Japanese people
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- Recent History of the Ainu 4 Recent History of the Ainu
- Okinawan Identity Development Among Okinawan University and College Students Through Activiti
- Demographics of Japan 1 Demographics of Japan
- Politeness in Chinese and Japanese Verbal Communication
- Far-Right Politics and Indigenous Ainu Activism in Japan Thisanka Siripala
- A Japanese Perspective on the China Question
- Misunderstandings in the Mutual Perceptions of Citizens from South Korea and Japan and Finding Solutions for Improving Relations
- We, the Japanese People: Rethinking the Meaning of the Peace Constitution
- Faith, Race and Strategy: Japanese-Mongolian Relations, 1873-1945
- Identity Seen in the Acculturation of Sumo Done by Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan, Chihpen Puyuma Masashi Watanabe *
- Why Do Japanese People Not Speak English? Japanese Elementary Students in a Bilingual School Steven B
- Voices of Atayal People: Indigenous Cultural Memory in Modern Taiwan Society
- Ethnic Diversity and the Origins of the Japanese
- Japanese Historical Reconciliation Should Begin at Home with Okinawa
- The Early Japanese and Their Religio-Cultural Life 71 72 Philosophy and Progress
- Fostering Traditional Food Culture Among the Ainu People in the Saru River Region, Japan
- 17. Living a Modern Life in Hokkaidō As a Young Ainu Dancer
- How and Why Have Attitudes in Japan Towards Japan and Taiwan's Shared