Figures Are Shown in Italics; Tables in Bold Accretion 307 Accretion Wedge
Index Figures are shown in italics; tables in bold accretion 307 geochemistry 10–18 accretion wedge 132, 189, 286, 330 geodynamics 32–36 Apennine 421, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433 intrusive history 28–32 actinolite 290 lithology 6 Adriatic (Apulian) Plate 5–36, 134, 146, 157, 403 magmatic evolution 9–18 Adula nappe 4, 264, 266–271 metamorphic age 7–9 deformation 377–383 metamorphism 18–28 lithology and structure 369–371 age 27–28 petrology 371–377 Alpine 35–36 Tertiary subduction 365–387 pre-Alpine 23–27 age data 2, 8, 9, 70 structural evolution 18–28 Austroalpine basement 14–17,27 post-collision 28–32 Carpathians 103–106 Avalonia 5 Rieserferner pluton 29 Tauern Window 94–97 backthrust 425, 430 age of deformation backthrusting 252, 253, 274, 365, 367, 368 Dinarides 353–354 Barrovian metamorphism (HT metamorphism) 371, Monte Rosa nappe 265–266 373–377, 394, 396 Valstrona di Omega 46, 48, 54, 59–61, 62 basalt, sub-greenschist facies 298–300 age of magmatic rock–suite 12–13 biostratigraphy 335–359 age of metamorphism 424 bituminite reflectance 285, 294, 295 age, nannofossil 337–339, 348, 350 blueschist 118, 120, 128, 129, 134, 424, 400 age, petrology and isotopic age 117–136 Carpathians 101, 104, 105, 106, 110 age, Eocene–Miocene revised 335–359 boudinage 50, 52, 53 Ahorn shear zone 199–204, 206–216 Brenner Fault 197, 214 Ahrntal Fault 199, 214 Brianc¸onnais ALCAPA see Alpine–Carpathian–Pannonian unit basement 400, 401 Alpine Austroalpine–Penninic suture 8 metamorphism 125, 129 Alpine deformation phases 211 subduction 132, 136, 383 Alpine Tethys
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