Gastric folds
Top View
- Thickened Gastric Folds: Approach Roshan Agarwala, Jimil Shah, Usha Dutta
- THE ENDOSCOPICALLY ABNORMAL ESOPHAGUS the Endoscopic Abnormalities That May Be Seen in Association with Esophageal Disorders
- Double-Contrast Upper Gastrointestinal Radiography: A
- Upper Endoscopy
- Defining the Position of the Right Wall of the Esophageal Hiatus to Identify the Circumferential Distribution of Small Lesions of the Lower Esophagus
- Barrett's Esophagus and Barrett's-Related Dysplasia
- Gross Anatomy of the Digestive Tract of the Hawaiian Monk Seal, Monachus Schauinslandi1
- A Fully Resolved Multiphysics Model of Gastric Peristalsis and Bolus Emptying in the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract
- Esophagus & Stomach Histology
- 277 Letter to the Editors Bleeding
- Postsurgical Endoscopic Anatomy