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- Seed Viability of Native Grasses Is Important When Revegetating Native Wildlife Habitat
- Of Bothriochloa, Capillipedium and Dichanthium (Poaceae)
- Grassland Management in Wildlife Protected Areas (PA's) in India
- Heteropogon Contortus (L.) P
- Bluestem-Sacahuista Is Relatively Flat, but Is Characterized by Ridge-Swale Or Mound-Intermound Microtopography
- Effects of Tanglehead (Heteropogon Contortus) Invasion on Soil
- Correlation Between Evolutionary History, Flowering Phenology, Growth Form and Seral Status for Important Veld Grasses
- Heteropogon Contortus) Hay Bales for the Island of Kaho`Olawe's Highly Erodible Sites
- Hyparrhenia Hirta)
- The Effect of Slope Aspect on Vegetation Attributes in A
- Hierarchical Feeding and Habitat Selection by White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium Simum Simum) in a Marginal Habitat
- Tanglehead) for Grassland Birds
- Heteropogon Contortus Scientific Name Heteropogon Contortus (L.) P
- The Drivers and Mechanisms of C4 and C3 Grass Distributions in Hawai‘I Under Current and Future Climates
- Checklist of Texas Grass Species and a Key to the Genera
- 1 CONTENTS What Is a Grass
- Phyto-Exploration in Arid Subtropical, Arid Mediterranean and Tropical Savanna Environments: Biogeochemical Mechanisms and Implications for Mineral Exploration
- Plants of Western Australian Granite Outcrops