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- Rumble in the Jungle the Plight of Endangered Hooved Animals in the Greater Mekong Acknowledgements
- Bluetongue Importance Bluetongue Is a Viral Disease of Ruminants Transmitted by Midges in the Genus Culicoides
- Tuberculosis Program Requires TB Testing of All Captive Cervids (Deer, Elk, Etc.) Within the State
- Eld's Deer Rucervus Eldii
- The Impact of Deer on Woodland Biodiversity
- MUNTIACUS MUNTJAK, the INDIAN MUNTJAC 30.1 the Living Animal
- Developing a Strategy for Pangolin Conservation in Brunei: Refining Guidelines for the Release of Confiscated Animals and Gathering Baseline Data
- Wild Deer Issues in Britain and Mainland Europe John Fletcher
- Official Measurer's Manual
- Musculature of Facial Scent Glands in the Muntjac
- Notice Regarding Possession/Importation of Live Cervids
- Insight Into Gene Evolution Within Cervidae and Bovidae Through Genetic Variation in MHC-DQA in the Black Muntjac (Muntiacus Crinifrons)
- Bed Site Selection of Red Muntjac (Muntiacus Muntjak) and Sambar (Rusa Unicolor) in a Tropical Seasonal Forest
- Occupancy Patterns of Ungulates and Pig-Tailed Macaques Across Regenerating and Anthropogenic Forests on Borneo
- Post-Natal Growth of the Formosan Reeves' Muntjac Muntiacus Reevesi Micrurus
- AWA IR C-NE Secure.Pdf
- Predicting Preferred Prey of Sumatran Tigers Panthera Tigris Sumatrae Via Spatio-Temporal Overlap
- Muntjac Deer(Muntiacus Reevesi) As an Aid to the Management of the Species, It Is Not a Complete Description of Muntjac Ecology(See Further Information Below)