Reproduction (economics)
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- Jim Kincaid a Critique of Value-Form Marxism
- Modeling of the Cycle of Reproduction Process in the Agrarian Sector of Economy (Ukraine)
- Social Reproduction Theory and the Form of Labor Power
- The Path of Negative Totality: from the Critique of Political Economy to a New Reading of the Critical Theory of the Negative Totality of Capitalist Society
- Social Reproduction and Racialized Surplus Populations Sara R
- Capitalism, Social Reproduction and Body Formation
- Relative Surplus Value and Expanded Reproduction
- Using Social Reproduction Theory to Understand Unfree Labour
- Economic Growth and Social Reproduction
- Marxism and the Critique of Value
- Chapter 1 Foundations of a Neo-Marxist Class Analysis
- Rethinking Surplus-Value
- A Marx 'Crises' Model: the Reproduction Schemes Revisited
- State, Class Struggle, and the Reproduction of Capital
- Surplus Value and the Kalecki Principle in Marx's Reproduction
- Lecture One the Body, Capitalism, and the Reproduction of Labor Power
- Growth and Over-Accumulation in Advanced Capitalism: Some Critical Reflections on the Political Economy and Ecological Econom- Ics of Degrowth
- Household Labour, the Value of Labour Power and Capitalism