  Dusky Woodswallow  Scarlet Robin  Red-capped Robin Bellmagpies and Allies   Grey Butcherbird  Hooded Robin  Pied Butcherbird  Eastern Yellow Robin  Australian Magpie  Pied Currawong Reed Warblers and Allies  Australian Reed Warbler

Martins and Swallows  Welcome Swallow Larks This checklist is generated with data  Fairy Martin  Australasian Bushlark from eBird (ebird.org), a global  Tree Martin  Eurasian Skylark database of sightings from  White-backed Swallow birders like you. Estrildids If you enjoy this checklist, please Australian Treecreepers  Diamond Firetail consider contributing your sightings  White-throated Treecreeper  Red-browed Finch to eBird. It is 100% free to take part,   Zebra Finch and your observations will help Cisticolas and Allies support birders, researchers, and Cranes  Golden-headed Cisticola conservationists worldwide.  Brolga White-eyes, Yuhinas, and Allies  Silvereye Go to ebird.org to learn more!