Community Capacity Building Grant

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Community Capacity Building Grant

Community Capacity Building Initiative

Community Capacity Building Initiative Announcement of Request for Proposal (RFP) Proposals Due Date: Friday, March 5, 2010 5:00 pm

The Community Capacity Building Initiative (CCB), administered by Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County, is primarily supported by a Cooperative Agreement from the Federal Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families. In addition, partnerships and local support is provided by the United Way of the Wine Country, Community Foundation Sonoma County, First 5 Sonoma County, City of Santa Rosa Mayor’s Gang Prevention Task Force, and the County of Sonoma.


For over forty years, the Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County has worked with our partner organizations to address the roots causes of poverty, deliver services to at-risk populations and provide a wide range of support designed to enhance the capacity of non- profits, coalitions, and grassroots organizations. Community Action Partnership is an affiliate of a nationwide network of over one thousand Community Action Agencies working to address problems that negatively impact living conditions in local communities.

As the grant intermediary, Community Action Partnership is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) to provide awards that build the capacity of faith-based (FBOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) who are providing services to help those most in need in our community. The Community Capacity Building Initiative was made available for three years starting in spring of 2008. This RFP is for the third year of the grant and will incorporate lessons learned in the first two years of CCB.

Purpose of the Community Capacity Building Initiative

The purpose of the Community Capacity Building Initiative is to support and sustain faith-based and community-based organizations to:  Increase their effectiveness and sustainability;  Enhance their ability to provide more effective social services;  Expand organizational scope or impact;  Diversify their funding sources;  Create collaborations to better serve those most in need within the community.

For the purpose of this RFP, organizational capacity is defined as the ability to carry out stated program and organizational objectives. It also describes the stock of resources available to an organization or system, as well as the actions that transform those resources into performance. Capacity building or capacity development is a process describing the enhancement of organizational and programmatic skills, resources, capacities and sustainability to effectively achieve the mission and serve the constituents.

The Community Capacity Building Initiative offers three types of support and service to Faith- based and Community-based organizations: 1. Financial Assistance with awards up to $20,000; 2. Training in small and large group formats; and 3. Technical Assistance customized to assist individual organizations in identified area of need.

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Five Areas of Capacity Building Capacity Building activities in all proposals must be performed in one of the five areas listed below. Sample activities are provided within each area.

1. Leadership Development  Create a volunteer management plan  Create a volunteer recruitment plan  Create board policies  Create an executive succession plan  Engage an executive coach  Implement a volunteer management plan  Provide management/leadership training to staff  Provide training/written information for board of directors  Recruit board members  Recruit volunteers (non-board)

2. Organizational Development  Create a staff performance review process  Create a strategic plan  Create a financial management procedures/ improve internal controls  Create job descriptions  Create marketing materials  Create/revise organizational identity  Create/update an annual report  Implement a new accounting system  Implement a new budgeting process  Implement a staff performance review process  Implement new financial management procedures  Incorporate as a legally recognized organization  Install IT infrastructure  Obtain 501(c) (3) status with the IRS

3. Revenue Development Strategies  Create a revenue development plan  Identify potential funding sources  Implement donor tracking software  Provide revenue development training to staff

4. Program Development  Analyze outcome data /evaluate effectiveness of current services  Collect information related to service recipient outcomes  Collect information related to service recipient satisfaction  Create an outcome measurement plan

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 Implement systems to keep information related to client needs, referral sources, and services provided  Implement systems to keep records on service recipient satisfaction and/or service recipient outcomes  Obtain program related equipment and durable supplies  Research and develop new programs or services  Plan and develop capacity to expand current services to new geographic area  Plan and develop capacity to increase the effectiveness of existing services  Plan and develop capacity to increase the number of clients served in existing geographic area  Plan and develop capacity to implement a best practice  Plan and develop capacity to reach an underserved population in existing geographic area

5. Community Engagement  Assess effectiveness of existing collaborative efforts  Conduct an assessment of community needs  Create a map/inventory of community assets  Create action plan for coordinating/collaborating  Create or update a brochure  Create or update a Web site  Create processes for collaborating with partners  Develop new strategic partnerships  Establish partnership agreements  Make presentations to community groups

Requirements for All CCB Applicants and Awards

The Community Capacity Building Initiative requires an Organizational Assessment for all organizations receiving an award. CCB staff will be providing training and technical assistance in utilizing an organizational assessment instrument, the Capacity Status and Strengthening Tool (CSST). The CSST should be utilized as the foundation for developing a Customized Action Plan that will identify and prioritize organizational and programmatic areas to be strengthened. Based upon the findings from the CSST and Customized Action Plan, all applicant organizations should develop their Community Capacity Building proposal which should include a request for financial assistance, training and technical assistance. In summary, the ideal process for applying for CCB financial assistance is as follows:

1. Conduct an organizational assessment using the CSST; 2. Focus and prioritize your organizational development needs in a Customized Action Plan; 3. Develop a proposal for CCB financial assistance based upon the CSST and Customized Action Plan.

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Awards for CCB financial assistance will be competitive and review panels will be comprised of experienced professionals from a variety of public agencies, non-profit organizations and businesses. Community Action Partnership is making available monetary grants in the amounts of $5,000 - $20,000 totaling $200,000. Smaller grant awards may be made for individual organizational circumstances. Organizations may only submit one proposal and the anticipated project period is April 5, 2010 to September 29, 2010.

Eligibility Criteria

The following populations have been given priority for the Year Three funding cycle. A minimum of one award will be given in each area identified below. Your organization must plan to provide or currently provide services to these target populations in order to be competitive for funding:

. The Homeless . At-risk youth- particularly those facing the risk of gang influence . Families in transition from welfare to work . Seniors . At-risk children, if involved with one of the above populations

In addition, priority will be given for agencies who primarily provide services to the outlying areas of Sonoma County.

Ineligible Projects

Funds available through the CCBG grant may not be used for:

 Delivery of direct services to clients (such as a social worker for case management)  Staff and benefit costs in the general management or direct service delivery your organization  Direct fundraising costs such as with special events, direct mail campaigns or solicitation of donors, which violates Office of Management and Budget (OMB) A-122. Per OMB A- 122, "costs of organized fund raising, including financial campaigns, endowment drives, solicitation of gifts and bequests, and similar expenses solely to raise capital or obtain contributions, are unallowable." o (Note - Allowable activities for diversification of funding sources include the following: designing a Donor Development Strategy, Grant-writing Training, Donor Development Training, and Donor Tracking Software (without online donation capabilities)  Funding for any program to provide medical or health services  Funding for inherently religious purposes  Funding for construction  Purchase of real property (e.g. building or land)

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Requirements If You Are Selected To Receive Awards

All organizations receiving a monetary capacity-building award will be required to perform the following:

 Completion of Organizational Self-Assessment and Customized Action Plan.  Staff, board, and key stakeholders available to meet with Community Capacity Building staff for individualized technical assistance throughout the grant period.  Participation in training relevant to their sub-award focus and outcome.  Participation in evaluation measures, including baseline and year-end assessment.  Agreement on outcomes related to the sub-award work plan and consistent with those included in the RFP.  Agreement on a method of receiving the award that allows for adequate financial oversight.  Adherence to federal guidelines regarding use of funds solely for capacity building, not for direct service nor for health-related services.  Adherence to federal guidelines forbidding use of funds for construction, inherently religious purposes or for fundraising.  Sub-awardees will be required to complete a financial report that is consistent with Form 424 Budget Categories.  Written financial and improvement plan reports at least once every three months on progress, but this requirement may be fulfilled by technical assistance visits updates.  Signing an Award Recipient Memorandum of Agreement Form that they understand and accept the requirements for the sub-awards, including those in 45 CFR 87.1 and OMB Circulars A-122. Any breach of CCB/CCF/ACF requirements may result in a violation of the MOA and may be cause for discontinuation of funding at the time of said violation.  Awards must be spent or obligated by September 29, 2010.

Important Capacity Grant Dates

February 4, 2010 RFP Released Feburary 4, 9, 10, 11, and 18 Informational Grant Workshops February 24, 2010 5:00 pm Letter of Intent Due March 5, 2010 5:00 pm Proposals Due March 8-10 , 2010 Staff Review of Grant Proposals March 15 – 16, 2010 Orientation of Review Panels April 1 - 5, 2010 Awards Announced Sept. 29, 2010 All funds Expended

Application Requirements:

Letter of Intent - All applicants must submit a letter of intent no later than February 24, 2010 by 5:00 pm. The Letter of Intent format will be available at the CCBG webpage located at:

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The completed LOI may be submitted in person, by mail or fax to: Fax - 707-526-2918 or by Email - [email protected]

Proposal – Organizations are limited to one (1) proposal. Applicants must submit one signed original, one paper copy, and an electronic copy. Applications should be mailed or delivered to Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County (address listed below) and must be delivered by 5:00 pm on Friday, March 5, 2010. Please note that late applications will not be accepted and incomplete applications will not be reviewed by the Community Capacity Building Team.

Send/Deliver Completed Proposals to: Community Capacity Building Initiative Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County 1300 N Dutton Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95401-4610

Electronic submissions must be made to: [email protected]

Call (707) 544-6911 and ask for the Community Capacity Building staff if you need further clarification on this RFP.

RFP Instructions and Format

An electronic version of the 2009-2010 RFP can be downloaded from the agency website:

Format: Please use a minimum of an 11-point standard font (Arial, Times New Roman, or Verdana), single-spaced, on white paper, with black ink and 1-inch margins on all sides. Include a header or footer on each page with the name of your organization and the page number (or handwrite this on each page).

Please note the page limits for each section. To get full credit you must answer all of the questions. Some questions may take more space to answer than other questions in the section. You may adjust typed space as needed for each answer, but you must stay within the page limits of the section and retain all headings and questions in the document.

Checklist of Required Materials: This checklist is for your reference only. You do not need to return it with your application/proposal.

□ Community Capacity Building Grant - Face Page □ Signature Page – Signed by an authorized representative of your organization □ Completed Narrative for each Project □ Current Organizational Budget

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Legal Name of Organization:

Organization Mailing Address:

Primary Phone: Primary Fax: Email Address: Web URL:

Primary Contact: Title: Phone: Email:

Total # of Employees: Full-time: Part-time: Volunteer:

Annual Organizational Budget (please attach):

Federal I.D. or DUNS Number of Organization, if available:

Are you an IRS 501(c)3 Nonprofit? YES □ NO □

Fiscal Year End:______

If YES, Attach copy of designation letter from IRS. Note: a 501(c)3 document is not required for funding.

Which of the following populations does your organization primarily serve? (CHOOSE 1)

_____ At-risk youth--particularly those facing the risk of gang influence

_____ Families in transition from welfare to work

_____ The Homeless

_____ Seniors

_____ At-risk children ages 0-5 involved with one of the above populations

Has your organization ever received funding from the Federal Government?

YES □ NO □

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In which geographic area(s) does your program serve? (You may choose multiple areas)

____ Cloverdale ____ Sebastopol

____ Guerneville, Monte Rio, Occidental ____ Sonoma County

____ Healdsburg ____ Sonoma Valley

____ Petaluma ____ Windsor

____ Santa Rosa

Which Training or Technical Assistance opportunities did your organization utilize in the 2008- 2009 grant cycle? (You may choose multiple areas)

____ Leadership Development ____ Onsite Computer Systems Assessment

____ Organizational Development ____ Onsite Software Application Assistance

____ Revenue Development ____ Data Maintenance

____ Program Development ____ Other

____ Community Engagement

Does your organization operate against a current strategic plan Yes ______No ______

What period of time does your strategic plan cover ______to ______

List the general breakdown of your organizational funding sources by percentage for your last fiscal year and your current fiscal year (anticipated):

Last Fiscal Year % Current Fiscal Year %

General Donations ______General Donations ______

Program Service Fees ______Program Service Fees ______

Private/Fdn Grants ______Private/Fdn Grants ______

Gov’t Grants ______Gov’t Grants ______

Established Fiscal System Please identify the following information about your organizational fiscal systems:

Accounting Software ______

Accounting Staff Employee ______Contract ______

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By my signature I authorize an application on behalf of our organization. I am aware that in the application we are required to share information about the capacity building needs of our organization, but are not guaranteed funding. I certify that a member of our organization participated in an RFP training on the eligibility requirements. I understand that in order to receive funds we will need to sign an Award Recipient’s Memorandum of Understanding, and I have reviewed the requirements in that Memorandum.

______Signature (an authorized signer for your organization) Title Date

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Capacity Building Application 2009-2010

Project Title:

Project Amount Requested: $

Project Summary (1 page maximum – no points):

 Provide an overview of the purpose of the project as it relates to increasing the operational capacity of your organization.

 Summarize the major goals of the intended project and how grant funds would help achieve your goals or fit with your strategic plan for the next three (3) years.

 If your organization received a Community Capacity Building Grant for 2008-2009, explain how this project might build on the project you completed under the previous award. Please describe the intended outcomes that were achieved.

NARRATIVE (4 pages maximum)

A. Statement of Opportunity of Need (15 points)

1. State the organizational need/problem the project is addressing and how it was determined (e.g. CSST, other organizational assessment tool/process). Include the challenges your organization faces and how the capacity building grant will assist in overcoming these challenges and needs. Indicate if your project will increase the organization’s cultural competencies.

B. Description of Planned Activities – (15 points)

1. Describe the proposed project activities including any increases in the number of clients to be served, an increase in outreach to a target population, increased work efficiencies within your organization, and proposed increase in funding source or amount.

2. Use the Planned Activities Chart below to identify one (1) Capacity Building Focus Area (refer to page 2 & 3) and up to three (3) Project Goals and Objectives. (A sample chart is provided below)

Planned Activities Chart

Focus Area: (One of the five capacity building focus areas) Identified Goal Outcome Objective Measurement Tools 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3.

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Sample Charts of Planned Activities – For Reference Only

Focus Area: Leadership Development FocusIdentified Area: Goal Organizational DevelopmentOutcome Objective Measurement Tools IdentifiedDevelopFocus Area: a Goalrecruitment Program and Development OutcomeIncrease volunteer Objective hours by MeasurementVolunteer Time Tools Cards. volunteer management 5% CreateIdentifiedFocus or Area: update Goal Revenue written DevelopmentOutcomeEvery staff Objective person shall JobMeasurement Descriptions Tools jobsystemIdentified descriptions Goal for Outcomereceive an Objective updated job Measurement Tools Research,Focus Area: purchase Community and IncreaseEngagement services to clients by Timecards and billing organization’simplementCreate a written a new staff case Fund50%.description development Increase and stafforganizational plan capacity will systemAccounting system – Identified Goal Outcome Objective Measurement Tools managementFundraising/Fund software identifyaroundchart activitiesclient services and sources by 15%. to budget to actual reports Create or enhance a Creation or addition to Web analytical tools systemDevelopment plan potentially increase donations bilingually adaptive organizationalto the organization website by 10% over website whicha 2 year will period increase outreach & services for bilingual clients by 42%

C. Qualifications - (10 points)

1. Identify key staff or consultants who will assist in the implementation of this project along with their qualifications. Please provide an overview of how the proposed services and activities will be supervised to insure quality control.

Staff Person Position/Role Qualifications

D. Funding, Sustainability and Budget - (10 points)

1. How will your organization sustain this effort after funding is complete?

2. What components of the project will your organization implement if partially funded? Please be specific (e.g. what portion of the project will be reduced if partially funded?). General responses such as “we will seek additional funding elsewhere” are not acceptable – please outline a specific backup plan.

Project Budget:

Please note that the total request should NOT exceed $20,000 unless you identify the source of other funds to complete the activity.

Line Item Description Amount Requested Line Item Explanation (Narrative) Personnel (including Fringe Benefits) $ Travel and Mileage $

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Supplies & Materials $ Operational Expenses of Organization $ Equipment $ Contracted Services $ Training & Retreat Costs $ TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED $

Line Items Definitions

 Personnel & Fringe Benefits: All staff costs to implement the capacity award only (note the grant will NOT cover personnel & fringe benefits to provide direct services) – includes: FICA, Retirement, Group Insurance, Workers Compensation, FICA Medicare, State Unemployment, Other Employee Benefits for staff working to complete the “capacity” funded purpose

 Travel & Mileage: In-State Travel, In-State Lodging

 Supplies & Materials: Education Supplies, Photocopy, Photo and Reproduction Supplies, Shop Supplies, Office and Computer Supplies, Software (under $1000 is considered supplies), Postage and Mailing

 Operational Expenses: Long Distance Telephone, Internet Service, Office Equipment Rent, Other Equipment Rent, Leased Items

 Equipment: Telephone Equipment Charges, Equipment (non-computer), Computer Hardware/Equipment, Software costing $1000 and above is considered equipment

 Contracted Services: Consultant and Professional Services, Computer Processing Services, General Contracted Services

 Training & Retreat Costs: Dues, Subscriptions, Registration Fees, Scholarships and Fellowships, Educational Expenses, Honorariums and Speakers

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