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- The Potential of Papain and Zingibain Proteolytic Against Β-Amyloid (Aβ) Protein in Senile Cataracts
- Studies on the Mechanism of Destruction in Coeliac Disease By
- Mapping the Catalytic Cleft of the Marasmius Oreades Agglutinin (MOA) with a Caspase Inhibitor
- Structural Analysis of Asparaginyl Endopeptidase Reveals the Activation Mechanism and a Reversible Intermediate Maturation Stage
- Caricain: a Basis for Enzyme Therapy for Coeliac Disease
- Distinct Protease Requirements for Antigen Presentation in Vitro and in Vivo
- Papain-Like Proteases: Applications of Their Inhibitors
- Calpain Activity Promotes the Sealing of Severed Giant Axons (Axotomy͞crayfish͞medial Giant Axon͞squid Giant Axons͞plasmalemmal Repair)
- A Comparative Study on Properties and Proteolytic Components Of
- Progress in Developing Inhibitors of SARS-Cov-2 3C-Like Protease
- Papain Degrades Tight Junction Proteins of Human Keratinocytes In
- Comparative Study of Antitumor Effects of Bromelain and Papain in Human Cholangiocarcinoma Cell Lines
- Calpain-1 and Calpain-2 in the Brain: New Evidence for a Critical Role of Calpain-2 in Neuronal Death
- (Zingibain) and Sous Vide Cooking
- Efficacy of Papain in Reducing Soft Tissue Swelling- a Case Report
- A Bacterial Type III Effector Family Uses the Papain-Like Hydrolytic Activity to Arrest the Host Cell Cycle
- Papain Production
- Characterisation of Commercial Papain, Bromelain, Actinidin and Zingibain Protease Preparations and Their Activities Toward Meat Proteins ⇑ Minh Ha A,B, Alaa El-Din A