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- Outwitting the House Sparrow [Passer Domesticus (Linnaeus)]
- A Revised Multilocus Phylogeny of Old World Sparrows (Aves: Passeridae)
- MALTA's Lviost Colvilvion BIRD - the SPARROW
- Population Size and Nest Site Selection of the Spanish Sparrow Passer Hispaniolensis in the REGION of the RIVER Krka (Croatia)
- Passer Moabiticus
- Passer Domesticus) Andrea Lyn Liebl University of South Florida, [email protected]
- House Sparrow Passer Domesticus
- Passerine Foot-Scutes
- Influence of Environmental Factors on Nestling Growth of the White-Winged Snowfinch (Montifringilla Nivalis Nivalis)
- Novyit1faateds
- Correct Authorship of the Genus Pyrgilauda (Aves: Passeridae)
- The Thermal Properties of Some Nests of the Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer Montanus
- Three Species of Exotic Passerine in Venezuela
- Passer Domesticus) Nest Site Selection in the Northeastern USA
- Postglacial Colonization of the Tibetan Plateau Inferred from the Matrilineal Genetic Structure of the Endemic Red-Necked Snow F
- • the Following Pages Have Some Identification Markers for Each of Sparrows Found in India
- The Old World Sparrows (Genus Passer) Phylogeography and Their Relative Abundance of Nuclear Mtdna Pseudogenes
- China – Private Przevalski's Finch Extension