Beach evolution
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- Uruguay): Impacts of Coastal Interventions and Links to Climate Forcing Revista De Gestão Costeira Integrada - Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Vol
- Efficient Modeling of Beach Evolution
- The Hydrodynamic Response of Beach Nourishment in the Cancun Beach, Quintana Roo, México
- Study of the Evolution of a Beach Nourishment Project Based on Computer Models J. Galofre,* FJ Montoya
- Beachface Evolution Under Two Swash Events by Two Solitary Waves
- Environmental Impact of Artificial Nourishment of the Beaches of Cala Gonone (Central - East Sardinia)
- Erosion, Ecological Value, Aesthetical Value, and Potentially Increased Tourism Activity
- Understanding Barrier Beaches
- Technical Report
- Beach Monitoring and Morphological Response in the Presence of Coastal Defense Strategies at Riccione (Italy)
- 1 Morphodynamic Model to Simulate Shoreline
- Beach-Foredune Sediment Budget Response to Sea Level Fluctuation
- Event-Based Erosion
- Nishidissert.Pdf
- Field Experiments of Beach Scarp Erosion During Oblique Wave, Stormy Conditions (Normandy, France)
- An Experimental Study on Sediment Transport and Bed Evolution Under Different Swash Zone Morphological Conditions
- The Case Study of the Coast of Togo (Bight of Benin, West Africa Margin)
- 1 Performance of Perched Beach Nourishments R. E