Negative energy
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- Antimatter from Space
- Preparation of Papers for AIAA Journals
- Motivations for Anti-Gravity in General Relativity
- Some Thoughts on Faster-Than-Light (FTL) Travel
- Positive Energy Warp Drive from Hidden Geometric Structures
- On Energy Condition Violation for Shifting Negative Mass Black Holes 163
- 2.7.1 Introduction to Carbon Negative Energy
- Negative Energies and Field Theory
- The Casimir Warp Drive:Is the Casimir Effect a Valid Candidate to Generate and Sustain a Natario Warp Drive Spacetime Bubble?? Fernando Loup
- Bimetric Models. When Negative Mass Replaces Both Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Excellent Agreement with Observational Data. Solv
- If Neutrinos Are Tachyons, We May Explain Dark Energy and Dark Matter
- Dark Energy by Robert Caldwell from Feature: May 2004
- Faster-Than-Light Space Warps, Status and Next Steps
- Lectures on Faster-Than-Light Travel and Time Travel
- Ontological Metaphors for Negative Energy in an Interdisciplinary Context
- (I) for Supergravity and Dark-Energy with Super-Inflation
- Zero-Point Energy (ZPE), = H , the Quantum Magician Of
- Negative Energy Modes in Some Models for Plasma Physics