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- The Non-Bayesian Restless Multi-Armed Bandit
- Explicit Schilder Type Theorem for Super-Brownian Motions
- A SUPERPROCESS MODEL 1. Introduction
- Bandit Processes and Dynamic Allocation Indices Author(S): J
- ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE Slow and Fast Scales for Superprocess Limits of Age-Structured Populations Sylvie Méléard, Chi Viet Tran R
- Sdes for Embedded Successful Genealogies
- Martingale Problems and Stochastic Equations for Markov Processes 1
- Continuous Paths in Brownian Motion and Related Problems by Wenpin
- Weighted Occupation Time for Branching Particle Systems and a Representation for the Supercritical Superprocess
- Poisson Process and Poisson Random Measure
- A Martingale Transformation for Superprocesses∗
- Generalisations of Continuous State Branching Processes
- A Note on 2-Level Superprocesses
- Superprocesses and Their Linear Additive Functionals
- Functional It¯O-Calculus for Superprocesses and the Historical
- A Cascade Decomposition Theory with Applications to Markov and Exchangeable Cascades
- Limit Theorems for Bifurcating Markov Chains. Application to the Detectionof Cellular Aging