Phillip Rogaway
Top View
- IACR Petition on Australia's Defence Trade Controls Act 15/07/15 8:37
- Message Franking Via Committing Authenticated Encryption
- A Block-Cipher Mode of Operation for Parallelizable Message Authentication
- RSA-OAEP Encryption Scheme / Chapter 1
- Phillip Rogaway
- Notation and Sources of Quotations, Images, and Ornaments
- On the Lossiness of the Rabin Trapdoor Function⋆
- On Adaptive Security of Delayed-Input Sigma Protocols and Fiat-Shamir Nizks
- A Simple and Generic Construction of Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data
- 48Th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming
- Author Index
- Julius: Secure Mode of Operation for Authenticated Encryption Based on ECB and Nite Eld Multiplications
- SAT-Based Finite Model Generation for Higher-Order Logic
- Phillip Rogaway [email protected]
- Introduction to Modern Cryptography
- Signing with Partially Adversarial Hashing 1 Introduction
- The Moral Character of Cryptographic Work⋆
- How to Generate Pseudorandom Permutations Over Other Groups: Even-Mansour and Feistel Revisited