Sorbus aucuparia
Top View
- European Mountain Ash Sorbus Aucuparia L
- Sorbus Aucuparia European Mountain-Ash1 Edward F
- Rosaceae Family Intergeneric Hybrids
- Chokeberries - Appelbes (Geslacht) - Apfelbeeren Aronia
- The Netherlands
- Associated Virus in Sorbus Aria and Sorbus Intermedia
- Aronia Melanocarpa (Diploid) – Black Chokeberry Aronia Melanocarpa (Tetraploid) – Black Chokeberry
- Rowan - Sorbus Aucuparia
- On the Ecology of Sorbus Aucuparia (Rosaceae) with Special Regard to Germination, Establishment and Growth
- Portland Plant List
- Sorbus Aucuparia (European Mountain Ash, Rowan) Size/Shape
- Two New Pioneer Communities of Sorbus Aucuparia and Sorbus Aria in the Southern Julian Alps
- The Mountain-Ashes
- European Ash (Fraxinus Excelsior L.) Dieback: Disintegrating Forest in the Mountain Protected Areas, Czech Republic
- The Sorbus Spp.—Underutilised Plants for Foods and Nutraceuticals: Review on Polyphenolic Phytochemicals and Antioxidant Potential
- Influence of Biostimulants and Water-Retaining Polymer Root Dips on Survival and Growth of Newly Transplanted Bare-Rooted Silver Birch and Rowan1
- Tree Factsheet Images at Pages 4, 5
- European Mountain-Ash