Hassan Hassan
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- Pro Ling the Islamic State
- Bibliography
- Seven Years of Terror: Jihadi Organisations' Strategies And
- ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror, by Hassan Hassan and Michael Weiss Craig Whiteside
- The Islamic State After the Caliphate by Truls Hallberg Tønnessen
- Adapting for Survival: Islamic State Shifting Strategies1 Adaptar Para Sobreviver: As Estratégias Mutantes Do Estado Islâmico
- Defeating Terrorism in Syria: a New Way Forward Hearing
- Iraq Moving Closer Into Iran´S Orbit
- Terrorism Sanctions Regulations (Title 31 Part 595 of the U.S
- The Free Syrian Army: a Decentralized Insurgent Brand
- Pdf the Monarchs' Pawns?
- THE REGIONAL STRUGGLE for SYRIA Edited by Julien Barnes-Dacey and Daniel Levy ABOUT ECFR
- “A Look at Dangers Posed by the Islamic State Group”
- Armed Conflict in Syria: Overview and U.S
- Three Different Takes on ISIS
- The Finances and Prospects of the Islamic State After the Caliphate
- Profiling Jabhat Al-Nusra
- What Lies Ahead for Saudi Arabia? (2/21/19