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- Citrulline and the Intestine
- L-Arginine and Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate
- MUAL- Central Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism Analysis
- Combined Effect of Arginine, Valine, and Serine on Exercise
- Can Arginine and Omithine Support Gut Functions? Gut: First Published As 10.1136/Gut.35.1 Suppl.S42 on 1 January 1994
- The Metabolic Analysis of Psoriasis Identifies the Associated
- Assessment of L-Citrulline, L-Arginine and L-Glutamic Acid Content in Selected Fruits, Vegetables, Seeds, and Nuts Sold in Markets in Nairobi City County, Kenya
- Citrulline, Biomarker of Enterocyte Functional Mass and Dietary Supplement
- Atherosclerosis Linked to Aberrant Amino Acid Metabolism and Immunosuppressive Amino Acid Catabolizing Enzymes
- Functionality of Amino Acids
- Kidney, Splanchnic, and Leg Protein Turnover in Humans. Insight from Leucine and Phenylalanine Kinetics
- Nitrogen Sparing Induced by Leucine Compared with That Induced by Its Keto Analogue, Alpha-Ketoisocaproate, in Fasting Obese Man
- Current and Prospective Applications of Non-Proteinogenic Amino Acids in Profiling of Proteases Substrate Specificity
- Citrulline Transport Across Rat Small Intestine in Vitro
- Branched-Chain Amino Acids and Branched-Chain Keto Acids in Hyperammonemic States: Metabolism and As Supplements
- And Β-Hydroxy-Β- Methylbutyrate
- Significance of Taurine Transporter (Taut) in Homeostasis and Its Layers of Regulation (Review)