Stable process
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- Convergence to Stable Laws in the Space D François Roueff, Philippe Soulier
- Stable Behaviour of Infinitely Wide Deep Neural Networks
- Interacting Particle Solutions of Fokker–Planck Equations Through Gradient–Log–Density Estimation
- The Incipient Infinite Cluster of the Uniform Infinite Half-Planar Triangulation
- Levy Processes
- Invariance Principles for Random Walks Conditioned to Stay Positive Francesco Caravenna, Lo¨Icchaumont
- The Potential Kernel and Hitting Probabilities for the General Stable Process in Rn
- Modelling Network Traffic As Α–Stable Stochastic Processes. an Approach
- Poisson Calculus for Spatial Neutral Tothe Right Processes
- Nearest-Neighbor Neural Networks for Geostatistics Arxiv:1903.12125V1
- From Infinite Urn Schemes to Self-Similar Stable Processes
- Maxima of Long Memory Stationary Symmetric -Stable Processes
- Semi-Stable Stochastic Processeso)
- The Space-Fractional Poisson Process
- Limit Theorems for Some Functionals with Heavy Tails of a Discrete Time Markov Chain
- Stationary Max-Stable Processes with the Markov Property Clément Dombry, Frédéric Eyi-Minko
- The Hitting Time of Zero for Stable Processes, Symmetric and Asymmetric
- Particle Methods in Finance Shohruh Miryusupov