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- Integrating Climate Resilience Strategy Into City Planning in Semarang, Indonesia
- Bab 1 Pendahuluan
- Multiculturalism of Mythological Images in Batik Motifs
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- The Population Growth and Carrying Capacity in Semarang City
- Workshop Introduction
- Daftar Pustaka
- Production, Consumption and Trade of Javanese Cotton Yarn and Textile in the Late Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Kwee Hui Kian
- European Colonialism in the Early 20Th Century: Colonialism and Nationalism in the Dutch East Indies, 1910-1930
- Revitalization of Slum Area in Semarang City with Thematic Village Program a Case Study in Bandarharjo Village, Indonesia
- Indonesia, December 2004
- Famine in the Netherlands East Indies, C. 1900-1904
- Analysis of Spatial Characteristic of Maritime Weather in Java Sea Rachmad Andri Atmoko1, Aulia Siti Aisjah1, Gunawan Nugroho1
- Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula the C Loth Trade in Jambi and Palembang Society During the Seventeenth and E Ighteenth C Enturies* 1
- Travel & Exploration
- PDF, the Land Transportation Network in Semarang City in the Early 20Th