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- The Development of Sociology in the United States
- Sociology Factsheet (I) Ress.Co.Uk Number 52 Positivism -V- Interpretivism
- Functionalism and Structural Functionalism
- Journal of Sociology and Criminology DOI: 10.4172/2375-4435.1000150 ISSN: 2375-4435
- Sociology and Anthropology 1 Sociology and Anthropology
- Future Directions in Social Science a Workshop on the Emergence of Problem-Based Interdisciplinarity
- NAVIGATING the SOCIOLOGY MAJOR Stephen Sweet and James Rothenberg1
- Course Syllabus: Introduction to Sociology*
- Curriculum Sheet Humanities Liberal Arts Psychology Sociology AA
- SOC 101 Course Title: Introduction to Sociology Units: 3
- The Social Responsibility of a Scientist: Philosophical Aspect of Contemporary Discussions
- What Is Sociology?
- Social Research and Social Practice in Post-Positivist Society
- If Parsons Had Pajek: the Relevance of Midcentury Structural-Functionalism to Dynamic Network Analysis*
- The Outlines of Sociology Ludwig Gumplowicz, Batoche Books
- Sociology- Social Science
- The Historical Sociology of Historical Sociology
- Cultural Studies and Sociology of Culture in Germany: Relations and Interrelations