Transcript V1 from Amara Subtitle File Revision 12

Transcript V1 from Amara Subtitle File Revision 12

194th KSW, Thursday October 19th 2017

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Transcript v1 from Amara subtitle file revision 12

The Keshe Foundation, an independent, non-profit, non-religious, space-based organization founded by nuclear engineer Mehran Tavakoli Keshe is introducing to humanity the Science of the Universe, Plasma Science Keshe Foundation develops universal knowledge and space technologies that provide solutions to major global problems, revolutionizing Agriculture, Health, Energy, Transportation, Materials, and more. The application of Plasma Science in the form of specially developed Plasma reactors and other devices, will give humanity the real freedom to travel in deep space. Plasma Science exists throughout the whole Universe. It is here and it belongs to you. Our knowledge, research and development regarding the Plasma structure has progressed to the point of enabling everyone to participate in the process. Become a creator and understand the work of the Universe for the good of humankind on this planet, as well as in space! The use of MaGravs, Nanomaterials, GANS, Liquid Plasma, Field Plasma and other Plasma technologies have come as a new dawn for humanity to progress and work in harmony with the Universe. Conventional technology applications are wasteful, damaging and cause pollution to the planet and all living beings. Plasma Science provides solutions and improves existing methods and use of resources in all aspects that touch the lives of all beings. Plasma is defined by the foundation as an entire content of Fields which accumulate and create matter and it's NOT defined by its physical characteristics like ionization or temperature. Also, with Plasma science, we understand how we can convert matter back to the Fields. Quoting from Mr Keshe, “MaGrav stands for Magnetic-Gravitational, which means Plasma absorbs or gives. And every Plasma has the both, it has give and it has take… And when they can’t find the balance they distance themselves until they find the balance they can give to the others that they can receive what they want to receive and give further.” Certain atoms and molecules release and absorb Magnetic or Gravitational Fields. Released Fields are available to be absorbed by other objects. The Keshe Foundation has developed a way to gather these free flowing Fields from the environment within a resourceful and beneficial new state of transitional matter which M.T. Keshe named 'GANS'. The first step of the process of the formation of various basic types of GANS, is Nano-coating metals. This is carried out either chemically by etching (steam coating with Sodium Hydroxide) or thermally by heating (Fire Coating by gas burner). During either coating process, gaps between the outermost layers of atoms are created. The residual coating is often referred to as nano-coating, defined by the structured layers of Nanomaterial, which build up during the creation process of the coating. Nano-coated metal in interaction with other various metal plates, in a salt water solution, creates MaGrav Fields. These Fields then attract available elements to form a specific GANS, which collects and settles at the bottom of the container. This GANS is formed from independent energized molecules (like little suns) that can be used in various applications. Welcome everyone to the 194th Knowledge Seekers Workshop for Thursday October 19th 2017. And, ... once again, we are honored to have Mr Mehran Keshe of the Keshe Foundation. And we'll join with him to ... co create a new future perhaps, for Mankind. As we do in the previous Knowledge Seekers Workshops.

I'm your host Rick Crammond and let's get into today's workshop. I think Mr Keshe is ... waiting anxiously, or not. Hello Mr Keshe, are you there? (MK) Yes, good morning, thank you very much, good day to you wherever and whenever you listen to these Knowledge Seekers programs. ... very anxious to share knowledge, and very, in a way, intrigued, that most of the listeners around the World, use ... the knowledge which is passed on. What is interesting, a lot of us ... listen to these teachings, and then we see how, many people are turning it into a reality in practicing, making systems and using it for different aspects and seeing the result. Most of the things which we have seen developed by the Knowledge Seekers through these courses of teaching over three years, is Matter-State systems. We confirm our existence through the Matter existence, or Matter subjects, we can make a system that is dynamic and it shows something, then it's the effect of Plasma or a GANS. We make systems that it shows Alkalineness or Acidity, and we say this is the property of the GANS or the property of the Plasma. What is need to be understood and what it needs to be developed, and what it need, to be comprehended fully by Man, is the existence of the energies which emitted from the Man, from the center of his creation what we call, 'the Soul of the Man'. Do we need proof that the Fields emitted from us, from the Soul of us, which comes from the Matter-State of Physicality of us, is any different than the machines you've made. Plasma patches, MaGrav Systems, pens? Or do we, have we at so early stages of this knowledge, have thrown the line? That this is as much as we want to know? We are happy with a pen and a coil and some energies and that's it? This is where most of the teaching has to come to an end. Where, come to an end in a Physical State of Matter, but moving into the next step, to understanding the emission of the Fields and the interaction of the Fields. And going beyond the Physical State, which we have accepted and we have educated ourselves over Centuries and thousands of years. Not only Man, but any other creature on this Planet. Any other being, being the plants, be it the fish, be it whatever. We have to start trusting, understanding, and developing the interactions of the Souls, which is the inner strength of any being. Which is the star, which is the center, which is the creator of the Totality. In so many ways, we have to come to understand. And as I've said, what we cannot see in micro, we see in macro, what we don't see in macro, we see in micro. And then we understand how we should comprehend where, and rejoice the existence of the Soul of the Man. So many of us we speak about the Sun, and so many of us speak about the Soul of the Man. So many of us speak about reaching the essence of the being, does not matter in what state, which position in the Universe. If those of you who have not understood the operation of the Soul, and you need a confirmation of it, even though because it's within you, it's very hard to reach. Look into the Solar System. Your Soul is the Sun, and the radiation from this Entity, leads to creation of Matter-States of the different part of the Entity. Let's say the Soul interacts with its own Fields, and the interaction of the Fields which are outside, dominating and conditioning its size and position in the Galaxy, in a given position leads to creation of the Earth, let it be the heart of the Solar-System. Even though, the Soul which is the Sun exist, the heart still beats. Let for example, the Venus be the kidney, or put something else in the place of heart. With all the subsidiaries, with all the veins and the flow of the Fields. In essence, the Soul of this Solar System, has manifested itself in the form of Planets and Moons, confirm its existence. And in that process interacts with other Stars, with other Solar Systems, with other Galaxies inside the System of the Universe. It's not that it's just the Sun on the wings of Milky way, It's existence allows the Field coordination of the Milky way, even though so small. A scratch, or a little boil, or little tumour, in the small part of the body of the Man, affects the rest of the existence of the Man. So is the Solar-System in the Galaxy, and so is the Galaxy in the structure of the Universe. And so is the Universe in the structure of the Unicos. We have to, understand how the Fields of the Sun in emitting from its center, leads to the creation of these organs, these conditions which we call, 'Planetary' or the 'Moons', or a 'Cosmic dust', or whatever we call it. The Earth will not exist where it is, if it was not conditioned by the condition of the Galaxy. So, it has manifested itself in that condition. Because the forces of the Galaxy still pass through the Earth. Pass through the Solar System. Pass through the Fields of the Plasma of this structure. So is the rays of the Universe through the body of the Man. We think and we have been brought up to think just because we are s... we have a skin, we have contained everything within and nothing goes in. Our body is nothing but the sponge of the Fields which pass through the Universe. We stand outside and look at shooting Stars, the way the Fields enter the Plasma of the Solar System, slows down, and then, in the Atmosphere of the Plasma of the Earth, reduces enough, that it becomes a light to manifest itself. Traveling for billions of years in the Space of Universe and it changes its condition of the Matter-State to energy of light we see. So, is the same inside the body of the Man. If we could sit within the skin of the Man we'll see many, many, shooting Stars. The way the energy passes through the skin slows down and then, it releases its energy, its manifestation of Creation in the Universe within the manifestation of body of the Man. How do we feel it? How do we react with it? This is what we have to understand in the depth of the Space. What happened to the Fields and the rays of the Universe, which passes through the Soul of the Man? The Soul of the Man is like, what we call, the 'Principal Matter', it's in the center. Is created to absorb certain strength Fields, that it confirms and guarantees its existence, once it's established. So, in the depth of the Universe. What we see, we see within the depth of the Soul of the Man. For many of the Knowledge Seekers, this is the line, which they cannot imagine, they can pass and understand. But, this is us, this is part of us, this is our existence. This is the combination of the confirmation of existence of Souls, and the conformation of the reduction in the strength of the Souls that leads to the Creation of every entity on this Universe. If you stand still and think... On the Planet Earth, we have a crust. We have interaction of Physicality's, we have Islands, Oceans, land parts and everything else. Which part of the Universe are we, when we look from outside of this Universe on us? Are we part of the magma, or are we part of the shell? Are we part of the structure, of the inner Soul of the entity? But the reality is, how far, how much, we can understand? And, how much, we would like to understand? We have to understand, that the Soul of the Man is a Sun, he radiates its Fields. At certain point in the interaction with the Field of the atmosphere of this Planet creates a boundary, which we call, the 'body of the Man'. In that point its Life does not stop. The Fields of the Soul of the Man still spreads across the Universe. Very much, like the light, we see from the Stars in the Universe. If you could make systems, that we could see the faintest lights in the Universe, then we'll see the body of the Man, as one of these Stars, because it still radiates. We see the Soul of the Man as one of these Stars. And in different condition, in different part, according to the Field-Strength of its environment, it manifest itself as the Solar System we know, the Galaxy we know, and the Universe we know. So, what we don't see in macro, we see in micro. So, in so many ways, as we see the light of the Star reaching us, billions of years as they say, "Light years away from us," it's the same with the Soul of the Man. It radiates. It emits its Fields and it's for us to start to become mature, in not looking for the Physicality of the Man, but looking for the interaction of the Fields of the Soul of the Man. In Space, we have no Physicality, but we carry the Soul of the Man. In the teachings, as we enter into the next phases of the Space Technology, Man has to become mature to this. It is part of understanding the Totality of the Creation, and not being stuck with the material condition of the present time. In many teachings, you all look for the GANS, you all look for the material, that you can confirm, this is a CO2, or GANS of CH3 or the others, and in many of the teachings, I keep on emphasizing, "Look for the Fields they create." What does this Star emits? What does emission means? Look at the Sun, it emits Fields, we call it, 'lights', when it interacts with the atmospheric condition of this Planet. Stays in transition, stays in the highest speed of motion, and, in that position, travels the span of the Solar System. And those Fields which are higher than the structure of the resistance, in the interaction, with the other fields of the Universe, it travels through into the other Solar System, it travels into the depth of the Galaxy. The Field of the Soul of the Man reaches the inner sanctums of the Universe. As it came from and shall return to. We have to become educated to move on to the next step. And I see a lot of problem, for a lot of people, to go through this transition, because having a cup with a GANS in it, is good enough, "I'm happy with it." Those, who want to go through the next step, have to understand the position of the Soul of the Man. Have to understand, how for example, the Fields of the Soul of the Man, interaction with the other Souls, creates a dimension, which they have never seen before. The Physicality of the Sun, and the surface of the Sun does not finish the existence of the Sun. The light it emits, the rays it emits, crosses the boundaries, within the shell of the Solar System, and then it interacts, with other Solar Systems, that at the point of manifestation, shows the structure of the Soul of the Planet, what we call, the 'structure' of, what we call, the 'Solar System'. Sun itself is it a matter of Physicality? The shell of the Solar System is the boundary of the Soul of the Planet. The whole of the, what we call, 'the Star'. Every entity has two dimensions, and in different fields, and different strength interaction, it shows one of its attributes. It's very much like a rainbow at different strength, different colors. The interaction of the light does not stop at one line of the rainbow. But different strength of it creates different colors of the rainbow. So is the Soul of the Man. The Earth is the Physicality. The interaction of different Field strength of the atmosphere of itself, creates different line of boundaries, what we call, the rainbow's different colors. So is the Soul of the Man. So is the Sun. So is, what we call, in reality, we see, but we don't understand fully, very much like the ring of Saturn. Every Field interaction creates a boundary of the Fields, without a Matter condition but a Field condition. So is the Soul of the Man. In interaction with the physical condition of the Fields of the Planet we have created the Physicality of the body of the Man. But the Soul of the Man, and its Fields goes beyond this... shell of the skin. How do we detect the rest of it? How do we watch the rest of these Fields interact with other Souls? With other Fields? Do I become purple next to another Soul and I become very much yellow with another Soul? What does yellow mean? Is it further or is it closer to me? Is it of the hate, or is it of the Love? Can I bring it closer to become purple, that to me, is safety, I allow so much space closer? We have to understand, we have to expand understanding of the operation of the Soul of the Man. And every tool to confirm the conformation is within the reach of the Man. We know but we have never understood. Many people speak and show and they say, "This is the Magnetic Field." Some people call it 'Aura', but is it the aura of the Man finishes within a few inches, centimetres, from the body of the Man? Is that the interaction of the Soul of the cells of the Man with the atmosphere, but the Soul of the Man, which is within the brain of the Man, has its own... rainbow, within the condition of atmosphere of this Planet and within the Solar System. Does the rainbow confirm the existence of the Planet in its Physical State? Or, does it stay the Fields of the Planet in interaction with the Fields of other Matter-State strength within the boundary of the Field of the Planet? How come we see it and it's not there, it's elusive but we observe it and to us, it's so real? Planet Earth is kilometres away but the Fields stand in different shape of colours in the atmosphere of the Earth and, in reality, beyond Earth, we'll see rings of different strength.