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- On Fairy Stories'
- Free Will, Disobedience, and Eucatastrophe in Tolkien's Middle-Earth
- Voices in Tolkien: Aquinas, the Lord of the Rings, and True Myth in The
- Futurist Fiction & Fantasy
- Utopian and Dystopian Themes in Tolkien's Legendarium Adam Mclain
- Fairy Tales Resource Pages
- Disability, Literature, Genre: Representation and Affect in Contemporary Fiction REPRESENTATIONS: H E a LT H , DI SA BI L I T Y, CULTURE and SOCIETY
- Eucatastrophe in the Loss of Virgil
- The Germanic Narrative of the Eldar in J. R. R. Tolkien's Legendarium
- Sermon at Thanksgiving Service, Keble College Chapel, 23Rd August 1992
- Do You Believe in Magic? the Potency of the Fantasy Genre
- In a Hole in the Ground There Lived a Novel of Not So Little Consequence
- Examples of Deus Ex Machina in Disney
- Tolkien, Eucatastrophe, and the Re-Creation of Medieval Legend Jane Beal Phd University of California, Davis, [email protected]
- JRR Tolkien's Eucatastrophe As the Paradigm of Christian Hope
- The Good Catastrophe: Tolkien on the Consolation of the Happy Ending John Stanifer Morehead State University
- Tolkien, Eucatastrophe, and the Rewriting of Medieval Legend JANE BEAL, PHD
- The Hobbit Deus Ex Machina & Eucatastrophe